Gunstar Heroes
12 Achievements
Crab Attack
You defeated Crab Force.
How to unlock the Crab Attack achievement in Gunstar Heroes - Definitive Guide
The only catch is that the final boss of this level is can transform into 7 different bosses, which means unless you're playing on the Hard mode you're gonna have to hope he transforms into "Crab Force", I actually managed to get him to appear on Easy mode using a very easy method. Once the level starts proceed through it fighting the enemies on the train until you reach what looks to be the front of it, you'll know it's the right section because there's an enemy in there wearing red. Start making saves every couple of seconds here while you tackle this part of the level because the boss is next up, doing this will mean that if you don't get "Crab Force" to appear you can quit out and then load up your game right where you were, just keep doing this until you get him to appear, just make sure you make the save before the game warns you that the boss is incoming.
Once you get him to appear make a new save, that way if you die you can just reload and keep trying until you beat him, he's easy enough, I just got semi-close and took him down in no time at all using the flamethrower.
Lastly, the only thing that really matters is which weapon you choose to use, I'd recommend either the homing bullets (the small green arrows) or the flamethrower weapons, the homing bullets will take out enemies without you having to aim in their direction constantly while the flamethrower inflicts the most damage, you also have the ability so save whenever you want, make good use of that!
The first type of attack will send blocks along the upper or lower portion of the screen that rise to walls which can only be avoided if you are on the other side. Quickly double jump to move to the opposite side that they appear on.
The next attack sens balls of light diagonally across the screen. Either stay on the side that they appear (ie if the upper portion of the crab generates a shot it will hit the lower portion) or move so that the ball doesn't hit you (they strike the same position each time)
The final attack sees mines laid down on both lower and upper portions of the map. These you can simply jump over and are the easiest to avoid.
This is the red coloured boss that takes up a side of the screen. No lateral movement is required here, you just need to concentrate to realise what side of the screen you need to be on and jump between them at the right time. Look at the pincers to see what it's going to do next. The square blocks will extend outward across the screen, so get on the opposite side and stay there was it passes. The spheres will appear from both pincers, and require you to jump over them, the timing is fairly hard so either concentrate and do it right, or just jump and when you are over it jump again to the other side to avoid landing on one. It's final attack are enemy blasts, which will fire toward the opposite side of the screen so if it comes from the upper pincer, get to the upper side of the screen as it will bounce down.
Additional tip from Lord Tony:
What I noticed is each transformation is at random. The easy way for me was playing this on easy mode. After blowing up the train save the game before you reach the boss. If the boss doesn't do the "crab attack" transformation just exit the game and load back again. Keep repeating this until you get the crab transformation. It's a hell of a lot less frustrating than hard mode.
When he does the crab transformation you should save at that point in case you die.
The image below shows the boss in question: