Hail to the Chimp

Hail to the Chimp

46 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Button Masher

Button Masher

Claim all buttons in a game of Flip-floppers.


How to unlock the Button Masher achievement in Hail to the Chimp - Definitive Guide

Serenity's End with 4 controllers is really easy. All the clams land in the middle area and you simply have to use 10 clams by hitting Y to claim it. I also got pacifist and another achievement on this.

07 Nov 2011 22:17


Start up a VS. game, and take control of all 4 players, and load up any map and choose "Flip-floppers." The object of the game is that for each clam you hold, you can flip a button once. When a button has been flipped 10 times, it becomes yours. Claim all the buttons in the game to take this achievement, so take your character around the map and pick up clams. Once you have 10, go to a button and press 10 times to claim it, repeat until achievement goodness.