Grand Theft Auto V

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Backseat Driver

Backseat Driver

GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode.

How to unlock the Backseat Driver achievement in Grand Theft Auto V - Definitive Guide

Rally mode is a race mode type that has two people per car, one driver and one co-driver.

In this mode the driver doesn't see any checkpoints, therefore the co-driver must direct the driver to them. This mode needs at minimum 4 people to start and you can select your preference as the co-driver at the lobby screen (not guaranteed to get it though)

Easiest way to boost this is to race on the prison map as it is just a circle around the yard

23 Jul 2022 15:48

Can anyone help me with this? Raised 2 boosting sessions with no takers.
By KAXMEK on 18 Sep 2022 11:20
I got it in a session. Just create one with a month or so until the session.
By Ox1893 on 26 Feb 2023 18:15
Can anyone help me for this achievement just need 2 ppl

GT: jadengamer123
By jadengamer123 on 27 May 2023 07:55
Anyone able to help with this I just need 2 people
By Chrisandscuzz on 21 Jun 2023 20:47
I can help if you can help me
By LuckyLuke#5389 on 12 Aug 2023 04:38
Can anyone help?
By LordLecky on 15 Aug 2023 12:23
Need help with one, I play in new gen
GT: DiegoElTaquero
By DiegoElTaquero on 06 Mar 2024 23:40
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Despite existing guides being very good, I'll give my contribution by guiding through an easy solo way to get this done, without needing any kind of voice communication or previous planning.

What you are going to do is winning in the "Criminal Records" rally racing as a co-driver. This is a short and circular circuit, so all the turns are to the same side. Even if the driver doesn't receive directions, he probably can't miss it.

Follow these steps:
  1. From your current GTA Online session, go to pause menu, select GTA ONLINE, then select JOBS;
  2. Select PLAY JOB, then ROCKSTAR CREATED and finally move down to RACES;
  3. Press cn_LSc once to select the LAND RACES and scroll down until CRIMINAL RECORDS.
After selecting Criminal Records, you'll be in one of these situations:
  • If you happen to be the host, select RALLY on the type of racing and put number of laps to 1 or 2, selecting your role as CO-DRIVER right after;
  • If you get into an existing lobby and are lucky enough to get a RALLY racing, then simply choose your role as CO-DRIVER and hope for the best;
  • If you get into an existing lobby and the race chosen by host is not RALLY, simply back out and start over.
Some additional observations:
  • To improve your chances of winning, select the highest level participant as preferable partner - this is done in the same menu you choose your role;
  • Just for the sake of it, consider using cn_dpad to show your driver the turns (always the same directions, as the circuit is almost a circle);
  • If the other players leave before the race and it happens to start with only your and your partners' cars, it will not count - there must be at least one other car on the race;
  • It may take a few tries, but you are getting RP and GTA$ anyways, right? Took me 3 tries, but it's fast, believe me.
Hope this helps.

Disclaimer: GTAO is an ever-changing game, with game modes and features coming and going, which means the provided solution might not work forever. Since I'm not playing GTAO anymore, let me me know if the solution gets outdated.


09 Aug 2023 12:05

You need four players for this achievement but can do it solo using this method

First, go to menu , press jobs , races and then the land race “at the races”

Click this job and host it
Then set the lap number 1
Start this job on STANDARD mode and COMPLETE this job SOLO

After completing this race and winning you will be sent to the menu where you can start your next job


This will now set you back into the same job but now it is open to on call players

Now quickly set the mode to rally before anyone joins and set matchmaking to open (you don’t have to auto invite) you can then set the number of laps to 1 and put you preferred role as CO-DRIVER

It will now take about 2-5 mins for four people to join (although I recommend waiting for more just in case some leave)

Once people join WIN the race with you as the CO-DRIVER and the achievement will pop

This is much easier than waiting 180000 hours for people to join

Hope this helps!

(Don’t forget this also helps your progression towards the ‘Numero uno’ achievement

27 May 2023 15:40

Rally Mode Races can be launched through the regular Land Races that are found around Los Santos. When you enter the blue circle of the Race start, a Settings Menu will immediately drop down. Change the "Race Type" to Rally Mode and now invite your partner(s). Take note that the Rally Mode Race can only begin if there is an even amount of players in the lobby.

In the "Settings Menu", assign your partner to the "Preferred Driver" and select which role you would like to be, whether it is Driver or Co-Driver. The Driver - obviously - will maneuver the vehicle throughout the race but will not be able to see the checkpoints. It is up to the Co-Driver to direct the Driver throughout the course as only they are able to see the checkpoints.

Communication is KEY while going for this achievement. If your Co-Driver is not giving you precise directions, the Driver will have no idea where to go. Once your Driver has crossed the finished line in first place, whoever is taking the role of the Co-Driver will unlock the achievement.

[AUTOPOP] To participate in a Rally, you must travel to any of the blue "Land Race" icons () on the map, host a session then choose Race Type: Rally Mode. You will need 4 players for this trophy as the match won't start with uneven teams so it is best to do it in a private session and invite three friends or boosting partners to join you.

Once you have four people, select your "Preferred Partner" (which can be anyone, assuming you are going to swap wins) and most importantly, next to "Preferred Role", select "Co-Driver". You must be the co-driver for this trophy to unlock. None of the other settings matter, so choose whichever you like.

Rallying works similar to real-life, where the co-driver directs the driver and communication is paramount. The driver's screen shows no race checkpoints, so it is up the co-driver to direct him in the right direction. This is most easily done with a PS3 headset or another voice chat service like Skype, but can also be done with the and buttons on the D-pad. Pressing these buttons will bring up a corresponding yellow directional arrow on the left or right side of the driver's screen to tell him when to turn. Simply direct the driver to the finish line first and the trophy will unlock.

