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Champion of Elysium

Champion of Elysium

Clear Elysium with the 'Extreme Measures' Condition

30 XP


How to unlock the Champion of Elysium achievement in Hades - Definitive Guide

Oh boy, this fight is arguably the hardest in the game, even more so than
. If you had trouble with the Theseus fight before, this one will be tricky.

In order to fight Extreme Measures Theseus, you’ll have to set EM in the pact of punishment to level 3 (I believe this sets the heat to 6 by itself, if you’re looking to find an Erebus gate, or claim skellys first prize).

This also means that not only do you have to clear the new elysium fight, but to even get there you’ll have to clear the remixed bosses of Tartarus and asphodel as well.

The Tartarus fight
and the asphodel fight

Like all the other extreme measure boss fights, it remixes the boss in a new challenging way. When you first enter this fight, you’ll notice Theseus
. His move set until you get him to half health has been completely changed, and he will not only shoot more ranged attacks at you, but charge around the room and keep up with your dodging more. Asterius has updated armor too, but his move set more or less is the same. Theseus only has his new move set until you get him to half health, in which he behaves as he normally would without EM3 for the rest of the match

The best advice for beating these two is to upgrade yourself as much as you can through the mirror, keepsakes, chthonic companions, weapon aspects, and even by using the olympians keepsakes to build a boon run that suits you. For gameplay during the actual fight, I would recommend focusing Theseus as much as you can. Allowing him to run around with his alternate move set, while also juggling Asterius rushing you down is a death sentence. The quicker you can take him to half, the better your chances of victory are.

Other than that, never stop spamming the dodge button and use every ounce of damage output you can to take these two down. Good luck, may the gods bless you!

Again, DO NOT feel discouraged if you’re getting to this fight and losing, it’s genuinely one of the hardest fights in the entire game.

16 Aug 2021 10:49

Does God Mode work with this achievement?
By Foxy Gray on 17 Aug 2021 00:56
@Foxy Gray AFAIK it does, haven’t been doing my run with it but from what I’ve heard others saying god mode doesn’t disable anything
By ThePuffyPenguin on 17 Aug 2021 01:52
Do you have to beat hades for this to count? I totally beat them with the modifier but lost to hades and didn't get it to pop.
By GraveArcanum on 20 Aug 2021 12:38
Having just fought EM Hades I can say, without a doubt, that EM Theseus is definitely not the hardest fight in the game...

I also disagree with your strategy for EM Theseus. I would recommend taking out Asterius ASAP and ignoring Theseus, because Asterius aggressively pursues you while Theseus just rolls around the perimeter dropping bombs, occasionally crossing the center of the arena and shooting his guns (it is as if Theseus does not know where you are and is just randomly using AoE attacks...)

