Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

78 Achievements

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Numero Uno

Numero Uno

GTA Online: Obtain first place in all competitive game types.

How to unlock the Numero Uno achievement in Grand Theft Auto V - Definitive Guide


- Win a Deathmatch

- Win a Team Deathmatch
You can do TDM with 2 people by starting a regular deathmatch that requires 2 people, then switch it to TDM.

- Win a Land Race

- Win an Air Race

- Win a Sea Race

- Win a GTA Race (To do a GTA Race, the host of the race must switch it from a standard race to GTA)

- Win a Rally Race (The host of the race must select Rally as the race type) Requires 4 Players so that there is a Driver and Co-Driver in each car

- Win at Arm Wrestling

- Win at Darts

- Win a round of Golf (Can be set to 1 hole)

- Win at Tennis (Can be a single Set)

- Complete all Waves of Survival (It unlocked after completing it, regardless of deaths.)

- Win any challenge at the Shooting Range (Some people claim all three challenges are required, whereas others claim only the one, it may be safer to do all three)


- Parachuting

- Gang Attack

The 10 Waves of Survival and the Gang Attack can be done solo, the rest require 2-4 people

22 Jul 2022 17:46

Il be down to help on rally race if the return can be done
By LuckyLuke#5389 on 12 Aug 2023 04:45
Anybody that would be willing to help me get all online achievements there will be a montary reward in it for you. I’ve completed twice on other accounts in the past but I made a new one 6 years ago and am gonna take another crack at it. Message GT:Tank1838 you won’t be disappointed thanks.
By Tank1838 on 26 Oct 2022 15:43
Looking to boost this! Gamertag: Ox1893
By Ox1893 on 02 Feb 2023 06:44
Is there a way to check what I have already done? I've played this game so much that I've lost track of what's needed and what's not.
By xI CyKo Ix on 05 Feb 2023 13:43
Stats then awards I do believe.
By Ox1893 on 05 Feb 2023 16:29
Looking for anyone to do rally race
Just need 2 ppl
Highly appreciated

GT: jadengamer123
By jadengamer123 on 27 May 2023 07:57
Keyser Soze0000 - I could do with a couple too if anybody wants to help.
By Keyser Soze0000 on 19 Jul 2023 20:34
I've been playing often recently and willing to help with the rally race if you need jadengamer123 my Gt is sumbucker
By SumBucker on 01 Aug 2023 03:11
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DIT: Thanks to everyone commenting with additional information.

After attempting this achievement numerous ways, my friends and I figured out that this is mostly linked to the Victory Awards which can be found via pausing the online, going to stats, and clicking Awards. After clicking Victory, you will be able to see which medals which you have and haven't progressed.

These can be boosted in closed sessions with friends, most can be done with 2 players, with a few requiring 4. It has been confirmed by some gamers now that doing races solo does not count towards this achievement.

Here is a list of the awards which are required. (These must be wins, draws/everyone else getting DNF do not count)

- Win a Deathmatch
- Win a Team Deathmatch Requires 3 or more players, doesn't include Last Team Standing. (Rank 6 gives access to the Supply TDM at Cypress Flats, which is 3-6. UPDATE: You can do TDM with 2 people by starting a regular deathmatch that requires 2 people, then switch it to TDM.)
- Win a Land Race
- Win an Air Race
- Win a Sea Race
- Win a GTA Race (To do a GTA Race, the host of the race must switch it from a standard race to GTA)
- Win a Rally Race (The host of the race must select Rally as the race type) Requires more than 2 players
- Win at Arm Wrestling
- Win at Darts
- Win a round of Golf (Can be set to 1 hole)
- Win at Tennis (Can be a single Set)
- Complete all Waves of Survival (Some say you have to survive all 10 waves, whereas others say it unlocked after completing it, regardless of deaths.)
- Win any challenge at the Shooting Range
(Edit on 28th Oct) To help clear up some confusion, this has to be the challenge, not just a round. If you set it to one challenge, you must win 2 out of 3 rounds.

Game Types which aren't covered by the Victory Awards which are also required include:

- Parachuting (If the other players all get a DNF, the win will not count)
- Gang Attack (Must be done with another player taking part in the attack)

Some people have only had their achievements unlock after completing a mission, so the completion of any mission may be needed too.

