69 Achievements


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Sapienza Escalated

Sapienza Escalated

Complete Level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in Sapienza.


How to unlock the Sapienza Escalated achievement in HITMAN - Definitive Guide

This can be easily done on the Escalation contract, called "The Sigma Illusion". You'd need to do the mission five times, each time with an increasingly difficult complication. For Level 5, the conditions are:

- Kill the chef with melee
- Hack the laptop on Level 6 of the mansion
- Hide all dead bodies with 90 seconds
- Do not pacify anyone
- Guards see through own disguises

Completing the steps below will fulfil all the above. You can basically repeat the steps for all levels of the mission if you so desire.

- Start at the location "Undercover as Security Staff"
- Swap the coin out for a lock pick

Once mission begins, exit blend (cn_B), and run very quickly to your right, then left, and then head into the doors at the end of the path. The guards will get suspicious, but just ignore them, and keep running. They won't chase if you disappear quickly.

In the room, go to the laptop, and hack it with cn_Y. Wait 20 seconds for the hacking sequence to complete. Unlock the door right beside the laptop with your lock pick. Escape through the next room, and climb through the windows.

Run towards the dome-shaped structure, and drop down to the level below. Enter the first door on your left, and you'll be in the observatory area. Head towards the stairs, and take one level down. Enter Francesca's room (this is where you seduce, and poison her if you follow the Golf Coach opportunity), and climb through the toilet window.

You'll now be near the outdoor dining area beside the kitchen (this is where you poison Caruso if you follow the kitchen hand opportunity), and your target should be walking towards the cliffs if you're doing it right. Sneak past the guards, get behind the chef, and subdue him by holding cn_X. When the prompt to snap his neck appears, press cn_Y to do so. Take his disguise, and dump him into the nearby container.

You can now make a run for the exit. It should take around three minutes to do all the above if you're familiar with the mission. I've played through it several times, and this should be the fastest way to fulfil all the conditions for the contract.

Here's a video of the above - apologies for the long loading screen in between. I recorded it with Xbox DVR, and the game does take forever to load. You can skip to 1:48, which is where the mission actually begins.

PS: If you want to get a higher score, you can try to out run the earlier guards even faster so as to avoid a suspicion. You can also avoid the CCTV near where you kill the chef by sneaking and hugging the left walls. Take note also that when escaping, there's another CCTV to the left wall of the two guards near the red car - hug the left wall, and sneak run to the bushes near the two guards at the main door to avoid this. I replayed the mission ensuring that I did these, and ended up with over 189,000 points.

Update May 20th, 2016:

I've added a new video below for another easy mission to complete 5. The mission is "The Scarlatti Covenent".

- Kill Geovani Anselmi in the Priest Disguise
- Kill Fabio Pavione with an explosive
- Complete the mission in three minutes
- No pacifications
- Do not be caught on CCTV, or erase all evidences if caught

- Start at Church Morgue
- Swap the Coin out for a Lockpick
- Swap the Fibre Wire out for a Proximity Bomb
- Leave a Proximity Explosive Duck at the ICA Pick-up in the Sewers


27 Apr 2016 11:19

Exactly what I've been looking for. Thx! +1
By BLAZE VII on 30 Apr 2016 20:58
This is a great easy fast mission to do this on, but level 1 should start in the kitchen because it has nothing to do with the laptop. U take out the chef with the radio distraction and exit. Thanks for the help.
By I ASK NO ONE on 07 May 2016 23:54
I know. For ease of explanation, I just used one method. Uploading a video via Xbox takes forever. For Level 1, I started at the kitchen, went all in with the melee kill, and ran for my life without even bothering with the radio. 😁
By neeker75 on 08 May 2016 01:30
Superb guide - thank you!
By flipmodeXXIII on 13 Feb 2017 09:53
Superb guide - thank you!
By flipmodeXXIII on 13 Feb 2017 09:57
Must be a glitch, but my achievement decription on TA here shows "Complete Level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in Marrakesh."
By The500lbCanary on 18 Dec 2017 03:21
Didn't even notice that. When I did this achievement, Marrakesh wasn't even released.
By neeker75 on 18 Dec 2017 03:41
People might find this link helpful; a full guide from Level 1 of the Sigma Illusion Escalation to Level 5. Helped me anyway through the first 4 levels anyway!


