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Two for One

Two for One

Scored a Double Kill with a single spartan laser shot in a ranked free for all playlist.


How to unlock the Two for One achievement in Halo 3 - Definitive Guide

This really isn't that hard, but it does take patience. In any Free For All game on a map that contains a Spartan Laser, grab the laser and try to stay out of harm's way. Hang out on the edges of the map, but where you can see the spots where action usually happens. Wait for two or more people to get into a short or mid-range combat situation and just blast away. Eventually you will get lucky and hit them both. I found this easiest on Snowbound or High Ground as they are both fairly small and contain Splazers.

Also this should be easier starting late September '08 as the playlists are changing and Free For All Slayer goes up from 6 players to 8 players!

Good Luck!

19 Sep 2008 19:54

A good time on Snowbound to try and get this is near the start. Try and grab the laser and head towards the ghost, normally a few people run for it and blast away with the laser :)
By Wavescope on 19 Sep 2008 22:38
Where is the Spartan Laser of Snowbound? At one of the edges?
By Crazyreyn on 02 Dec 2008 18:15
It used to be up on top of one of the bases, I think they might have removed it from the version of Snowbound they use in their ranked playlists since that posting...
By d3vilsNight on 04 Dec 2008 23:03
They put it inside the lower base, in some game type a covenant sniper spawns there.
By Hoffman on 28 Apr 2009 13:46
Thanks for the guide.
By DiddleMyOrifice on 11 Jun 2009 07:15
You're welcome, I hope it helped!
By d3vilsNight on 11 Jun 2009 20:24
Can you tell me where I can find a Splazer on ANY of the maps on ranked? I have no idea where they are.

I usually play social and I know where the splazer is on Valhalla and Construct but that's it.
By Quarantane on 24 Oct 2009 23:08
Well, it's been a while since I've played and MUCH longer since I unlocked this. (Over one year ago) ... When I did it, I think it was on Snowbound, when the Laser was still there. They've changed so many of the maps, for example I don't think there is even a Laser on any default config of Snowbound anymore.

I'd recommend using Forge to check out all the maps currently used in ranked FFA and get familiar with the weapon layouts.
By d3vilsNight on 26 Oct 2009 19:20
easiest thing to do, i found, was get the laser on snowbound and camp around the edge looking directly at the back of the cave, and when the ghost comes around there, wait for someone to jack and then kill the driver and the jacker, double kill, achievement unlocked
By Virtual James 7 on 30 Jan 2010 17:10
i hate this achievement >< to freaking hard
By Caxton8 on 12 Sep 2010 14:12
If you move the crosshair while firing, the laser moves as well to hit multiple targets. That's how I got mine.
By The Glerums on 31 Aug 2011 23:31
Can anyone help me with this?
By Oshow Gaming on 07 Aug 2013 00:02
After many failed attempts at this, I finally got lucky and got into a game with an idle player on Snowbound. I just crouched behind him and waited for somebody to walk by, then blasted the active player through his back. smile

P.S. Cheevo took a few seconds to pop for me, so don't panic.
By Chaotic Fiasco on 14 Jun 2014 21:15
Looking for players to boost these ranked FFA achievements as I need them as well if your will to help out message me
By MasterFormKing on 22 Jun 2020 21:26
For those looking to boost this: Ranked FFA only matches you +- 10 ranks (So if you're rank 20 you can only match with people who are between ranks 10-30). You only need 4 people to start a match BUT everyone must be within the same +- 10 ranks. (i.e if you have two 28s, one 38 and one 48: you won't be able to match up with everyone).
By The S bot 9000 on 03 Aug 2020 15:50
If somebody wanna do the FFA halo 3 achievement message me or add me to xbox live, gt: Private Nomar
By Private Nomar on 21 Nov 2020 13:28
Since Halo 3 and the others are being shut down next year, I figured nows a good time to find boosting partners.

