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Halo Wars

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Penny Pincher

Penny Pincher

Got a winning High Score with 10 or less Squads against the Heroic AI


How to unlock the Penny Pincher achievement in Halo Wars - Definitive Guide

knightsljx made the guide, thanks to him :D

15 Mar 2009 08:46

i cant get to work i just keep getting beat by the AI
By Huginho19 on 16 Mar 2009 15:56
By Straight Blazen on 07 Aug 2009 17:31
worked perfectly and I had three achievements pop after i completed it !!! thanks knightsljx for making the video and thanks Rey Punisher for posting it up here.
By Darksky602 on 12 Feb 2010 21:47
Yah, wow, that was simple. First round knock out after setting my warthogs to go BEHIND the base.
By DragonFangDan on 18 May 2010 23:35
Works fine.
By Apexios on 19 Aug 2010 20:27
Worked a treat got this first time of trying!! thanks so much for the guide I gave you a thumbs up :)
By JediJohnny7 on 23 Aug 2010 09:39
I lost all my units to spartans! However, i still got the achievement first time as i had already killed his base :)
By Skinstakovic on 23 Dec 2010 13:53
By Derrock on 05 Apr 2011 19:18
I'm having a hard time making this work, too (even with buff skulls); I will be sure to put them all in the corner behind the base and see if that makes a difference.
By zoilus68 on 26 Jun 2012 19:00
Okay, yup, I think that was the key (and he probably said that in German, but it's been a loooong time since I took German); you just need to make sure you micro-manage your hogs better. I brought mine back into the right corner, and when new ones came up I made sure I always directed them to drive to the back (because those drivers aren't hired for their IQ). I also made sure I took the first hog right out of the gate to get back there before I even made my other 8. Yay!
By zoilus68 on 26 Jun 2012 19:06
its a bit random whether or not you can do this. took me about 8 attempts because the times before the AI was building very quickly and my hogs could manage to get on top of the destroying base. but on my final attempt it was a breeze, the AI hadn't even started building anything when my 1st two hogs arrived. so my advice if this doesn't seem to be working for you; is keep trying because its very random.
By Milki Tea on 15 Jan 2014 11:06
Just tried this solution but against the Arbiter and in Deathmatch. Had a bit of a panic after destroying his base because he had Wraiths and they blew up my 10 Warthogs and the game didn't end automatically. I forgot when you lose your last base you're given about a minute to capture a new base or you get eliminated.

Unlocked this and Big Al's Scooter at the same time.
By OperativeEmeral on 25 Oct 2016 07:30
Confirmed working in 2021.
By IKSU on 06 Mar 2021 18:51
Nikki teas comment was helpful, just send when you get 2 or more and when you get a good AI set up too.
By SYst3M0FAd0Wnzz on 19 Nov 2022 20:57
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Everyone seems to have their own technique. Here was my first-try win:

Prophet of Regret (me) vs. Captain Cutter (AI) on one of the flood maps. I started building a temple, and then warehouses. When the computer announced my opponent was building warthogs, I built turrets and upgraded them with fuel rod cannons (anti-vehicle). I then sent my prophet out to capture two other bases (the prophet has an advantage in that he can shoot, so he can take a base from outside of the range of the flood's tentacles). The other bases were built with warehouses only (to start; eventually I added a shield generator and turrets).

My resources first went to upgrading my turret power at the temple, then to upgrading my prophet (upgrading the Ages as needed). I rebuilt turrets as they were destroyed. Eventually, I built two scarabs, waited for him to attack one of my bases, and then walked over and destroyed his base.

I did have to rebuild the prophet once, and I also built two engineers, so I built a total of six units.

You could also get the "two bugs" achievement at the same time doing this. It's not quick, but it works.

17 Mar 2009 06:48

Did this as Cutter Vs Forge on Chasm, deathmatch, auto(99). Right out the gate build 3 airpads. Train 5 hogs and a vulture, and take your local rebel base out, and build over it for 25 pop cap. Send hogs and vulture to Forges base while you build 3 more vultures (one per airpad to speed things up). Barrage his base then MAC blast. Retreat and heal at a safe rondayvoo (yeah thats how we spell it in Ozstraylia) point as you're reinforced by the other 3 vultures. Return to Forge's side of the map and finish him off with barrage and MAC blast. Also works for Big Al's Scooter.

25 May 2009 16:58

I played as the Prophet against Captain Cutter on Beasleys Plateu deathmatch.. I also got big als scooter at the same as this. What you should do is build a templa and the rest warehouses. While the warehouses are building send the prophet to the base to left and have him destroy it then send your ghost there and wait for the base to be available, while thats happening have the prophet go to the base in front of your first one and destroy it. By then your 2nd base should be available. After your second base is built send your ghost to the base you just destroyed, start building a scarab, and send the prophet to the base to the right. After that base is destroyed you can leave your prophet there. When your 4th base is built build a second scarab and when both scarabs are built attack Cutters base (make sure to use your cleansing beam with the prophet) if your unlucky he will have build a base to the far right of yours and make more time go by. He did that to me and i finished in 9:57 but got both achievements. Mines not the best way but it seems to have worked for me =)

04 Apr 2009 04:30

I did it on chasm. Be the Arbiter and build all Warehouses after you make your Temple. Then make as many Suicide Grunts as you can, nine being the most you can make. As you make grunts, send the Arbiter in to kill any units the computer makes. While this is happened send in your grunts as they become available.

09 Mar 2009 00:02

I went as the prophet of regret against captain cutler. I built two warehouses and a temple then immediately sent the prophet to the enemy base. I went after any threatening buildings occasionally using cleansing as needed. Meanwhile, at my temple, I got all the leader improvements and advanced ages when possible. It helped that for some reason, all the enemy did was spew out warthogs without even getting the gauss turret. Eventually, after desroying all of their unit producing buildings and supply pads (I didnt bother with the reactors) I went after the main base and won with one unit other that the ghost. This also got me the Big Al's Scooter Achievement.

02 Apr 2009 01:40

Just create a temple to churn out the Prophet and attack the enemy base using his leader power. You can do this in all of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. End of story.

03 Apr 2009 15:14

The way i did it was to do 1 on 1 deathmatch as prophet, and then just rush straight over and use his special ability to kill the opponent. doesnt matter who it is but anders is easier as it takes her time to get hawks in the air.

21 May 2010 11:53

there is an easy way to do this achivment you load up a live private game in get your mate in and get your mate to resign once hes done that you should get the you win thing with ur achivment

22 Jun 2012 22:38

Use Forge and build like 5 cyclops and just rip the building apart. Better on Chasm. I beat it in 2 minutes with a warthog and 2 cyclops.

07 Mar 2009 06:44

you cant keep gettin more as they die or it will glitch and not work i tryied it, i used the prophet of regret and got 5 elites and justed kept using my beam and just before i destroyed the AI base i turned on the skulls that increase your score!!

17 Mar 2009 00:45

Just make a private online match have one other friend join set it as 2v2 on any map vs heroic AI start the game build one building and unplug your eithernet cable you and your friend should get the achivement.

13 Jan 2010 04:57

I just used 2 scarabs

17 Dec 2021 10:34

To get this achievement set up a 1v1 Deathmatch skirmish against Forge, using Captain Cutter on the Chasms map, as soon as it starts, set your global rally point to the back of the enemy's base.

Queue up 9 Warthogs and send your current one to the rally point. By this point he should have one building in construction. Destroy it and when the other Warthogs come over, begin attacking the base and destroying any building he attempts to build.