GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

46 Achievements

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Win a game using 15 special cards.


How to unlock the Specialist achievement in GWENT: The Witcher Card Game - Definitive Guide

The easiest method for unlocking this achievement is to invite a friend to a game and just have them let you win. If you need someone to boost this with you feel free to use this solution’s comment section or set up a game session to find someone. Credit for this idea goes to Fonorona.

For your deck just be sure to include plenty of special cards and a few units to get points on the board. Also use the leader Fransesca Findabair to get an extra special card played. Best way to ensure victory is to just have your friend throw away cards by pressing X instead of playing them.

—> The seasonal mode for the Season of Magic (May 30th- June 28th) plays duplicates of each special card played, meaning it is obtainable relatively easily. You would only need to play 8 cards(16 once duplicated) but getting a double card seems quite OP so using more would help. The achievement description says you must win, but there are plenty of reports saying it unlocks with a draw or even a loss. So always finish the game out just in case. Again this is a limited time event!
Thanks to Sir Lagselot for the conformation.

***A new update has made the boosting method the only viable method year round. Now decks must contain 13 units which will make obtaining this online virtually impossible. To boost you want to make a deck with 13 4 provision units and then add as many special cards as your deck will fit and have your partner throw cards away.***

Leaving my original guide intact for now even though it currently doesn’t work. Gwent seems to be constantly changing the rules and we will have to see if this rule gets overturned!
Below is my original full guide for unlocking this achievement in a match versus an actual opponent.

Just a fair warning, this achievement is probably one of the harder ones in the game as many things can go wrong and a lot of luck is involved. With all that said, I’ve made a deck that can win at least 10-20% of the time depending on the opponents you face.

You have to play 15 special cards which are the cards with the fire icon at the top left. If a game of Gwent goes all 3 rounds you have 16 cards to physically play. As you can see this is where most of the troubles lie.

**With this in mind, you MUST have the game go three rounds and win. Another thing to point out is that if your opponent forfeits or quits it will ruin this achievement for you. While you can’t control what your opponent does, I’d avoid taunting.**

Leader: Francesca Findabair from Scoia’tael faction
This is the leader I went with because her special ability allows you to play a special card from your graveyard. This is extremely beneficial because it not only counts as another special card played, but increases the number of unit cards you can physically play from one to two.

So below is sort of the skeleton of your deck with cards that I would seriously not recommend playing without. If you don’t need explanations I will put my full deck list below under the first spoiler tag. Remember some of the cards in the deck can be traded out but again the ones below are highly recommended to use!

Required Unit cards:
Xavier Moran- Dwarf that gains an extra 2 Attack each time it receives a boost when in the Melee row.

Sage X2- Elves that should be played in the ranged row and every time you use a special card they will receive a boost of 2. These cards are the backbone of this deck since you need to be constantly playing special cards.

Prince Villem- Spy that allows you to play a random gold card from your deck. This one has given me mixed results but can be extremely useful in a pinch. Sometimes you’ll get your dwarf or another special card. If you get a special card out of the deal then this won’t count as one of your 2 played units!

*Johnny or Sarah- Either of these cards would be a nice 5th unit for the deck. It’s up to you but I like Sarah the most because she can boost Xavier for bonus buffs. Either way if you Adrenaline Rush these cards, their charges will carry over to the next round.

Required Special cards:
Royal Decree- Special card allowing you to play a unit from your deck.

Isengrim’s Council- Special card allowing you to pick a dwarf, dryad, or elf from your deck.

Adrenaline Rush X2- Special card allowing you to carry a card over to the next round if not destroyed or blocked. Very useful on round 2 but worthless on round 3.

Necromancy- Consider this as your saving grace if a Sage is killed. Also just an FYI you can indeed use Adrenaline Rush on Doomed cards!

Morana Runestone- Special card that creates a random bronze Scoia’teal card. So this one can produce some amazing results but is completely random. You can get another Sage, which will be your third copy of your main offense or Waylay, which is another special card. So potentially you could get 2 special cards in one here or another powerhouse unit, but this is rather uncommon.

Waylay X2- Destroy a random unit when you have a Sage in play.

Below I will provide the entire deck list in the order Gwent assigned. I went with 20 special cards and 5 units. (At the time of writing, Francesca’s can have 163 provisions so this list is based on that number).

