Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

77 Achievements

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Trading Pure Alpha

Trading Pure Alpha

Make a profit over your total investments in the stock market.

How to unlock the Trading Pure Alpha achievement in Grand Theft Auto V - Definitive Guide

This is fairly easy to do as long as you do this at the right time in the game.

During the story you’ll unlock Lester Assassination missions for Franklin.

Before you start this mission you should invest in Beta Pharmacuticals (BET)

The very first mission will have you kill the CEO of a rivalling company.

You should then invest in Bilkington Pharmacuticals (BIL)

After the mission is over you should quick save.

Your shares of Beta Pharmaceuticals should skyrocket soon after.

To get you shares of Bilkington Pharmacuticals (BIL) to increase you can speed up time by sleeping in a bed (Trevor’s sleep is 12 hours & is most effective for this). Keep sleeping & saving until the stock hits a peak and then sell for maximum profit.

Hold off from doing the rest of the assassinations until after the main story for maximum profits.

10 Jul 2023 05:53

For this trophy you will need to turn a profit in the stock market, just one stock is sufficient. For information on how to purchase stocks, please see the A Lot Of Cheddar trophy. After a couple of in-game hours, the price of your purchased stocks will have changed. A profit is indicated by a green "up" arrow in your portfolio, whilst a decrease in value will be represented by a red "down" arrow. Sell any of your stocks that are making a profit and the trophy will unlock.

A guaranteed method to earn this trophy is by exploiting Lester's assassination missions with the method listed under A Lot of Cheddar. Another easy way is to complete the Random Events that flash up on your mini-map as you drive around. If you help people out, you will occasionally get lucky and one will email you revealing that they are actually rich and as way of thanks will give you stocks in their company. Go to your stock portfolio and immediately sell the stocks you were given and the trophy will unlock, despite the fact you didn't buy any of them.

At any time during your playthrough, open your cell phone and access the Internet. From here, select the “Money & Services” tab and choose any of the stock markets listed. Now select “Markets” and buy any stock that is rising - you can tell which market is gaining profit by the green arrow next to their name. You can buy any amount of stock you’d like, but one stock is enough for this achievement.

You will now need wait at least 12 in-game hours before returning to the stocks page. When enough time has passed, open the internet of your cellphone, click on “My Portfolio” under the "Money & Services" tab, sell your purchased stock for a profit and the achievement will finally unlock.


At any time during your playthrough, open your cell phone and access the Internet. From here, select the “Money & Services” tab and choose any of the stock markets listed. Now select “Markets” and buy any stock that is rising; you can tell which market is gaining profit by the green arrow next to their name. You can buy any amount of stock you’d like, but one is enough for this achievement.

You will now need wait at least 12 in-game hours and before returning to the stocks page. When enough time has passed, click on “My Portfolio” under the "Money & Services" tab, sell your purchased stock for a profit and the achievement will unlock.

As you progress through the story, you will have the opportunity to trade on the stock exchange. To do this, go online from your phone, select the “Money and Services” tab, then the first site. On this site, go to the “Markets” tab and buy shares that have positive price dynamics. Now you just need to wait for the price of your shares to increase. This can be checked on the same website in the “My Portfolio” tab. If you see a green arrow in the “Percentage of Income” column, then sell this share and the trophy is yours.

18 Sep 2013 12:02

According to the plot, there will be an opportunity to sell shares of various companies with a large profit, the main thing is not to miss the moment. Playing as Franklin, complete Lester's "Murder" tasks (there will be several of them and it is best to leave them and complete them after completing the game). Before each completion of this task, save, and then proceed to the task. Carefully read the cut-scene dialogue, there Lester gives an unambiguous hint about whose shares will soar and whose prices will fall (the point is that by killing a representative of one company, you destroy the prices of their shares, at the same time the price of their shares competitors are growing). Just be careful, Lester also names those companies whose shares “I wouldn’t buy shares if I were you.” Immediately after the cutscene (after you understand whose shares will increase after completing the mission), load your save for the moment when you have not yet taken on the task. Take turns with all the characters to buy shares, which will “grow” after the mission (do not spare money, buy as much as you can buy, they will be returned to you with a high percentage), then select Franklin and proceed to the “Murder” task. Immediately after completing the task, the shares will begin to rise, watch the growth (about once every 2 minutes), do not rush and wait until the moment when the shares stop growing or fall by at least a fraction of a percent. After that, sell all the shares with all your characters and you will be guaranteed a big income. Well, a little advice: buy iFruit shares, seizing the moment with the minimum price per share and save them until Lester’s mission “Assassination”, in which you will need to eliminate iFruit’s competitor. After that mission, wait for the ceiling on iFruit shares and sell them all - there will be a lot of money.
By RonnieFeniks on 22 Sep 2013 23:42
Made $2,146,483,647 out of 30 million

It took 7 steps on the exchange.
Apparently, this amount is the ceiling for carrying in a wallet, because... for three heroes above her it didn’t work.

In the middle of the game, a random event helped - I returned the bike to the guy and he gave 100 thousand.
Then 2 million from the Epsilon mission.
After the final, each received from 20 to 40 million.
By Gamoto on 16 Jan 2017 07:22
Spoiler alert!

There is a very simple way to get this trophy without bothering with playing on the stock exchange. Playing as Trevor on the streets of Los Santos you will meet a young man whose bike is taken away by a robber (random task). If you catch up with the criminal and return the bike to the owner, then after a while you will receive a message from him on your phone. The bottom line is this - the young man will turn out to be the local Bill Gates who will give you 100,000 worth of shares in his company. We immediately sell the shares and the trophy is yours.
By Free-DiverSergej on 21 Nov 2013 01:17
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Got it when playing as Franklin, when missions from Lester appeared.

- Lester gives tasks to Franklin: to kill the director of the company (mission 1) and the jury (mission 2) so that the shares of one of the companies rise.

- During the process, we invest all the money in one of the companies (look at the names in the dialogue history so as not to get confused)

- We carry out the mission - we sell shares.

*** They also write that you need to wait 12 hours of game time.

25 Nov 2014 16:58

I'll tell you how I got the trophy... Somewhere at 30-35% of the completed game. After Michael paid for the house, with the remaining $280 thousand of something, I bought shares on the stock exchange of some company, which, according to the curve, was slowly growing upward, without much hesitation. At 50% of the game completed, I went to the exchange and saw a return on my investment of 0.4%, sold everything and the trophy fell out.
By romansway777 on 22 Dec 2014 11:09
We go to the exchange website. Let's watch the news. The news often writes about which campaign's shares are currently rising. We buy several shares. We wait for some time (you can rewind by saving time). We go to the exchange website again and, if the value of the shares has increased, we sell all the shares for profit.
By sewpzt249 on 28 Jun 2015 16:44
I received it when Trevor helped some guy return his bike, soon he wrote a letter saying he was giving me shares worth 100k, I sold them and a prize to the studio.
By zGUDVINz on 30 Mar 2020 16:11
You missed Lester's mission - just buy about 10-15 types of shares (1 piece is enough) and just play. You need to sell when you have a profit written in the “portfolio” section, otherwise you simply won’t get the trophy. Wait for the green arrow
By Gvvynbleidd on 03 Aug 2020 12:34
Gentlemen, now I will tell you a few tricks that will allow you to earn 2 billion dollars at the end of the game for each of the three characters!

So let's get started:

If you pre-ordered, then the character you played last time will be given $500,000! Don't waste it on suits at Ponsonbys as we'll make 2 billion out of it!!!

1) Don’t spend money at all until the end of the game, only if you need to for the story! Don't go through additional missions! Do not complete missions from Lester as Frank (except for the one “Murder - Hotel”, since it is plot-based, unfortunately). When you first have Lester's "Murder" badge, use all your money to buy shares of BetterPharmaceuticals (well, the shortened name is BET) for all the characters. Complete the mission and save 3 times. After that, watch the stock gain. Wait until the gain is more than 45%. There was no more on PS4. Sell shares and get your first profit!

There are several more ways to get rich in stocks, but read this on the website in the guide “How to make money in GTA V” .

PS: In the mission "Bus Assassination" my shares soared by 1243.2%!!!!!!!!! We sell everything we can and buy them with all the money!

In Lester's last mission, "The Construct Assassination", save immediately after completion, as it is easy to waste the necessary growth, but I was unable to restore it even through saving. So, my maximum profit from the business was after 3 saves - 60%! There will be no more on PS4! And when you have 60%, sell quickly! I blew it and my gains were restored to 32.99%.
By Strelokjan on 02 Dec 2014 10:13
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