Heroes Over Europe

Heroes Over Europe

42 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Seasoned Ace

Seasoned Ace

Complete all campaigns on Ace difficulty.


How to unlock the Seasoned Ace achievement in Heroes Over Europe - Definitive Guide

I beat the first 3 campaigns on ACE mode. The last campaign(the one with 3 levels to the far right) i could not do so i beat all 3 of those on rookie. Now if you beat the rest on ACE then you should have unlocked the Black Widow nightfighter. I just went back and beat the The Butcher's Birds and Eye Of The Storm with this. Just fly around below all of the action and let the tailgunner do all of the work. He has quad cannons on the top of the plane and just lays waste to everything with 100% accuracy. It's still pretty damn tough though. The last mission The Black Heart i just used the P-51 mustang because you kinda need that 250 pound bomb but you still need good firepower and armor. When you have to take out the VIP armored car just keep making quick passes with your machine guns followed by a bomb drop at the end of each pass and you will have him. When destroying the towers it is easier to just use your cannons. The last boss fight is a pain in the ass. Try and try until you acekill both wingmen(first) and then acekill the ace. This is extremely hard though because as soon as you lock on him and go into ace mode he starts doing mad cork screws. Just suffer through it until you finally get a little lucky and acekill the pilot. Don't waste time with the engines.

21 Sep 2009 03:50

This piece of advice should probably moved to the achievement for beating that campaign on Ace difficulty!
By Epsilon Theta on 08 Aug 2011 16:11
On Eye of the Storm I am stuck at the last part of the mission where you need to protect the last two Bombers. I am flying with Black Widow. Any tips on taking all those planes out? I get killed everytime.
By NoEffects6 on 17 Jun 2012 06:44
Any advice for keeping the bombers alive? This is the only thing that has stumped me, haven't played the game in a while but completing this level with secondary is all I need :(
By SSCP on 22 Apr 2013 06:00
Flying ahead when able to and taking out the ground targets as soon as possible worked for me.
By Epsilon Theta on 22 Apr 2013 07:35
I haven't tried it in a while but I am dreading doing it. The wingmen are simple enough but even if I kill the ace the bombers are destroyed. It feels like the game is broken just there for me? Paranoia I'm sure. How much health do you get to that part with. I only have 50% usually using black widow
By SSCP on 31 Jul 2014 15:40
From what I remember, on the last boss fight area, you can fly around and destroy a LOT of the stuff that will be attacking you before it actually 'spawns'... hope that helps! Oh, and use the P-51 for the last fight.
By Shadow 00 Fox on 31 Jul 2014 19:10
btw you only need to finish all campaigns on recruit to get the black widdow
By FELDGESCHREI on 28 Apr 2017 08:52
Thanks, will have to try this.. I am trying my best to make my way through this..
By tragik1978 on 18 Dec 2009 18:43
I was stuck with the final boss..... for over a day... I left my box on overnight, so as to keep the checkpoint I think it was??.. I was soooo frustrated, with the final boss cheating with his instant acceleration abilities to 1000mph.... must've tried to shoot him down for over 10 hours..
By Shadow 00 Fox on 30 Jul 2013 19:00
Eye of the storm part where you neēd to protect 2 bombers key is to know before hand enemy spawns. 3 Will attack from front(including boos) And 4 from Back. Always fly And intercept 4 planes. Takes paractice but it worked for me. Ace Kill one imideatly, dogde atacks, fly close so Black Windows Canon can shoot some of And try again for Ace kills. Leave boos last. 1 Bombers Will explode no mather what if you take way to long. You should be on wery low health būt thats fine if you always fly in boss tail And dont give him A chance to lin up shot ON you
By ZigsterLV on 18 Mar 2023 21:16
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Please leave me positive thumps up cuz i sumoned up whole game in here fot you guys.