An even easier method is to do a race in Rally Mode on the "Criminal Records" track. This is a simple circular track going in a clockwise direction so you don't even need to direct the driver to win as the course is obvious.

Rally Mode Races are a distinct variant of Land Races that are found scattered around the city of Los Santos. When you enter the blue circle of the "Race Start," and accept the Job, a Settings Menu will immediately drop down. Change the "Race Type" to "Rally Mode" and now invite your partner(s). Take note that the Rally Mode Race can only begin if there are an even amount of players in the lobby.

In the "Settings Menu", assign your partner to the "Preferred Driver" and select which role you would like to be, whether it is Driver or Co-Driver. The Driver - obviously - will maneuver the vehicle throughout the race but will not be able to see the checkpoints. It is up to the Co-Driver to direct the Driver throughout the course as only they are able to see the checkpoints.

Although, this can be boosted, communication remains KEY while going for this achievement. If the Co-Driver is not giving precise directions, the Driver will have no idea where to go. Once the Driver has crossed the finish line in first place, whoever took the role of the Co-Driver will unlock the achievement.

If you don't have a headset, you can use the D-pad to give the pilot directions. And it can be made even simpler.

There is a racing track near the prison called "Criminal File". This is a very ordinary circle without any turns, it is impossible to get confused there. You go there, create a “Rally”, 1 lap, take on the role of a navigator. There must be four of us - two pilots and two navigators. If you are two, you will take first place, but they will NOT give you a trophy. So make an agreement with three friends.

11 Oct 2013 02:02

This trophy is easy to complete if you have at least one friend in the game. Create a “Criminal Dossier” race (this is a circle around the prison). Set 1 lap and rally mode, wait for any two more players to join, you choose the role of a navigator and partner with any player except your friend. A friend chooses the role of a pilot and does not take you as a partner (we exclude all unnecessary ones from the session). Then everything is as simple as shelling pears, after the start your friend stands still, and your pilot, since he doesn’t know about the conspiracy, will want to win like any normal person and will bring you first.
By Free-DiverSergej on 17 Mar 2014 15:54
There is a possibility that you will encounter a problem when you, or your partner, cannot get the desired role. (more often applies to those cases when you are not 4 players, but play with randoms). Just in the lobby, you need to choose the role you need, and you MUST choose your preferred specific player, and he needs to choose, accordingly, another role, and as a partner you.
By kedO on 25 Nov 2013 11:40
For those who don’t have a headset like me, for example.
I advise you with a friend to first choose a convenient track and just play a race on it. Then you create the same track, but in a rally. The route will be identical, you just need to remember where to go.
Plan two, I personally used it. Tablet in hand and write to a friend in contact, or from a computer -) Left, right, etc.
By selvo13 on 04 Mar 2016 13:42
There must be at least four players in the race when the race finishes. If someone “fell off” and left the game during the race, the trophy will not be given.
By Crosaffcheg on 11 Jan 2017 01:43
You only need one friend, create a race, invite a friend, “Criminal Case” map, rally mode, set priority to navigator, friend priority to driver. Next, open the lobby, wait for a couple of people, close the lobby. You cling to the Random as a navigator, and your friend takes on the co-driver of the second Random. All. Your friend is ruining, and your random one is driving stupidly in a circle towards the finish line.
By npi_3pak on 03 Jul 2023 20:38
I’ll add a little more about the race around the prison.
I advise you to choose the supercars category and the T20 car. As soon as the race begins and the countdown begins
You need to press the gas when the GO sign appears, this will give you acceleration.
PS I know that for the trophy you need to be a navigator, but if your friend does not know what is written above, I advise you to tell him.
By jonni888 on 25 Nov 2015 18:30
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The “Criminal Dossier” race is a simple track, you choose the type of Rally race, you need to knock out the trophy in four people.

01 Dec 2014 18:30

A glitchy trophy, in the list of awards there is a victory for the navigator, the atrophy did not drop.
By xExcrementx on 08 Dec 2014 18:33
The trophy is glitchy. I got it when I connected to a friend in the lobby as a co-driver. Don't create your own lobby.
By SinewyAlex on 15 Jan 2015 01:29
Came out 10 minutes late.
By WinDim213 on 18 Feb 2015 20:43
From personal experience: I persuaded three friends to play two on two in a criminal case - I played the role of navigator. We went through as expected - the trophy did not fall out, then I persuaded other friends (Connecting to the iHlobby) - the trophy did not fall out. I was left alone, entered the session, created a criminal record, invited two random “weak players” (4-8 levels) and one strong random player from the session (50). I chose the role of a navigator, and a strong player as a partner, rolled away circle and that’s it - my trophy fell out right away!
By romansway777 on 25 Feb 2015 20:34
It’s better to do it with a friend, the driver must be the host, otherwise the trophy will not fall out.. I created my own route in the editor, placed landmarks on it before the turns (garbage cans, trees, etc.) so that they would not be noticeable.
A trophy was made with opponents from randomly selected players.
By Drakarus on 29 Jan 2021 00:14
To receive a trophy, you definitely need a session of at least 4 people, that is, two or more teams. It is also necessary that they do not run away before the start of the race, but start with you. And preferably completed the race.

There are two options:

1) Create any race as a host (Whirlpool, Criminal Record), invite a friend, choose your preferred role as a navigator and make your sidekick the driver. Now all that remains is to wait for the two “victims” and pray that your friend doesn’t mess up.

2) The analogy is the same as in the first option, only with random players. As a partner, choose the player with the highest level in the session (the chances of winning are much greater). As soon as there are 4-6 players, start the session and rush to victory.
By Jendos78 on 25 Dec 2014 03:21
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