Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition

34 Achievements


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Born in the 80’s

Born in the 80’s

Listen to all music stations at least once.


How to unlock the Born in the 80’s achievement in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

People say this might be glitched but I unlocked it no issues. What I did though was to listen to at least one full song from start to end in each of the station until there is a commercial and listened to two chat stations again until there is a commercial. The achievement unlocked when left my car, having finished listening to 2 minutes to midnight in Vrock (as soon as the song ended and a commercial started). I think the unlock condition may be listening to a full song and triggering a commercial in each of the station.

Edit:Thanks to Tozi for confirming that this doesn’t have to be done in one sitting

Edit 2: Per some comments after new update the achievement unlocks after listening to each station for 5 minutes

12 Nov 2021 12:38

Thank you for the Guide.
For me it works to get in a vehicle, tune a radion station, wait 5 minutes, get out of the car, tune in the next station, wait 5 minutes again, get out of the vehicle, repeat. I did this until the achievment unlocked.

Maybe this helps someone :)
By AruneKitsune on 01 Oct 2023 09:39
Thanks… will give that a try
By SILVAF0XX on 12 Nov 2021 19:49
Can confirm that this works, just listened to all radio stations and followed his instructions and it popped!
By L0NESx on 12 Nov 2021 21:32
I had to listen to one complete song on every station as well as listen to at least until a commercial for the two talk stations and then it unlocked after a commercial started on VCPR and i exited my vehicle
By ErinFoxgirl on 13 Nov 2021 07:24
Does this have to be done in one go, or are you allowed to leave your vehicle between stations?
By Tozi Tiberius on 14 Nov 2021 14:31
Better to do in one go which is what I did. But it should work even if you leave between stations
By supkris on 14 Nov 2021 15:54
Does this have to be done in one go, or are you allowed to leave your vehicle between stations?
By Tozi Tiberius on 14 Nov 2021 16:04
Never mind. I tested it and this does not have to be all in one go. I had two stations I always skipped over so I put them on for a song and some adds. The achievement popped when I changed over from the second. So if you've played for a while, start with the stations you listen to the least.
By Tozi Tiberius on 14 Nov 2021 16:05
Its glitched
By GV Loc on 14 Nov 2021 23:14
Solution Works I got it while doing 100 taxi fares when i paused the game to check the map the Achievement Popped
By H8Bomb on 15 Nov 2021 02:07
Great solution and worked out perfectly
By MarcusGearHero on 15 Nov 2021 02:34
Just fyi mine also popped after checking the map. Seems random
By pischto on 15 Nov 2021 07:04
My first save file was indeed corrupted and glitched so no achievement. But i found a solution. I started a new game and right at the start i played all radios in order from left to right for 5 minutes, then i exit the car and opened the map after every radio station. Achievement popped al the last radio when i left the car. Good luck!
By GV Loc on 16 Nov 2021 13:54
guess mine is glitched too, I'm almost at 100% completion so I've listened radio for a while, tried to just kept listening to my least favorite radio station that's listed in the stats menu but no succes. will try a new game as mentioned above
By MoHxNICKxNL on 19 Nov 2021 11:26
solution above worked for me, I started a new game, didn't even finish the introduction mission, started a 5 minute timer and went to the next station when time was up and repeat till you have done them all, opened up the menu and the achievement popped
By MoHxNICKxNL on 20 Nov 2021 14:23
solution above worked for me, I started a new game, didn't even finish the introduction mission, started a 5 minute timer and went to the next station when time was up and repeat till you have done them all, opened up the menu and the achievement popped
By MoHxNICKxNL on 20 Nov 2021 14:24
I followed the solution and did exactly what MoHxNICKxNL did by using 5 minute timers for each radio station, opened the menu and achievement popped. So it definitely works this way but we shouldn’t having to be going about it this way, this achievement should be patched making it easier to obtain.
By DE4N MUFC on 22 Nov 2021 09:37
This was also glitched for me, I hit the 100% achievement and this was the last one to unlock. Did a new game, 5 mins each station while sat still and then hit the start button and then exited the start menu and the achievement popped without even getting out of the car.
By Craziest Col on 22 Nov 2021 21:44
I can confirm this works as I was someone who thought it was glitched for me