I don't take any credit for the video smile
By dodgerofjam on 14 Apr 2018 22:41
Great solution +1
By PuritanSoul on 24 May 2018 21:07
Extremely helpful. Thanks!
By caiosantiago on 18 Feb 2019 21:20
Alternatively, if you're struggling with the neck snap timing, you can cut through the observatory instead and grab one of the knives near the plague doctor outfit, then slit the chef's throat from behind.
By RDS#5610 on 17 Jun 2020 14:16
Scarlatti Covenant is embarrassingly easy once you’ve got the route down. Finished it in 2:10!! Cheers 🤙
By crewdy#4923 on 24 Oct 2020 22:09
Scarlatti Covenant can be done even easier and faster, do the same thing as in the video up untill you get the Priest outfit, but then, instead of going into the sewers, head back upstairs, take a right at the top, and another right so you end up at the backdoor of the church.
Go outside, whip out a silenced pistol, and if you were fast enough, no one will see you and the second target will still be sitting on a bench in front of you.
Headshot him, turn around and jump down the little ledge next to the church, onto the pier. Go around, get into the boat, et voila, managed to finish level 5 in 1:21 this way.
By xHeadHunterrz on 19 Jan 2021 15:39
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Here are all level 5 Escalations which are currently available for the Sapienza location. Escalations are basicly contracts with different difficulties and levels. Each escalation has 5 levels and level 5 is always the highest difficulty in this series.

There is one achievement for the Escalation contracts / missions. To get the achievement you have to complete one escalation from level 1 to level 5. My video guides show you level 5 of the specific escalation and you can also use the same strategy for level 1-4. I complete all escalations with a 5 star rating and always as silent assassin with perfect stealth.

The currently easiest Escalation in Sapienza is The Szilassi Darkness Escalation. You can complete level 5 in under 2 minutes. The Sigma Illusion, The Scorpio Directive and The Selmone Mimesis are also very short and easy.

In the spoilers are the videos and the objectives for level 5 of the specific escalation.

The Sigma Illusion

The Apeiron Sadness

The Szilassi Darkness

The Scarlatti Covenant

The Scorpio Directive

The Gladwyn Simulacrum

The Selmone Mimesis

06 Jul 2016 11:16

1 Comment
The Szilassi Darkness was a breeze. Thanks!
By Hero Of Courage on 20 Oct 2019 21:57
Escalation: The Sigma Illusion
Level 5 Conditions:
- Hack the laptop in the mansion
- Eliminate Chef Marcello Ray in Melee
- Do NOT pacify anyone (kills are allowed)
- Hide all dead bodies within 90 seconds
- Bodyguards see through their own disguises
Recommended Spawn: Undercover as Security Staff
Recommended Gear: Lockpick + Fiber Wire

NOTE: Use the same method for all 5 levels of the escalation. The method meets all the terms for level 5, which includes the same terms from all the levels before it.

As soon as the mission starts, stop blending in, turn right and go down the balcony to the last room. Enter the room, and hack the laptop. From here, exiting using the door behind the laptop (lockpick required), jump onto the roof, go across and jump down near the telescope dome. Go inside the door, down the stairs and out the door near the courtyard between the telescope room and the kitchen. Wait for the chef to walk across the courtyard, down the short steps, and along the grass ledge. Once he passes the dumpster, garrote him, disguise yourself as him and immediately hide his body. From here, run to the plaza and enter the white car to exit the mission.

