Guitar Hero 5

49 Achievements



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Gave Pro Face Off a shot


How to unlock the Outgoing achievement in Guitar Hero 5 - Definitive Guide

I will give you two methods for this achievement, the second being the easier way if you have the equipment.

-First Method

The best way to get this achievement is to enter "Pro Face off" on guitar by yourself.

Tips that might speed up the process of unlocking this achievement:

1. It is ALOT easier to find matches on expert.

2. Try to find a match against one person, and hope he has a mic.

2.5 When your searching for a match you might as well quit out if it finds more than one player. You will get a 1v1 eventually.

3. If he has a mic ask him if he wants to get the "Outgoing" achievement by boosting. Make sure to tell him.. "To unlock the Outgoing achievement you have to play twenty five Pro Faceoff matches, win or lose."

4. If he agrees tell him not to leave the match after the songs are over. Wait on the one or two countdown timers and then click "Choose Setlist".

5. Pick one song, and make that song "Song 2" by Blur. You are picking the this song because it is the shortest in the game, and it will speed up the process. Imagine playing Peter Frampton twenty five times!

6. Rinse and repeat, just keep clicking Choose Setlist instead of clicking quit out of match, you guys can talk and get to know each other while the two minute matches plays through.

You should have this in no time.

-Alternate Method:

1. You must own a Guitar Hero/Rock Band microphone and a xbox headset OR two xbox headsets and two xbox live gold accounts.

2. Go into matchmaking under Pro Faceoff. Make sure your main accounts using the xbox headset. Then make your guest use the actual GH/RB microphone. If you have two gold xbox live accounts you don't need a guest or a actual microphone, you can just use two xbox live headsets!

3. Chances are you won't find anyone wanting to play Pro Faceoff with mics so it will start the match up with you and your guest or other xbox live account.

4. Play the song "Song 2" by Blur twenty times, it doesn't matter who wins the matches still count.

TIP: You don't have to quit out of the match after the song is done. If you wait long enough it will give you the option to choose setlist. Then just pick "Song 2" again.

Have fun with this achievement wether your doing it legitly or boosting by one of my methods.
Uh, it's not win 25 matches, it's COMPLETE 25. It even says (win or lose) in the achievement description.
By LordMathias1985 on 04 Sep 2009 10:37
Does this count Team Pro Face-Off matches as well?
By DrSchlepenstein on 12 Sep 2009 06:17
can this be done by adding a guest and hoping no one joins, also can this be done on any instrument as is what i first asked i can do vocals face off?
By Spilner on 12 Sep 2009 23:46
ah ok thanks, ill try tomorrow and let you know if it works... i can never seem to find anyone anyway
By Spilner on 13 Sep 2009 23:59
you can do this with as many players i did it with a 1v1v1 who were looking to boost to
By zatin on 16 Sep 2009 02:49
if i am doing pro face-off against one other person and we both pick a song to play. will that count as two matches or is it one match with two songs.
By APIchuckNY on 02 Oct 2009 22:13
yeah Fortress16, same thing happened to me
By nickb2819 on 19 Oct 2009 01:15
This is the ONLY achievement I need, and I can't get it... PLEASE help me!
By Fortress16 on 20 Oct 2009 03:15
I got this yesterday and wanted to post a quick note. I am pretty sure you can have 2 songs (you pick 1, other player picks 1) and it will count as 2 matches. I kept track of how many songs I played and got this after the 26th song. I did have somebody quit in one song so that could be why it took more than 25... Hope this helps!
By kmdeftones on 01 Nov 2009 22:06
I can't get it. I have 990 GS.
By paynexkiller666 on 04 Dec 2009 00:19
It works using the alternate method. You're only left with Quit and Player List after the first countdown, so choose Quit. It still counts as a completed match.
By Groudon199 on 13 Feb 2010 13:33
According to my rock record I've played 125 versus games, at least 100 were pro faceoff, and this is seriously beginning to piss me off.
By The Nerevarine on 14 Aug 2010 19:17
Like the solution. Hate the F**king glitchy piece of shit achievement! I'm sitting around 170 odd PF's now!
By DJDVSnz on 19 Jan 2011 13:58
Great strategy! The Alternative-Method was a success!
By Case Dang It on 21 Mar 2011 05:20
Great solution, but Song 2 isn't the shortest song!! The shortest song is "Why Bother - Weezer" it's only 2:06 minutes long! Thanks to Xinixb!!
By J0erri on 30 May 2011 22:46
If by any chance someone sees this, message me on xbox or on this site and I would be willing to grind out this achievement with you
By Dughes84 on 16 Jun 2019 17:29
@ everyone who only had 2 options at the end of a match:
I believe you only get the option to quit if you search for players with someone in your party already. I've encountered that before. But if you just press A to choose a PF song (without searching for players), you'll get the option to continue playing. I'm not sure if this would work locally, but I was doing that with other people in a boosting session, and we always had the setlist choice.

