Hannah The Movie

Hannah The Movie

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Expert Frog Launcher

Expert Frog Launcher

Received over 100 points on the Frog hop game at the Fair.


How to unlock the Expert Frog Launcher achievement in Hannah The Movie - Definitive Guide

You can get this achievement when you first come across the game or when you actually have to play the games as part of the story.

This game requires you to move the [Left Stick] in a direction to move the arrow and the [Left Stick] to push forward and slam back to launch the frog. The object is to get the frogs onto lilypads with the center pad being the most points.

This takes a little trial and error to find your groove, but once you find the beat to how fast you're pulling back the stick and pushing forward and at what speed, you'll hit them time and time again. I got this achievement after blowing the first half of it trying to figure out how to play it.

27 Oct 2009 13:49

Do it on the easier pond. There's one with 3 lilly pads.
By Rad Antix on 23 Feb 2012 12:06
Where is the easier pond?
By Paul Wesley 91 on 07 May 2013 03:30
Just bringing this up in case anyone is foolish enough to still be playing this game.
When you get to the fair and find the Frog Hop game, there are different ponds, if it's the harder one just quit the game and go back into it till you get the good one with the lily pad in the middle, easier to keep the aim in the same place and a consistent throw.
3 points each time, easy enough to get to 100 way before the time runs out.

04 Jan 2022 18:17