Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition

35 Achievements

1000 XP


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Swiss Army Strife

Swiss Army Strife

Max all weapon skills.

50 XP


How to unlock the Swiss Army Strife achievement in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

Put a car in the garage at CJ's main house in Los Santos, stay out of the garage with it open and shoot the hood of the car until it starts to burn, walk away until the garage closes and the car automatically restarts. Be happy until complete with all the requested weapons.

Silenced Pistol
Desert Eagle
Combat Shotgun
Sawn-Off Shotgun

Sorry for the typos.

14 Nov 2021 03:07

Is the desert eagle needed for this? It doesn't go up in my game
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 15 Nov 2021 18:12
In the statistics inform the weapons, desert eagle need.
Other weapons go up?
By bruninxbox on 15 Nov 2021 19:56
Yes all the others are maxed except from combat shotgun that i haven't unlocked yet
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 15 Nov 2021 20:37
Wouldn't this work in any garage that you own, like the one in San Fierro and not just the one in Grove Street?
By Meta1ingus on 16 Nov 2021 14:17
Mazter this is an old game with several ports over well on a decade. Just because they might not have the achievement on this version doesn't mean they didn't do it before. Besides this is a tried and confirmed strat. Complain somewhere else.
By NotTrash Yet on 16 Nov 2021 16:08
Mazter0fPuppetz, grove street there is no police
By bruninxbox on 16 Nov 2021 16:53
worked perfect.
By afatlemur2277 on 19 Nov 2021 18:44
I had cops and Ballas on me on Grove St when trying this. Possibly down to the point of the story I was at. Anyway you can do this anywhere with out a care for losing weapons if Katie is one of your girlfriends. With her you don't lose them on death so die, respawn outside the hospital and shoot away. Shooting cop cars makes this go faster so turn off auto aim.

If grove st is working for you put a cop car in there, as that seemed to make the shot gums go up rapidly for me vs a taxi.
By Calex dEUS on 23 Nov 2021 22:56
By SlewThem on 24 Nov 2021 19:47
I also have the problem of the desert eagle not going up in skill. Did anyone ever solve it?
By Danny41294 on 01 Dec 2021 17:12
@Danny41294 I think I am having the same issue with Desert Eagle... :( Did not find a fix yet.
By Ariose999 on 01 Dec 2021 18:58
@Danny Same problem
By Syrazos on 01 Dec 2021 20:38
Tozi Tiberius - dreadful advice.

When your taking over gang turf you ultimately want to use the tank and get it over and done with in less than half the time. And the last thing you need is to be facing enemies with AKs and SMGs trying to level up a crap weapon.
By Nuke Cola 1 on 02 Dec 2021 12:59
@Danny41294 @Ariose999 @Syrazos

Switch your aim to "free". It will solve your problem
By Shepele on 03 Dec 2021 03:31
Do you have to be at a specific point in the story to get all the weapons?
By VARNATI0N on 05 Dec 2021 01:05
Do you have to be at a specific point in the story to get all the weapons?
No. If you are lucky to find a weapon that spawns in a certain place, then you can work on that one immediately pending you have enough bullets to increase your weapon skill.

I worked on the Desert Eagle once I got to San Fierro and saved just to have the weapon respawn near Zero's RC shop.
By GTAmissions1 on 05 Dec 2021 03:13
Another option is just die and go to the hospital if you've dated that one girl. You keep your weapons and can mow down random people and the law if you have enough ammo. Die again, spawn right there, and carry on with the rampage.
By I ASK NO ONE on 04 Jan 2022 04:57
Works fine, cheers
By TangerineGamer on 03 Sep 2022 15:47
Can help with this achievement for me please? I have all my weapons at “Hitman” level status: So I have Pistol, silenced pistol, desert Eagle, shotgun, sawed off shotgun, combat shotgun, machine pistol, SMG, AK47, and M4 all at hitman status: and also I completed the “Ammunation challenge” as stated in this guide: After doing all of this: I have still not unlocked any kind of achievement? Could explain or tell me what I could possibly be missing for this?? Thank you!!!
By AcnowledgeMe on 29 Oct 2023 05:02
Can help with this achievement for me please? I have all my weapons at “Hitman” level status: So I have Pistol, silenced pistol, desert Eagle, shotgun, sawed off shotgun, combat shotgun, machine pistol, SMG, AK47, and M4 all at hitman status: and also I completed the “Ammunation challenge” as stated in this guide: After doing all of this: I have still not unlocked any kind of achievement? Could explain or tell me what I could possibly be missing for this?? Thank you!!!
By AcnowledgeMe on 29 Oct 2023 08:55
Can help with this achievement for me please? I have all my weapons at “Hitman” level status: So I have Pistol, silenced pistol, desert Eagle, shotgun, sawed off shotgun, combat shotgun, machine pistol, SMG, AK47, and M4 all at hitman status: and also I completed the “Ammunation challenge” as stated in this guide: After doing all of this: I have still not unlocked any kind of achievement? Could explain or tell me what I could possibly be missing for this?? Thank you!!!
By AcnowledgeMe on 29 Oct 2023 08:58
Tec-9 & Micro-SMG are grouped together under machine pistols.
MP5 = SMG?
Probably it is also a good idea to do the ammunation challenge first. Will give a one time boost to pistol, ak47, machine pistols and shotgun
By Ariose999 on 01 Dec 2021 16:15
Park a couple of cop cars in your garage, and shoot them, it goes up faster.

