Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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A Lot of Cheddar

A Lot of Cheddar

Spend a total of $200 million across all three characters.

How to unlock the A Lot of Cheddar achievement in Grand Theft Auto V - Definitive Guide

This one is easier than it looks. You need to buy (and sell) on the stock market. For example if you have just $10 milion in cash, you need to buy and sell stocks 20 times. The best time to do this is when you finish the very last heist (each protagonist should have more than $40 milion after this heist).

19 Jul 2018 00:00

This achievement is extremely straight forward; just keep purchasing weapons, vehicle mods, properties, and stocks in order to gain progress towards the $200 million mark. Purchasing properties will be extremely costly; however, the advantage to owning multiple properties at once is that your weekly income will net you a substantial amount of cash which can then be used to buy other items. As for stocks, you will want to invest your money in profitable companies, then sell your share(s) a few days later if they have made profit.

One of the quickest methods in obtaining this achievement is as follows. After you have collected your share of money from the "Big Score" mission, you should have around $20 million per each character. Pick any character and invest all of your money in any stock market. Now immediately sell all your stocks to get all the money back. If you do this ten times, the achievement will unlock in a short amount of time because investing money in the stock market counts as spending money for the achievement. A huge thanks goes to DavoK87 and x S 7 R I K E Z for discovering this method!


This achievement is extremely straight forward; keep purchasing weapons, vehicle mods, properties, and stocks in order to gain progress towards the $200 million mark. Purchasing properties will be extremely costly; however, the advantage to owning multiple properties at once is that your weekly income will net you a substantial amount of cash which can then be used to buy other things. As for stocks, you will want to invest your money in profitable companies, then sell your share(s) a few days later if they have made profit. In fact, if you are looking for a great way to make some cash off the five Assassination missions while playing as Franklin, refer to THIS THREAD.

Quickest Method: After you have collected your share of money from the "Big Score" mission, you should have around $20+ million per each character. Pick any character and invest ALL your money in any stock market. Now IMMEDIATELY SELL ALL your stocks right away to get all your money back. If you do this ten times, the achievement will unlock in a short amount of time because investing money in the stock market counts as spending money for the achievement. Credit goes to DavoK87 and x S 7 R I K E Z for this method! Credit to Maka for the video.

The best way to do this is to complete the entire story mode only doing the first assassination mission. Then go and invest all of your money onto debonaire and do the multi person assassination mission. When the debonaire stocks go to 80 profit sell all stocks the. Buy max redwood stocks and that will go to about 300 then take out and by that time you will of had the achievement you can also use a few other guides to do the rest of the assassination missions and get more money.

25 Apr 2022 02:55

1 Comment
This doesn't work anymore, they nerfed it years ago, Debonaire stock maxes out at about 45% growth and Redwood only got as high as 6.6% for me on PS5.
By Metabolic-V on 01 Aug 2022 14:48
This trophy requires you to spend a grand total of $200 million whether it be on weapons, cars, vehicle mods, property, shares etc. You must also buy at least one thing with each character for it to unlock. It is best to do this trophy after you complete the heist near the end of the game called "Big Score" as each character will have a large chunk of money in excess of $25 million. To look up how much cash you have spent in total go to the "Cash" tab in the "Stats" section of the pause menu.

Luckily there is an extremely easy way of spending $200 million. Open your mobile phone with , then choose "Internet" and select the "Money and Services" tab. Open the LCN stock exchange website and invest all of your money in the stocks of any company in the list (the more expensive the stock, the quicker it will be to buy them all) under the "Markets" tab. You can do this by selecting "Buy" then hovering your cursor over the green "+" symbol and holding down until you have spent all your money. Press "Buy" again then "Confirm" and finally "Continue" to complete the transaction. As soon as you have done so, choose "Sell All" and "Confirm" to sell all the stocks back again and get your money back. Repeat the process as many times as necessary until you have "spent" $200 million. You won't lose any money if you sell the stocks quick enough, but it still counts towards the spending for the trophy.

Here is a video showing this method:

By far the best way of making money in the game is to take advantage of company stocks with Lester's assassination missions. Before you undertake each assassination mission, swap between all three characters and purchase as many stocks as you can from the following companies:

Hotel Assassination - Betta Pharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ stocks)
Multi-Target Assassination - Debonaire (LCN stocks)
Vice Assassination - Fruit (BAWSAQ stocks)
Bus Assassination - Vapid (BAWSAQ stocks)*
Construction Assassination - GoldCoast (LCN stocks)

*This mission is slightly different as you should buy the stocks just after the mission when prices plummet, they will rise again soon after.

After waiting a few in-game days, sell all of the stocks of these companies which each character and you will make a huge profit. This is because the assassination missions have you take out certain competitors of the above-mentioned companies, which will greatly boost up their market value. For a more detailed description of this method, see the following thread: How To Make Up To 1.5 Billion With Lester's Assassination Missions
The trophy is easiest to obtain after beating the game with the character who has the most money. So, we go to the stock exchange and buy growing stocks with all our money, and then quickly sell them, and we do this before the trophy comes out. And if the shares were growing strongly, then you will get a small profit!

17 Nov 2014 15:26

You can use the shares to get this trophy to your advantage. After you have 20,000,000 in your account, we buy lifender shares (or something like that) for the entire amount, they are the cheapest, about $7 per share, press pause and repeat the mission, the very first one on the tow truck, as soon as the mission has loaded, kill Tonya, we will be offered to repeat or finish the mission.... click finish, it takes us back to the place when they bought the shares, go in and sell the shares for 14.2 $. And this can be done ad infinitum.

