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Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch

Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch

Got the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.


How to unlock the Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch achievement in Halo 3 - Definitive Guide

Double EXP weekends and Griffball are both history in Halo 3 so I think your best bet is to head into Social Skirmish unless you're really, really good at playing Halo 3, and in that case, you probably already have this achievement.

The good thing about Social Skirmish is that it's a team list, so if your team wins, the whole team gets 1exp. Basically, you have a 50-50 shot at getting 1exp instead of something like Rumble Pit where only the top performers get something.

A few marathon sessions and you should be able to gather 50 exp (50 wins). Tedious, but if you want the achievement, you need the 50 exp. Boosting works as well if you have lots of friends.

12 Jan 2011 16:27

Griffball still exists, just not in it's own playlist. It cycles randomly in "Action Sack" under Social Matchmaking. Played a game last night and I still have my experience for GB on Bungie.net. So, it's still possilbe, but not recommended for this achievement, as it shows up randomly.
By Das Kuhnen on 06 Apr 2011 12:27
Oh hey, cool! Thank you DK!
By STARWARZ on 06 Apr 2011 13:05
hi STARWARZ! We'll be trying this on Thursday night!
By Big Ell on 11 Apr 2011 23:03
Awesome! Good luck!
It's really not that bad doing the Social Skirmish route...just takes time.
By STARWARZ on 11 Apr 2011 23:19
Another positive thing about doing it in Social Skirmish is that if the game ends in a tie, both teams get the exp. So really, you have a 75% chance of winning.
By RC on 16 May 2013 22:32
Can I do this achievement in ranked lone wolves?
By desert eagle 11 on 13 Jul 2013 00:36
Alright I got it thank you
By desert eagle 11 on 13 Jul 2013 19:19
Cool ! Thanks.
By STARWARZ on 13 Jul 2013 19:20
If you're on the losing team when doing Social Skirmish do you drop 1 exp?
I don't mind having to play lots of games if it doesn't drop every time we lose.
By LeiChat on 24 Jul 2013 17:49
No I don't think so. I don't remember ever losing any points. I could be wrong but I'd say no, you don't lose any. If I'm wrong, let me know.
By STARWARZ on 24 Jul 2013 17:54

I tried the Social Slayer playlist as it's one of the few I can join.
(I only have the Legendary DLC packs and TOO many of the playlists now say "All DLC required". cry
The All DLC thing is also preventing me getting the two Legendary DLC flag achievements.)

Won 2 games, lost 2, won 1 and my EXP rose once each win, so hopefully it doesn't drop.
Now up to 5 on that playlist, so only another 45 wins to go. haha

The most annoying thing is randomly joining games with people cheating using multiple accounts, my third game this morning I was the only person on my team to get any kills. Didn't stand a chance. roll
By LeiChat on 27 Jul 2013 11:33
Does anyone want to boost this?
By Sayoricidal on 27 Aug 2014 11:59
One week till 2017, just unlocked this achievement. Social slayer is about the only playlist possible. The players are typically afk or not very good, so if you're just staying alive or you have a neutral k/d, chances are you'll win.
By Zaro Karos on 27 Dec 2016 04:34
Looking for more ppl to boost this achievement, add me Gt : GaMeRR vL
By GaMeRR vL on 22 May 2021 02:03
EDIT: Got it a while back.
By Orran Durai on 17 Jul 2021 09:53
Need this today. Have 4 controllers
By LordSamoni1 on 13 Jan 2022 12:41
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To get this you must reach the rank of Lieutenant in any one playlist on the new EXP system.

If you haven't already gotten the Spartan Officer achievement then it will unlock at the same time as unlocking this achievement too and not by obtaining a global officer rank like the previous requirements state.

The way I did it was to take advantage of a DoubleEXP event such as Grifball or Rocket Race. Doing so will award you a lot more than the other playlists and in theory, you will only need to win 25 matches in order to reach this rank - I did it from 0EXP in one day on Rocket Race with a friend.