@ J0erri
Song 2 is 2.02.... have you actually checked the song lengths at all?
By Larkias on 04 Jun 2011 07:58
I got this last night while boosting with a friend. Just to help anyone out who is confused by the method.
We both loaded the game, picked competitve, and set ourselves to MEDIUM BASS. Both hit the orange button and picked PRO FACEOFF. It matched us up. Every round we both picked 1 song (2 songs total). "Song 2" and "Why Bother?" (don't forget you can sort by duration). After playing the songs (you can play or ignore the song, win/lose/tie it doesn't matter) it will give you the option to view setlist again. Pick the same two songs. After 13 matches (26 songs) you should both have the achievement. I unlocked 1 couple songs before my boosting partner, but I had some songs already finished previously.
By DragonYen on 08 Sep 2011 15:49
Also, don't try the alternate method. It doesn't seem to work (anymore?) and the solution writer should probably remove it from the site. Picking two songs (one for each player) causes the game to hang at the end of the first song with nothing to do but quit. Picking only one song causes it to hang at the end of the match.
By DragonYen on 08 Sep 2011 15:51
I just had the same experience as kmdeftones and DragonYen. I played legitimate matches online without any boosting. I was careful to always quit out when each FULL match was done instead of proceeding to the setlist to start a new match (because this is the only way I got GH: Metallica to work), but it seems this was unnecessary. The game actually counted every song towards my 25, except for disconnects. It even popped after the 2nd song of a 3 song, 3 player match. I didn't get around to the alternate method.
By Mental Knight 5 on 28 Feb 2012 06:22
I just finished this off with my one account and a guest, so it still works. If it matters (which I doubt), I had 2 USB microphones in. I had the same problem everyone else had where the game would just wait for you after the game, but exiting to the lobby again still counted the game.
By zyxomma100 on 29 Feb 2012 09:01
I would say it doesn't work for me. I had to arrange a session and find him through Xbox Live match up and then did near 25 songs without quitting. I have tried the alternate method for over 200 games. Frustrating.
By TigaSefi on 04 Mar 2012 23:43
This guide does not work anymore! Done over 70 games tonight and no joy - do not attempt it.
By DrShoe1976 on 15 May 2012 22:56
Hi Tommy Gunn - I did exactly as you (and the guide) described, I actually did it for 35 games (checking the counter everytime to make sure it increased by 1), and I couldn't get it to unlock. Also tried a variety of other set-ups but I couldn't get it. Congrats on your success tho!
By DrShoe1976 on 21 May 2012 15:56
Ok.... I just popped this achievement to complete the game. Here's how I did it. I signed in as the main profile. My friend signed in as the second profile (both gold accounts). We hit search for xbox live players. Said "no" to lowering difficulty. played 25 times. Unlocked for both of us. Now, I can confirm we did this local. I can also confirm that we mixed it up a little... first off, we did around 10 yesterday, both on vocals. We then did the remaining 15 on guitar, with myself on expert, and my friend on hard. Didn't encounter any problems, so good luck to the rest that are going for it!!!!
By Multip1eSarcasm on 23 Jul 2012 15:42

Sign in 2 Guitar Controllers.

Signed in my Profile and a Guest on the 2nd Guitar.

Played songs until I got it.

Also, I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it. But I made sure I hit at least 1000 points on the Guitar my profile was signed into.

Good luck all!
By Chizzy on 21 Sep 2012 17:15
Well, I got it just fine? It took me a second to figure out to do online games instead of local. I picked a different song every time so that I could count down the list how many I had done.
By Arielcorn on 01 Aug 2013 08:20
Don't listen to any of the people saying this doesn't work. It works perfectly fine.

