Guilty Gear -Strive-

Guilty Gear -Strive-

39 Achievements

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Extraordinary Denfensive Instinct

Extraordinary Denfensive Instinct

Successfully block an attack with Faultless Defense 100 times while in a match. (Excluding Tutorial Mode and Team of 3 Mode)


How to unlock the Extraordinary Denfensive Instinct achievement in Guilty Gear -Strive- - Definitive Guide

This can be done in Offline VS with a second controller or against the CPU. This method uses a second controller.

First off, this is easiest to grind by assigning Faultless Defense (FD) to a single button (I chose LT cn_LT).

EDIT: The method below is super complicated for some reason. Way easier to just grind tension for your 1P (main) character, then run up close to 2P, hold cn_LT + cn_left, then mash on Punch cn_X with your 2P controller. This allows you to stay close, then sprint into 2P to regenerate some Tension.

Original Superfluous Solution Below
Set your VS Settings to 5 rounds, Infinite Time. Choose any character for yourself (someone you can build Tension with), and I chose Leo Whitefang as the 2nd player on the 2nd controller.

Leo has a special attack that fires a full-screen projectile that hits 4 times. This is performed by charging back (right on the 2P/right side), then pressing Forward and Heavy Slash cn_B. This has a bit of startup, but travels the whole screen and impacts 4 times. This gives enough time for your 1P (main controller, achievement character), to hold back + FD (cn_LT). This counts for 4 FD attacks blocked each time you fire the projectile.

Assign FD to a button (recommend cn_LT)
2P: Charge cn_right, then cn_left + cn_B
1P: Hold cn_left + cn_LT when the projectile gets close.

The limiting factor here is the ability to generate Tension for 1P. If you can whiff a special move quickly, that works, but I found sprinting towards 2P then back-dashing across the screen once or twice builds enough for 2 cycles of the 2P projectile. Using this method, I grinded the achievement in about 4 minutes.

08 Mar 2023 16:59

1 Comment
I would like to add my 2 cents to this solution. I did a very similar set up to the "edited section" but with one change. Instead of punching I had my 2nd controller do a (A) kick. So it was set up like this.

-Controller 1 (me) run to controller 2 (Leo Whitefang)
-After the Tenison bar filled up I then had the 2nd controller do a kick. "A" button by default. (This is a lunging knee attack and as a result the fighters stay next to each other. Don't have to go back and forth like you would with the punch knockback.)
- At the same time of the kick, controller 1 needs to do the FD block. I pressed LT + back on the D Pad to perform this. (I picked LT trigger for the FD move just like the solution)
-Once you get controller 1 moved all the way to the end where your back is to the wall, or you run out of tension, then run controller 1 into controller 2 and push Leo all the way back to his side so he's backed to the wall.
-Repeat until you get it.

By doing this I I was knocking out multiple blocks in a few seconds and got the achievement from 0 to 100 in less than a couple minutes once I figured this out. Giving a thumbs up on the guide but just wanted to give my tip to make it a tad easier and faster from what I found.
By The Sharkopath on 02 Feb 2024 02:50
It is a defensive blue barrier that you can use anytime with meter. Faultless Defense by pressing Dust cn_RB + any 2 other buttons while doing away directions or defensive crouching cn_left, cn_downleft. They use your Tension Meter for how long you hold or press the 3 buttons. Do 100 times while blocking attacks, you can hold or tap and it all counts as long its using the Faultless Defense on blocking from attacks. Can be done in Versus mode too along with the rest of misc achievements in battle.

07 Mar 2023 18:42

It is a defensive blue barrier that you can use anytime with meter. Faultless Defense by pressing Dust cn_RB + any 2 other buttons while doing away directions or defensive crouching cn_left, cn_downleft. They use your Tension Meter for how long you hold or press the 3 buttons. Do 100 times while blocking attacks, you can hold or tap and it all counts as long its using the Faultless Defense on blocking from attacks. Can be done in Versus mode too along with the rest of misc achievements in battle.

07 Mar 2023 18:42



14 May 2023 23:35

For a Faultless Defense you need to have some Tension Gauge built up. You hold Back to block and hold two attack buttons. A shield will surround your character. While doing the Faultless Defense you will take no chip damage from any attacks, but it drains you Tension Gauge.

Fautless Defense is important, so you will earn this achievement naturally as you play the game. If you want to grind it out I recommend using VS mode with a second controller. Pick Ky Kiske as your opponent. His Charged Stun Edge (Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Slash (button-y.png)) hits multiple times. On Player 2, stand on the other side of the screen and do the Charged Stun Edge. You will have enough time to switch to Player 1 and do the Faultless Defense. Every hit of the move counts for this achievement.
Easily played in the same two-player mode.
You need to hold the "back" (block) button + any two strike buttons.
Requires a specialist column charge.
So - a couple of steps forward, block, a couple of steps backward, block,...

21 Jun 2021 13:06