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Divided by Death

Divided by Death

Fulfill the 'Divided by Death' Prophecy

10 XP


How to unlock the Divided by Death achievement in Hades - Definitive Guide

Basically, what you need to do is this: deliver nectar to Achilles, Patroclus and Nix until you reach the sixth heart. (Patroclus is the character you find in the Elysium, inside the chambers that contain a '' ! ''.
After that, you need to keep talking to Achilles and Patroclus, there will come a time when that special ''balloon'' will appear over Patroclus' head, and then just go back home and that same balloon will appear for Nix and Achilles. Now the final step is the same as the other achievements that involve changing these pacts, Nix will inform you of the location of the contract, and then just go to the administrative room, collect it and pay the contractor for 5 diamonds.
It takes a long time, and you'll also depend on luck, as you can't find Patroclus any time you want.
Just to complement: if you are also looking for the achievement of getting all the chthonic companions, and you lack Achilles' companion, you will need again to find the chamber of Patroclus, this time Achilles will be beside him, you will talk and then Achilles will return home, after that talk to Achilles, you can deliver ambrosia to him, and then he will give you the companion.
NOTE: English is not my native language, so I used a translator, if something got confused, don't hesitate to ask.

25 Aug 2021 22:48

Thanks for you solution and thanks for letting people know that it's a long process.
Getting the Prophecy dialogue from Patrocolus took my over 100 runs to have him spawn at all and getting through all of his other dialogue lines first.
Don't give up it takes ages!
By uhKillswitch on 30 Aug 2021 06:18
@MV2daP exactly!

They should include a feature to allow players to start/fast travel from the level they want (like Undermine)
By neeker75 on 31 Aug 2021 10:53
I still can't get it, Patroclus is not even talking to me anymore i just past the point about war and their ashes
By MoonBear187 on 01 Sep 2021 04:28
A few minutes ago, I got the pact fromAchilles. Once you get to 6 nectars with Pat, will need to talk to Achilles until he tells you about a pact. After that talk to Nyx to find the pact's location (admin chamber). Pay 5 diamonds at contractor to allow Achilles to return to Elysium.

Am now hoping to get Pat in my next run...
By neeker75 on 02 Sep 2021 02:54
This achievement is a pain in my arse.

I have exhausted all dialogue options with every character except Patroclus. I'm currently on run 162 and last time I spoke to Pat, Zagreus mentioned that their ashes were buried together.

Anyone have any idea how many more interactions with Pat I will need? Seriously considering throwing in the towel at this point.
By Pris on 03 Sep 2021 11:11
Anyone know if the Orpheus and Sisyphus quests are prerequisites for this? I ask because:
By The S bot 9000 on 06 Sep 2021 00:52
This one is borderline ruining the hades experience for me. Last achievement I need to get, just grinding away and nothing
By PredStealth on 06 Sep 2021 18:14
This added like 20 hours to my completion, like 35 runs after the main ending. I'd recommend to look up an Achilles/Pat interaction video on YouTube to see how far along you are and whether you need to interact with pat or Achilles next.
By Magic Skoo1 Bus on 06 Sep 2021 18:18
Finally got it, after grinding specifically for this purpose, not a lil more grind to find them together for the companion.
By PredStealth on 07 Sep 2021 15:59
This video shows how far you are into the chain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt7FWky4jh0 (not my video!)
By Throni360 on 11 Sep 2021 17:56
@Jicnon You said you've completed the other prophecies, so what's left is talking to these 3 characters that involve the achievement. As I said above: this takes a lot of time and depends on luck, because the game keeps winding you until you get to what really matters, and sometimes after a run the characters don't even release new dialogue for you.
By D0N Calvone on 12 Sep 2021 20:17
Honestly, using the item given by Achilles when visiting Patroclus seems to have triggered the needed conversation for me. Try it !
By Priest Crow on 13 Sep 2021 18:47
Haven't even seen Patroclus (or Eurydice) for more than 10 full runs now - feels like I'm doing something wrong. These last 2 achievements have kind of spoiled this game for me at this point now.
By PJB on 14 Sep 2021 21:15
I triggered the quest/prophecy to start when i was on my 80 run. For some runs Patroclus was saying insignificant things to me, nothing related to Achilles. After completing both the pact prophecies (Orpheus and Sisyphus) Achilles said the necessary things which triggered Patroclus to say his necessary things as well. So people don't worry this takes some time and it will eventually trigger.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 17 Sep 2021 14:44
I could be wrong, but I think making sure you use up one of your death defiances will increase the chances of Patroclus appearing.
By I Yush on 19 Sep 2021 00:44
This Is officially the worst achievement I've ever went for. Saying that even after doing gears 5. Having already spent almost 100 hours doing everything else, now to spend another 100 playing 3 quarters of a run just to hope to get good RNG with spawning Pat and getting the right dialogue.
Never in my life was I this infuriated, during those 100 hours, pat spawned 1 EVERY 2 runs at least! Just did 4 in a row tonight and no pat.
I feel like I'm being played here. Game must know exactly what your doing and it lowers the spawn rate tremendously for some people.
By DeadMasterI on 20 Sep 2021 10:35
Damn, only at 15"00 from the youtube video after 80 runs.
By T0per Harley on 20 Sep 2021 20:34
I was at mid way for a very long time. Quite weird, but once Dusa's story progressed - this one started as well. eventually it took over 130 runs to finish it.
By MiST 1001 on 22 Sep 2021 00:44
This was a very long grind ...
I maxed everything else out and then I equipped the Achilles Spear and Achilles Keepsake, set the heat to 0 and fought my way to Elysium many times. When I reached the two bosses or I talked to Patroclus I let myself be killed and started a new run. Finally after 20 or 30 runs or so I got the option to trigger the prophecy and then everything clicked together and the last two achievements were mine.
It's still my GOTY so far. I love this game.