First play the game once(rokie/pilot difficulity) and do optional objetives(unloks New stronger planes). When beat Game, it wil reward you with plane "BLACK WIDOW" -bigest advantage AI contrled guner in backseat, who shoots down enemy planes. This plane is A Must for mision you need protect alai planes, fight huge battles, defeat boos planes, thou not for all you can equip it. There is 14 campaign mision total And iņ each bonus objective wich you also neēd to complete for ON other achievment Unlock all planes.

Usful game tips:
# Slow Down your plane(right d pad Back) at 1000m distance of enemy planes to align the shoot with canons/machine guns/rockets or go into Ace Kill.
#If on low health and reached checkpoint die or press realod checkpoint, cuz you will be restored 2 health bars back all the time.
#On this dificulity dont go much for ACE Kills primerly(slo mo 1 shot kills to enemy planes weakspots) plane to plane alot, you are easy target(but waries mision to mision). Smaler planes are easyest Ace kills.
#Hardest misions in last act for sure are"eye of the storm"-and "Black heart" Strategy below.

ACE DIFFICULITY: recomended planes i used

ACT: RAF 79 SQN, misions:
1)PHENEY WAR- MOSQUTO2/Thempest/Mustang OR ANY WITH Rockets wich you have unlocked
3)EAGLE DAY-Black Widow(for Hacwens airfield protection), can also use rockets planet būt rare side bober guners Will mess you up.
4)EMPIERES Earth-Black Widow(bonus mision is hard, Must take out all planes befor they do any damadge to Tower), also Boos battle in here. If using any rockets shooting plane fly into boos And lat fire with all you got. Should die in one go if done corecktly, if not reālod thhe check point.

Act 2- RAF 72 SQN, misions
5)London burning-Mosquito (shortest mision in game/ 10 enemys or so), or any un locked plane with better armor And rockets-thempest/mustang.
6)Faighter Superiority-Black wodow(this mision has 64 enemys)
7)Firestorm-Black widow(Must destroy many boombers)
8)Operation Cerebrus-Swords fish(obligatoty/ or that other wich can drop thorpedo, but Must be un locked first by beathing this level bonus objective) Must sink ships
9)Battle of bulge-thunderbolth(has moust ENEMYS iņ this)

Act 3-RNZAF 487 SQN, misions-
10)Party Crashers-Thunderbolt
11)Operation Jericko-Mustang

Act 4-USAAF 352 FG, misions-
12)The bucherrs birs-Black widow(boss flight in White sky). Strategy here is not to chase him And get Ace Kill, but just let Ai guner do all the work And be in right position all the time. Cuz this boos will axcelarete wery quickly And fly off ewery time.
13)Eye of the stormBlack widow(bos flight, SECOND HARDEST MISION) - Strategy. Eye of the storm part where you neēd to protect 2 bombers, key is to know before hand enemy spawns. 3 Will attack from front And 4 from Back. Always fly And intercept 4 planes. Takes paractice but it worked for me. Ace Kill one imideatly, dogde atacks, fly close so Black Windows Canon can shoot some of And try again for Ace kills. Leave boos last. 1 Bombers Will explode no mather what if you take way to long. You should be on wery low health būt thats fine if you always fly in boss tail And dont give him A chance to lin up shot ON you.
14)The Black heart-thypon/mustang(boos fight). This boss Will be companied with 2 wing man. Strategy here is to fly straith foward to boos position And Ace Kill him for optional objective while they all 3 charge at you. If failed, imediatly realod the check point. Then take care of bouth wingmen. You āre next to the edge of map, fly left from German airfiel to make safe turn around with your plane And alaign you shoot to wingmen. They wont folow you out side of boundries while you turn around. Do it all the time, thill you can Ace Kill them too. Also if you shoot down wingman first, keep going. Just boos Will do corke srew wile in Ace mode And make things harder, but also doable to kill.

19 Mar 2023 05:21

Story related, cannot be missed - You will earn this trophy after beating every mission on Ace difficulty. During your second playthrough, you can attempt the missions in any order you like.

