Grand Theft Auto V

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Out of Your Depth

Out of Your Depth

You needed a bigger boat... or ANY boat!



How to unlock the Out of Your Depth achievement in Grand Theft Auto V - Definitive Guide

I drove a jet ski out far into sea swam about but and a shark eat me after ten mins swimming, shark show as a red bilp on radar just wait it to eat you

19 Sep 2022 11:13

If you go to the pier, jump off the side and acquire a boat or jetski.
Just head in a straight direction until the map lets you go no more. In doing so you will automatically sink and the shark will spawn straight away. Then just get eaten by the shark!

02 Sep 2023 12:55

works like a charm!
By Xbachieve360 on 09 Nov 2023 11:13
Thank you
By redtonto13 on 14 Nov 2023 16:53
The reason it says "You're gonna need a bigger boat..." is because if you keep driving your boat outside the map (away from the Los Santos and Blaine County island), the boat will eventually break down and sink, and a shark will automatically spawn to kill you.

Alternatively you can randomly encounter a shark anywhere else in the ocean (it'll show as a red blip on the minimap).

Get killed by a shark to unlock this achievement.

22 May 2016 00:00

1 Comment
I can confirm it works with a seashark too, it will sink fast and the shark appears.
By Sivarg on 09 Feb 2022 18:23
Swim out in open water and get killed by a shark.

06 Jan 2016 00:00

At any time during your playthrough, make your way to the beach in Western Los Santos and hop into a jet ski near the pier. Drive out into the ocean until the water is dark blue, as this is where you can generally find sharks if you wait long enough (you will know if a shark is nearby when there is a red dot on your mini-map). Once a shark appears, hop off your jet ski and dive underwater. The shark will ignore you at first, but once it gets close it will finally eat you and the achievement will unlock.

The easiest way to unlock this trophy is to get in a boat and keep driving to the edge of the map until the engine cuts out, then get out of the boat and a shark will spawn, its a red dot on the minimap so you will not miss it when it spawns, this is the only way too make a shark spawn every single time.

23 Jan 2024 23:28

For this trophy you will need to be eaten by a shark. Sharks spawn randomly in deep water, go out into the ocean with a boat or jet-ski and watch your mini-map until the area around you turns completely dark blue. Keep navigating the boat or swim around. After a while you should see a red dot on your radar representing a shark, jump into the water and wait until it kills you. This may take some time as the shark doesn't spot you right away so keep swimming around until it eventually kills you and you earn the trophy. On rare occasions the shark will actually attack the boat/jet-ski you are on and kill you that way.

Being killed will set you back 5% of your total income up to a maximum fee of $5,000 so if you want to save your money, you should make a new save and reload after you have the trophy.

Please see the video below for a video walkthrough of this trophy:

At any time during your playthrough, make your way to the beach in Western Los Santos and hop into a jet ski near the pier. Drive out into the ocean until the water is dark blue, as this is where you can generally find sharks if you wait long enough (you will know if a shark is nearby when there is a red dot on your mini-map). Once a shark appears, hop off your jet ski and dive underwater. The shark will ignore you at first, but once it gets close it will finally eat you and the achievement will unlock.

You need to be eaten by a shark.

15 Sep 2013 13:05

We go to the Ferris wheel, there are water scooters nearby, we take a scooter and we go far into the ocean! since there are most sharks there) jump off and dive, you will see a shark, swim to it) after a bite, the trophy is guaranteed.
By siders777 on 18 Sep 2013 21:43
It will be highlighted on the map with a red icon! (after being on the water)
By nOCTpouTEJIb on 20 Sep 2013 16:07
You will 100% meet a shark (or even more than one) when you collect the remains of a submarine on a boat. After receiving the trophy, I discovered a hobby - killing swimming sharks with a knife
By Ronio23 on 22 Sep 2013 15:37
Sharks can be found in the designated area.
By ZeroJine on 23 Aug 2015 21:42
But you don’t have to swim too far, there are no sharks there, I checked it personally.
By Alex04 on 06 Oct 2013 23:16
By KaVaLsKi73 on 23 Nov 2015 23:23
To dive button , to emerge upward, deflect the left joystick and quickly press
By Sashilla on 26 Jul 2017 19:49
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You go to the beach, swim far on a boat, jump off and get eaten by a shark

16 Nov 2014 18:30

If a shark is near you, it will be marked with a red dot on the radar.
By Duke_Eugene on 31 May 2015 12:34
If you are going for platinum, then you should not bother with this trophy, swimming, looking for sharks, etc. When you collect nuclear waste, you will often encounter sharks. As soon as we see a red dot next to us, we save using our phone, get out of the submersible, and we’re done. Then we simply load the save back.
By HaRJIeY_DaViDsOn on 28 Feb 2017 12:52
There are plenty of sharks along the reefs, on the right side of the map, where jet ski racing takes place, more precisely, if you select the “Car Junkyard” property on the map - then just 10 cm to the right
By romansway777 on 19 Dec 2014 23:32
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