GT: J The Altruist
By J ROLL 1998 on 25 Dec 2020 20:03
What maps have the Spartan Laser?
By MidnitePizzamon on 28 Feb 2021 16:36
Looking to boost any and all multiplayer achievements before the servers shut down! GT: Xenu7
By TomEternal on 30 Jun 2021 03:12
Looking to boost this and some other FFA ranked please, message me please GT: JimmySafehands
By JimmySafeHands on 25 Jul 2021 19:33
Looking to boost this and some other FFA ranked please, message me please GT: JimmySafehands
By JimmySafeHands on 25 Jul 2021 20:14
Looking to boost this and some other FFA ranked please, message me please GT: DarKxI KarmA Ix
By DarKxI KarmA Ix on 01 Sep 2021 14:58
I'm also looking to boost for this achievements my GT.Redemptionjohn
By RedemptionJohn on 11 Oct 2021 07:05
Looking to boost this achievement and others before they remove online from the game! GT Dragon5layer55
By Dragon5layer55 on 17 Oct 2021 04:52
Looking to boost this one along with a couple others, add me and send me a message if keen to work on it! I'm currently rank 13 in Lone Wolves. I have 2 extra controllers to fill if needed GT: Mental Yoda
By Mental Yoda on 25 Oct 2021 04:26
Lone wolves 31 - Looking to boost will help with any other FFA achievements also.
By jncwn on 01 Nov 2021 00:19
I‘m looking for people that need this achievment an other lone wolves achievments.
Just send me a message on XBL.
LW rank Is 18
By lx JUMBO xl on 22 Nov 2021 14:55
Last chance now guys. I will be jumping online in an hour or so. Anyone who wants to boost. Add me XBL MaxRapture 133 and send message
By Max Rapture 133 on 12 Jan 2022 09:10
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See if what all these other people fail to mention is you can get this in the mythic brawl double exp. playlist... its the only one that is ranked and it only comes around about every two months. they have the game laser tag in it where you spawn with the laser with infinite ammo. this is how i got it the second time since i'm a 40 in lone wolves on this profile and its a tad hard when your not playing against imbeciles. the playlist is a thirteen man lone wolves so there are a lot more enemies to bunch up and get it with(not bad for overkill either). so my suggestion is to look for these playlists to pop up. if you go on to bungie.net you can usually find out when the next one will be. this is the easiest way to do it

03 Oct 2009 20:29

1 Comment
First thing that actually worked, 1745/1750 :D
By Ur Pet Flamingo on 17 Jul 2010 16:27
before i start its easiest to do on a low rank but i got it as a 43 in lone wolves so its not impossible. the way i got it was on construct slayer by shooting into the purple lift rooms on both sides because this is usually the hot-spot on this map. but the easiest way is to get it on King Of The Hill on snowbound, take the laser quickly and run out behind one of the guardian turrets because its hard for enemies to see you. then wait until the moment is right and lazr the face off some people. or in High Ground grab the laser and get down by where the overshield spawns and try to hop into one of the trees and crouch. wait for some sorry souls to come running by, charge that sucker up and let them know you just got a pretty little achievement with some celebratory T-baggage...
Good Luck guys. hope i helped!

10 Jun 2009 18:49

Thanks man! I got the achievement by doing exactly what you said on snowbound, it was crazy king too! thanks so much :D
By JediJohnny7 on 20 Jul 2009 17:55
got the achievement on crazy king snowbound. by far the best advice on how to do this legit!
By GutshotStraight on 22 Nov 2011 01:24
Get a group of 4 or more people together, make them all preffered players. Then go into your system settings and have everyone change thier language to Portugese. Start a party chat and go into matchmaking. Change matchmaking preference to use "Language." Having preferred everyone you will all be matched up, if everyone changed thier language. This works for all of the solo online achievements
Tip for Boosters!

this is not a solution for the achievement, but for what comes after... (don't hate me for it, it's just to help)

If you managed to get it with the help of the Language-Trick, you'll probably have noticed that the name and description of the achievement is not English (or whatever).
To solve this you need to do the following for pre-NXE:
1. Go to the Xbox-dashboard
2. Navigate to the "Marketplace" blade
3. Press "X" to Sign Out, confirm it with Yes
4. Go to "Recover Account"
5. Enter your Gamertag and Continue
6. Put in your NET password and ID and continue
7. Wait for it to recover and check your English Achievements

for NXE:
1. Go to the Xbox-Dashboard
2. Press the Xbox-guide button
3. Press "X" to Sign Out, confirm with "Yes, sign out"
4. Click the "Recover Gamertag" button, and again.
5. Confirm to exit your current session with "Yes"
6. Enter your Gamertag and Continue
7. Enter your Live ID and your password and Sign In
8. Accept the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and Privacy Statement
9. Wait until your profile is downloaded and check your English Achievements

The solution is not invented by me, although I wrote down the NXE version with the help of the following webpage: http://www.myxboxspot.com/forums/halo-3-glitches/1387-how-ch...
The pre-NXE solution is a retyped and shortened version of the idea that can be found on the same webpage, I have copied it because I wanted to spread the word about this solution.

28 Aug 2010 20:35

i was getting very frustrated with this achievement until i found a simple and easy way. on snowbound get the laser then go under ground but not through one of the 3 tiny holes go around 2 the back where you can see the 3 paths are there is sure to be atleast 2 or 3 fighting down there. i scored 3 double kills with the laser in one match with that method.