EDIT:Supaduparich pointed the following out in the comments, which could explain why some people are struggling with this achievement.

Just want to add the stat tracking for parachuting is bugged. If you are having trouble unlocking this check your social club win stats and see which one is still at 0. I had a friend leap to their death and I got points. I won the event and achievement popped.
Survival tips
- It helps to use a map where you and your team can hold position. The Boneyard has a big building with two entrances and is a good choice for four players, with two on each entrance.
-Another good map is Processed, you can hide in the middle hanger behind the sandbags, with two other players behind the small cabin inside there. Be careful as some enemies climb over the fence, but aside that, it is an easier map.
-If you have leveled up enough, you can call in Merryweather support. Backup helicopters, ammo drops, mercenaries and airstrikes can turn things around if you are struggling.

Edit after patch 1.04
The rooftop on Boneyard is now off limits, as is the store in Sandy Shores. The Sawmill can be done with two people if you hide inside of it, it is a slower process but mostly safe.

Please note that sometimes progress can be lost due to the Rockstar Cloud services not working, so if you feel you have done all of these, check the award progress to make sure that it has stored the progress.

Ok, here's the list of what you need to do to win this achievement (Tested myself, this is what unlocked it). You need to complete everything on this list. Either by winning, or getting the highest score where applicable. You MUST finish, you cannot DNF any of these or they won't count as completed, obviously.

- Land Race (2 players)
- Air Race (2 players)
- Sea Race (2 players)
- GTA Race (2 players)
- Rally Race (4 players)
- Deathmatch (2 players)
- Team Deathmatch (4 players)
- Complete all 10 Waves of Survival (Solo, but 2 players at least... Use the Sandy Shores method)
- Gang Attack (Solo)
- Golf (1 Hole, 2 players)
- Tennis (1 Set, 2 players)
- Darts (2 players)
- Arm Wrestling (2 players)
- Parachuting (2 players)
- Any Shooting Range Challenge (2 players)

EDIT: Despite contrary belief, Vehicle Deathmatch is NOT a requirement of this achievement. I and several others who boosted this unlocked the achievement without ever playing a single match of VDM.

- For Rally Race, 1 lap Criminal Record and just invite everyone, you're guaranteed to get a bunch of suckers who don't know any better and most of them will try to "GTA Race" each other, if you get what I mean, when the match starts. So you'll easily get this win there.
- For TDM, similar deal, set it up as 10 kills over 5 minutes, turn team balance off and watch how fast one side stacks against everyone else.
- Parachuting, you MUST finish, landing off target gets you a DNF as if you hadn't done the mission at all.
- For 10 waves of survival, see the
Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360)Unnatural Selection
The Unnatural Selection achievement in Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360) worth 33 points
You completed all 10 waves of a Survival.
guide for best locations. I did this with one other guy on Sandy Shores using the trash bin location for shooting. My co op buddy did nothing but die spectacularly, so that's the only reason I don't say I did it solo.

25 Aug 2016 00:00

There are several game types that you will encounter during your time on GTA Online. While some are available from the start of the game, others are only unlocked when you have reached a certain Rank. Do not worry about obtaining each of these wins in a public match against other players, though. You can work on all of these in a Closed Friends Session so long as you have the required amount of players for each game type. Most game types only require two players, while others will require four. Below, you can find a list of all the game types you must win in order to get this achievement.

  • Land Race
  • Air Race
  • Sea Race
  • GTA Race
  • Rally Race (four players required)
  • Deathmatch
  • Team Deathmatch
  • 10 Waves of Survival (four players recommended)
  • Gang Attack (can be done solo)
  • Golf (can be set to 1 hole)
  • Tennis (can be set to 1 set)
  • Darts
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Parachuting
  • Any challenge at the Shooting Range

If for whatever reason you lose track of your progress for this achievement, you can check where you have already gained victories by following these steps: PAUSE > STATS > AWARDS > VICTORIES. Once you gain a victory in all fifteen competitive game types, the achievement will finally unlock.


