Halo 3

Halo 3

79 Achievements



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Killed 4 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist.


How to unlock the Overkill achievement in Halo 3 - Definitive Guide

Easiest way to get this is to wait for a Free-For-All King of The Hill game that takes place on a level with a Rocket Launcher.

Get the Rocket Launcher, get a safe distance from the hill, wait until there are 2-3 people fighting each other and blast them. As most people gravitate around the Hill, this gametype is ideal for trying to get this achievement as everyone should frequently be in the same area. And if you are focusing on killing them, instead of getting inside the hill, you will have an advantage there.

Note: be prepared to lose a few games while you try for this. Remember, you should be focused only on getting this achievement, not on winning the match, and you should get it fairly easily.

Good luck!

26 Aug 2008 21:14

I lucked out with this.I played Lone Wolves till a sword match came up and got my triple kill,steppin razor and overkill achievements in 3 seconds.
By MonumentOfRibs on 13 Apr 2009 11:40
did mine with a shotgun
By TYP1 dieabeetus on 29 Apr 2009 22:18
ive been tryin on lone wolf and finding it very difficult. so i started playing team battles which has 6 on each team havent gotten it yet but is that still a free for all>
By GriZzly GRiP on 27 May 2009 02:57
Make sure you try to focus on objective gametypes like King of the Hill, where many people will be converging around one point. That makes it much easier, but still it might take a while to find a KOTH game then actually succeed.
By d3vilsNight on 28 May 2009 14:13
wut playlists can u get this in ranked wut?
By GriZzly GRiP on 14 Jun 2009 21:03
only lone wolves at the moment. NOTHING ELSE

thanks for the guide by the way shall try it soon :D
By JediJohnny7 on 21 Jun 2009 16:53
so gay its only lone wolves ive been trying like crazy to get it. a few triple kills no overkill:(
By GriZzly GRiP on 21 Jun 2009 20:11
Yep, it's a tough one. I just had to keep trying and eventually got lucky...
By d3vilsNight on 22 Jun 2009 12:36
There is an easier way to get it, the way i got it was on the double XP weekend free for all ranked match, i forget what its called but i got it there. easy.
By Zorc freeks on 29 Jan 2011 07:06
they really need to put Legendary Brawl back up so people can more easily get this, permanently. Not that the playlists will ever be changed again.
By Shadow XBL on 24 Jan 2013 17:13
Since Halo 3 and the others are being shut down next year, I figured nows a good time to find boosting partners.

GT: J The Altruist
By J ROLL 1998 on 25 Dec 2020 20:03
Looking to get this plus a cpl other achievements out the way. Anyone down let me know pls also need help on ODST. Hmu thanks!! .)
By ONE CEL JUGGALO on 19 Jan 2021 04:47
If anyone else is looking to try and get some achievements done on this game I'm down!

Ganertag: LoneWolf1597
By LoneWolf1597 on 06 Apr 2021 16:05
looking to boost this and other Halo 3 achievements GT: KaveKanem
By KaveKanem on 27 Apr 2021 18:57
Looking for more ppl to boost this achievement, add me Gt : GaMeRR vL
By GaMeRR vL on 22 May 2021 01:57
Looking to boost this one. Message me, if you're interested.
By AH Jakim Otte on 06 Jun 2021 13:40
Looking for more ppl to boost this achievement, add me Gt: Not497
By Not497 on 29 Jul 2021 08:37
Buscando impulsar este y algunos otros clasificados de la FFA, por favor, envíeme un mensaje GT: DarKxI KarmA Ix
Lone wolf 34
By DarKxI KarmA Ix on 02 Sep 2021 12:31
I'm also looking to boost for this achievements my GT.Redemptionjohn
By RedemptionJohn on 11 Oct 2021 07:08
Lone wolves 31 - Looking to boost will help with any other FFA achievements also.
By jncwn on 30 Oct 2021 20:29
Need this achievement, where in for some chop, and stepping razor need help completing. Also, looking to try to complete the campaign on heroic/legendary. Any care to help me out just lmk pls. Thanks!! .)
By ONE CEL JUGGALO on 09 Nov 2021 16:51
I‘m looking for people that need this achievment an other lone wolves achievments.
Just send me a message on XBL.
LW rank Is 18
By lx JUMBO xl on 22 Nov 2021 14:54
Would love to set up a session to get this for a crew of people - GT: PatrickCH7 - please invite
By PatrickCH7 on 02 Dec 2021 20:19
Need help with this I'm level 1
By FrozenFlea9 on 03 Jan 2022 00:56
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This solution applies to most Free For All Achievements in ranked matches.

Get into a boosting session with 6 other players within 10 ranks of each other to fill up a room. The rank of the highest player must be within 10 ranks of the lowest player for everyone to get into the same room.

Using the Language Glitch Below:

To do the language glitch, go onto your Xbox 360 Dashboard.
Go onto the "My Xbox" section, and go to the furthest right option titled "System Settings".
Select "Console Settings".
Select the third option down, titled "Language and Locale".
Select "Language".
Go to your desired language, and press A. Then press B until you're finally back on the Dashboard.
Load up Halo 3 on your XBOX, and memorize which option is Matchmaking; I believe its second from top option for Halo and third from the top for ODST.

When in the lobby (before searching), press X, and select the bottom option. This makes your search customized, and is basically narrowing your search so that you are only paired with other players who are using the same Language on their Xbox as you.
If everybody else has changed their Language to the same as yours, and searches at the same time as you, then you shall be paired relatively quickly. Then it's boosting time!

Now part 2:

If you have less than five players (Once in session go to the center of the map. Use the shotgun, sword or simply assassinate other players. Try to get to a smaller map and count two to three seconds between kills. Have the first guy run back to the center of the map hopefully within 14-16 seconds to get achievement to pop)

If there are 5 or more. Well simply kill everyone within three seconds of each other.