27 May 2009 01:20

When playing on a map with a ghost wait for someone to get in a ghost then wait for it to get jacked and fire. Remember to constantly charge the laser so you are ready to fire when the ghost is jacked.

18 Jul 2009 20:34

Do king of the hill on a map that has a spartan laser, i did it on snowbound. Just aim at the hill and fire when two or more people are fighting and you might get lucky.

16 Dec 2008 11:03

just wanted to add that on construct focus on gold and there is a good chance of getting two people battling down one of the straight a ways.

07 Nov 2009 05:40

I did this on a double exp weekend free for all, the playlist contained a gametype of Splazers, thus giving you a spartan lazer and a sniper rifle. from here no more questions asked, go mental, it takes a little luck and about five minutes from here.
good luck :)

05 Oct 2009 21:24

Okay, I've done this achievement twice and did it different both times.

A good map is Construct as it usually pops up in Lone Wolves however if you can't seem to get it, any map with a spartan laser should do fine. As soon as you start you will want to find and pick up the laser straight away. Once you have it, keep a close eye on your radar. Avoid any close combat, just try to keep your distance from everyone else.

The best gametype to get is King of the Hill because everyone will be going to the hill except you. All you need to do is to line up a shot and fire when you see two or more people there. Don't wait for them to get in a better position or you'll probably lose your moment.

Slayer is very possible as well, just a bit more harder. The best method I found is to follow an enemy around (not too close) and when another player shows up, they will most likely run at each other for a beat down. As soon as you see two players near each other, start charging up the laser while still moving around. If you miss your chance just cancel charging it and try again. Don't fire pointless shots or players will be after you.

The second time I got this achievement was very lucky as it was the last two kills of the match, it's also a really good way to get it. I did this on Snowbound. First I picked up the blue camo from the small cave outside near one of the bases. Then I got the spartan laser and followed a player into the base and underground. Now, the little underground tunnel is very narrow before you get to the center and another player was just walking in the center so I charged the laser from behind the player (that I followed into the base) which passed through him to the center and hit the other player. I didn't even line up the shot, I just fired at the player I followed.

Of course, some players will notice you on radar and will turn around and won't be fooled by your camo but others will just carry on playing if they can't see you and just assume you're above them outside.

Here is a video showing how I got the achievement my first time:

12 Feb 2011 01:12

A very easy way of getting it is, in the x-box live options you can select only your language, and you tell other two or more friends to do the same (if possible, other seven friends, so you can be able to achieve more than one achivement), but for this to work (because almost a very large amount of people playing Halo 3 speaks english), you need to have your XBOX with a language of a place that there isn`t to much people playing Halo 3 (Like Portugese), so when you start playing, you would play with your friends, this makes it very easy to achieve it, because yo just need to get organised and you would get lots of achievements.

11 Oct 2009 02:44

Get this on a map with a mongoose and a spartan laser. Some fool will be driving a mongoose with his friend and you should be able to get them easy. You can do this on high ground. you can also just wait untill you see two people going at each other and take a shot.

26 May 2009 00:49


it's the only ranked FFA, i got it on construct, when someone with the sword lunged at an enemy i got em both, but easier on KOTH when multple enemys are in the hill.

the amount of players is back to 6 no longer 8

07 Feb 2009 08:24

This is a hard thing to pull off online so i recommend you use the language filter trick to boost these types of achievements with someone. if you do want to do it legit your best bet is on a match like crazy king(king of the hill) where people will be busy defending and not paying attention to the laser being charged

15 Sep 2008 20:22

If people are worried that lone wolves is dead at this time and date and then considering giving up on this achievement don't...

A lot of people are buying this game cheap and i almost gave up on it for months, something triggered me to give it another shot and bang i got king of the hill on snowbound, grabbed the laser as i spawned near it and the hill point was near the ghost at the start of the match like it always is.

Charged the shot and got a triple kill and it unlocked for me, just keep calm, be careful of aiming your shots and stay well out of sight of the other players because if someone spots you with a popular weapon such as the spartan laser they will be all over you in a second.

keep looking at the hot areas around a map, such as the gold lift on construct and the underground bit on snowbound, they will be almost two people in those areas most of the time, have a back up weapon as well if someone comes too close such as an energy sword or shotgun, you will get this eventually it is all luck based.

Good luck to all players who need this and see you on halo 4!!

(if your going to thumbs down me at least tell me why, i am new to writing solutions)

01 May 2012 09:42

Here's another video of me getting the achievement. I don't know if it can help in any way but here it is. I get 3 kills with 1 shot on Snowbound. Pretty much what I did was run for the Spartan Laser at the start of the game and just wait for 2 people to get close to each other aim and shoot. It's mostly luck but I will quit blabbering,
This way should be obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people don't realize it.

