Golf: Tee It Up!

Golf: Tee It Up!

12 Achievements



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Online Challenge

Online Challenge

Play online modes and beat a total of 10 other players.


How to unlock the Online Challenge achievement in Golf: Tee It Up! - Definitive Guide

For getting this solo.
Step 1. Play on the main menu
Step 2. Xbox live matches
Step 3. Press (A) on your extra controllers sign in as guests on them
Step 4. Player match
Step 5. Create match
Step 6. Private match
Step 7. Match play
Step 8. Caribbean course
Step 9. Random 4 holes
Step 10. Ready up and pwn your other controllers

Using 4 controllers it will take you just 4 games to get the achiev with this method.

13 Aug 2010 14:42

it says with xbox live match current gamer profile is not enabled for xbox live but I know I have xbox live gold and its paid for many months and also my network has no problems. Is there a problem with games network now?
Just to let peeps know my achieves arn't tracking properly for this on xbox one backwards compatible maybe because of xbox live fault but it is working when I redownloaded to xbox 360.
By Darkkib on 01 Jun 2019 23:53
This worked for me on the xbox one. Thanks!
By SoppiestSquash8 on 02 Dec 2019 23:33
Great guide, I wouldn't have thought to do it with 4 controllers. Thanks! +1
By on 27 Feb 2012 12:43
Worked great - just purposely miss with the extra controllers on the first hole or two so they get well behind your score. Then you can make all 4 of the characters shots better/quicker, without having to worry about your extras taking over the lead.
By GorillaBuddha on 20 Jan 2012 16:25
For the fourth game, it's quicker to just play against one other controller. 3+3+3+1 = 10 :)
By Big Ell on 30 Jan 2015 03:52
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Courtesy of

From the Xbox Live multiplayer options I recommend creating your own game on either course with random levels and set to 4. This will make the matches go much quicker as you'll be playing on only 4 holes rather than 9 or 18. I also recommend doing it on the Caribbean as they tend to shorter holes and thus end faster.

When it says to beat 10 other playes it doesn't mean win in 10 seperate matches, it means to be better than 10 players total (can be the same person.)
E.g. if you play a four person match and get second you beat the third and fourth placed people and get two of the ten necessary wins.

Good luck and see the achievement "Parkland Challenge" for general tips on how to play the game well.

Also, if you've got extra controllers you can simply sign them in as guests and then beat them for a quick win in the online.

29 May 2009 04:46

Thank you very much for the information!
By Drachen77 on 02 Sep 2009 06:32
I've been playing against guest a controller for awhile now, I must be just one game away from it.
By Avaritia Aurous on 17 Jan 2010 21:04
@Arken Mintt: There is a way to do it with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th controllers, I thought. It's been a long time since playing, so I will have to go back and look exactly how to do it and maybe add to the solution. There is a specific thing you have to do in order to bring in guests.
By pyr0lyZer on 21 Jun 2010 18:10
Thank you very much!
By kolitomi on 31 Jan 2011 11:04
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Go to Play. Select Xbox Live. Player Match, Create Match, Private Match, Match Play. Sign in all the controllers you have. 4 works best if you have them. They can all be guests. Either course works, but Caribbean works better. Random 4 holes.

Here's where my solution differs. Rather than have all your controllers play through the entire match, you can have them whiff. The down side is that they have to whiff 10 times, but at least you don't have to have them make the putt (and you're assured that they don't win the hole). The easiest way is to press the A button three times in a row. Do it for all your guests, and they'll drop out of the hole, leaving you to finish it.

You need 3 controllers for the first 3 matches, but on the fourth, you only need one other controller. (Alternatively, if you have fewer controllers, just make sure that you beat 10 guests. Two controllers = 10 matches, three = 5 matches.)

I found it easier to have the other controllers whiff, but that's me. You don't have to worry about which controller is which, and you don't have to worry about losing to them.


13 Jul 2012 17:33

1 Comment
As a side note.. Anytime you have a chance to out of bounds or water hazard it counts as 2 strokes.. In the right situations making it faster to whiff...
By TransparentDime on 18 Mar 2013 17:25