Go to Competitive. Connect a 2nd controller. Choose "FIND Xbox LIVE PLAYERS." Sign in the 2nd controller as a guest. Rejoin the guest controller. Choose "FIND Xbox LIVE PLAYERS." Choose Pro Faceoff. Play a song (Song 2 by Blur is the shortest.) Quit after the song. Repeat 25 times without exiting the game.

It takes about 90 minutes.
By platinumpwnzor on 29 Mar 2014 23:12
I'm having difficulties....
I have my gold account. I have a friend's gold account that hasn't recovered yet.
I go into competitive and sign in both accounts. I plug in an Xbox headset into the controller on my account, and I have a microphone for the friend's controller, both set to beginner. I press LB on my controller, select Pro Faceoff, it searches for a game, and puts us both into the same one. I choose Song 2 with my account's controller, I play through the song, it finishes. It tells us the stats, and then goes to a screen where it only gives me the option of pressing Y for rock info and B to quit.
WTF am I doing wrong? This is retarded! Please help, so frustrated.... (sick of Song 2)
By Fortress16 on 13 Oct 2009 03:11
I've tried the method with 2 Gold users and I've ran into some difficulty. While the song was playing, I would just watch t.v. and then switch back to the song. At the end it would say tie game. I'm wondering if I have to either win or lose since that's what it says in the achievement description. Also, at the end of the song i have to wait about 8 seconds for the stats timer to go away, but I never got the option to "choose a setlist" like you described above. I did have this option though when I played a regular competitive Pro Face off match without searching for players on Xbox Live. Just wondering if you noticed what I'm, doing wrong.
By PapaTheHut on 03 Jun 2011 22:59
Another player and I searched for each other and found the game no problem. Then, played song 2 by Blur 25 times switching off wins and losses and achievement unlocked for both of us at the same time after 25 completed matches. Also, never had to quit out once, you can do all 25 matches at once in a single session!
By SYst3M0FAd0Wnzz on 12 Jun 2024 04:42
Confirmed the alternate method STILL WORKS! Full instructions:
Go to "leaderboards" and "rock record". Scroll down to see how many competitive games you've played. Write down that number for reference.
Now go to "competitive" mode, sign in your two controllers (just hit A on the second one, DON'T use a profile), and assign the mic/headset as the guide says. Choose the same difficulty for each.
Hit LB to search for players -- this will tell you that you need to sign the second player into xbox live -- choose "guest"
It will search for players, won't find any, and ask if you'll play with lower difficulty players -- choose no. It will search some more, then go to the setlist.
Sort by duration, then choose the first song, "Song 2". Only play one song at a time.
After the match is over, hit B to "quit" and confirm. You're back at the matchmaking screen (lobby).
Hit LB to search for players, and repeat the process (but now you won't have to sign in again, and the setlist will still be sorted by duration)

At any point you can go back to the leaderboards to make sure it's working. I just got this achievement last night with this method, so it DEFINITELY WORKS.
By Tommy Gun CRG on 18 May 2012 17:37
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I went the old-fashioned way - pick competetive play, and go find players on Live. I found it was easier to find players when you're playing on Expert. You don't have to worry about winning, as all you have to do is play a song. Just pick one short song and sit it through.

However, this achievement is most likely glitched. You may need to play more songs than 25 to unlock this. (this could be because the game doesn't recognise a win if somebody quits). I know people who have played more than 40 songs without unlocking this. Just be persistent, no matter how frustrating, and the achievement should eventually unlock.

16 Feb 2010 17:34

1 Comment
Yeah, I had just about lost hope on ever unlocking this when it FINALLY popped up after 50 or more online games played. lol *shrugs* I'm glad it finally unlocked. The same achievement is still glitched for me on Band Hero, though. *crosses fingers*
By MissFuchsiaFire on 16 Sep 2010 06:39
I just got this achievement and I think I might've figured out a way around the supposed glitch. Now for starters I followed the self-boosting strategy that's described in SCG Rebmob's solution. (Supply many Thumb's Up to him) You can pull up your player stats between matches by hitting the Yellow Key and the very last thing listed is your Verses Matches, now keep an eye on this number. I started at 66, play a match or 2 and see if the number climbs. If not then back out, or try a different game mode for a song and re-enter and try a song again in Pro Face-Off until this ticker begins moving. It may take it a few tries before it starts counting, but once it starts it'll count every song you play, even if you happen to end up in a match with another actual player, if you both select a song, it'll count each one as long as one of you doesn't quit. Now I got the achievement on my 91st Verses song. (91-66=25) SO, what'd I do? Once I started trying to achieve this, I never turned the game off. The key word that is left out of this achievement is "consecutive." If you get out of the game, as in go to the xbox dashboard, or begin another game, like...Hannah Montana: The Movie (or whatever you may have laying around) and come back you will have to play another 25 consecutive songs. Now, if you follow the "Alternative Method" on the forementioned solution, you will have to quit out after each match you do, which is fine, it counts the songs, I did it and got the achievement. So keep an eye on the counter, and just do 25 songs consecutively, you may even be able to deviate and enter other game modes and come back, as long as you don't leave the game all together.

