Guilt Battle Arena

Guilt Battle Arena

40 Achievements

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Poisoned Gift

Poisoned Gift

Pass the rocket target 50 times


How to unlock the Poisoned Gift achievement in Guilt Battle Arena - Definitive Guide

To unlock this achievement, you must play rounds of 'Rocket' (identified in game selection by the rocket icon) and 'pass' the rocket to another player 50 times.

To 'pass' a rocket, you must first be the target. You will now you are the target because you will have a bullseye/reticle on your player. At this point, if you shoot another player with your gun, the attacked player will now be the target.

Do this 50 times.

This should come naturally as you try to complete your 1000 rounds achievements.

You can also boost this locally if you have extra controllers.

27 May 2018 19:31

In Rocket Man mode a rocket will lock on to one player and will get faster as it chases after the player until it eventually hits someone. If you are the target player and you shoot another player then the rocket will target them. This is passing the rocket. Do this 50 times. Do this against 2 or 3 opponents, and set the AI to easy (or use idle guest accounts).

Load up a custom match and set the Rocket Man game mode.
The target will be on a random player and it is transferred to another player by shooting at him.
Pass your goal to another player 50 times for a trophy.

19 Feb 2021 10:14