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Complete all 3 Elite Challenges in The Doomsday Heist.

How to unlock the Elitist achievement in Grand Theft Auto V - Definitive Guide

The Elite Challenges are challenges relating to the Heist Finales for each Act, which are time-constrained, require you to avoid dying, and have other Act-specific requirements.

I highly advise practising each Finale once you are able to start them to familiarise yourself with them as you will need to complete each Finale quickly and without dying. An Act's Finale is made available once you have completed all of that Act's Prep and Setup Missions.

Once you have unlocked a Finale, play through it but purposefully fail by having a player leave GTA Online through the Pause Menu or by dying/committing suicide. After this, you are taken to a screen where you can choose to Quick Restart or Continue - choose to Continue by pressing . Then restart the Finale so that you can restart it from the beginning and continue practising.

Once your team is comfortable with the Finale, attempt a timed run using a stopwatch/smartphone: start the timer when you gain control of your character and stop the timer once you lose control at the end. If you feel you will not complete the Finale in the required time for the Elite Challenge, or have failed to meet any other requirements for that Act's Elite Challenge, ensure you purposefully fail to avoid completing the Finale, since if you do complete it, you will have to redo all Prep & Setup Missions for that Act to regain access to the Finale.

A good way to save time on each Finale is to own one of the following Facilities:
  • Ron's Alternative Wind Farm Facility ($1,875,000)
  • Grand Senora Desert Facility ($2,525,000)
  • Sandy Shores Facility ($2,740,000)
All of these Facilities are well-placed to quickly travel to the first checkpoints in Acts I and III.

For Act II, the best-located Facility is the Paleto Bay Facility ($1,250,000), but it is not worth purchasing the Paleto Bay Facility solely for Act II since you can complete the Act II Finale in good time for its Elite Challenge from the suggested Facilities above.

The Grand Senora Desert and Sandy Shores Facilities are better-placed than the Ron’s Alternative Wind Farm Facility but more expensive.
The Sandy Shores Facility is overall the most well-placed Facility for all 3 Finales, though you may find the Grand Senora Desert Facility conveniently located close to the Sandy Shores airfield if you like using air vehicles.
I used the Ron's Alternative Wind Farm Facility as it was cheaper and found that it worked fine for the Elite Challenges.
The requirements for the Elite Challenges are as follows:

Act I:
  • Complete within 5:30
  • Kill 78 enemies or more
  • Nobody dies
  • Do not trip-skip
The most difficult requirement here is the time limit, so familiarise yourself with your route to the first checkpoint from your Facility and with the enemy combat. Work your way through the enemies quickly to save time - it may be useful to do this as a team of 3 or 4 so you can clear the enemies faster.

You will more than likely kill 78 enemies naturally, but to maximise your chances of doing so, place particular focus on taking out as many enemies as you can once you gain control of the Base Defence System in the last checkpoint.

Read the Tips & Strategies section for advice on not dying, and see the video below for a demonstration.

Act II:
  • Complete within 15:00
  • Take 5% damage to the Avenger or less
  • Nobody dies
  • Do not trip-skip
The time requirement is more than achievable after gaining some familiarity with the Finale, with the biggest time-savers coming from travelling to the starting vehicles in Paleto Bay quickly, and the combat section in the Submarine. The designated Submarine Team should familiarise themselves with the route to Bogdan so that they avoid wasting time looking for him. If you are travelling to Paleto Bay from a distant Facility at the start, you can save time by using an air vehicle to fly over (if you own one!): simply call Pegasus as soon as you start and request your fastest vehicle (I used a Hydra and parachuted out, while teammates used a Buzzard, either work). If you are struggling to complete the Finale within 15:00, you can purchase and use the Paleto Bay Facility to save time travelling to Paleto Bay at the start, but this shouldn’t be necessary.

The most difficult requirement here is the damage requirement; you can only take a few hits to the Avenger and it is difficult to tell from the Avenger's damage bar exactly how much damage has been taken. Try to have 2 or 3 players in the Air Support team so they can effectively defend the Avenger using its turrets. The submarine section can be comfortably completed alone by a team member familiar with the role. You may also find yourself taking less damage to the Avenger if you fly the Avenger to a point of high altitude, this will result in enemy helicopters having to spend time raising their altitude before they can attack you, giving you more time to take them out.

Read the Tips & Strategies section for advice on not dying, and the videos below for a demonstration.

Submarine Role:

Air-Support Role:

  • Complete within 30:00
  • Get 150 headshots
  • 0 hacks failed
  • Nobody dies
  • Do not trip-skip
The time requirement is quite lenient again so focus on getting through the combat sections safely, it will probably require a few practice runs to get used to the combat and familiarise yourself with the enemies locations. At the start, you will head over to the Grapeseed area where you can choose between either a Khanjali Tank or a Barrage SUV: take the Barrage SUV as this will save time in the driving section of the mission. If you die while driving through the tunnels, use the rest of the run as a practise or restart - you will have wasted no more than 5 minutes by restarting at this point.

