Headbangers: Rhythm Royale

Headbangers: Rhythm Royale

28 Achievements



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Honorary Pigeon

Honorary Pigeon

Complete Challenge card #7



How to unlock the Honorary Pigeon achievement in Headbangers: Rhythm Royale - Definitive Guide

Hello, below I will list each requirement, round the minigame is in, advice if applicable, and will denote if later cards have stricter requirements. If you have been following along my guides, this is where the game starts getting really tough and since minigames are selected by RNG it makes it even tougher to try for once you only have a few left.

NOTE: if you want to boost with someone or get matched against bots, then select Asia as your region and turn off crossplay.

1. Win 5 tournaments - self explanatory, and since you need to win 50 anyways this will come naturally.

2. Play 60 games - as long as you load into round 1 this counts.

3. Complete 50 challenges - self explanatory, will happen as you progress through your challenge cards.

4. Achieve a score of 300 in Piano Mezzo Forte - this is a round 1 minigame where you have to match the music with the conductor (using A, X, and Y for pitch). This is the final score challenge for this game mode so just focus on doing your best and getting perfect notes, bonuses, and combos. Only other challenge for this minigame is to hit all notes which would guarantee a score of 300 if you do that. Also, some songs are longer and have more notes so if you do not get it then maybe you will have better luck on a different song.

5. Get an average response time of 0.500s or less in Yes Commander - this is a round 1 minigame and is CHEESABLE. As long as you get 1 correct answer you can just press any button as quick as you can to reduce your lives and you can just eliminate yourself. This is how I did it for the last challenge card, I just hit A as soon as the commander made a sound each time and since one of them ended up being jump I got it in 0.318s.

6. Achieve a score of 650 in Super Striker - this is a round 2 minigame where you have to hit the foosball on the last note of the beat. This score is not too bad to get, as your score is based off of your combo and perfect hits. A perfect round will net you well over 1000 points, so just focus on building your combo and you will be fine. One of the items you can gets grants visibility which can help a little but I found the auditory sounds worked better for me.

7. Achieve an average score of 80% in The Battle Box - This is a round 3 minigame where you 1v1 another player to better replicate the sequence from the emcee. 80% is pretty manageable, but the last two rounds can get pretty tricky if you lose track. One of the items adds 20% to your score so that will help your overall precision towards the end. A later card requires 90% on this one.

8. Perform 2 perfect sequences in a round of That 70s Race - this is a round 4 minigame where you basically play Guitar Hero using A, B, X, and Y on 4 different records (same as Space Race). A sequence is just one whole record, so as long as you hit all the notes (and do not overhit a button), it counts as perfect. This is easy as the first 2 records are very simple, but a later card requires 3 perfect sequences.

9. Perform 30 perfect notes during a game of After Party - this is a round 4 minigame that is the exact same as Garden Party but with only 1 life. This is pretty difficult as once the vertical bar disappears it is hard to time perfectly, plus you have to stay alive as long as possible and so do your other contestants. 30 was manageable but a later card requires 40 (sheesh). NesMaster pointed out in the comments that if you are going up againt a bot the game will continue until you fail or until it reaches the max number of sequences, so you may get lucky and have more attempts for this one.

10. Make 20 purchases in the store - self explanatory.

11. Spend 125000 crumbs - self explanatory.

12. Make no mistakes during a game of The Ring - this is a round 2 minigame. If you memorize where each sound is then this will be very easy. Speed does not really matter, just do not be one of the last two people.

13. Achieve an average score of 85% in Fitness - this is a round 2 minigame. 85% is pretty easy once you get the timing down. A later card requires 95% which can be a little tricky. One of the items is a 25% score boost in a round which helps tremendously with your precision score.

14. Complete an 8-note sequence perfectly in Glottissimo - this is a round 3 minigame where you match the conductors pitch sequence using A, X, and Y. As far as I know, there is no way to force the conductor to do an 8-note sequence, so just play as quickly as you can and hopefully on one of the later sequences he will do an 8-note sequence. That is just step 1. You then have to play it back perfectly which is very tough. If you are lucky, one of the item boxes you can get will show you the answers to your next sequence. Although unlikely for these two to match up, this would guarantee it. AFL Kr0niic suggested starting a Twitch stream for this game mode, and enter the first four notes, then take a look at the stream (has a few seconds delay) and enter the last four notes. Other suggestions I have heard to make this appear is just spam letters until you get the 8 note sequence, as it appearing is RNG so the more rounds you go through the likelier you are to get it.

15. Don't lose any hearts for 1 minute in Run Pigeon Run 2 - this is a round 4 minigame where you just have to press A and X to the beat similar to Guitar Hero. Most of the songs are around 1.5-2 minutes long so just stay alive and you will get this. Only issue is you have 1 heart, so I would just focus on hitting the notes and I ignored the items flying as it tended to throw off my timing. A later card requires hitting every notes which would grant this challenge automatically.

16. Perform 2 perfect sequences in a round of The Space Race - this is a round 3 minigame, but everything else is literally the same as That 70s Race in number 8.

17. Perform 10 perfect notes in a row in The Final Ride - this is a round 4 minigame where you just have to match the button sequence to the beat. 10 in a row will come after a few tries as it is not too hard to get a perfect note (plus your cart moves a lot faster too). A later card requires 15 perfect notes in a row which is insane.

07 Nov 2023 05:50

After Party will continue going even if you're the only one left, but it will still end after a certain # of sequences. I didn't count how many though.

EDIT: Ok, I just had a round where it did end when all the human players but me failed. But I did hit a hard end alone in a game before against AI, where I was the solo player.
By Nesmaster on 07 Nov 2023 14:57
Interesting note, Nesmaster. I have not had this happen, maybe because I hardly ever get this game mode. There was a hotfix put out yesterday that included something for Garden Party and/or After Party, but not sure if that issue was fixed.
By AbsoIuteZero x on 07 Nov 2023 21:27
Best bet for the 8 note glutissimo sequence is to start a twitch stream. Have a second screen next to you with the replay on twitch. It should be like an 8-10 second delay

Once you see the 8 note sequence try to enter the first 4 notes or so. Look at the twitch stream as it’s showing you the 8 note sequence and copy it.

That’s the only way I was able to do it cause my memory is shit when it comes to 8 lol
By AFL Kr0niic on 08 Nov 2023 00:20
Thanks, I will make that suggestion. I fortunately had an easy sequence with mine which helped.
By AbsoIuteZero x on 08 Nov 2023 00:48
+1 for the twitch stream - I'd also recommend it at 25% volume, so that it doesn't drown out the game but you also don't lose time unmuting the stream. I kept losing because I had the stream muted and wasted time going to a different window to unmute.
By Cal#3042 on 08 Nov 2023 14:44
The Glotissimo 8 note streak is driving me nuts. I almost never see Glotissimo come up and have only seen an 8 note sequence pop up once in ~150 games. The pain.
By ChrisAldin on 10 Jan 2024 00:01
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