So the strategy will depend on how you opponent plays, but these are the two methods that I have to face the most. Either way the strategy is to pass on the first round after playing 3 cards while maintaining at least a one card advantage. You will LOSE the first round almost always. Remember this is fine since the game must go 3 rounds.

Scenario one- “Lose first round with a card advantage. Round two will have 10 cards while the opponent has 9.” In this scenario they will play two cards and then pass. First card should play either a Sage or Xavier Moran. Second card will be any special card that has you ahead by this time or fairly close. Third card will be Adrenaline Rush to keep your unit for the next round. Use your leader ability if needed.

Scenario two-“^” Rather than the opponent passing after playing two cards they play more or all of their cards trying to 2-0 you. You need to be able to react to this immediately and be prepared. Get ready to have multiple sages and Xavier out for a boosts upon boosts. Again you will need an Adrenaline Rush active by the end of the round for round 3. Use your leader ability as needed.

This is the basic guidelines for winning but each game will be very different. You leaders ability is your ace up the sleeve, so use it how you need it.

Before I go I suppose I should make a list of things that will ruin the achievement or make them much more difficult.

Lose match - Achievement voided.
Round one tie - Achievement voided.
Opponent forfeits - Achievement voided.
Draw too many unit cards and can’t play 15 special cards - Achievement voided.
Enemy is using Usurper Leader - Harder.
Enemy destroys or blocks one of your main units - Harder.
Enemy destroys or blocks multiple main units - Near impossible.

Below is a video of a victory where everything went right. Morana Runestone gave me a sage and I Adrenaline Rushed it from round 2. It’s the start of round 3 from scenario 1. Also I ended up playing 16 special cards this game, so there is a little wiggle room here.


02 Jan 2019 06:02

The other big issue is the quitters. I made a similar deck and when you don't get locked or destroyed, the opponent will almost always rage quit when they feel your deck prevents playing 'properly'.
Out of all my games with my custom deck for this I won a decent share, but out of those, only saw a single one to completion.
By Kerman7 on 05 Jan 2019 20:25
I had briefly mentioned forfeiting at the end, but I will make a more prominent note of this at the beginning. Thanks
By Poopdog M60Riot on 06 Jan 2019 02:19
Nice deck and guide, worked after a couple of tries. Adrenaline Rush was more important than I thought.
By Skurry93 on 09 Jan 2019 09:28
You can get this by playing against a friend that's how I got it, so much easier. Just tell him to let you win or you could ask someone in the comments to help you.
By Fonorona on 21 Jan 2019 05:15
Thanks Fonorona. I’ll add this at the top with credits.
By Poopdog M60Riot on 21 Jan 2019 07:35
Thanks Poopdog! Was able to finally get this achievement last night using your deck list and strategy. Was using Sarah and those extra boosts on Xavier helped get me over the top!
By wildfingc009 on 25 Jan 2019 18:28
I’m not sure how this happened, but the achievement popped for me even though I loss the round. I did however use your deck and play my hand out in round 3. Hopefully others have the same luck.
By TAJ Pro FIRE on 18 Mar 2019 22:08
Same as TAJ Pro FIRE,
lost round 1, won round 2, round 3 was lost so i just forfeited, got the achievement..
Maybe it got changed to play 15 special cards, idk, all i know is that this achievement really sucks. (especially with the current meta)
By Zoda iZ Cruel on 26 Mar 2019 00:14
I’ll wait to see if more reports of this come in after the update on the 28th. Most likely it’s just buggy + at the moment.
By Poopdog M60Riot on 26 Mar 2019 02:41
This is a GREAT guide - many thanks!

I've done this twice now (in Classic - Ranked) and it isn't popping - anyone else having the same issues?

