Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition

34 Achievements

1000 XP


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Complete 36 unique jumps.

30 XP


How to unlock the Daredevil achievement in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide


16 Nov 2021 00:43

#24 refuses to give me anything but an insane score. I can never get the unique stunt bonus. I've cleared the road and the sign many times but getting the same result... any ideas?
By Alyssiya on 16 Nov 2021 02:13
Having the same problem with #13
EDIT: I was having problems with #13 and #23 this video where it wouldn't pop up with 'unique jump already completed' so i just made a note of them and carried on and it turns out i had already got them.
The only thing i can think of is maybe completing the stunt jumps during any kind of mission can cause this visual bug.
By Corax on 17 Nov 2021 15:07
@Scrapcan If it helps any I got it by going full power on stunt jump #3, then no power between and on #4 and landing on the ground.
By Games Master on 21 Nov 2021 08:40
@Alyssiya I thought I had the same problem but turns out I was missing the first ramp for pcj playground. If you grab that bike and let the time run out, try that first ramp again. Maybe that's it.
By Cky616craig1 on 26 Nov 2021 21:42
This is broken I've done every stunt jump didn't die wasn't on a misson made sure to tick off every stunt jump I completed by using an interactive map & I'm still missing one, I went back to do them all a 2nd time & some stunt jumps don't register anymore it doesn't come up with the 'Unique stunt jump completed' or 'Stunt jump already completed' messages I've tried this with multiple stunt jumps which I already completed but completing them again doesn't come up with a message, they need to fix this cause I'm not the only one with this problem.
By Fonorona on 26 Nov 2021 22:36
So I've tried this again doing all stunt jumps again ignoring the fact that I'm not getting a message wether some jumps don't tell me wether I've already completed it or not I assume getting an insane bonus means you performed the stunt jump well, so one of the jumps I did did indeed not register & upon completing that specific jump again it actually told me stunt jump completed & gave me the achievement even though I had already completed it before.
By Fonorona on 27 Nov 2021 00:17
USE A TAXI - after doing all your fares, you can make the taxis jump. Do just that on the launch ramps and see how high and far they go. I've had some awesome backflips over buildings and so far, find it far more effective than the PCJ or a supercar
By Nuke Cola 1 on 28 Nov 2021 12:39
#24 seems bugged. Do i need to clear the roof Or?..
By ehlert12689 on 28 Nov 2021 19:49
#23 is definitely glitched with saying if you completed it or not. I was missing one and it was that one even though I did it many times. So I had completed it. The last one I missed was #18. I saw a comment somewhere that this one somehow didnt count for someone and sure enough it was that one I was missing.
By Sejeste Reje on 05 Dec 2021 05:33
I completed the game on 100% but my unique jumps is broken...

#23 end of the spotlight gives me a note, perfect insane stunt, but no Unique jump passed..
Any solution for this?
I tried deleting save, die, start, restart from game... I'm sure this is the one, i redid all locations twice and everytime i get a notification, stunt already passed.

Hope someone can help me out on a solution what to do? Thanks.
By DEoli on 11 Dec 2021 19:08
Yup same thing happened to me. Maybe number 23 didn’t register because I know for a fact I did it on the mission. Now when I’m trying it it doesn’t even pop up a message. Any potential solutions? Just redo everyone again? I know for certain I’ve done all the jumps
By BlueberryCloud on 12 Dec 2021 01:48
@Blueberry i can confirm this was my last achievement and i found a solution for #21/22/23... I will make a guide for it.
By DEoli on 12 Dec 2021 22:33
@DEoli they would be dope. It’s literally the last thing I have to do to get 100. Grinded on taxi and ambulance today. Would very much appreciate 🙏🏻
By BlueberryCloud on 13 Dec 2021 01:25
@Blueberry, if you only need 1% you can redo the boatyard. I did boatyard from 62% to 100% in about 1 hour, every mission passed counts 1% in stats, if you do it right.
Save before entering the boat, and look for the 3 min mission, every mission under 3 minute will not count as 1%, if it don't work with the 3 min mark, load your save in boatyard again. try the other boat. If that not work to reset the 3 min mark, you need to delete your save from console only, and let it sync again to reactivate the 1% mission glitch.
By DEoli on 13 Dec 2021 02:02
I think this is fixed. I am must now going for these and have 64 percent completion, with 5 out of 36 jumps. I did 2 just driving around and did the G-spot light well after I got those first 2. So hopefully I won't have any issues.
By Darkness727420 on 24 Jan 2022 14:06
OMG i cannot get number 8 for nothing. This is ridiculous, I am literally doing the same exact thing as in the video. This shit will make me quit the game all together as its something so stupid
By Darkness727420 on 26 Jan 2022 16:20
I did 33/36 jumps as soon as I unlocked all of the map, later finishing the achievement with the last 3 jumps during my first run of G-Spotlight. Think this is fixed, or I just got lucky it worked out.
By II RENEGADE II on 09 Feb 2022 17:03
Finally done! The airport was a little confusing. I was on 35/36 and just started over at the beginning of the airport section hoping I accidentally confused one and sure enough it was number 31. Great video!
By CHERRY CHEERIOS on 24 Feb 2022 22:07
Some of the jumps people struggle with (5, 7, 8, etc) can be done a lot easier if you wait until you've completed the Taxi fares, giving you the Taxi boost jump.
By Danny41294 on 20 May 2022 18:22
Ended up 35/36 with 4, 13, 22, 23, 24 failing to show a result on a second pass.

