Heroes Over Europe

Heroes Over Europe

42 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Play a full multiplayer round using each type of plane available in a level.


How to unlock the Specialist achievement in Heroes Over Europe - Definitive Guide

A particularly unusual achievement; one that actually rewards you for being rubbish!

Even more unusual, you can unlock this achievement by yourself, with no one else in the match!

So, set up a player match - the map and plane pack are not of importance, choose whichever you prefer. Start the game, and choose the top plane in the list. Fly around for a few seconds, so that the game will register for definite that you are flying that plane, and then dive straight into the ground!

You will then be returned to the plane select screen, where you should then choose the next plane down on the list.

'Rinse and Repeat' until you have done the same thing with every plane in the list. By the end of the 10 minutes, you will have an extra 15G for crashing several times, without even firing a shot.

05 Dec 2009 12:02

ha this totally worked...nice
By madmaxey on 10 Apr 2010 03:34
You can actually quit out of the game after your final crash and the achievement will immediately unlock!
By Smeds on 03 May 2011 01:15
I was able to get this achievement in a solo player multiplayer match.

Basically, I was the only person in the match.
By Ackis on 11 Jan 2010 20:29
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Servers are closed - Trophy is still achievable via LAN with just your own PS3

When creating a game, the host can choose from 7 different plane packs. The plane pack determines which 6 planes players can use during that match. To earn this trophy you must use all 6 planes available during the current match and then finish the game.

The easiest way to do this is to choose a plane and crash. After you crash, spawn in a different plane and crash again. Repeat until you’ve used all 6 planes. If you’re kill boosting just change planes whenever your partner kills you.

This is very easy to unlock. Just get into a multiplayer game and do the following. When you are re-spawning, chose a plane. Once you have spawned, CRASH IT! Then choose a different plane, spawn and CRASH IT! Do this until you have played as every different plane available to you that game. At the end of the game, the achievement will unlock.