Halo 3

Halo 3

79 Achievements



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Earned over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the first mission.


How to unlock the Guerilla achievement in Halo 3 - Definitive Guide

This will help you get all of the metagame scoring achievements.

The following skulls are required:
Tough Luck, Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm

Play each level on Normal difficulty with those skulls enabled. Now play through as fast as you can (time multipliers are VERY important) while dying as little as possible of course. You should be able to very easily get the required score.

Good luck!

26 Aug 2008 21:10

I had the following skulls on Normal:

Catch Skulls (Every NPC carries two grenades and throws them often)
Thunderstorm Skulls (Upgrades enemies to their stronger versions.)
Fog Skulls (Your motion sensor disappears)

The reason being is I found with Famine, unless you have a second controller being idle away from harm (meaning you can respawn with all your weapons back), you always run out of ammo and die. Tough Luck could be a handy one to have if you don't mind not spamming the grenades to clear larger areas.

As for Fog - who uses the motion sensor in campaign anyway. Thunderstorm is a good one to have especially if you have another controller present. They take a bit more guff than usual but the rewards for killing each enemy is a lot more hefty.
By x2i on 03 Oct 2008 20:40
I played through heroic with 3 skulls on (cant remember exact ones, i think it was catch, thunderstorm and one other) for all the metagame scores
By Madlmax120 on 20 Oct 2008 20:15
Should I try killing all the enemies, or just try hauling butt through the level killing what I can along the way? Is there a estimated minimum amount of kills? Do different enemies give you different points when you kill them?
By SpectreSubZero on 21 Apr 2009 18:14
Good questions.

Just kill everything you can, but don't waste too much time back-tracking or hunting down stragglers, because in the end, time multipliers will give you more points than a few enemies here and there will. Plus, your AI ally kills don't count toward your score, so it's inevitable that you won't be able to kill every enemy in the level. With those skulls turned on, if you focus on speed and getting through the level, and just kill every enemy that stands in your way, you should do fine.

You also get bonus points for things like grenade sticks, double kills, triple kills, and headshots.
By d3vilsNight on 21 Apr 2009 18:20
Worked a treat, got to admit I was dubious, but I want my lv50 Halo score/rank/whatever.. and I'm unlikly to get the MP achievements since I like to play late, which is when most EU folk have gone to bed, then get hammered by the US through thier lag advantage..

I finished 26minutes with 99 kills & 2 deaths - one through sneaky plasma.. My aim was to kill as much as possible, while taking care to push forward.. I'll be trying this through the other levels
By Mazrael on 07 Oct 2010 04:32
Should of mentioned, I did this method for all levels except 2 & 4 (as I already had them ages back) all on the same night. I'm not good enough to beat Legendary Solo on Halo 3, but this is definatly the best way to beat the meta games
By Mazrael on 09 Nov 2010 02:37
I'm kind of new to Halo. Can the Meta games be played alone or do you have to play with someone else?
By Drachen77 on 14 Nov 2010 15:20
They can be played alone; I did them all alone.
By d3vilsNight on 22 Nov 2010 20:34
Thank you for this guidance. I managed to breeze through the first chapter with these skulls, did not die once, finished at about 21mins (x2.0 multiplier) and scored 28,000 points. I'll be using this tactic for the other chapters too.
By Ginn0rz on 27 Nov 2010 11:06
Glad to hear it! Keep it up! :)
By d3vilsNight on 29 Nov 2010 12:35
A friend and me did all meta-games in split-screen co-op (Free for all scoring) with skulls Tough Luck, Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm, and Catch, and we always had enough points to both get the achievements (15,000 or 50,000 points each per level).
By Mtld on 15 Dec 2010 21:38
Thanks for these tips,
i just completed the entire campaign this way and it worked like a charm.
By TWIGHLIGHT Z0HA on 15 Nov 2012 18:00
I would strongly recommend to NOT turn Famine on. It ends up you searching for weapons and picking them up too many times, I played without that skull, went for headshots, and even after dying many times, i got over 30.000 points.