And to everybody still struggling: Keep on trying! It's random but you will do it!
By McLustig on 17 Oct 2021 00:26
After 60 runs and 40 escape still no luck....
Oh god.....
By pithiviers on 25 Oct 2021 16:04
^ I didn’t unlock this until my 95th attempt, along with the ‘Night and Darkness’ one cause I luckily got both knocked out in the same attempt. I was at 42/95 successful escapes but I’m not sure if the escapes really matter. Just give it time, it’ll unlock. What helped me speed things up was focusing on maxing my keepsakes and working my way up one by one on the PoP, also. Kept it more interesting for me, imo.

Also it seemed to me that once I hit close to 80ish runs I was getting Patroclus’s room back to back to get it in gear. It’s like the game knows what you’re wanting done.
By Divine Fear on 26 Oct 2021 02:09
95th run here to hit patroclus’s risk it all dialog. On the same run I finished maxing my keepsakes lol. GL all.
By xMx Philly on 03 Nov 2021 23:58
So I’ve done everything apart from these final two Achilles/Patroclus achievements so I thought I’d come here and read the guides and comments.

Just watched the video linked above with all the dialogue and I’m only 10 mins into that 24 min video!!!

I’m at 65 hours played and it feels like I’m going to spend another 10 hours speed running to Elysium hoping he shows up!

It’s insanity. Without an addiction to gamerscore I’d give up now!
By Phil the Bear on 14 Nov 2021 12:49
I wouldn’t trust that video unless I’m doing something wrong but i never got a couple of the dialogues in the video, I’ve got to around the 15 min mark when Achilleas goes to the lounge but since that I’ve reached the second bloke 3 times and haven’t got the next dialogue in the video so guessing that video is just what you need to progress not what you get everytime.