There will be ample opportunities to execute headshots in the server section where you are tasked with performing 4 hacks. Take cover and make the most of the infinitely-respawning AI to spawn-kill them.

The designated hacker should get used to playing the minigame quickly and without failing - being able to complete the hacking sections quickly is a huge time-saver in this Finale and will significantly shorten the server section of the Finale. There are 4 hacks, and as long as you don't lose all of the lives you are given in each hacking minigame you will pass the requirement for not failing. The hacker can see the number of lives remaining for each hacking minigame in the top right of the minigame screen. If you or a team member feels they may fail a hack by losing all of their lives in the hacking minigame, they can quit the minigame by pressing and restart the hack immediately after, this does not count as a fail and will still allow you to meet the requirements for the challenge.

The most difficult requirement here is nobody dying. There is a lot of combat in this Finale and your team should get used to taking out Juggernauts together before they kill you. Familiarise yourself with the techniques given in the Tips & Strategies section, and see the video below for a demonstration.

You will be awarded $50,000 for each Elite Challenge you complete. The trophy will pop once you have completed all 3 challenges (they needn’t be completed with the same group of players, and can be completed in any order you prefer; you just need to complete each Elite Challenge once).

In order to obtain this achievement, you will need to complete all of the Elite Challenges for each Heist Finale in The Doomsday Heist. Before covering basic guidelines and tips, please refer below to each Finale's Elite Challenge and take note that they can be done on Normal.

Act I

  • Complete under 5:30 minutes
  • Kill 78 enemies
  • Nobody gets wasted

Act II

  • Complete under 15:00 minutes
  • Vehicle damage 5% or less
  • Nobody gets wasted


  • Complete under 30:00 minutes
  • Nobody gets wasted
  • 0 hacks failed
  • 150 headshots

As you can see, the most difficult part of each Elite Challenge is completing the Finale under a certain time constraint. As such, it's worth discussing which of the Facilities is best situated for each Finale.

  • For the Act I Finale, the Grand Senora Desert Facility ($2,525,000) is the closest.
  • For the Act II Finale, the Paleto Bay Facility ($1,250,000) is the closest.
  • For the Act III Finale, the Sandy Shores Facility ($2,740,000) is the closest.

All of that being said, you can only own one Facility at a time. So, if you coordinate with your teammates, you can each buy the Facilities mentioned above; however, if the same player will be hosting all three heists, the Sandy Shores Facility is probably the best option (despite its grand cost).

Now that you know which Facilities are best, please continue reading below for some basic tips and notes for each Finale.

General Guidelines

  • Don't bother attempting this on your first go at the Finale
  • Tackle these Elite Challenges on your second or third playthrough as to increase your familiarity with objective routes and enemy spawns
  • All players present should be using microphones to communicate
  • These Elite Challenges are best done with a full group of four players
  • Stock up on snacks and Super Heavy Body Armor before every Finale
  • When traveling to the Finale's location from your Facility, everyone should be in one vehicle (ideally, an Armored Kuruma)
  • It's smart to use a stopwatch during these Finales; as soon as you gain control of your character after leaving the Facility, start the stopwatch

Because playstyle and strategies will vary from player to player, there are no set-in-stone guidelines on how to tackle each individual portion of a Finale's Elite Challenge. Overall, the Challenges themselves are pretty self-explanatory: complete the Finale quickly, ensure nobody dies, and either kill a set amount of enemies, keep your vehicle in pristine condition, complete hacks perfectly, and score a set amount of headshots.

Remember, do not try these Elite Challenges on your first playthrough of the Heist Finales. It's much easier and far more intelligent to attempt them once you are very familiar with the objectives at hand, the routes you need to take to these objectives, and where and how the enemy will act in regards to your presence in the mission.

Once all three sets of Elite Challenges have been completed, this achievement will finally unlock.

A step-by-step guide/walkthrough of this entire DLC, courtesy of user Neg96, can be found HERE. It is extremely detailed, and should provide all of the information needed to finish this heist.

To obtain the "Elite" trophy, you need to fulfill the following conditions in the 3 final heist missions:

"Data leak"
1.Complete in less than 5:20 minutes. (You need a base in the Grand Senora desert for $2.525000 from the host)
2. Perform at least 75 kills
3.No quick restarts (i.e. deaths)

Operation "Bogdan"
1.Walk in less than 15 minutes.
2.Avenger should not receive more than 5% damage
3.No quick restarts (i.e. deaths)

"Doomsday" scenario
1.Walk in less than 30 minutes.
2.Make at least 150 hits to the head
3.No errors when hacking (hacking 4 servers)
4.No quick restarts (i.e. deaths)

16 Dec 2017 19:36

I don’t recommend spending money on three bases; one in the Grand Senora desert (point 1) is enough. From this database you can complete all elite tests, personally verified.
1. Heist "Data leak" - our base is closest. Everything here is as in ranas1992's hint.