There are several game types that you will encounter during your time on GTA Online. Some are available from the start of the game, while others are only unlocked when you have reached a certain Rank. Do not worry about obtaining each of these wins in a public match against other players, however. You can work on all of these in a closed friends session so long as you have the required amount of players for each game type. Most game types only require two players, while others will require four. Below, you can find a list of all the game types you must win in order to get this achievement.

  • Land Race
  • Air Race
  • Sea Race
  • GTA Race
  • Rally Race (FOUR players required)
  • Deathmatch
  • Team Deathmatch
  • 10 Waves of Survival (FOUR players recommended)
  • Gang Attack (Can be done Solo)
  • Golf (Can be set to 1 Hole)
  • Tennis (Can be set to 1 Set)
  • Darts
  • Arm Wrestling
  • Parachuting
  • Any challenge at the Shooting Range

If for whatever reason you lose track of your progress for this achievement, you can check where you have already gained victories by following these steps: PAUSE > STATS > AWARDS > VICTORIES.

[AUTOPOP] There are numerous competitive game types that you must obtain first place in. The complete list is as follows:
  • Deathmatch
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Air Race
  • Land Race - Standard
  • Land Race - GTA
  • Land Race - Rally (either as Driver or Co-Driver).
  • Sea Race
  • Arm Wrestling - Minimum one round.
  • Darts - Minimum 1 leg.
  • Golf - Minimum 1 hole.
  • Tennis - Minimum 1 set.
  • Shooting Range - Win any one of a Cover Target, Random Target or Target Grid match.
  • Parachuting - Get the highest score and touch the ground first.
  • Complete a Gang Attack.
  • Complete all 10 waves of Survival Mode.
Thankfully all of the above can be easily boosted with a single friend or boosting partner in an "Invite Only Session", with the exception of the Rally race and Team Deathmatch which require a minimum of 4 each. Survival Mode and Gang Attack can be done in a Solo Session once you attain Rank 15 and 18 respectively. If boosting, once everyone is in the Private Session you can start any of the race types immediately by pausing, then selecting "Online => Jobs => Host Job => Rockstar Created => Races => *Select Race*". Similarly, you can access Deathmatches by the same method, swapping "Races" in the selection process with "Deathmatches". All other activities must be activated by travelling to their respective icons on the map and hosting that way.

The earliest point at which you can complete this trophy is Rank 18 as that is when Gang Attacks are unlocked. To check which game types you have already won, pause and go to "Stats => Awards => Victory" to see an overview of your medal progress for each specific game type. Not all of the medals in this category denote objectives required to earn this trophy, only those which specifically register the number of wins in the game types listed above.

To find a boosting partner, please click here: Trophy Boosting Thread (Read First Post!).
To receive a trophy, you need to win at least once in all types of competitions.


  • Race on land. (Land Race)
  • Race through the air. (Air Race)
  • Race on the water. (Sea Race)
  • GTA race. (GTA Race)
  • Rally, as a pilot or navigator. (Rally Race)
  • Shootout. (Deathmatch)
  • Team shootout. (Team Deathmatch)
  • Complete Survival. (Survival Mode)
  • Complete a Gang Showdown. (Gang Attack)
  • Arm wrestling. (Arm Wrestling)
  • Darts. (Darts)
  • Tennis. (Tennis)
  • Golf. (Golf)
  • Parachuting. (Parachuting) (latest updates are not needed)
  • Shooting range, in one, any type of competition. Grid with targets or Random targets or Hidden targets. (Shooting range)

05 Oct 2013 15:00

The trophy is stupid. Drops out with a delay. You can complete all competitions together with a friend.
By SinewyAlex on 15 Jan 2015 01:26
You can track the trophy in the statistics, click Start, 2 times STATISTICS next to PlayStationstore, click rewards, and win again, there is an in-game trophy (JACK OF ALL TRADES).
By MAGOMED on 21 Dec 2017 22:22
We also need to win in skydiving.
By Greenchik69 on 07 Oct 2013 17:38
If you don't get the trophy.
1 First, go through everything again, if it doesn’t fall out then do it
Possible solution #1:
1) Download PS4.
2) In the main menu (HOME MENU PS4), go to the "trophies" section and press X.
3) Once the trophy list has loaded, press the Options button on your controller.
4) Highlight "Sync Trophies to PSN" and press X.
5) Launch GTA V and check if your trophies have popped up.