In regards to desert eagle not registering, it could very well be an issue following the recent update the game had, as pre update myself and others seemed to get the achievement without any worries.
By Nuke Cola 1 on 02 Dec 2021 12:57
This works for spamming the achievement, but you can be a lot more efficient and wait until you're taking over all of the gang turf late in the game (which you need for two other achievements anyhow.) You are practically guaranteed to have enough bodies to level every gun to max.

The sawed-off and the desert eagle, owing to their small ammo capacities, were the hardest for me, but if you recruit a few hommies before starting a gang war, they'll sop up most of the damage while you level those two guns up.
By Tozi Tiberius on 25 Nov 2021 01:38
One little tip I'd like to add, I recently discovered that in the San Ferrio mission where you have to destroy the road blocks for the van, it's Jizzy's fourth mission called "Outrider" if you destroy all the roadblocks, the van should not need any protection so just mow civilians until it stops but don't approach it and you can go around and mow down everyone without getting a wanted level including cops, the only NPC's that attack are the asian gang that wear all black. I had already done the shooting range to the max up to that point so I had the increased weapon skill training and got dual pistols and micro SMG quickly by circling the blocks blasting the grouped up NPC's for roughly 15-20 min. Also one last thing you can just go and buy any available weapons and grind them to you're liking. I'd say this would work best for the pistols, SMGs and rifle, shotguns might be tougher with the shortened range. Hope this helps. If anyone finds any other missions preferably late game that has this same no wanted level exploit appear please let me know. Also great guide bruninxbx!
By STUBANKS on 05 Apr 2023 08:55
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The other guide is fine (and correct) but I found it easier to do the following if going for the 100%, and not specifically/just this achievement

- Complete the weapon challenges at Ammunation as these will add a one-time boost of around 200 to each weapon being used (Pistol, Micro SMG, Shotgun, AK47), and a boost for further weapon skill increase efficiency. You also get 10k a challenge which can be used for Ammo.

- Follow the guide above, but do it at the Palmino Creek safehouse as Ammunation is 1 road over for ammo (which is one of the closest to a safehouse) and for some reason the cops dont care about shooting your own car in your garage - If you stay at the top of the driveway near the garage.. I found even on Grove St, cops would spawn nearby and walk within a couple of ft when shooting.

- Shoot the car until you see flames, let the door close and then re-open and repeat. Do not let the car explode. If you let the car explode it will generate a wanted level meaning a longer process (as you need to go into the safehouse to reset). If you count the shots, it will be the same to get to "fire" each time. For example I think the shotgun was 6 shots.

You can no longer do the "shoot the hubcap" glitch from the old games which do no damage to the vehicle, as it no longer increases the skill.

As per the other guide, the weapons are: (Bold items are ones with boosts available)
Pistol (Normal), Pistol (Silenced), Desert Eagle
Shotgun, Combat Shotgun, Sawn-Off Shotgun
Tec-9, Micro-SMG
M4, AK47

10 Dec 2021 14:30

Just to add to this, I just did this at Whitewood Estates (Western most safehouse in LV, also across from an Ammu-nation).

This is useful because you unlock the Combat Shotgun after the third Venturas Casino mission. I bought around 600 rounds for each of the weapons and this pretty much sorted more than enough to do these and have a decent amount left over to continue the game.

Every so often a cop will pass by as you're shooting and you'll gain a star. You can run in and save - to easily lose your wanted level and regain your health, but I liked headshotting any cops and exploding their cars until I needed more health. To mix things up a little.

Being able to walk and shoot is amazing! Definitely worth going for this achievement.
By TAKT CheesyBell on 14 Mar 2022 21:21
It might also be worth noting that if you do this after the races (assuming you are going for 100%) - then you will have just earned surplus of a pretty $1 million. So buying the guns and ammo is no issue!
By TAKT CheesyBell on 14 Mar 2022 21:25
"Complete the weapon challenges at Ammunation as these will add a one-time boost of around 200 to each weapon being used"
This means u can't just do them over and over?
By Ricettix on 04 May 2022 21:20
@Ricettix - Correct, or at least this was at the time of writing, and true of the old game.
By Wabbbit on 10 May 2022 07:17
Palomino Creek tip worked perfectly. Only thing I'd add to this guide is detailing when certain guns are unlocked for purchase at Ammu-Nation, as they all aren't available from the start. For example, the Desert Eagle isn't unlocked for purchase until after you complete the mission You've Had Your Chips, which is fairly late into the game.
By VictimOfDesire on 24 Aug 2023 04:05
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