Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition

48 Achievements

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Lucky Spinner

Lucky Spinner

Win at least $1,000 in a single spin of the Wheel of Fortune.

How to unlock the Lucky Spinner achievement in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

Easiest Solution!

1. Save game
2. a) $1000 on $1
b) $500 on $2
c) $200 on $5
d) $100 on $10
e) $50 on $20
c) $25 on $40
3. Unlock achievement & load game to recover lost cash

I didn't bother putting anything on $40 and got it first try, despite losing money from the spin it still counts the $1000 win on the number that lands.

03 Dec 2021 05:26

In the four dragons at the entrance there is an electric poker. Deal, choose which paired cards fell out and deal again. A minute maximum and with 1% of gambling experience 100%.

10 Apr 2023 02:01

"Wheel of Fortune" is available at the Four Dragons Casino

15 Nov 2021 12:48

I set it to 20, spent 15 minutes
By Vlonepoet on 31 Mar 2024 14:54
If someone is too lazy to pump up the gambling skill, but is not too lazy to stare at the screen for 10 minutes, watching the spinning wheel, then the plan is as follows:

At the very first table, which is for beginners, make the maximum bet ($100) on a $10 slot. The winnings will be exactly 1000, and the trophy will be counted. I won both times on the box and the console. It's boring, of course, but for me it was easier than getting access to more advanced tables.
By elias_stevens on 05 Jan 2022 17:28
The easiest way is to bet on 2 or 5, because these are the most likely numbers to appear.
By h2lv on 19 Nov 2021 04:17
In short, I got it this way now:
In the casino 4 dragons the maximum bet is $100 (my gambling skill was 0%). I spun the wheel for 5 minutes betting $100 on a star - no chance. I went to spin the one-armed slot for 5 minutes and won $2000. I played video poker 5 times and my skill rose to 2%. I went to Caligula. There the bet on the wheels is more than $10,000, I lack the skill. I went to the casino Floor, which is in the western redsands - there the maximum is exactly $1000. The 5th time I bet $1000 on 2.
By Glotok_Blazera on 07 Feb 2023 18:58
the easiest way is to bet $1, there are more sectors, only those smart guys above forgot to mention that in order to bet $1000 you need to pump up your game skill a little, thereby playing in a casino on various machines, as I understand it there are 2 tables with a wheel of fortune, for $100 and $10,000, so we pump up our skill until the casino gives us $10,000 to play
By PiratCorsar on 19 Nov 2021 09:00
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