Hope this helps

18 Sep 2010 13:22

1 Comment
Your solution is good but the part at the end about boosting with less than five players is not correct. The first guy needs to make it back to the center in 11-12 seconds. You don't count the first kill.

The whole thing is done like this:
- Kill first guy --> he runs back after respawning, time limits start now
- Kill second guy within 3-4 seconds
- Kill third guy within 7-8 seconds
- Kill first guy again within 11-12 seconds

So the first guy has to make it back 11-12 seconds after he got killed for the first time.
By Orran Durai on 20 Aug 2021 08:11
Prob the toughest achievement of the original 1000GS..
Has to be done in a ranked Free-For-All playlist, either Lone Wolves or Mythic Brawl.
Mythic Brawl is a double exp weekend playlist with 8-12 (pretty sure that's it). If it comes up it might be good to try there as your rank might be lower and there are more people to kill.

For Lone Wolves, it's easiest in an objective match like King of the Hill or Oddball but Swords works well also.

Swords: This is how i got the achievement, using Melee (B or RB for bumper jumper) as opposed to right trigger as it gives you the quicker slash if you clash swords with someone. Also try to find grenades because if two players clash, their shields go down and you can get an easy double with a frag.

Oddball: an easy solution is to camp in a bubble or behind a shield door with the ball and melee. but if you trade beat downs with someone you ll be left with no shield. id recommend using the ball as bait in a room and try to pick up kills with a shotgun (boundless, guardian), sword (construct) or the rockets (foundry). grenades also work well as people are focused on getting ball time and are distracted.

King of the Hill: doesn't come up too often, but works as well. if on The Pit id recommend using the rockets or sniper over the mounted turret as you can generally get two-for-ones if you aim your shot better. Good position to fire from is either from the sniper tower or the needler spawn as people are less likely to spawn behind you.
On Boundless, grab the beam rifle and the shotgun and id just spam grenades and use the sniper or if you want to try your luck with a bubble shield in the centre of a hill and camp with the shotgun.

If you're going to try on the Mythic Brawl DXP, there are some really good gametypes also:

Brawl Rockets: infinite rocket ammo with 12 people on the map. Try to aim for two at once. also because of all the rockets flying around, people are constantly on low shields so melees and grenades work too.

Brawl Swords: see above.

Brawl Fiesta: I believe this is the easiest gametype. Run around with shotgun/sword and rockets and you'll get it easy. the Battle Rifle works well to as most use rockets so you can easily clean up kills with headshots.

I hope this guide helps people.. Best of luck!!!

01 Feb 2010 14:56

I tried getting this on Mythic Brawl and got 2 overkill medals and didn't get the achievement. Is this some kind of glitch or can you not get the achievement on a double EXP weekend?
By allstar738 on 18 Mar 2010 12:05
it had to be a ranked playlist which I'm pretty sure mythic brawl always is.
I personally did all my FFA chievs in lone wolves but one of my mates did Two for One in Laser Tag on mythic brawl.. if you use bungie.net send me URL of he match you got the overkills in
By MIL5Y on 19 Mar 2010 01:20
Tip for Boosters!

this is not a solution for the achievement, but for what comes after... (don't hate me for it, it's just to help)

If you managed to get it with the help of the Language-Trick, you'll probably have noticed that the name and description of the achievement is not English (or whatever).
To solve this you need to do the following for pre-NXE:
1. Go to the Xbox-dashboard
2. Navigate to the "Marketplace" blade
3. Press "X" to Sign Out, confirm it with Yes
4. Go to "Recover Account"
5. Enter your Gamertag and Continue
6. Put in your NET password and ID and continue
7. Wait for it to recover and check your English Achievements

for NXE:
1. Go to the Xbox-Dashboard
2. Press the Xbox-guide button
3. Press "X" to Sign Out, confirm with "Yes, sign out"
4. Click the "Recover Gamertag" button, and again.
5. Confirm to exit your current session with "Yes"
6. Enter your Gamertag and Continue
7. Enter your Live ID and your password and Sign In
8. Accept the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and Privacy Statement
9. Wait until your profile is downloaded and check your English Achievements

The solution is not invented by me, although I wrote down the NXE version with the help of the following webpage: http://www.myxboxspot.com/forums/halo-3-glitches/1387-how-ch...
The pre-NXE solution is a retyped and shortened version of the idea that can be found on the same webpage, I have copied it because I wanted to spread the word about this solution.

28 Aug 2010 20:35

I got this achievement in Lone Wolves during an Oddball match on Guardian. It was purely accidental and I'm sure if anyone tried they'd do it even easier. I think I used an assult rifle to kill 3 of the other players scrambling for the ball and then killed the ball carrier. I also got a triple kill whilst in posession of the ball while in a bubble shield and so that seems a possible solution.

This achievement is highly down to luck and circumstances. Be prepared to lose some matches and go down in rank whilst pursuing this achievement.

02 Sep 2009 00:21

GOt this one in a double xp thing a while back with a lot of players. Got a rocket saw a whole bunch of people having a brawl and killed the all. It will take you a while unless you are focused.

26 May 2009 00:45

I made a video of me unlocking Overkill, Triple Kill, and Steppin' Razor to show you how I got mine. Just use a sword in a close quarter map and kill everything that moves and make sure you swing your sword first. If you don't want to do it this way or already have the other 2 achievements you can just grab a rocket launcher and try to get lucky. smile

See "Triple Kill" for tips. This one is decidedly harder since it requires you to kill all four of your opponents, but it does use the same principles.

This must be done in the "Lone Wolves" game type.