Anyway, if you don't want to find a group of 5 people to all change their language filters (This can be extremely difficult... Especially this late into the games "lifespan".) But, you still don't feel like you can do it legit... Here is the way.

Keep in mind, this method is really a last ditch effort, if you plan on still playing the game afterwards, this will destroy your exp.

First, start up an xbox live party using the guide. Press the "Y" button in the party to switch to game chat.

Search for a game of lone wolves, and when you join the game immediately check to see any mic signs. If you get lucky you'll find a couple of people with mics. What you want to do is ask everyone, "Anyone want to get the Two for One achievement?".

There is a couple of people with mics, and here is how to deal with them.

The Mic Spammer: These people spam the mic with music, or constant chat from kinect, and never say a word.

How to deal: Don't, mute them, they rarely respond.

The Party Chatter: They are in party chat (Or very unlikely... In private chat).

How you deal: Keep inviting them to your party until they either quit theirs and join, or they invite you. On occasion they will just ignore you.

The Shy Guy: They have a mic, and it works. They just refuse to respond to your question

How you deal: Call them out by name. Seriously, every-time I call these people out by name, they finally respond to me. Too shy, or lack of interest, i'm not sure.

The broken/no-mic: They heard what you said in the game chat, and they express an interest in boosting... However, they don't have a mic and only respond via text messages.

How you deal: Invite them to the party, and tell them how you are going to do it. They will help, these guys are great.

The Asshat: They have a mic, and can talk, but want to curse you out and be a dick.

How you deal: They aren't going to help you, ignore them or mute them.

The talker: They have a mic, they want to boost and they talk.

How you deal: These are the best people, invite them to the party chat and explain how you are going to do it.

After you get your rag-tag group of people together in the party. (Make sure you are in a party... You can't chat inside the game, only the pre-game lobby). You must then coordinate to veto the map. If it's a map with a spartan laser spawn (Snowbound, High Ground, or Construct) than you make sure *NOT* to veto. If it isn't, veto it!

When you get into the map, you could attempt to all rush for laser, and quickly get the two for one. The problem is that other people in the game don't care what you are doing, and are going to try to kill you before you set up the boosting right.

So, what do you do? You have the guy closest to the laser get it and bring it to the designated boosting area.

Spawn area's of Spartan Laser.

High Ground: Find the small bridge at the beginning of the industrial area. Could be considered a catwalk. Go up a small stairway at the edge of the bridge, and the spartan laser will be up their.

Snowbound: Look at both big purple structures. The one that is lower (vertically) is the one with the spartan laser inside.

Construct: Facing the outside with all the Sentinels, it is on bottom platform. It is on a curve around the left leaning against the edge of the wall.

Boosting area's.

High Ground: One of the best levels, has a small towards the back end of the level. (The part of the level opposite of the beach, towards the industrial area). The small room can be accessed from the outside, or inside where the ghost and mongoose spawns. Nobody heads back here.

Snowbound: Best area is behind the rocks by the mongoose and ghost spawns. (A little ice cave with UNSC metal inside). Rarely to people go that far back, because any further and you hit the turrets that kill you, and the rocks provide hiding.

Construct: Really, nowhere to go or hide. Best bet is to do it very quickly, whereas the other is to take your time.

If you are on Snow Bound or Construct, have the two people helping you go onto a mongoose (The mongoose spawns nearby both of the best boosting spots). One guy riding it, one guy in the back. Crouch down, and aim for the middle of the mongoose.

A lot of times when shooting without them in the mongoose, you will only kill one and severely damage the other. This does *NOT* get you the achievement.

What could go wrong?

You can't find enough boosting people:

How to deal: If you have one person boosting with you, AND you are on a map with a spartan laser, you could try convincing the Shy Guy's, the Mic Spammers, or the Asshats. It might work if you keep inviting to your party.

If you get none, or you get one and its a map without a spartan laser, apologize to the person in your party and quit the game and retry.

Map without spartan laser: If you vetoed the map, and the second map *STILL* doesn't have the laser. Your mostly out of luck. This is especially devastating if two people in the party want to boost.

How to deal: A lot of times halo likes to match you up with people from your previous match, you might want to wait this one out instead of leaving and hope you get matched up with the boosters. Otherwise quit.

I hope I helped!

19 Jun 2012 06:21

Your best bet for this is a King of the Hill game, seeing as everyone will be running into the same area. Hang back away from the hill and fire into it while people are vying for control. Not an easy thing to do, but keep at it. Best done at lower ranks.

Maps: Construct, Snowbound, High Ground

This must be done in the "Lone Wolves" game type.