21 Mar 2011 05:16

Ah, well, I'm glad to see that you got it regardless. The achievement is glitchy so my method just seemed to be my own account of how it worked for me. I never had anyone quit during an online match (luckily) and I hope others get it as easily as you did. This achievement was a bitch to wrangle up. Also, UmadBROcomeATme sounds like a douchebag based on his gamertag alone, haha.
By Case Dang It on 12 Jun 2011 17:00
fyi for everyone. i just won 22 songs in a row against my dummy account and it popped. I had 110 points, 5 a song and started the match with zero. I did do them all in one sitting but I think a played a few songs a long time ago too.
By troyoy on 04 Jul 2011 01:08
can confirm that yes this cheev can B Glitchy a Friend & I did it this mournin & we did 10 songs at first. he went offline for a bit I did not I stayed in Game, when he came back online we Finished & he had to do 10 songs more after it had popped for me...
By KillerGreenBud3 on 16 May 2012 03:27
Agreed. This thing is stupid. Glad ya got it though.
By Case Dang It on 16 May 2012 09:55
Same thing happened for me. I had to play 25 consecutive pro face off matches using a dummy account. Got it this morning
By mDoolin14 on 30 May 2013 15:40
Follow this solution. 25 consecutive leads to a ding. Thanks!
By qManballin on 04 Sep 2013 23:47
What he said! ^
By Case Dang It on 13 Sep 2013 06:10
Sorry, but I can confirm that you are mistaken. I had played (I thought) more than 25 Pro Faceoff matches online, but not all in one session. I thought your solution explained why I didn't have the achievement. My console was off. I turned it on and settled in for a long session of 25 matches using SCG Rebmob boosting method.

The achievement popped after the 3rd song.

I can only assume that when you find multiple players in an online match, if any one of them quits, even though the rest of you finish the match, it doesn't count. I had counted those....

Oh, and BTW, for the record, UmadBROcomeATme is a stupid c***!
If you get matched up against him in an online match, just quit out and search again. He will pick a marathon song like the Peter Frampton wankfest 'Do You Feel Like We Do?' and quit with the end of the song in sight.
By MadMaxx42 on 12 Jun 2011 10:25
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And also single player.

Requirements; two of the same instrument and one Xbox live gold account. That's it.

May seem like a lot of steps but I broke it down to the simplest I could.

1. Get two of the same instrument
2. In the main menu, select 'competitive'
3. Add second player
4. Hit connect to Xbox live players button (bottom of the screen)
5. Sign in second player to guest account
6. Add second player again and set to same instruments and difficulties
7. Hit connect to Xbox live players button again
8. Select 'Pro Faceof'
9. Game will search
10. After 15 seconds, it will ask you to switch to lower difficulty, select 'YES'
11. Wait 10 more seconds and game will begin
12. Pick the shortest song
13. Play it or don't, its up to you
14. When the song is over, select quit
15. Redo steps 7-14 24 more times

This method does not require any extra players and will take around 1.5 hours.

09 Aug 2017 17:51

You don't need to win, but make sure you actually go online to play, rather than boosting with another guitar by yourself. Also, play "Pro Face Off", not "Team Pro Face Off".


Either simply play through 25 pro face off matches or find a partner and play "Song 2" 25 times. This would be very tedious so I recommend you just play 25 regular songs (NOTE: If you play a pro face off with 4 people each song is counted towards the 25). There is also another method - connect two of the same instrument (select same difficulty) and search for a Pro-Faceoff. Most likely you will not find anyone but the game will start with only your 2 instruments in the game (all credit goes to starcrunch061).