Took a ice cream truck, while selling creams I started in the first channel and listen to the music (song) completely maybe a commercial the moment the next song played changed stations...I got the achievement half way thru the station
By TheMonkeyKing89 on 23 Nov 2021 20:28
Listened to 1 full song and 2 full commercials and boom it popped all on the moped.
By eyesonyou718 on 26 Nov 2021 17:44
Still no good for me, set the timer n listened right at the beginning of the game and nothing
By RL1ST1SP1ST on 05 Dec 2021 02:41
Such good songs in this game
By on 14 Dec 2021 22:08
Ya same here. Been over five minutes a station.. started taxi missions and changed the station every five passengers(4-8min average)...🤯
By A DEAD B0DY MAN on 03 Jan 2022 18:53
The new save and 5 mins each worked for me the first time. Thanks.
By Far too Diesel on 04 Jan 2022 04:49
This was the last to unlock and I've only just unlocked it. I did all the missions and 100% the game before doing this. I sat in the infernus thats park outside the mansion and set the radio to wildstyle, I set a timer for exactly 5 mins per station, I never left the car at all until I finished listening to the last station which was wave 103. As soon as I left the car the achievment popped 👍
By Its OnIy Jamie on 05 Aug 2023 09:47
I managed to get this working following a few suggestions

I started doing the 100 taxi missions listening to each radio station and changing the radio every 5 passengers. When this didn't pop, I looked in the menu to see my 'Least Favourite Radio' station and listened to that for another 5 passengers. When I went into the menu to check if the 'Least favourate radio' had changed the achievement popped
By TheScottydude94 on 25 Aug 2023 19:32
@LordBunnyHunter, that is a good idea
By TetraVega on 08 Jan 2022 17:18
Popped for me too, after setting timer for 5 minutes on a new save, sitting in the car on the beach and waiting. Didn't work on a old save, even with @LordBunnyHunter solution :/

@KesGamingYT my condolences... I know how annoying this must be for you cry
By chudasu on 24 Feb 2022 17:16
I think the "Radio off" station is also required, it popped for me when I spent 5 minutes straight with the radio off.
By SweetArkhane on 23 Mar 2022 16:28
Broken for me and listened each five mins easy my fav GTA sound track and talking radio hilarious, so not restarting now to get this I wait decides pop
By LIAM SLANEY86 on 16 Jul 2022 15:48
Really annoying this GS, try 15 mins each radio
By LIAM SLANEY86 on 17 Jul 2022 09:28
I listened to each radio station for 10 minutes in the middle of the game and it pop.
By ARIzzzONa666 on 02 Aug 2022 07:02
Popped for me randomly while finishing the Cherry Poppers mission. I had been setting the radio away from the favorite every time I got in the car though to something random.