This fight is a lot easier if you stay in the center of the arena and focus on Asterius.
By Beefboi1824 on 25 Aug 2021 02:50
i turned this on and beat them but i didn't get the achievement do you need to have it on a certain level to get it. i had it on just em 1.
By xNSHD on 25 Aug 2021 23:17
I strangely felt that the EM3 fight was easier due to Theseus circling the perimeter. Unfortunately, I have had issues with a lot of achievements not popping until days later and this is one that still hasn't worked. I'm waiting on a few including ones on the fated list that are grayed out 😐
By ST4T1C 3P1PH4NY on 26 Aug 2021 04:43
This was quite easy, did it on my second try.
By Magic Skoo1 Bus on 27 Aug 2021 23:09
Lol, so easy. First try with my bow. Barely lost any health.
By NannerLoaf on 01 Sep 2021 22:48
Super easy, I thought I had to beat the final boss Hades with extreme measures, nope just the 3rd boss!
By BK BuDHa on 04 Sep 2021 20:17
Same as the others said, didn't seem challenging really at all. Coasted through it on my first try.
By Pedle Zelnip on 05 Sep 2021 17:47
Wish the Achievement text itself indicated that you need EM #3. I turned it on, with Heat Level 1 and beat it first try (very easy), and was wondering why it didn't unlock. Guess I should have checked here first.
By Enduro on 23 Sep 2021 04:12
Anyone else beat this and still not get it to pop? I've beaten all bosses, including Hades with EM turned on max level and still no cheevo.
By Majin Truth on 03 Jan 2022 01:59
Because of Quick Resume
By Bad9Hunter on 25 Mar 2022 06:08
Can confirm cheevos unlock with God mode. (luckily for me)
I haven't done this specific one yet but no reason to be different.
By Jdobem on 18 Aug 2021 10:45
I think it's important to note that if you run EM3 that the Asterius mini-boss fight is also harder. Asterius wears his gold armor and has his upgraded AOE attack making it MUCH harder so I recommend avoiding mini bosses in Elysium when going for this . The run I got this achievement I (coincidentally) skipped this mini-boss fight. Going back through now on a later run I just got absolutely rekt by him though.
By stlclfgh1 on 21 Aug 2021 21:28
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After you after completed your first escape attempt the Pact of Punishment will be revealed where you can add things to make your run more difficult. One of these is "Extreme Measures". Essentially it changes up the boss fights, makes them harder. You need to turn this on and it has to be the 3rd level of it and then go through the run and defeat Theseus and Asterious. After leaving their battle arena it will unlock. Make sure you're prepared for it as it won't be easy.

15 Aug 2021 12:46

How to unlock this
To unlock this particular achievement, we need to set Extreme Measures to level 3, which gives us 6 heat [1+2+3].

How to unlock this "effectively"
However, there is a method to unlock this in one run with something else, to do this "effectively" and get 4 achievements at once, we need to have less than 10 walkthroughs.

A tip on how to do 4 achievements at once:
  1. We have passed successfully only 9 runes - you can check in administration.
  2. We set Extreme Measures to level 4 which gives us 10 heats in total.
  3. We add additional 6 heats to have level 16 - what we give, I leave for personal decision. It is worth to try few times.
  4. We pass and...

During this run we should get two achievements. First after defeating Theseus & Asterius in Elysium, second after fight with Hades.
HadesChampion of ElysiumThe Champion of Elysium achievement in Hades worth 79 pointsClear Elysium with the 'Extreme Measures' Condition
HadesThe Family SecretThe The Family Secret achievement in Hades worth 211 pointsComplete the main quest in the story

When we return, we go to the room with Skelly and receive 2 rewards:
HadesThe Useless TrinketThe The Useless Trinket achievement in Hades worth 67 pointsEarn the first of Skelly's prizes
HadesSkelly's Last LamentationsThe Skelly's Last Lamentations achievement in Hades worth 251 pointsEarn the second of Skelly's prizes

Also, you can meet Erebus, which need 5/10/15 to enter, so there is chance, you also unlock this:
HadesHold the OnionsThe Hold the Onions achievement in Hades worth 12 pointsClear an Erebus Gate without taking damage

01 Jun 2022 06:30

After beating the game you unlock the Pact of Punishment. You will be able to add modifiers for each run. Turn on Extreme Measures and complete a run. This adds 1 new technique to the boss for each level.

09 Jul 2022 00:00

1 Comment
You actually need the 3 "Extreme measures" levels for it to unlock
By imerg on 11 May 2023 20:18
Requirements: This cannot be done until you've completed at least 1 full clear and have unlocked the Pact of Punishment.

When you beat the final boss once, you'll unlock the Pact of Punishment. This is a list of modifiers or conditions that you can activate for each run, and each has its own level of difficulty added on, represented by "Heat" levels. Some conditions are harder than others, and each one gives you between 1-3 Heat. In addition, you can add multiple levels of each condition, increasing its potency. As the Heat gauge increases, you'll need to combine more and more modifiers to reach the next level. At each new Heat gauge level, new "Bounties" unlock, which essentially just resets the first-time completion rewards for the boss fights (for each weapon), giving you a new way of earning more Titan Bloods, Diamonds, and Ambrosias.