Possible solution #2:
1) Launch GTA V single player mode.
2) When the game loads, go online ("invite only" or "Go" will work).
3) As soon as the online mode loads, immediately go to story mode by selecting "Leave GTA Online" in the "Online" menu.
4) Repeat steps 2-3 several times and see if the trophies appear.

Possible solution #3:
1) Create a new character in your alternate character slot (which is not your main character slot). NOTE: Do not delete your main/favorite character.
2) Watch the intro and don't miss anything.
3) After Lamar drops you off at the parking lot, go to the blue circle to start the race. During this time the trophy may have popped out. If not, go to the circle, start the race, finish the race, and see if the trophies appear.
4) Check your trophies if you haven't already.

Possible Solution #4 (for any/all missing trophies, only works if you have already transferred your character using a previous generation console to PS4. NOTE: If you have not yet successfully transferred from a previous generation console (PS3, X360)):
1) Download GTA V and load in story mode.
2) After the game has loaded, click Start.
3) Go to the "online" section
4) Highlight "character transfer" and press X.
5. You will get a black screen with a small message, press X.
6. You will get another black screen after this with a longer message, just press X a second time and let it load into GTA Online.
7) Check the trophies again. NOTE: You may have to repeat this procedure several times to get all the achievements.

Possible solution #5 (for any/all missing trophies):
1) Turn off the console.
2) Login to using a PC or mobile device.
3) Select Settings in the top right corner from the drop down menu.
4) Select linked accounts.
5) Unlink the PSN ID associated with this Social Club account.
6) Wait a few seconds.
7) Link your PSN ID to this Social Club account again.
8) Start your console, launch GTA, and check it in your trophies.

If this doesn't help, then do it

And one more tip:
We know of cases where completing a mission in Story Mode and reconnecting to Online helped to receive rewards.
By kep404 on 01 Jan 2016 20:15
In order to start a rally or GTA race, you need to start a simple race and select GTA or Rally in the “Race Type” item.
By Koscheck on 11 Mar 2016 15:25
Please note that in competitions such as golf, if your opponent withdraws and you win, the victory will not be counted (either in statistics or for a trophy).
By LordDarkHeart on 29 Dec 2013 14:11
Important note to you: in a TEAM shootout you need to play at least 2x2, the trophy did not fall for me, I wrote to support, found out this and after winning 2x2 TDM the trophy immediately dropped, without delay
By Gvvynbleidd on 05 Aug 2020 16:31
May 12, 2017. In addition to the above, you must also take first place once in the stunt race (Update Reckless and Stunt Race) and in the non-contact race. You can install a contactless stunt machine.
PS Surely, when new game modes appear in the game, the trophy is also updated, do not be fooled by outdated information and do not go through everything twice.
By cicada_zer0 on 12 May 2017 18:52
If the trophy does not appear after completing all the tests: go to rewards and look for the “Jack of All Trades” trophy; if you don’t have it, then you missed one of the above tasks (for example, I won a rally as a navigator and even received another trophy for this, and it was not displayed in the Gta rewards, I had to replay it and I received the trophy.) To track the completion of the task, go to victories and look for a test.
There is NO NEED to go through stunt races.
By Dendytiesha on 03 Dec 2019 09:30
There is no need for a shootout on vehicles, we just got the trophy without it.
By VeroK87 on 14 Nov 2013 15:57
You need to win in team and regular firefights. By transport or not.
By MadGlobe on 03 Dec 2013 08:12
To obtain this rally trophy, you can win 1 time by anyone, either a pilot or a navigator, whichever you prefer
By yamanush on 12 Dec 2013 21:59
I fulfilled the conditions, rebooted the PS4, the trophy dropped when loading the game.
By Sviblov on 31 Aug 2015 10:59
Before the start of tasks, victories and defeats are written on the bet acceptance screen. if you didn’t give a medal, then you can use this screen to navigate where you passed. if there is a victory there, you don’t have to replay it
By morriner on 14 Dec 2015 12:05
Vehicle Deathmatch - NOT necessary !
By FLeSH_56 on 08 Jan 2016 16:04
As of 04/01/2022 on PS5: Parachuting is not needed. I've only ever won darts on my own. The two of us went through a team shootout. And all with randoms. In tennis you don’t have to finish the game until the end; if the opponent rains, then the victory is counted. The last one I took was golf and I fell straight away without any delay.
By DONworlds on 01 Apr 2022 19:13
In a rally you need to win for the pilot and for the navigator.
By MegaGreeNindza on 24 Mar 2019 12:00
I did everything as MAGOMED wrote. I restarted, waited, etc... Then I decided to do another parachuting (as written in the first tip) and the trophy dropped out instantly. Be sure to start the game with at least two people. This counts. And then other players can leave - no big deal. The main thing is not to launch it alone!
By Acid on 14 Apr 2019 16:32
In order to understand which challenge you did not win, follow the link , select three stripes on the top left, games, GTA, GTA online. And competition statistics are shown there. I went through everything myself, but they didn’t give me a trophy; in the end it turned out that golf didn’t count.
By Got2bReal1703 on 10 Dec 2020 19:50
12/27/20 The trophy drops without delay. As was already written earlier, there is no need to go through any stunt races!
By Sandro_1886 on 27 Dec 2020 00:49
The trophy was obtained WITHOUT winning the Vehicle Shootout and WITHOUT winning the Rally as a pilot.
By darkflame09 on 02 Dec 2013 06:41
All you need to do is go through the races on land, sea and air. Including winning tennis, golf, darts, arm wrestling