As DEoli suggested, started a new game and fast tracked the film studio, avoiding all jumps till the final mission for the studio, which I had to restart as one did not register. Once I was 3/36 I hit all jumps again and had no issues with any registering.

Now it's time to start the game over for a third time because the music stations aren't registering. Thought I waited long enough to start this game.
By The Last Rascal on 05 Jul 2022 01:45
The achievement is lock for me even tho when I look at my stats it shows I did all 36 stunts
By KonsoleWreaKinG on 17 Aug 2022 21:52
The definitive edition walkthrough from the same creator is better than the original
By Dingus McKah on 09 Jun 2023 22:57
Y'all full of shit, I got it fine and went and got the 2 I missed (in the tower) way after the mission at Prawn island.
By THEpaynexkiller on 22 Jun 2023 22:25
What stupid cunt at Grove Street Games decided the driving mechanics needed messing with in this and GTA 3? Some of these are awful to attempt when it's raining now and vehicles as a whole have less grip than their originals, why? What was the point of it?
By TheGillesMuller on 27 Sep 2023 15:10
#18 is very specific about where you have to land. I was landing to the left of the palm tree and didn't realize it didn't count. I found a comment on the video itself about #18. You must land to the right of the palm tree for it to count.
By Big Killa C on 05 Nov 2023 23:17
Good guide, helped me. )
By Stan Osbourne on 16 Dec 2023 14:55
As someone else said, for #23 that you do at the very end of G-Spotlight, even if you already have done it you will not get a message saying you already did when you try it a second time so it can be confusing if you are going in order and making sure that you've done every single jump.

Hardest jump for me personally was #8. I just would not get enough momentum to trigger the unique bonus. I had to actually drive up the stairs and get on the upper part of the building you land on after jump #7. You can wind up and gain more speed from there rather than the way the guy does it in this video (might be more difficult in Definitive Edition).
By NamelessxDread on 05 Dec 2021 01:10
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This achievement was very bugged for me.

What i did was start new game and found the issue on #23

So start a new game.

If you did not get the Canolli achievement
Go do it first with the Cone Crazy so you get allot of money to buy the film asset.

You don't need to replay the whole story.
Just complete L and D with 1 K mission to complete D. Then you can buy the Film asset $60k After the mission 'Shakedown'.

Once you are at the mission G spotlight.
Last mission of the film industry.

Make a manual save, just to be sure.

Now wait untill you finish the mission.


Now once you finished out G spotlight, you should have registered #21/22/23 out of the unique jumps, and your stats should say 3 out of 36.

If not, restart your save and try again.

If you did not see ur stats 3/36 before stepping into the pink circle on the spotlight.
#23 will be broken after you put 'SUXX' on the building, and it will not be registered as an unique jump after this point.

So now you have 3/36 stunts and G spotlight out of the way. Finish the 33 other jumps.
You will get a notification All Unique Jumps Completed. And the achievement will pop.

Takes around 3hour to complete.

12 Dec 2021 22:46

Exactly this issue for me. Jump #23 just will not register. 😩
By L0RD Melchett on 20 Jan 2024 22:25
I had no issues at all with this achievement. I did 33/36 as soon as I unlocked the second island. The last three I got in the G spotlight mission and it immediately popped once I got 36/36. As long as you see the slow mo camera and it says unique jump complete after you land should be fine.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 29 Oct 2023 08:20
Video Guide here with all Jumps and Locations!

07 May 2023 23:07