29 Apr 2016 22:35

As always, great guide!
By Simsonman08 on 02 Oct 2021 10:28
People down voted this? Morons. Excellent guide.
By Thai J on 02 Jul 2017 06:42
Yeah, this is perfect and so easy. Down voting should actually be for a real reason.
By BegFourMercy on 12 Aug 2018 05:56
Thanks Maka!!!
Thanks to you I'm globally 217 !!!
Can't believe it! Wow toast
By ParadoxReal8 on 03 Sep 2018 03:52
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Chose the "Apeiron Sadness" Escalation (can be done in two minutes and also a Feast Challange) and start in the ICA Safe House (saves some time) and stash the ICA Remote Explosive there. Start with the "Proximity Exposive Duck" and "The Pale Duck".


02 May 2016 11:57

Hello everyone!

This is a pretty easy achievement to attain, much like the rest of them providing you know what to do.

Below I have added my video guide for "The Sigma Illusion", which I found to be the easiest escalation to complete. Just make sure you start as a mansion security guard on the roof garden and quickly make your way along the same route as I took to the room with the laptop. This should enable you to avoid the other mansion guards who can see through your disguise and then follow the simple route to your target.

Enjoy and good luck! smile


20 Feb 2021 16:25

Escalation: The Sigma Illusion
Level 5 Conditions:
- Hack the laptop in the mansion
- Eliminate Chef Marcello Ray in Melee
- Do NOT pacify anyone (kills are allowed)
- Hide all dead bodies within 90 seconds
- Bodyguards see through their own disguises
Recommended Spawn: Undercover as Security Staff
Recommended Gear: Lockpick + Fiber Wire

NOTE: Use the same method for all 5 levels of the escalation. The method meets all the terms for level 5, which includes the same terms from all the levels before it.

As soon as the mission starts, stop blending in, turn right and go down the balcony to the last room. Enter the room, and hack the laptop. From here, exiting using the door behind the laptop (lockpick required), jump onto the roof, go across and jump down near the telescope dome. Go inside the door, down the stairs and out the door near the courtyard between the telescope room and the kitchen. Wait for the chef to walk across the courtyard, down the short steps, and along the grass ledge. Once he passes the dumpster, garrote him, disguise yourself as him and immediately hide his body. From here, run to the plaza and enter the white car to exit the mission.

14 Aug 2018 00:09

Fortunately, there is an Escalation Contract in Sapienza that is extremely fast and easy called "The Szilassi Darkness." To make this even faster, wait until you can unlock the ICA Safehouse as your starting location. Smuggle in the Jaeger-7 sniper rifle in the same location. From here you can snipe the targets with ease and exit the level. I personally completed this contract in under ten minutes.

Below is the walkthrough that basically shows what is explained above in video format.

Exacerbation of "Darkness of Scilassi". Planning: Starting point Tower on the main square, cafe basement cache, item in the Jaeger 7 Lancer sniper cache (available after skill level 20) visual video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j21wf5Z6Lb8
PS: I still don’t understand how my method differs from the one described below, but as the author assures, it is easier.

02 May 2016 22:51

If you are just doing it for the trophy, all this extra running around and distracting maneuvers are not needed. The mission will not fail if someone notices you or if you are caught on camera. Therefore, we simply break the laptop, break the cook (you can even do it right in the kitchen) and run to the nearest exit. Sometimes they shoot in pursuit, but not critical)
By ank17 on 15 Aug 2021 11:21
There is an even easier and faster way:
Contract: "Darkness of Scilassi"
Starting Point: Fortress
Stash: Fortress (Zoom Sniper)
The top level of the tower offers an excellent view of both targets, and the zoom sniper will help you hit the head without any problems.
By EvgenyBychkov71 on 24 Aug 2016 21:10
I offer the easiest and fastest way.
Escalation contract: "Sigma's Illusion", difficulty level 5.
3 minutes and the trophy is in your pocket.
Video guide (ru).

In this mission, you can get headshots without any problems with Jaeger 7, without a two-level sight. The Jaeger 7 Lancer rifle is good, but it makes a lot of noise and two guards will run out at you from below, there will be nowhere to dodge.
PS - camera recordings are stored in one of the rooms; in the video guide (ru) you can see exactly where.
By Miss.A.IR.T on 25 Nov 2020 21:04
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