It just doesn’t appear immediately, but either with a delay or with a subsequent restart of the game. Personally, it happened to me (after winning the competitions described above) when I restarted the game. By connecting online from a single player game rather than immediately
By MorthShooter on 08 Aug 2018 11:34
1) You can create water slides yourself.
2) Parachuting is included in the trophy, without it you cannot get the trophy
3) In rallying you don't have to be the host, but he has to be on your team
4) all tests must be passed with someone; alone does not protect.
By Svmv81 on 02 Oct 2021 17:40
If suddenly, after winning all the points, the trophy is missing, replay - Team Shootout. (Team Deathmatch). Each team must have at least 3 people hitting.
By Prezidents on 13 Dec 2013 11:00
The tip from xExcrementx is completely relevant at the moment. Everything went according to the list with randoms. The only thing I went through additionally from another tip, just in case, was a non-contact race. And lastly, before the trophy dropped, I was playing darts. I left it for last, because... I've already done it alone. And when I completed it with the second player, the trophy fell. The conclusion is that you need to play with someone everywhere.
By Zalade on 28 May 2022 02:35
Most of the tips above are incorrect.
1. The trophy is not glitchy and appears consistently and on time.
2. No 2 on 2 in a team shootout, always played alone with a friend.
3. You don’t have to go through any stunt races, complete nonsense.
4. In a rally, it’s enough to come first ONCE, and it doesn’t matter who you are, a pilot or a navigator.

Conditions for receiving the trophy.
1. Survival.
2. Gang war.
3. Parachuting.
4. Shooting range in the ammunition store.
5. Tennis.
6. Golf.
7. Darts.
8. Arm wrestling.
9. Shootout.
10. Team shootout.
11. Standard race (sushi).
12. GTA race.
13. Rally race.
14. The race is non-contact.
15. Race on water.
16. Race through the air.
All this has been done dozens of times, believe me. The trophy drops instantly.
By CTPEJIOK on 27 Aug 2021 08:36
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For the trophy, you do not need to complete tasks from the add-ons as described above (stunt race, race with targets). I did it according to the list from the first post. I performed the rally as both a navigator and a pilot, I don’t know if this affected the trophy. You can somehow track the tasks in the menu-statistics-victories, complete everything that is there once in order. The only problem I had was shooting at targets in the shooting range, it turns out you need to win 2 times in the same mode for it to count. There's even a hint when you select the number of tasks that says 3 sets to 2 wins. As soon as I guessed it, I immediately received the trophy. Came out instantly.

02 Jun 2019 11:30