Heroes Over Europe

Heroes Over Europe

42 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Ultimate Ace

Ultimate Ace

Score 250 kills in ranked match.


How to unlock the Ultimate Ace achievement in Heroes Over Europe - Definitive Guide

Hi all, this I what our group did for the 250 ranked kills.
We had five in the party and had tried team dogfight, but taking to long and we had people idle i.e doing nothing in a round.
So if you have a group then not just 1v1 then the following guide may help

So we decided to use ranked dogfight its set to ten minutes and 20 kills.
One person goes for the twenty kills per round.
With the rest all being cannon fodder.
We used the alps map but others work well too

Some tips
The person doing kills Picks a plane with rockets and machine guns we used lightning
Cannon fodder use plane with low armour. Again we used lightning

Now basically the ones being killed head for the killer, use the boost to get you there quicker....click down right thumbstick....
Once in the middle of the map slow down and fly towards killer, killer spam rockets and machine gun fire at red targets, rinse and repeat.
Very soon you will all get the knack of it and the twenty kills take on average five minutes.
Most of the time we had 5-6 minutes spare.
The round ends on 20 kills and next person takes their turn.

Doing things this way every one is kept busy and the time flies, we all agreed for our group this was easier, better, quicker than using team dogfight.
This took us two sessions of approx. 3 hours.. so six hours altogether for us all to get achievement.
So we felt for groups of boosters of 3 players or more this solution is well worth trying.

P.S you can keep check of your kills progress on leaderboard

If you have anything you want to add to this or feel I should amend please get in touch and I will acknowledge update etc.
Any questions please ask

Good luck

03 Aug 2013 22:52

Servers are closed - Trophy is no longer achievable

You can check your progress by choosing stats on the 'Ranked Matches Main Menu.' Press to highlight your own stats. There are four sets of numbers under 'Total.' Your kills are represented in the column with the crosshair symbol. Press / to check your kills in each online mode. You need 250 kills total across all ranked modes.

For this trophy you only need one other player. You can occasionally find a legit ranked match to get kills. However, when you do it will be 1v1 against the top ranked players in the world, so you're better off boosting this as well.

Whether you're boosting 1v1 or with your group, the best mode to choose is Team Dogfight. Team Dogfight has fixed spawn points and a higher kill limit than Dogfight (Free for all), so you can get more kills per match. If you have more than 2 players just partner up and get kills at the same time. Follow your normal rotation it does not matter if the people killing are on the same team.

Note: If you quit the game, get disconnected, or the match ends prematurely your kills won't count. If you are kill boosting and it's your turn to die, make sure you are active in the game and are not on the XMB screen. You will not continue to spawn for your partner if you get shot down while the XMB or in-game menu are up.

This is simple to understand, but will take time to do. Just kill 250 people in ranked matches. You can check how many kill you are on by looking at the leader boards, but please note the following:
1. Kills for this achievement always need to be in a Ranked Match
2. These Ranked Matches do not need at least 5 people
3. If you are playing a game and all your opponents leave before Max Kills is reached, or Time runs out, thus ending the game, none of your kills for that game count.