I've even made a note with pen & paper each time I've played a Special card, so I know I'm fulfilling the requirements.
By DrShoe1976 on 05 Apr 2019 15:25
Ignore the above - never displayed when unlocked but refreshed TA and there it is.
Follow this guide exactly - awesome! +1
By DrShoe1976 on 05 Apr 2019 15:45
Please add me on Xbox Live to boost: Sir Lagselot. Just message saying you'd like to play this game & I'll add you. Should be free this weekend. :)
By Sir Lagselot on 31 May 2019 14:30
My understanding is that this is now impossible - the deck builder requires 13 units? (presuming this is since the last patch...)
By BioFire64 on 02 Jun 2019 07:54
Thanks for the info. Haven’t played in awhile but that definitely sucks. I’ll add a little something to the top. Hopefully this rule will get changed or at least the requirements.
Also there is a potential that the Season of Magic seasonal game will be a good spot to unlock this achievement, but I need conformation.
By Poopdog M60Riot on 02 Jun 2019 09:32
Thanks Sir Lagselot.
By Poopdog M60Riot on 03 Jun 2019 03:02
The season of magic makes this pretty easy. Sounds awful to attempt without the season double play or boosting.
By djpatterson2011 on 19 Jun 2019 06:43
This is impossible to do legitimately in normal play. I've tried crafting a deck to do so and it's just so weak, because of having to run a minimum of 28 cards and that's just hoping you draw your 15 special cards. and then they except you to win with all your shitty low provision cost cards.
The point I'm trying to make is don't b stupid like me and think you can do it legitimately. Don't even bother doing this without boosting, you will not win and you will waste your time.
By Purds on 09 Aug 2019 00:22
Yeah it is rather annoying! Although I hadn't thought about the seasonal games - that might be a good idea if you can't find a boosting partner. Thanks for updating the guide so quickly +1
By BioFire64 on 02 Jun 2019 15:13
As of June 2, 2019, there is a useful glitch in the seasonal playlist. Make sure you have at least 13 units and fill your deck with special cards. The playlist allows you to use a special card twice. By the 2-3 round you should have played enough special cards, when you end the match you should receive the achievement.
By Sir Lagselot on 03 Jun 2019 01:59
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I have never written a guide before because I'm usually the one following them but I recently discovered a possible cheese to this achievement. I did not even need to win a game to get this.... shock

So now that there's a season of magic mode it gives us 2 uses of every special card that is played. I figured MAYBE I only had to use 8 to get over the ridiculous 15 requirement. I mean good luck ever drawing 15 cards in a game, nevermind specials...and then on top of that you've got to win?!

I made a pretty crappy deck with 15 special cards and the minimum number of units as possible. I did my best to make the deck playable at least, but don't worry about that. Just make sure the deck is riddled with special cards.

What I did was this:

- Loaded up a game in season of magic.
- Played to win the game using lots of special cards along the way (I got to play 8-9 by the end of round 3, so since each got doubled I guess that counted)
- I got annoyed with the difficulty of this as I was playing your typical try-hard in this "fun-unranked" mode and I rage quit.

What happened next? The achievement popped. Now this could be a temporary glitch but as you can tell I did not win the game. I was never ahead of this guy in the round I quit, and I'm fairly sure I was not ahead in total score including all rounds. So play at least 8 special cards and quit out. I hope this works for others as it luckily worked for me! clap

19 Jun 2019 00:50

I got the trophy when I lost , but I played 15 special cards during the match.

Special cards are those with a flame icon in the upper left corner. Artifacts will not work.

For the entire match, you will have the opportunity, with rare exceptions (for example, if you take Dandelion), to play only one squad card. You can take a rune, regardless of the faction, with which you can get a unit, which can then be resurrected (if you have something). It would be a good idea to take a trio of witchers or a couple of units with invulnerability. Also, as an option, the Weekend Shop can come in (because it gives another carcass to the table), but you will have to build a deck around it.

24 Dec 2018 13:05

You can play in a regular game, the main thing is to collect more special cards when building your deck
By Aksios on 02 Jan 2019 05:06
It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. The main thing is to play 15 special cards
By Andrking on 26 Mar 2019 09:32
I confirm. Received by losing the match, but playing the required number of special cards during it. Don't forget about such a good Scoiatael leader as Francesca Findabair , she allows you to replay one special card from your discard (description in case her ability changes). Scoiataels also have good synergy with special cards in the bronze segment: Knowledgeable - increases by 2 for each special card you use; Oracle - reveals a random card from the deck, if it is a special card, increases by 2.
I played with this deck as an example:
By Baltasar on 30 Jan 2019 05:55
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With update 2.2, a full deck must have at least 13 units, which means you can only take 12 special cards into a deck. Get yourself a Shop and Aguara: true face, Revival, which you will play on the same Aguara. The leader of the deck is Francesca, which allows you to replay the spell. Also put the cards on the scroll: Dryad Guardian, Mahakam Army, since collecting all the spells in your hand is problematic.
You can also build a spell deck in the arena (a universal option for many trophies).

25 Jun 2019 09:22