Halo 3

Halo 3

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On a Mythic map, got a Killtacular during a ranked or social match.


How to unlock the Killtacular achievement in Halo 3 - Definitive Guide

An easy way to get this achievement is to play a griffball match, and get to the back of the field (the enemy base). You can kill them all as they spawn, and as long as your kills are within a few seconds of each other you should be able to get a killtacular.

This is also an easy way to "have fun respawning" as you can kill their entire team easily.

10 Apr 2009 10:19

I got killtacular, but no achievement... fuck
By SpookymanBR on 29 Jan 2010 03:38
u need it on a mythic map not being a ass. this has also happened with steppin razor got a double then a sword spree but no achiev i even done it twice!
By xCHRONIC KAOSx on 09 May 2010 23:56
kool alright
By Keger1O1 on 28 Feb 2011 05:55
Got it at an Legendary map and it unlocked :)
By Havoc NL on 10 Feb 2013 00:13
Since Halo 3 and the others are being shut down next year, I figured nows a good time to find boosting partners.

GT: J The Altruist
By J ROLL 1998 on 25 Dec 2020 20:07
I’m keen to get this achievement too since I heard the servers are shutting.

GT: Zipper Blues
By Zipper Blues on 01 Jan 2021 08:51
i would i be down to help/ boost achievements gt is ringmaztir
By Ringmaztir on 03 Jan 2021 05:56
Looking for more ppl to boost this achievement, add me Gt : GaMeRR vL
By GaMeRR vL on 22 May 2021 02:00
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You can either be amazing and get it in an average DLC game or you can do it the easy way. Grifball. All you have to do is go to where the enemy respawns and get as many kills as you can in the shortest amount of time possible. You can also get other mythic achivements doing this method like "have fun respawning". This shouldn't be to hard but may take a few tries. Good Luck

26 May 2009 00:41

The way I got this achivement was on Rumble Pit. I was playing with 5 other friends on Assembly, when the game start I rushed towards the center of the map and I grabbed the Hammer, then all the people gathered on a tiny place and I just killed them without doing anything fancy. I got this along with Hammer Time.

Good luck trying, boys and girls.

14 Jul 2009 16:48

yes, this is also the best way to boost with 2 players and 8 controllers!
By grasn reloaded on 21 Mar 2011 21:57
Can confirm that this can easily boosted in Rumble Pit Slayer with 2 players and 8 controllers. Use grenades or a rocket launcher.
By Orran Durai on 13 Jul 2021 22:24
Some people have problems with griffball... me being one of them. I got mine on a match of Team SWAT on Orbital. If you respawn on the lower base of the two take the left route(route with the sniper). kill the other teams people on that route then continue up the stairs. they will have respawned by than and you can easily get the killtacular. (I ended up with a Killtrocity)

Edit: Also going onto Action Sack works. Many games like rockets and swords. Another one to try is to get on a warthog turret in the Demons on Ice on Avalanche. Get a good driver and dont go anywhere u cant see.

02 Aug 2009 20:00

Ok, I just got this one, using a boosting method. Me and my buddies got Sandbox (you need 8 total people and you can sign in your guests - I had myself and my guest, my buddy had himself and three other guests, and then we had two other people just playing on their accounts). The best way to do this, is to:

First - Make sure you use the Missile Pod!! (It has 8 bullets and needs no reloading time.

Second - make sure everyone is close together, be sure to shoot whoever is actively playing first. (Also be sure to take your time after each kill, wait 2 seconds to conserve time for your 5th kill to get back)

Third - Hope that your aim is good and that you are able to hit the 5th guy, even though he might be far away.

Fourth - Hopefully you will see "25G - Killtacular" show up on your screen!! :D

Good Luck!!

04 Mar 2009 07:53

basically go into grifball and use the gravity hammer to wipe out the enemies in front of you, or alternatively flank down the side. once you have made your way to their respawn point, just hit them basically, and also tthey only have a respawn time of three seconds, so should be easy to get.

however, i got a "killionaire" which is 10 kills in 4 seconds of each other, and i didnt get this achievement, but after 5 or 6 times i got it, so dont give up if you dont get it!
To get this achievement wait for a double exp weekend playlist of 'Griffball'. They have just started making the games playable on the mythic maps so you can get the achievement easily. Just move to the other teams half, and start whacking away.
Be warned, you may get negative rep for 'Spawn Killing'. But if you just get the achievement then stop, im sure they wont file it.

12 Aug 2009 07:01

if youre not balla enough to do this in a real, legit match, go to Grifball. Simply go to their base and spawn-kill. Its kinda lame to do it this way( i got mine in snipers) but it gets it done. You can also get the extermination one in Grifball tooo.

28 Jul 2010 16:22

For anyone like me who waited until 2012 to get this achievement done (or is tired of hoping a Griffball match will appear in Rumble Pit, here's how I got it: While going for the 7 on the 7th achievement using two xboxes (one with my gold account and three guests, the other with another gold account and two guests) a Fiesta Slayer match came up on Assembly.

In these matches every other player you see is an enemy, I simply ran five of the controllers down to the middle of the map then used my main controller to quickly melee kill the other five. Five seconds later 'ker-plunk' - happy times.

Only hassle with this method is that you need to wait until the 7th day of any given month, and you need all the DLC on both machines. However, if you have a copy of ODST with the multiplayer disc you can use that on the 2nd xbox.

I don't know if the BanHammer is still active these days but to be safe I always get at least one kill with each controller during each match before it ends. If you are waiting for this map or gametype to cycle, be sure to get a kill with each controller. I did this many many times in a friends only lobby, inviting the 2nd xbox into my main lobby and was never warned or banned.

07 Mar 2012 21:18

2016 Guide

Basically you'll never see grifball and to play on a mythic map you'll need to boost with 8 controllers

But actually for this one in particular you need 7 controllers and go into the 7 on 7 playlist. It'll be a free for all playlist with 7 controllers so you can easily get a killtactular now. Other game modes with teams would only be an overkill

27 Jun 2016 13:03

The Killtacular medal is one step further when compared to the Overkill achievement. This requires that you get 5 kills in any match. However, this is substantially easier than Overkill because it CAN be done in social matches. Should be done in Grifball. Your opponents have a respawn time of three seconds instead of four, so you can spawncamp them and the kills will count towards your multikill (Mythic Map Pack).