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Heart of a Knight achievements progress.
Be recognized as a hero not only in Ellaria but also among the elves of Elendorin.
Defeat the ancient and evolved slime creature, saving the Elven community.
Devise a plan to use fire and light to ward off the slime creature from Elendorin.
Engage in a hunt for the deadly creature terrorizing Elendorin.
Decide to help Kaylee with the mysterious murders in Elendorin, putting your life at risk once more.
Assist in rebuilding the local school, church, and hospital, earning the respect of your people.
Lower the tax on mining operations from 50% to 15% for the welfare of your people.
Make your first ruling decision as Duke by approving the church’s request.
Arrive at Aleria, a small but vibrant settlement surrounded by nature.
Set out for Aleria, your new domain, to rule and develop.
Be granted two million gold coins for your services to the crown.
Receive the western lands of the kingdom as a reward for your courage.
Earn the title of Duke for your bravery and dedication to the kingdom.