The best way to get this is to play the game all the way through, buy all of the constructs as they come up. Then replay the last level all the way up to the boss on the easiest difficulty. Spam the jet as fast as possible and be sure to use your LB+RB power up right when the big robot comes up on the 2nd part of the broken highway. Once you start to fight the boss just quit out, rinse and repeat.You can average around 6-9k every 5 min or so. Much faster than just replaying levels again.
Do you get the same amount of money playing on easy rather than hard?
By dorkzilla123 on 29 Jun 2011 05:56
How do you change difficulty to easy?
By Emira on 27 Aug 2011 03:07
Great Guide just took me an hour to get the last ring upgrade which was the Green Lantern Light haha. Saved the most for last. But this did help even though I should of done campaign on Emerald Knight because I probably would be half way done by now if I didn't do this little XP boost. Thanks anyways and FYI the jet is great and does give you more light but the missile pack did help more.t I just got annoyed with some of the flying Manhunters. :}
By A Batwoman on 19 Nov 2011 09:07
only getting 4k or less.....??
By Saft Und Kraft on 29 Dec 2011 00:23
for some reason in emerald knight i'm getting only 4-5k per play of the last mission and on the other 2 difficulties i get 3-4.8k =-=.
By DL Tsu on 27 Jan 2012 05:39
The reason why you get more is because the enemies take more damage, and this makes your combo chain go higher - which results in an XP bonus.
By Worhammer on 23 Aug 2012 02:03
Ya, thats actually the way I ended up doing it in the end. I checked on both easy and hard settings, its exactly the same.
By Rahxepheon101 on 29 Jun 2011 07:01
Good guide- I agree.
I like to use the jet attacks when you can hit big groups of enemies early, but once they're grouping up on you, spam missile pack shots until you run out of ring power, then hit the ring surge. Devastating at lower difficulties.
By Salty Old Dog on 14 Jul 2011 17:44
^ When replaying a level hit "a" to select the level, then before you hit start you can go left and right to change the difficulty.
By Cam 36O on 24 Oct 2011 14:44
I honestly found the minigun a little faster, just spam it almost all the time and only use the mech suit against the two big guys.
By mast3r 0r0m1s on 05 Nov 2011 17:24