Guilty Gear -Strive-

Guilty Gear -Strive-

39 Achievements

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Manipulator of Time

Manipulator of Time

Perform Roman Cancel 100 times while in a match. (Excluding Tutorial Mode and Team of 3 Mode)


How to unlock the Manipulator of Time achievement in Guilty Gear -Strive- - Definitive Guide

This can be done in offline VS with a second controller or paired with an online boosting partner.

Set round to 1 and time to infinite. Any stage is fine.

Once in the match pause the game and go to button settings and change Roman Cancel to cn_LT.

Now you'll need to charge your Tension meter (bottom left for player 1) to be able to cast Roman Cancel.

The fastest way I found to charge this is using dash and holding it to continuously run at your second controller. Do this by tapping cn_rightcn_right/cn_LSrcn_LSr and holding it on the 2nd input. You will keep running at your opponent until your Tension meter reaches full.

Then cast your Roman Cancel with cn_LT x2. Repeat 50 times for all 100 uses and the achievement will unlock mid-match on your 100th use.

Feel free to comment or DM with any questions, comments, or concerns!

~ Slayer

10 Mar 2023 03:18

2 ways to speed this up (I was using Axl) is to:

1- Use the Psych Burst (Golden) RB+Any Other Attack Button, if done really close to the opponent who's standing still it will completely fill your tension bar, so you can do 4 Cancels in quick succession instead of 2.

2- If you poke the enemy (I used the A button) when the announcer says Negative Bonus for your enemy, you'll get a positive bonus that doubles the speed of the tension bar.
By DarkAllN1ght on 14 Mar 2023 21:39
i still have no idea how to set up 2 player on a single xbox for this game it always just shows as 1 controller.
By FOV1863 on 11 May 2023 17:15
i still have no idea how to set up 2 player on a single xbox for this game it always just shows as 1 controller.

u need 2 controllers and 2 accounts to play VS ina single xbox, 1 control per account.
By JugadorSeed on 14 May 2023 23:54
Got this faster than expected. Using Darkallnight's negative/positive and Psych Burst tips i was able to get this and the other Roman cancel achievement together, in a 5 rounder, in approximately 20 minutes.
By L e ii z u r e on 17 May 2023 18:43
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15 May 2023 00:00

A Roman Cancel can be performed by pressing three attack buttons together when you have half a bar of Tension meter. A Roman Cancel will interrupt any animation you are doing and put you back to a standing neutral state. Great for extending combos. There are four different Roman Cancels you can do in the game. Thankfully the achievement doesn't care which ones you do. This can be earned in any mode, including 2 player VS if you have a second controller.

The grindy part of this achievement is building the meter. If you are conciously trying to use the mechanic you will get this naturally while you are playing the other modes. If you want to earn this quickly and have a second controller, there are a couple of ways to speed this up. First, go into the options and set Roman Cancel to one of the buttons like lb.png or lt.png. Then go into VS Mode with your second controller. Set the match to be 5 rounds to save on loading screens. You build meter by pressing Forward Forward to dash at the opponent. Dash at the opponent to build meter then press your Roman Cancel button. If you do a Psychic Burst (rb.png + any other attack button) and the burst hits the opponnent you will instantly build a bar of meter. This means you can dash at the opponent, build a bar, do two Roman Cancels, Psychic Burst, build another bar, do two more Roman Cancels and then end the round. Repeat until you have done it 100 times.