09 Oct 2008 17:47

wasnt rocket race retired from the playlist following that update?
By ITS 0vER 9000 on 02 Jun 2009 22:12
I'm not entirely sure but if it has then any DoubleEXP playlist will make this achievement easier.
By x2i on 03 Jun 2009 00:49
According to bungie's site Rocket Race is this weekend's Double EXP weekend playlist (pisses me off as my buddy & I were hoping for Grifball again as we got 30+ EXP last weekend doing that).
By Pedle Zelnip on 12 Jun 2009 07:45
so in one game type you need 50 exp?
By GriZzly GRiP on 21 Jun 2009 02:15
By x2i on 21 Jun 2009 12:39
in ranked or social?? i assumed it was just ranked.
By F4775 on 02 Oct 2009 17:09
Doesn't matter if it's ranked or social.
By Owlowiscious on 01 Nov 2009 01:56
i got from Lone Wolves lol but almosrt got it on Grifball in like 2 days
By Nitoriism on 08 Nov 2009 03:27
This solution makes it read like you only need 25 wins to get this achievement, but they are talking double XP weekends. So you need 50 wins to get it in non 2XP weekend rooms.
By Sticky Stalwart on 12 Dec 2009 06:49
You should put levels in your solution instead of just "Spartan" and "Lieutenant"... It is 50 EXP that you have to get? All in one playlist?
By Curtieson on 27 Aug 2010 12:32
I agree with Curtiseon. Please include that information in your solution such that one can get all information without having to read through the comments!
By Epsilon Theta on 08 Dec 2010 17:47
Can this be don in rumble pit
By Kyotic GBaby on 15 Dec 2010 04:20
I hope there are more 2xp weekends, I just can be on the 3 first.... it`s impossible, to many good players....
By Sgt Malarkey Br on 27 Jan 2011 01:09
Are the Double XP weekends still going on? I'm almost at 30XP in Rumble Pit but if they are...
By ImmaSuperVidel on 02 Nov 2013 23:42
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To earn Lightswitch (and Spartan Officer from the retail disc at the same time) you must earn 50 EXP in a single playlist. You can check this by selecting your gamertag in a lobby and looking at your stats, and the area at the bottom right will tell you how many EXP you have in that playlist. Your "Total EXP" does not matter, what you are interested in for this achievement is to the left of that stating e.g. "Rumble Pit EXP".

To do this solo, I would recommend team playlists and praying that your teammates aren't playing on donated consoles at the local mental ward. Each team win is 1 EXP closer to the achievement, though each team loss is simply lost time because you get no experience for it. Free for all modes may be your thing if you can consistently score well (not necessarily first place) because the top four spots all receive 1 EXP in Rumble Pit.

However, if you're interested in a more time efficient method and don't mind a bit of boosting, you can party up in social and play rumble pit. You want to veto anything that is not slayer or swords because every other game type makes it difficult or impossible to distribute the experience points. If you end up stuck with a gametype that you can't balance, just pick one person to own everybody and end the match as fast as possible. Take note, however, that all five DLC packs or the ODST bonus disc are required to play rumble pit.

Assuming everyone cooperates over the length of the session, you can finish this achievement from 0 EXP points in 3 hours for all 8 people involved. In rumble pit, the top 4 all receive one experience point at the end of the match. This is most easily accomplished by everyone getting one kill to tie for second, then having one person go nuts until they win the match. It is very important that everyone ties for second, because the leaderboard is still enumerated. To explain what this means, I will give a small example:
#1 gamertagA 20pts
#2 gamertagB 2
#2 gamertagC 2
#2 gamertagD 2
#2 gamertagE 2
#2 gamertagF 2
#2 gamertagG 2
#8 gamertagH 1
Notice how gamertagH is eighth and not third, which means he gets no EXP for that match.

Ideally you want no guest accounts and no zero scorers to stave off the ban hammer until after you're finished. I know enough of network programming and pattern recognition to tell you that it is not difficult at all for an automated system to tell if a guest account is simply *there* as opposed to someone actively playing it, and rubberbanding your controller does not fool anybody at Bungie. To get this done with maximum speed and efficiency, I highly recommend 8 actual people, and that each one of them remains to continue the method even after they are finished.