I was afraid it would need a new play through but it eventually came on my first.
By ShadowRaven9 on 14 Aug 2022 13:06
Didn't pop for me until I pressed the button to exit the car. Had definitely had over minutes on each station. Re-did them all getting out the car after each one. Popped exactly when I pressed to exit on the last station.
By Yurgi Windu on 02 Oct 2022 00:17
Got the achievement by listening to each station for 5 minutes STRAIGHT. Got out of my car and got back in each time I switched the station.
By INSANExHITMAN17 on 18 Oct 2022 02:19
Tried everything and nothing worked.
Started a new game and even before heading to the hotel listened to each station for 5 minutes and the achievement unlocked.
(Did it without existing the car)
By Jigsaw7Playz on 27 Oct 2022 01:42
I think there is definitely something going on with this achievement. It unlocked for me while running stations while doing Pizza, Taxi, jumps etc. I was delivering pizzas and I went head over the handle bars after a car pulled out from in front of me and it popped. I probably had over 20 minutes per station and was exiting the vehicle prior to changing stations.
By MasterPrime007 on 29 Nov 2022 18:56
I did 10 minutes on each station and it popped no problems and I've already take over Diaz's Mansion. I just sat in the car right outside the mansion and did it
By RAREBORN on 14 Dec 2022 01:50
Whether or not you think this is glitched, the achievement description is misleading at best
By Octobot Super on 21 Dec 2022 13:48
Don't think you need to start a new game for this as some have suggested. I think dying in a vehicle voids your progress on listening to the stations. Getting in and out of a vehicle before the 5 minute mark might also void your progress. Five minutes on a station then exiting seems to be the key. Espantoso was the last station I listened to before I got the achievement. At one point this was my favorite station in stats and I probably listened to each station for at least 30 minutes. Keep track of which stations you have listened to for at least 5 minutes then exited a the vehicle without dying and you should eventually get this.
By ItsTimmah on 07 Jan 2023 08:28
Best to just enjoy the music and the talk shows when getting this, I just would choose the station based on my least favorite station in the stats. Eventually when I paused to go check what my least favorite was it just popped.
By CDycz19 on 30 Jan 2023 00:53
I just unlocked the achievement and I noticed it did not pop until I switched stations after the last one I needed. Like others have said, five minutes on each is what I needed.
By MetalNuck on 30 Jan 2023 03:42
I got this to unlock finally. I changed to the station and got out of the car then got back in for 5 minutes. I made sure to get out after each station get back in change the station got out again then jumped back in. Then it popped after getting out after listening to the final station
By lHomelanderI on 24 May 2023 03:24
So yeah this wouldn't pop for me no matter how long I let the stations play, but I can state that MFInvincible's statement DID work, however I also had to start a new game as well.

Basicaly start a new game, get a car and drive behind a building or wherever it can't be hijacked.
Let a radio station play for 5 minutes, step out the car, get back in and move on to the next radio station, repeat until you've done all the stations and it SHOULD unlock.
By CaptainTurbo on 20 Jun 2023 17:10
Thnx for tips, listen stations for 5 mins each and it helped)
By Stan Osbourne on 15 Dec 2023 23:30
Nice one there. I was born on 84 too
By supkris on 08 Jan 2024 04:03
You can check on the stats page at the bottom for the least favorite station. Then just listen to that until either the achievement pops or the least favorite station changes. Then listen to that one. Repeat till you get it.
By LordBunnyHunter on 07 Jan 2022 21:00
Pull out your phone, set the time to 5 minutes. Get into a car, start the radio and the timer on your phone and switch the station every time your phone's alarm goes off. Unlocked just fine once I've listened to all of them including the "Kchat". Thanks for the solution. wave
By BLAZE VII on 01 Feb 2022 22:34
I don't know why, but this achievement is completely broken for me. I've attempted it well over 10 times in just about every way imaginable, trying everything anyone else who claims to have solved this recommends, and even some stuff I came up with on my own:

Listen to all the stations for 5 minutes, listen to them all for 15 minutes, switch to off when you're done, get out of the car when you are done, get out of the car and pull open the map between each and every station, cap the game at 30 fps and then try it, make a new save, I even tried completely reinstalling the entire game, deleting all my old saves, turning off cloud saves, so that everything was fresh, and it STILL wouldn't pop! Does anyone have any idea what the hell I am doing wrong?
By KesGamingYT on 07 Feb 2022 06:16
Listened to every radio station multiple times, minimum 5 minutes including at least 1 full song plus the talking and/or ads either side - some much, much longer such as when I was doing pizza deliveries or taxi fares - until this one finally unlocked. Definitely glitchy.
By L0RD Melchett on 03 Jan 2024 07:49
Fun Fact
Note the achievement name is "Born in the 80s" not "Lived through the 80s".

It is a reference to the games release year of 2002 and also the games age rating of 18 (most places). If you minus 18 from 2002 you get 1984. See... born in the 80s! It is also roughly the same period of time in which the game is set.

Also, people born from 1984 probably grew up listening to 80s music.
By LiamBrightSUFC on 07 Jan 2024 23:55
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You have to listen to an entire song or entire interview segment, not just cycle through the stations. Basically listen through to a commercial and change the station is what worked for me.

31 Dec 2022 09:07