Like everyone else says this has taken hades from a 10 to a 1 for me, it has killed the game for me, just running through 3/4 of runs hoping for good RNG just to die and reload, it’s made the game boring I don’t get why developers so this, shame
By ccliffy90 on 02 Feb 2022 11:28
After about 30 extra runs (after I finished all the other achievements) i finally managed to get this. This achievement is not fun and completely disgusting.
By wokoman on 07 Feb 2022 09:39
The RNG luck for the dialogue needed for this is miserable 😭
By Sniggleworth on 09 Nov 2023 21:18
I got the dialogue from Achilles to talk to Patroclus but now Patroclus won’t even say anything to me. It’s been 10 times I’ve seen pat (and way more than 10 runs as he often isn’t there) and he always has no exclamation mark and just says something dismissive and gives me the choice of boon. Am I missing something? Achilles and Pat are at full hearts (well they have a locked heart), Nyx is totally full, I’ve freed sysiphus and Orpheus, reunited chaos, beat the game, and it just won’t progress. Is my game bugged? Shouldn’t Patroclus have a dialogue option? I would understand if he had other dialogue I had to work through first but that’s not the case as he won’t even talk to me.
By Jicnon on 12 Sep 2021 04:37
Maybe I was just lucky, but it seemed to me that when I was at the right point, I got the next dialogue. By which I mean, based on the youtube video, if the next step was a Patroclus bit, I got the dialogue when I found him and ditto with Achilles. I didn't experience finding them, but then hearing something else very often that I remember. Speculating here - but watch the video, work out whether the next step is Achilles or Patroclus and then focus on finding that person. If your next dialogue to progress the quest is with Achilles, don't waste time fighting through to Elysium and then be surprised when Pat has no new dialogue for you. Not certain this is right, but just giving my take on it. I'm at 15:30 in the video after around 75 runs if that's useful for anyone to know.
By IntoTheDark7 on 04 Mar 2022 09:14
Well I have nothing else to do at this point so at least I know when I do bump into them they wont have anything else to say! Luckily can speed run there pretty quickly now lol
By Mike Langlois on 05 Jul 2022 23:11
Dude, this is enfuriating. I've done everything else in the game and now I'm basically running to Elisyium to see if this guy appears.
I'd say it's like a 50% chance he's there, and then most of the time it doesn't even advance the plot. So much filler BS in this game. The writers must feel waaay too good about themselves...

It's like:
Run 1: "Hey, what's your favorite food?" - "Hm, let me think about that"
Run 2: Not there
Run 3: "Hey, do you know that guy Achilles?" - "Yes?" - "Tell you next time"
Run 4: Not there
Run 5: "Remember when you asked me about my favorite food?" - "Yes" - "It's pizza!"
Run 6: Not there
Run 7: Not there
Run 8: "About Achilles... [Long Monologue]... I'm so sad about my tragic life. Please go now"
Run: 9: Not there
Run 10: "Hey, remember when I asked you about your favorite food, you thought about it for like 6 days and then said it was pizza?" - "Yes" - "I like pizza too!"

Now seriously, it'll take A LOT of runs to actually trigger what it needs to... Gotta be patient.
By MV2daP on 30 Aug 2021 13:44
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Requirements: Administrative Privilege (see Back to Work trophy_bronze.png), and you must have completed either the Musician and Muse trophy_bronze.png prophecy or the End to Torment trophy_bronze.png prophecy. Also, you must have purchased the "Fated List of Minor Prophecies" job from the House Contractor.

The "Divided by Death" prophecy states: "The son of the god of the dead shall make certain attempts to aid a great hero who gave up his exalted place in the Underworld for the one he loves. – Find a way to reunite Achilles and Patroclus."

The prophecy is essentially to complete Achilles' and Patroclus' Favor quest (see Grown Close trophy_bronze.png for more about Affinity and Favors), which are both the same quest. It has a lot of requirements before you can complete Achilles' Favor and thus complete the prophecy. 
  • Access to the Administrative Chamber
  • Completed either the Musician and Muse trophy_bronze.png prophecy or the End to Torment trophy_bronze.png prophecy.
  • Have at least 6 Hearts with Achilles
  • Have at least 6 Hearts with Patroclus
After you've got all that, Patroclus will tell you to give Achilles a message saying: "risk it all". When you tell Achilles this, he'll ask you to alter his contract, allowing him to enter Elysium. To do so, you'll need to have a conversation with Nyx about his contract, and she'll tell you where to find it in the Admin Chamber. 
Once you've done all that, go into the Admin Chamber and find the document. Finally, speak to the House Contractor and buy the new "Hero's Sacrifice" contract, which you'll find under the Work Orders tab and costs 5 Diamonds.

After this, the next time you speak to Achilles will complete the Favor quest and thus the prophecy, and the trophy will pop.

Note: Once you've completed this, you will no longer find Achilles in the House. Instead, he will permanently move to Patroclus' chamber in Elysium.