Famine frustrated me, and apparantly, i dont need it at all.
By Basanakin on 27 Nov 2012 14:56
It was easy with Famine. I even remember that from 4.5 years ago!
By d3vilsNight on 08 Jan 2013 16:23
I wouldn't put catch skulls on the grenade spamming is worse then WAW.
By WChalk83 on 27 Oct 2013 20:21
There ain't no stupid questions: Do I have to play the mission in one go or can I save and come back?
By Orran Durai on 20 Jul 2021 11:23
I think you can't use save and quit @Lazy with Style
By olegario96 on 04 Nov 2021 13:05
@olegario96 Thank you for coming back to me. Did every of these in one go.
By Orran Durai on 04 Nov 2021 16:45
Great not to bad unless you forget to turn on scoring like me then you have to run it a few times lol
By IRL Games X on 04 Jul 2024 14:22
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I got this one by using the Fog/Catch/Tough Luck skulls while playing on normal difficulty. I had well over 20k points at the end of the level and actually died a few times during the process. So, just have fun and try to not die as much as it takes points away from your total.

16 Jan 2009 22:38

Thanks for the suggestion to play on normal. Easy enough with Iron, Fog, Tilt and Mythic on. I did not even really need to use Iron either since i got to 72k...
By mantledFeanorNL on 10 Oct 2017 19:42
my score, first attempt: 14,988. soooo close!
second attempt: about 16,400, give or take a couple hundred.
By Xystra on 31 Aug 2021 19:03
This guys video walkthrough is fantastic. Just follow all of his instructions and you can easily get the achievement!
I had almost 40,000 points at the end and only died once.

24 Jun 2010 21:36

1 Comment
If somebody is having difficulties (maybe because is not good at FPS ...like me) I suggest to follow JonSnow's walktrough for finding the 2 "sniper rifles" and playing with the Tough Luck, Fog, Catch and Thunderstorm skulls;

DO NOT use the Famine skull if you are not a good player, or you'll probably waste all your sniper rifle bullets

Catch skull makes Grunts (the short aliens) throw at you a lot of plasma grenades, but I assure you that this won't be a problem until the last part of the level if you

1. pick up the 2 plasma grenades that they ALWAYS drop and use them to kill large groups of enemies (like the one that come out from the FIRST airship, the one near the silver skull for being more clearer), this allows you to get lot of points without constantly aiming for headshots
2. headshot kill most of the enemies in the last part of the level (part 3 of JonSnow's walktrough); watch out for near Grunts right after you reach that part because they can reach you with grenades!

Again, I'm not very good at FPS and, after playing first with Tough Luck, Fog, Famine and Thunderstorm skulls activated, then just with Tough Luck, Fog and Thunderstorm, the best I was able to achieve was ~14k, but using also the Catch skull I easily reached 28k without even trying :)

oh, and remember to pick up the Needler, it is really a useful weapon :)
By Silver Mitsuki on 19 Aug 2015 19:54
The easiest solution for me:

- Use normal difficulty
- Activate score
- Free for all option
- Turn on some skulls (Tough Luck, Fog, Famine)
- Join with Second controller (this is the tip)

The second control is only for when you die. When this happens you will respawn close to second player saving time instead at the last checkpoint. With this you will win bonus time multiplier.

Thanks for RIPH Conclave (rest in peace)

30 Nov 2010 00:25

For this achievement you'll need to earn at least 15,000 scoring points on the first official mission of the Campaign, Sierra 117. This can be done solo or with a few buddies. (I got all mine solo and using the method below)

First you'll need to enable either Free-For-All or cooperative scoring from the campaign options. Then select the following for quickest results:

Normal Difficulty
Catch Skull - (1.00 multiplier)
Fog Skull - (1.00 Multiplier)
Famine Skull - (1.00 Multiplier)

So you'll be playing on Normal difficulty with enemies chucking nades alot, no Mini-Map, and ammo pick-ups are scarce. However, being on Normal difficulty will make this a cakewalk. And having these 3 skulls on will start your kill scoring at a x3 Multiplier, so as long as you finish the mission within a reasonable time, and die little-to-no times you'll have more than enough points to pop your achievement!

10 Sep 2013 09:41

Please see "Reclaimer" for more information.