2. The Bogdan robbery must be completed in 15 minutes. Adviсe:
1) The submariner team needs to get from the base to Stromberg (from point 1 to point 2) no later than 4:00 from the start of the robbery. We drove along the highway (route 3) in a sports car in 3:00. By rail (route 4) it took 2:10 on motorcycles (there are bottlenecks). The support team may arrive later.
2) In a submarine, the two of you run to the bridge, then one player goes down to interrogate, the second remains on the bridge with a camera at the ready. As soon as the interrogation is over, take a photo and the cutscene will immediately begin, the first player does not need to return.
3) Support flies to point 5. If there are jet skis on the spit: land the Avenger, get on the motorcycles and swim into the sea a little further than the submarine. The helicopters will not attack either the Avenger or you. When the submariners are finished, pick them up and drive them to the Avenger. Helicopters may start shooting, keep food ready. If there are no motorcycles, the divers will swim on their own, it takes a minute longer, but you still have time if they start surfacing no later than 9:50.
4) You need to take off with submariners on board no later than 11:50

3. Robbery scenario "Doomsday". Tips for keeping it to 30 minutes:
1) Take the Barrage, not the tank.
2) At a stage with two corridors, it is better not to separate. Move in a crowd, it's faster and safer. Route: first, in the left corridor, run to the first box and explode it. One player can run there, and there will be 1-2 soldiers along the way. Then return to the fork and move along the right corridor with the whole crowd. In the second large room there is a connection to the left corridor, go there together and continue along the left corridor to the end.
3) During the hacking phase, while player1 is hacking the first console, player2 is making his way to the second console. Once player1 finishes hacking, player2 immediately starts hacking the second console. At this time, player 1 makes his way to the third console and so on. Players 3 and 4 are busy landing headshots and helping Players 1 and 2 get between the hacking points.
4) One player can immediately after the hacking is completed make his way upstairs and stand at the control panel. Once the orbital cannon is available, he takes target C as it is the furthest away. The remaining players, who get to the consoles a little later, take the remaining nearby targets.
By MissTopesto on 17 Sep 2018 16:57
While performing robberies against the elite, travel cannot be interrupted.
By starpuk on 25 Dec 2017 21:09
Perform elite play with 4 players ONLY. At 2 it is impossible to complete heists 1 and 3. There just aren't enough kills and headshots. Don't waste your time
By NesvetskyLev on 13 Feb 2018 09:28
Two people can easily complete the first robbery
By kirillivanov on 25 Feb 2018 12:57
During the final heists, you can skip the trip in the 3rd heist. If you skip trips in the 1st and 2nd robberies, the test does not count.
By Koscheck on 11 Feb 2018 23:54
You can skip the trip in the last robbery. Tested personally, I passed the GPM at 4 and skipped the trip, went on a tank and didn’t even think about the test. Ended up completing the elite in this heist 3 times in all 6 playthroughs
By Komb700 on 15 Oct 2019 07:39
The base in the Grand Senora Desert is enough for all three Elites (unless you want a world record, of course).
Confirmed about a hundred times by personal experience and by different numbers of players in the team: 2, 3, and 4.
In general, it’s a little easier with four people, especially if the players are experienced /who would have thought (;/

Skipping a trip at the end of Act III does not reset the Elite, also verified many times by personal experience
By wonky_island on 18 Oct 2021 20:39
You can complete Elite Challenges on Normal difficulty, but you still can't die. To avoid dying, eat food all the time.

"Data leak"
The closest one is in the Grand Senora desert - $2,525,000
Complete in under 5:30
Kill at least 78 enemies
Complete without dying
Recommendations: a visual video of how the guys and I knocked out
The easiest way to go is with a team of 4 people. Record the time on the stopwatch, the beginning of the cut scene of the ascent to the site from the base. The robbery can be divided into 2 stages: 1st - Get to the base, destroy everyone and approach the door, a cut scene of entering the base will load. If it takes more than 1:30 from the start to the entrance cutscene, I recommend restarting. Stage 2 - clearing the base. From start to firing from turrets. If it's more than 4:20, I recommend restarting.

Operation "Bogdan"
The closest one is in Paleto Bay - $1,250,000

"Doomsday" scenario
The closest is in Sandy Shores - $2,740,000
By ranas1992 on 27 Dec 2017 10:38
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All elite tests are clearly visible:
First robbery

Second robbery:
Support team

Submariner team

Third robbery

31 Jan 2018 00:53