Guilty Gear -Strive-

Guilty Gear -Strive-

39 Achievements

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Extinct Species

Extinct Species

Spent 100,000W$.


How to unlock the Extinct Species achievement in Guilty Gear -Strive- - Definitive Guide

If you're going for this solo, there are 3 main ways to get W$, the currency for the game:
  • -Complete Arcade with a character (one clear per character)
  • -Complete the Missions in the Dojo -> Missions
  • -Level up characters through online play (fastest if you're good)
--Survival barely gives any W$, so I wouldn't bother unless you're hunting the other achievement.
--Each Arcade completion, regardless of route (Extreme, Hard, Normal, Easy, etc.) will give you $2,000 per character. You will only receive $200 if you clear it twice with the same character.
--Beating ALL of the Missions will net you close to $34,000. They vary in rewards from $100 for the easier ones to $500 for the hard ones.
--Playing matches online nets somewhere between $100 and $200 per match regardless of win/loss.
--Leveling up through online play is the best way to go. Winning a few matches online in Floor 5-8 (the Floors I had available to me) would easily boost your character up through level 50 in an hour or so. This usually nets between $8,000 and $10,000.
NOTE: I only played Ranked Matches, so I'm not sure if the rewards also happen during Unranked/Casual matches.
EDIT: Per Jawmuncher, you can boost with a friend in unranked/lobby matches using 1-round fights. Level up to around 30 per character to get the best bang-for-buck rewards.

For reference, I completed:
  • All the Missions
  • Arcade Mode with 8 characters
  • 3 Characters above Level 40 (via Online)
  • 3 Characters between Level 20 and 30 (via Online)
I have just over 18 hours in the game and was playing normally up until about 15 hours in, then started grinding arcade mode and online character levels.

Once you have more than 100,000 W$, head to the main menu, go to "Collection" towards the bottom, then select "Fishing". This is where you use the money to loot-box avatar items and other cosmetics. You can only use $2,000 at a time to fish for 10 items, so spending the money itself is going to be a grind.

IMPORTANT: The achievement may not unlock immediately after spending all 100,000. I had to go fight one more online match, get another $200, then fish one more time for it to unlock.

13 Mar 2023 23:38

Please shoot me a message on xbox to boost these matches. Thanks!
By BasedHelix on 14 Mar 2023 02:03
Send me a msg via Xbox Live if anyone wants to do this (East Standard Time, UTC-5)
By Lootpacks on 16 Mar 2023 03:44
Looking to get this - message me on XBL, I’m on GMT+3 timezone, we can make it work if you’re anywhere close to this.
By TandemSteam5828 on 07 Apr 2023 12:02
Looking to get this one out of the way, send me a message if interested
By cikmu on 16 Dec 2023 16:30
I need a boosting partner for this, message me on Xbox
By HeŁŁrαϊѕer on 25 Feb 2024 06:46
I need a boost partner. My GT is MauriceLePen.
By MauriceLePen on 02 Apr 2024 00:15
If you want to do this quickly, I suggest just getting a friend and doing player matches. Just keep going back and forth and swapping out the character once you hit 30.

Also be sure to set the room to 1 round and allow rematches. You can knock this out quicker than doing any of the extra modes.

Took me about 5 characters to level 30 to get it (which goes by fast as you’re going to get multiple levels when you win).
By Jawmuncher on 14 Mar 2023 00:08
I double boxed this (thanks game pass streaming) and starting with about 10k in the bank after doing most of the other achievements, I brought 7 characters up to lv 30 and ended up at just over 100k, and it took me less than 100 matches and 2 hours to do so. If you are starting from 0 it would probably take 8 characters, but save this achievement for near last.

Obviously win trading with a boosting buddy is easier (but slower) and would make a lot of the other achievements easier too.
By Chucklestyle on 03 Feb 2024 03:37
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Normally, this would be one of the last trophies you get for this game if you actually obtained and then spent 100,000W$ through fishing (the only way you can spend money in this game). However, there is a quicker way to obtain this trophy. First, you have to earn some money. I just took a run through Arcade mode with a character I had not finished it with yet to earn 2,000W$. After earning enough money to spend through fishing (at least 200W$, but there is an option to spend 2,000W$ at once as well.), you have to:

1. Select "Settings" from the main menu (In-Game, NOT the playstation dashboard).
2. Select "System Settings."
3. In System Settings, select "Upload Saved Data" and select "Yes" to upload your current saved data from the console to Strive's Server.
4. After that, go back to the main menu and select "Collection," then select "Fishing."
5. Spend all the money you can (don't worry about the rewards as you won't be able to keep them as long as you continue to go through this process.), then go back to the main menu.
6. Select "Settings" from the main menu.
7. Select "System Settings."
8. This time in System Settings, select "Download Saved Data" and select "Yes" to download the data you saved to Strive's Server onto your console. This will give you your money back.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 until you earn the trophy.

If you need to proof to show that this is working you can check the percentage of this trophy in your trophies section to see if it continues to increase as you are going through this process. (I know the percentage shows for the PS5 trophies, but I am not sure about the PS4 version.)

As a bonus, after you have gotten the trophy, you can still use this tactic to earn rewards you did not previously earn before. Once you earn a reward that you want to keep you have to stop after step 5, earn more money, then start the process over again from step 1. For this, I recommend just using the 200W$ option when fishing to maximize getting unique rewards and repeating the whole process less often if you earn 2,000W$ or more. Hope this helps.

06 Oct 2021 23:12

Normally, this would be one of the last trophies you get for this game if you actually obtained and then spent 100,000W$ through fishing (the only way you can spend money in this game). However, there is a quicker way to obtain this trophy. First, you have to earn some money. I just took a run through Arcade mode with a character I had not finished it with yet to earn 2,000W$. After earning enough money to spend through fishing (at least 200W$, but there is an option to spend 2,000W$ at once as well.), you have to:

1. Select "Settings" from the main menu (In-Game, NOT the playstation dashboard).
2. Select "System Settings."
3. In System Settings, select "Upload Saved Data" and select "Yes" to upload your current saved data from the console to Strive's Server.
4. After that, go back to the main menu and select "Collection," then select "Fishing."
5. Spend all the money you can (don't worry about the rewards as you won't be able to keep them as long as you continue to go through this process.), then go back to the main menu.
6. Select "Settings" from the main menu.
7. Select "System Settings."
8. This time in System Settings, select "Download Saved Data" and select "Yes" to download the data you saved to Strive's Server onto your console. This will give you your money back.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 until you earn the trophy.

If you need to proof to show that this is working you can check the percentage of this trophy in your trophies section to see if it continues to increase as you are going through this process. (I know the percentage shows for the PS5 trophies, but I am not sure about the PS4 version.)

As a bonus, after you have gotten the trophy, you can still use this tactic to earn rewards you did not previously earn before. Once you earn a reward that you want to keep you have to stop after step 5, earn more money, then start the process over again from step 1. For this, I recommend just using the 200W$ option when fishing to maximize getting unique rewards and repeating the whole process less often if you earn 2,000W$ or more. Hope this helps.

06 Oct 2021 23:12

You earn money by playing matches offline, online, or by completing Arcade mode. Every time a character levels up you get bonus money. An Arcade mode on Normal is about 2000W$. The only thing you can spend money on is fishing. Once you have some money earned just go into the fishing mode and spend it all as fast as possible.