PS did this on PS 4, trophy + 200,000,000 in 10 minutes
By armo008 on 10 Dec 2014 22:03
There are Richards Majestic shares on the stock exchange and they periodically fall to - 84. At this time it is best to buy them!!! After that, we load any task and fail it a couple of times. Then we go back and go to the stock exchange, the growth of shares varies from 100-700!!! I raised it from 270 million to 2 billion in one go.

PS: you can collect items and raise money from each character along the way.
By Greystrumber on 17 Dec 2014 18:18
It is enough to simply buy and sell some shares for all the money after the end of the game 10 times, since everyone will have 20 million. No money will be added, but the trophy will drop in a couple of minutes.
By MobileLord on 28 Mar 2022 17:06
If you play with shares during Lester's contract killings, be sure to make a separate save. Before the murder, I bought shares with three characters with all the money, after the murders (I waited a little) on the exchange website it was written that I had 0 shares. So I no longer had any shares or money.
UPD. The glitch occurred when the Internet was OFF
By Turtl on 26 Sep 2016 10:44
You can leave Lester's kill orders for the end of the game. When you complete the final robbery and the money is transferred to you, start buying the necessary shares before each mission, and then sell them. You'll earn a trophy and a lot of money. List of stocks that need to be purchased before each mission:

Hotel Assassination (Murder - Hotel) - Betta Pharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ exchange);

Multi-Target Assassination (Murder - 4 targets) - Debonaire (LCN exchange);

Vice Assassination (Murder - panel) - Fruit (BAWSAQ exchange);

Bus Assassination (Murder - bus) - Vapid (BAWSAQ exchange - here before the mission, sell all Vapid shares, if any, since after completing the mission the price for them will fall);

Construction Assassination (Murder - construction) -GoldCoast (LCN exchange).
By GreatStillness on 17 Jul 2015 13:10
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to spend 200 million you must first get it)

So far, the found method is when Lester gives tasks to Franklin to kill, ignore them until the end of the plot, by the end of the game you will have around 20 million, when completing the task, Lester will say which shares will become more expensive, invest all 20 lyams in this company and after the mission we sell the shares, the increase is around 30%)

19 Sep 2013 20:19

After completing the story, you will have a little more than 20,000,000, with the help of which you can get a trophy in 5 minutes using the game exchange, buy shares for 20,000,000 and immediately sell them, so 10-11 times and the trophy is yours.
By Andrewiphone16 on 21 Sep 2013 12:28
If you can’t make money on the stock exchange, then you can try this method

You can also use this method at the very beginning of the game, since at this stage there is very little money.
By IMPERATOR-777- on 22 Sep 2013 12:30
Video guide with Russian commentary . The video tells how to make millions on the stock exchange, without much effort:
By OlegPP3 on 23 Sep 2013 11:59
After completing the game you will have 24,000,000 just buy and sell shares with all your money 8-9 times and the trophy is in your pocket
By Vyacheslav96 on 23 Sep 2013 13:36
In addition to RomantiQ's tip to point 6:
I needed to save 10 times for the Redwood atskii to increase by 300%.
in total, each person has $194,000,000
By zaiats8 on 07 Nov 2013 07:19
In the city you can meet a man with a broken car (he is marked with a blue circle), he needs a ride to the airport. After that, he will say that you need to buy shares of one company and they will grow 100% strongly.
By LeadKing on 15 Oct 2013 11:51
There is a video on how to make money
By yosiking on 17 Oct 2013 16:25
You can also get this trophy by “killing” Lester in a couple of missions)
Betta Pharmaceuticals
I guess I’ll go to these companies one by one.)
We invest all our funds into these companies with all 3 characters in advance, kill...
and lo and behold, +30 million in profit and 20 million for Michael and Trevor))
also in the future Franklin will have 65 million)
and trophy
By Spect5rum on 22 Oct 2013 16:34
The trophy is given even if you sell your property, which you buy again and sell again. In this case, the amount of costs adds up. Making a profit from resale is not necessary.
The easiest way to get a trophy is after receiving money for the last robbery (about 120 million), go to the stock exchange. We buy any shares with all the money and sell them - we end up spending about 120 million. Then we repeat the previous point. The trophy will be given after the 2nd complete sale.
PS: It is advisable to take growing stocks (marked in green) as we will earn more money.
By MAD_Alex_-RUS- on 22 Sep 2013 13:53
$300,000,000 for one murder - easy!

To do this you need:

1) Complete all story missions without completing orders to kill Lester! After completing the last story mission you will have approximately $30 million.

2) Buy shares of the Debonaire company with all the money with all the characters.

3) Complete the mission by Franklin to kill 4 jurors (this is the first non-story assassination task that Lester gives).

4) After completing the task, save in the shelter 2 times (so that the second game day begins). During this time, shares will skyrocket to 80%. We sell shares. We get approximately 50-60 million $

5) We buy shares of the Redwood company with all the money with all three characters.

6) Save in the shelter exactly 8 times (so that 48 game hours have passed). Voila, Redwood shares skyrocketed 300%. We sell the shares and get approximately $300,000,000. 8)
By RomantiQ on 10 Oct 2013 07:26
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