Why rumble pit? Free for all modes are the only way you can get everyone an experience point at the same time. Though it is likely that many people have a lot of existing experience in team modes like Team Mythic from attempting the achievement on their own, it makes a poor choice for boosting because the losing team from each match will get no experience. In addition, the teams will not always be distributed the same, and it is very likely that a few people could make out like bandits and a few others could get the shaft. It's extremely unpredictable and likely completely unfair.

To elaborate on Halo bans, all that happens when you are caught boosting is that you are banned from gaining experience for a short period, usually two weeks. You are not banned from XBox, banned from playing Halo online, nor are any of your EXP totals reset or adjusted in any way. As a matter of fact, you can continue to unlock multiplayer achievements, so you could, for example, participate in a session to unlock DLC achievements while EXP banned.

13 Aug 2012 01:25

This is definitely the best solution when you're planning to get this achievement in a boosting session. I just tried this with 6 people and 2 guest accounts and I got 13 EXP in the first hour. After two hours I had gained 26 EXP, but we got "Save One Bullet" on Andromeda twice (as well as "Braaaains!"), which slowed us down a bit.
By Firiath on 23 Feb 2014 15:19
Should agree with Firiath, we boosted pretty well with that method. +1
By cooorpse on 23 Feb 2014 16:07
Good to know it was helpful! All the other solutions are suggesting unnecessary language changing a la ranked boosting or playlists that haven't existed for years. Only one other solution even alludes to boosting as a means to an end but goes into no detail on how to do it.
By Mobius Evalon on 25 Feb 2014 14:12
Damn it, I was 2 exp away from 50 in rumble pit when I got the exp ban notification. Now I fucking have to wait 2 weeks to finish this alsdpfjaasdf
By Kryostega on 02 Mar 2014 04:51
If I recall, my group got the banhammer about ten minutes after we had finished our fiftieth collective EXP point. It's essentially a guarantee that your group will be caught out when boosting, the question is when.
By Mobius Evalon on 02 Mar 2014 15:15
Yeah makes sense, just wish I was a bit quicker facepalm
By Kryostega on 02 Mar 2014 19:19
Great solution! All 8 of us managed to get the achievement in 3 hours.
By Ethigy on 18 Jan 2018 23:15
best guide i've ever seen. you have great knowledge oh wise one
By TRIPD0NTF4LL on 13 Jul 2021 23:02
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You need 50 EXP in one playlist for this and the quickest way to do it is to boost them.
You need one person as a quitter (must have 4 controllers and an useless account).
You can boost 4 accounts at the same time (they don't have to be on one console).

First you need to change your language for the quitter and the booster party leader, it works best with chinese (the very bottom one).
On the bottom you see a vid how to change a language, so you won't have any trouble changing it back to your language. (it's the old Dashboard in the vid, but works the same)

When you have your language ready,
Booster party leader: go to Halo 3 Matchmaking lobby, then invite your friends, who also wants to boost this, or turn on your guests. After you have 4 players in your lobby, go to Social Skirmish or Team Mythic playlist (Must have all DLC) then press "X" and select the bottom one from the list. The quitter has to do the same (turn on guests, go to the playlist, press "X" and make sure you have to bottom one always enabled).

If you have done everything correctly, it should always find your boosters and every time just quit with the quitter, so your boosters gain 1 EXP per match. You can boost as much as you want, (for example boost rank or playlist rank) without getting banned. You can also do some other Achievements while you're doing this, but I suggest to get EXPs first and then boost the other Achievements, because it can get you banned from earning EXP.

There is many different methods for this, but the fastest is:
1. chinese language
2. 2 consoles, 4 controllers on the quitter's console and 4 controllers on the booster's console.
3. 3 guests on both consoles.
4. Social Skirmish
5. quit fast and start the game fast.

You should get this done in 1 hour. Good luck and hope this helps. ;)

10 Feb 2012 21:54

See the "Spartan Officer" achievement.