Guilty Gear -Strive-

Guilty Gear -Strive-

39 Achievements

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Shine When Polished

Shine When Polished

Successfully block an attack with Instant Block 100 times while in a match. (Excluding Tutorial Mode and Team of 3 Mode)


How to unlock the Shine When Polished achievement in Guilty Gear -Strive- - Definitive Guide

This can be done in Offline VS Mode with 2 controllers.

An Instant Block is when you input the Block command (backwards) 2 or 3 frames prior to the attack hitting you. The easiest method I know of is to have 2 controllers. On controller 2 (Attacker), keep your finger on Kick or Punch (cn_A or cn_X by default) , on controller 1 (Blocker/Achievement Player), hold your finger over Back with the ability to hit forward in case you get pushed back too much.

Set the match length/time/health to as high as they can go, then choose any 2 characters (there's not much of a difference when grinding this achievement.)

Get both characters close to each other, preferably with 2P (attacker) in the corner. On the 2P controller, hit an attack button (Kick (cn_A) was my go to), then immediately Block with the 1P controller. You should flash *WHITE* and see "JUST" below your health bar. If you get it, you will receive *NO PUSHBACK* and continue on your streak. If you DON'T get the Instant Block (whether getting HIT or regular BLOCK), you will need to move your blocking character back within range.

It may take a bit to get the feel for it, but if you've played fighting games in the past, it's very close to SF3:3S's "parry" system or other Arc System Works "Just Defend" system. Once you get in a rhythm, you should be "Rocking" your fingers (or plinking depending on your terminology). You should easily be able to get 100 in the span of 2 rounds if you get the timing down. Otherwise, try various punch/kick attacks to see if something else sync's up for you. I'd advise against any SLASH attack (cn_Y or cn_B) just because they cause a lot more damage on failed attempts, and drain your life faster.

The achievement will pop *AS SOON AS* you get the 100 Defends. You do not have to finish the match/round for it to pop.

Note: Per Parham M8, you can adjust the input delay for P1 (the defender) to make the inputs on both controller simultaneously:
For those who still have trouble getting the instant blocks, I suggest using input delay on the defender’s controller settings. That helped me a lot, in a way I pressed both buttons at the same time for both controllers with no issues.
Parham M8

07 Mar 2023 16:09

i cannot even do one of these? no idea..
By NICKYG2X3 on 06 May 2023 15:30
the timing is hard but doable. nice solution
By Nit0rin on 11 May 2023 00:55
like the solution says, you have a 2 frame window before the attack hit you to instant block. the start up frame for jabs are 3 or 4 frames according to a random google search. so you have 1/60 to 3/60 of a second between hitting X on 2P and pressing back on 1P. if you push both at the same time, you will not Instant block.
By MadDaffy on 10 Jun 2023 08:13
If anyone is having trouble with this one. I did this with 2 controllers by pushing x on the controller not getting the achievement held in my right hand, then pushing back on the controller getting the achievement held in my left hand right after. You can get a rhythm going and pop this in one infinite round.
By Oscar 1000G on 20 Feb 2024 21:33
For those who still have trouble getting the instant blocks, I suggest using input delay on the defender’s controller settings. That helped me a lot, in a way I pressed both buttons at the same time for both controllers with no issues.
By Parham M8 on 21 Aug 2024 14:05
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This can be done in Offline VS Mode with 2 controllers.

An Instant Block is when you input the Block command (backwards) 2 or 3 frames prior to the attack hitting you. The easiest method I know of is to have 2 controllers. On controller 2 (Attacker), keep your finger on Kick or Punch (cn_A or cn_X by default) , on controller 1 (Blocker/Achievement Player), hold your finger over Back with the ability to hit forward in case you get pushed back too much.

Set the match length/time/health to as high as they can go, then choose any 2 characters (there's not much of a difference when grinding this achievement.)

Get both characters close to each other, preferably with 2P (attacker) in the corner. On the 2P controller, hit an attack button (Kick (cn_A) was my go to), then immediately Block with the 1P controller. You should flash *WHITE* and see "JUST" below your health bar. If you get it, you will receive *NO PUSHBACK* and continue on your streak. If you DON'T get the Instant Block (whether getting HIT or regular BLOCK), you will need to move your blocking character back within range.

It may take a bit to get the feel for it, but if you've played fighting games in the past, it's very close to SF3:3S's "parry" system or other Arc System Works "Just Defend" system. Once you get in a rhythm, you should be "Rocking" your fingers (or plinking depending on your terminology). You should easily be able to get 100 in the span of 2 rounds if you get the timing down. Otherwise, try various punch/kick attacks to see if something else sync's up for you. I'd advise against any SLASH attack (cn_Y or cn_B) just because they cause a lot more damage on failed attempts, and drain your life faster.

The achievement will pop *AS SOON AS* you get the 100 Defends. You do not have to finish the match/round for it to pop.

07 Mar 2023 16:09

i cannot even do one of these? no idea..
By NICKYG2X3 on 06 May 2023 15:30
the timing is hard but doable. nice solution
By Nit0rin on 11 May 2023 00:55
like the solution says, you have a 2 frame window before the attack hit you to instant block. the start up frame for jabs are 3 or 4 frames according to a random google search. so you have 1/60 to 3/60 of a second between hitting X on 2P and pressing back on 1P. if you push both at the same time, you will not Instant block.
By MadDaffy on 10 Jun 2023 08:13
If anyone is having trouble with this one. I did this with 2 controllers by pushing x on the controller not getting the achievement held in my right hand, then pushing back on the controller getting the achievement held in my left hand right after. You can get a rhythm going and pop this in one infinite round.
By Oscar 1000G on 20 Feb 2024 21:33
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14 May 2023 23:30


Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed

14 May 2023 23:30

Instant Block is when you press Back to block right as the move would hit your character. You know you have done it right when you character flashes white. The timing is very specific so you will end up messing up while you work on this achievement. This will be harder to get naturally because of how tough it is to Instant Block. I would recommend using the same technique as Extraordinary Denfensive Instinct (35G) but instead of doing a Faultless Defense mash back to get multiple instant blocks.

You can also block a multi-hitting move and then mash back to get a few instant blocks out of it.
It’s better to boost this trophy with the help of Ramlethal, just do calvadolis, and stupidly try to press quickly back at a time, if you’re lucky you can do all 30, but 10 at a time worked out for me easily

14 Jun 2021 00:09