For this trophy, you'll need to complete one full successful clear with 3 levels of the Extreme Measures condition active. This condition changes the boss fight in its respective biome by giving the boss new attacks/techniques. Because this trophy is specifically for completing Elysium with it, 1 level of it will not suffice, as each level is only for 1 of the Underworld biomes. The first level affects Tartarus, the second affects Asphodel, and the third level of it affects Elysium. 

TIP: Even though the Pact unlocks after just 1 clear, I would really suggest waiting to do this until you're further in your game, because this is not an easy boss fight. 

See below for more details on the altered boss fights [SPOILER WARNING]: 

Megaera, Alecto, and Tisiphone:
Rather than just 1, when using Extreme Measures you will have to fight all 3 Fury sisters simultaneously. 1 will be considered the 'main' boss, while the other two support. The support sisters do not take damage, they're just there to make things harder on you by damaging you from all sides! Whoever is the 'main' has the same attacks as normal, while the 2 support sisters will have additional attacks.

Here are the different attacks for each sister when they're the support (credit to the wiki site for the definitions):

Meg Support:
  • Support Flame: Megaera summons a large flame circle near Zagreus' current position, dealing 8 damage when it activates if he is inside it.
  • Support Volley: Megaera summons a flame pillar which fires a volley of rapid shots around the arena, dealing 4 damage on impact. This ability is only able to be used if the main fury is under 50% max HP.
Alecto Support:
  • Support Whip Shot: Alecto summons a Whip Shot which acts the same as it does in her fight, bouncing off walls and doing 7 damage a hit to Zagreus.
  • Support Lightning Chase: Alecto repeatedly summons a circle on Zagreus' current position, dealing damage if he stands in one when it activates. This ability is only able to be used if the main fury is under 50% max HP.
Tisiphone Support:
  • Support Bombing Run: Tisiphone places lengthy rows of damaging circles along a direction of the arena, which detonate after each other in a row. They deal damage if Zagreus stands in one when it detonates.
  • Support Fog: Tisiphone covers parts of the arena with clouds of dark green fog, making it difficult to see enemies or Zagreus in that location for a limited time.

Lennie, the Bone Hydra: 

There are a few big differences in this fight. Firstly, the boss is now in a completely different chamber. It will be a smaller island, split by magma. Rather than being tethered in place at the top, the main boss will be in the center, and when the support heads spawn, they'll spawn on all sides instead. Another big difference is that the boss is no longer stuck in one place for the entirety of the fight. Once he reaches 66% health, the head will break off and now be able to chase you around, trying to lunge at you and slam the ground three times in a row. It will remain this way for the rest of the fight.

Theseus and Asterius:
This fight changes quite a bit, rather than just a few extra attacks or tweaks. It's one of the hardest boss fights in the game, so be warned.


Theseus now appears on a chariot, which does a lot of damage if you run into, and has a much higher health. He will no longer have any of his normal attacks. Instead, he now has 2 new attacks. First, he has a new Cluster Bomb attack where he'll drop bombs all around the arena, both along his own path and throwing them at you. Second, he has a Bullet Lunge attack, where he charges through the center of the arena towards you, spraying bullets in a cone in front of him along the way. Once Theseus reaches 33% Health, the chariot breaks and he regains his normal attacks, beginning in Phase 2 where he calls for his Olympian Aid, summoning a god to help, just like he does in the normal boss fight against him.


For the most part, Asterius keeps his normal moves, but with a few changes. He can now chain Axe combos in quick succession, and same goes for his Leap combos. When he uses a Leap combo or does the overhead axe slam, a shockwave bursts from around him outwards as he lands, similar to his shockwaves in his normal Phase 2, but now in a circular fashion rather than the original line. Lastly, the Bull Rush remains the same, but he runs much faster now.

He does gain 1 new attack, though, in which he rapidly spins his axe around him several times, and has a rather long reach.