Ace is significantly more difficult than lower difficulties. Enemies are more aggressive and can take and deal a lot more damage. Your health does not regenerate at all.

To figure out which missions you've completed, Press on the mission select screen to bring up the stats for the highlighted mission. On the mission stats screen, you can see the highest difficulty you've completed that mission and whether or not you've completed the bonus objective. Make sure you complete the bonus objectives on Ace, so you don't have to replay missions again. See Collector

General Campaign Tips

  • Controls: Use a relatively new controller over one that's been broken-in. This will significantly improve your Ace Kill aim. Choose the Pro control set, the Arcade setting is just awkward.
  • Checkpoints: If you have recently reached a checkpoint and are low on health, reload the checkpoint and your health will be raised to 50%. Make sure you actually see 'checkpoint reached' on the screen; just because you've completed an objective or watched a cutscene, that doesn't mean you've reached the checkpoint.
  • Change direction: Changing direction and altitude frequently will help you to avoid getting shot from behind. Don't chase one plane too long. This will waste time and leave objectives and yourself vulnerable to attack. If you're unable to get a good angle on a plane within a few seconds, change targets.
  • Warspeed: Use Warspeed to evade attacking enemies and reach objectives sooner.
  • Ace Kills: Chain Ace Kill to get multiple kills quickly. Hitting smaller targets such as the pilot, ammo boxes, or gunners will actually restore a portion of the Ace Kill meter. Pilot Ace Kills will take down any plane in one shot.
  • Energy Attacks: If you can master the energy attack and get several kills during a single dive, it will make objectives much more manageable.
  • Rockets: Rockets will destroy planes faster than guns, use them if you've got them. If you're about to crash into another plane and have rockets, fire them as fast as you can to destroy the enemy beforehand.
  • Avoid Tail Gunners: Flank these planes or attack from above instead of attacking from behind.
  • Target Squad Leaders: Destroying the squad leader first is said to reduce the squad's effectiveness.
  • Plan ahead: Some objectives may need to survive multiple checkpoints. You may beat one section, but if the objective took too much damage it will make further sections impossible.
  • Don't Quit: This will take patience, but it is beatable. Be prepared to spend several hours on one checkpoint. Remember, mission progress is not saved if you quit. Only quit if you need to change planes or an objective was previously damaged so much it's unable to survive further sections.
Complete the Campaign on Ace difficulty to unlock. Ace difficulty is very hard, and is the exact reason why this game scores a difficulty rating of 9/10. Things to keep in mind while playing Ace:

  • Chose a plane or two and stick with them. Get to know your planes, how easily it turns, how best to use it. Try to keep using the same planes each time. Remember, if you did the Bonus Objectives in Pilot Difficulty you should have a nice collection of planes to choose from. Some more popular planes included the P-61 Black Widow. The Black Widow has a Back Gunner, which is what makes it so great; however, this comes at a cost. Some missions, like the Battle of the Bulge, do not allow you to use the Widow. If you are to use to the Widow on Ace difficulty, and NEED it to get through a mission, you’re screwed! It is for this reason why I advise only using the Widow sometimes. For those of you that want to know, playing ‘The Black Heart’ mission on Pilot should unlock the Widow for you.
  • Never stay still! German Pilots in World War 2 were trained not to be flying straight for more than 3 seconds at a time. Do the same. Planes that are not marked on your radar are always behind you; thus, go in the same direction for a period of about 3 -4 seconds will most likely get you shot. Always keep moving and turning for your own safety.
  • Learn to love Checkpoints! When you get a checkpoint, and your health bar is below 50%, simply press and restart from your last checkpoint. Whenever you do this, your health bar will go back to a minimum on 50%.
  • Ace Kills! Yes, I know the enemy is always moving, and Yes, I know I just told you not to fly straight for any serious amount of time. But if you can Ace kill, the do so. It makes those ME109’s and those big bombers easy to take out.