Guilty Gear -Strive-

Guilty Gear -Strive-

39 Achievements

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In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye

Cancel a Roman Cancel with a special move 5 times while in a match. (Excluding Tutorial Mode and Team of 3 Mode)


How to unlock the In the Blink of an Eye achievement in Guilty Gear -Strive- - Definitive Guide

This can be done in Offline Vs Mode with 2 Controllers or VS COM.

The easiest method for this achievement, and any other Roman Cancel achievement, is to assign Roman Cancel to a controller button (I chose cn_LT).

For this achievement, whenever you get half a Tension Gauge, you need to Roman Cancel cn_LT, then IMMEDIATELY input the command for a special move. I've been using Ky Kiske, so I've been hitting cn_LT then immediately cn_downcn_downrightcn_right+cn_Y (236+S) to fire his projectile. This should result in you flashing blue, but not posing, and going directly into your projectile.

This should be doable during 1 match (5 rounds to win with infinite time). I'm sure there are a ton of ways to build tension, but against the CPU, i've been holding dash forward for as long as i can, then just mashing out special moves until the CPU has low health. Then i keep dashing forward and taking damage until my health is low (builds tension as well).

07 Mar 2023 18:28

I found it easier to do the directions for the move then press LT right before Y. I did most of my money grind trying for this and that's what finally clicked for me.
By Fuzzmeister J on 30 Dec 2023 04:32
This was a pain to get to grips with for me. Phew, it's done.
By demon jonzey on 08 Jan 2024 19:53
Example: using May character


14 May 2023 23:40

1 Comment
Thank you for this video could not get them to count for until I seen how easy mays was !
By MC PHILABUSTA on 20 May 2023 21:12
This is a very specific mechanic. When you perform a Roman Cancel (see Manipulator of Time (35G)) you can do the command for a special move right after doing the Roman Cancel to have that move come out faster than normal. 

Example: Sol Badguy. Build up a full Tension bar. Press the Roman Cancel button, then immediately do Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Punch (button-x.png) to do Gun Flame. There is no pause. Roman Cancel > Special Attack. If you did it correctly Sol will cancel the Roman Cancel burst animation into Gun Flame. It does not say anything on screen, you just see Sol animate faster.

If you are just standing there you will not necessarily notice a different in timing, but this mechanic lets you do special moves in combos you would not normally be able to do.
In the missions section there is training for this, for those who don’t want to go there, I’ll just say, do a regular blow on sharply do a novel kansel, and then you need to sharply squeeze this is for Sol, for ramethal since I played for her, do it sharply Roman Cancel and sharply immediately press Well, in general, there should just be a minimum amount of time for Roman Cancel that he supposedly squeezed in, but he supposedly wasn’t there.

14 Jun 2021 00:14