69 Achievements


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Colorado Escalated

Colorado Escalated

Complete level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in Colorado.


How to unlock the Colorado Escalated achievement in HITMAN - Definitive Guide

Mission: The Otaktay Obliteration
Difficulty: 2/10
Time Average Each Run: Less 2 Min.

Just follow the video i have made. You can use this same strategy for levels 1-5.


21 Sep 2019 01:23

Worked like gangbusters.
By PunkRawkSoldier on 04 Dec 2020 05:50
5 chapters in and if anything the escalations are getting more tedious. No wonder these achievements have the highest TA ratios in the game.
By Gilbert Prime on 02 Feb 2021 21:46
Worked an absolute treat! Thanks!
By BigTymer2047 on 15 Jan 2022 22:40
Spot on video, thanks, easy completion in like 10 mins
By Ohh Werd on 20 May 2022 12:53
Nice quick method, thanks. If you have a second remote explosive you can use it for the third target.
By Snitty x on 21 Jan 2023 23:15
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Setup for level 1-4
Starting location - undercover in garage
Concealed weapon - I used the HWK 21 covert for its 20 round magazine
Gear - whatever explosive items you have. I used "remote explosive duck" and "The iconater"
Agency pickup - hay shed - You can put something here or not. I put the exploding phone there just in case I didn't get him with the explosives i brought with me.

Level 1 - Kill Mark Hicks in a hay baler or an explosion.
Level 2 - Kill Preston Becker in a fire or crushing him under a car. Kill Mark Hicks in a hay baler or and explosion.
Level 3 - Same as level 2 but now someone is hunting you. The hunter is the elite soldier i shoot through the window in the door at the beginning of level 3.
Level 4 - Same as level 3 but you can't kill the hunter.

Setup for level 5
Starting location - undercover in garage
Concealed weapon - HWK 21 covert
Gear - change one slot to lockpick and keep the other as an explosive
Agency Pickup - change to south perimeter and put a tac smg in it

Level 5 - Kill Mark Hicks with the Old Axe and kill Preston Becker with an smg while disguised as the scarecrow. Still being hunted by hunter, still can't kill him.

The new Colorado escalation The Farley Crescendo makes this achievement way easier.

Stage 1 and 2 can be completed by starting in the house disguised as a hacker and just going downstairs and shooting both targets. The bridge exit is nearby and is a quick way to escape.

Stage 3 is slightly more complicated because now you have to hack a computer. The computer is right next to the room you start in as a hacker. Kill both hackers in the room and use the computer. Around the time you finish with the computer the guard on the balcony will come inside and notice a body. Quickly take the soda can and knock him out by throwing it at him. Then just go downstairs, shoot the targets and run to the bridge.

Stage 4 can be completed the same way as stage 3.

Stage 5 only changes the location of the laptop. When stage 5 starts wait for the elite guard to go onto the balcony and run to Rose's room and pick the door. Shoot the guard in the room and use the laptop. Then just go downstairs, shoot both targets and run to the bridge.

I got spotted killing the targets all 5 stages and managed to run to the bridge taking minimal damage, so stealth isn't too important.

19 Dec 2016 04:40

This really should have some text... at least let us know what the requirements are for lvl 5.
By REJECt444 on 26 Dec 2016 03:14
1: Eliminate Mark Hicks in a hay baler or explosion.
2: Eliminate Preston Becker in a fire or by crushing him under a car.
3: Deadly Stalker - Someone is hunting you.
4: Stalker - If the stalker is eliminated or pacified, you will fail the mission.

5: Eliminate Mark Hicks with the old axe while disguised as the scarecrow.
Eliminate Preston Baker with an SMG while disguised as the scarecrow.
Deadly Stalker - Someone is hunting you.
Stalker - If the stalker is eliminated or pacified, you will fail the mission.
By InconSteveable on 06 Jan 2017 07:29
I don't know why you got negative votes so Ive given you a positive. This has to be the worst Escalation Ive done, changing everything over on the final level, and turning it from a stealth mission to run-and-gun. I would have been stuffed without your guide for the final wave, short of murdering everyone on the entire map. Your strategy is solid and I really appreciate the vid. For levels 2-4, I didn't need to kill anywhere near as many people, usually only 3 in the garage before it was safe to drag the target into the car. Other than that, great strategy. Great move getting the Hunter to bag & drag a body to the other side of the map too. Thank you.
By MushaConvoy on 11 Jan 2017 08:21
@MushaConvoy I'm glad it helped. Some people are too uptight on this website and if your guide isn't up to their standards they downvote. I don't mind though the point is to help people out, not to get useless points. I would like it if people would at least comment as to why they downvoted instead of just doing it.
By Weekend Zombi on 15 Jan 2017 07:57
Since text was added explaining the process, I'm changing my vote from negative to a positive.
By REJECt444 on 20 Jan 2017 14:44
This upto level 4 was a pain in the ass to do. But many hours of raging i finally did it
By Lots a LOUD on 30 Jan 2017 11:17
On my other profile I did this one, it was the only option. Glad they added anoother so I won't need to struggle to unlock the cheev again.
By The500lbCanary on 07 Feb 2018 18:43
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start as a hacker
start with garrote, lockpick and a silenced pistol

stage 1

run down stairs, go in the room to the right. turn on server, garrote hacker and hide body by window with vent going out of it. (tube venting) turn server on. turn vacuum on, knock out guard AFTER he turns off the vacuum. hide guard body and gun where the hacker was hidden. delete evidence. escape via bridge out the door the target was infront of and a left turn.

stage 2-5 (stages 3-4 the guard will patrol near the server you shut down. knock him out first without the vacuum, when he is out of sight of the hacker. drag him away AND go grab his gun.. then follow the rest of the strat as usual)

wait for the soldier behind you to walk out onto the balcony to have a smoke, push him over. run down stairs, turn right and go into the room. shut the door, shut down the server, hide. first target comes up, garrote him. drag him behind the boxes by the open window with the vent going out of it. turn server on, turn vacuum on, knock out soldier AFTER he turns off the vacuum then drag to same place. go back grab gun and hide in the same place. turn server off. knock out all targets that aren't targets until the second target shows up, garrote him. all hackers are now out cold or dead, all soldiers that can spot you are now out cold or dead. go hack (or for stage 5, unlock the door, knock out guard, then hack.) escape via bridge.

do not kill the first guy if you want to escape as a silent assassin. easy to wipe cameras as the first target you lure in with the vacuum.

20 Mar 2019 04:11

1 Comment
if you need xp for level 20 , find different escapes. just be careful of anyone who can spot you if you choose to do that.
By TheOnlyMatto on 20 Mar 2019 04:18

This achievement is extremely annoying and quite difficult. I would not suggest taking this on until you are able select the Militia Technician starter location. Also, I would strong suggest waiting until you unlock the silenced SMG and are an expert in the level’s layout.

You do not need to get silent assassin like the video below but it helps to take the same cautions. You will likely struggle on level 3 until the end, so do not hesitate to use it. Full credit and huge thanks to MrFreeze2244.

My video "Destruction of Otaktay" in 2 minutes

21 Oct 2018 15:58

1 Comment
My video Destruction of Otaktay in 1 minute!
By KostyaGGN on 04 Mar 2019 23:48