

49 Achievements

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Friends Forever

Friends Forever

Max-rank each standard Keepsake

50 XP


How to unlock the Friends Forever achievement in Hades - Definitive Guide

Will be unlocked overtime. The first upgrade is unlocked after using the keepsake in 25 encounters, and the second is another 50 encounters to upgrade to max level.

If you want a surefire way to grind these quickly, choose your best weapon, set the heat to 0 and just grind runs. Avoid shops and look for rooms with the skull as a priority, as you know there’s a fight inside. Also at the end of the game, run through all of the satyr rooms regardless of how many it takes to find the sack. These will give you a few extra encounters per run, and might be enough to save you from running a keepsake through Tartarus just to get that 1 last encounter done for your upgrade.

16 Aug 2021 11:44

Cheers for mentioning the Satyr rooms. I didn't realize they counted as an encounter for the sake of the keepsakes. Those rooms don't count for the Lambent Plume/Pierced Butterfly increases so I assumed they also didn't count for regular keepsake encounters.
By ICE Faux Pirate on 17 Aug 2021 19:00
Yep +1 for the Satyr rooms, cheers
By Pink Freud PhD on 20 Aug 2021 17:59
Satyr rooms are the real mvp here. For reference, the last safe room to the end with all rooms is 22 encounters.
By Markyshizzle on 24 Aug 2021 04:39
That comment from Markyshizzle is clutch to calculate continuing a run or dying early, thanks for that
By Pmalone6 on 10 Sep 2021 01:38
Do I need to get max level for the keepsakes from Hades and Persephone as well?
By KleptoJack on 10 Sep 2021 22:38
I had to max out all 25 of them, including Hades and Persephone.
By Neo Yggdrasill on 20 Sep 2021 21:33
Does this include re-maxxing then after you form a bond with that god?
By Mike Langlois on 02 Jul 2022 08:59
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Requirements: This cannot be done until you've completed the main story quest (10 full clears) because one of the Keepsakes cannot be earned until you've escaped at least once, and another Keepsake is not available to earn until the full story is complete.

Each Keepsake you collect has a unique buff to help you in your runs (see Something From Everyone trophy_bronze.png for a list of all Keepsakes & buffs). These trinkets begin at level 1, and by using them, you can level them up to a max of level 3, upgrading the buff it offers. To level them up, you have to use them. You'll need to clear 25 Encounters to reach level 2, and another 50 Encounters to reach level 3. This means each Keepsake needs 75 Encounters to max out; to go from level 1 to level 3. So in total, to max-rank each Keepsake will take you a staggering 1,875 Encounters cleared. (Encounters are rooms that have enemies in them. Other rooms such as the stairs in between biomes, Charon's rooms, and fountain rooms, do not count as Encounters, but they do count as chambers.)

While this number sounds exceedingly high, if you actively diversify the Keepsakes you use as you play (rather than waiting until the very end of your Platinum), this will take a lot less time than you think. By the time you've completed everything else, you should already have a decent number of Keepsakes at max rank. Still, it's definitely a grind, and it is surely one of the longest trophies on the list time-wise. 

TIP: What I liked to do is that, as soon as I completed my 10 clears to finish the story (see The Family Secret trophy_gold.png) and I was strong enough to know I could clear the Tartarus and Asphodel biomes with little concern, I began using those regions to level up the Keepsakes that I didn't like to use for real. Once I reached Elysium, I'd switch back to the important Keepsakes I used and continued on (you can switch Keepsakes in between biomes in the stairs chamber). This way I would greatly cut down on my clean up phase later on.