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So Many Ways to Stop the Show

So Many Ways to Stop the Show

Complete all Opportunities in The Showstopper.


How to unlock the So Many Ways to Stop the Show achievement in HITMAN - Definitive Guide

This is a text guide for completing all opportunities in Hitman’s “The Showstopper” (Paris Mission), for those who, you know, prefer text over videos.

There’s a total of eight opportunities in this mission. They can all be completed in multiple runs. Some of them can be done together, and it isn’t necessary to actually perform a kill for them to register for most of them. As long as you fulfil the steps required for the opportunity, you’ll get credit for completing it. You also do not need to complete the mission to get a credit for these, unlike the challenges in this game. It’s, however, best to do them together with challenges so that you can work towards the Level 20 mastery achievement.

Note: The patch on April 25th means challenges are also saved and considered as complete upon doing them, without the need to complete the mission.

Tip: Check your Xbox One’s achievement progress meter each time you complete an opportunity. It should increase by approximately 12% for each completion. Make sure it increases before you proceed to the next one.

The game has a rather strange way of tracking whether you've “completed” an opportunity. During the mission, press cn_back to call up the menu, and cn_RB to scroll to the “Opportunities” tab. All the opportunities are listed there. Select the one you want to do, and press cn_A to start tracking it. Once you do so, it’s as simple as getting to the waypoint clearly visible in the game, and completing the instructions as stated. When doing so, take note that you must complete every single step listed in the opportunity instructions, and complete them in sequence, to get a credit for the achievement.

Alternatively, you may simply stumble upon an opportunity. If you didn’t actually “track” an opportunity, but somehow happened to complete it by accident (trust me, it’s possible), you’ll also get a credit for the achievement without actually having to complete all the steps in sequence. So, the choice is yours. To be absolutely safe, however, I’d recommend the tracking method, since it really makes things so much easier.

The eight opportunities are as follow.

A Drink to Die For
Select a starting point in the basement, and head into the changing room to grab the palace staff disguise on one of the benches. Use the tracker to reach the two staff talking about the “Bare Knuckle Boxer” drink.

The next tracker should bring you right to the recipe to make the drink. Read it.

Now head to the bar area, and go into the food preparation area to pick up the rat poison.

You can proceed to the bar counter. Choose the “Tend the bar” option on the cocktail item, and “Mix Bare Knuckle Boxer”. Poison the drink with the rat poison, and the opportunity will be completed.

Rare Scoop
Best done with the "Photobomb" challenge, so you'd need a remote bomb. It may be advisable to try this only after you reach Level 20 Mastery in Paris. Alternatively, head up to the attic to steal one. To make things faster, you may want to swap out the coin for a lockpick. You can start anywhere you want, depending on whether you start with a bomb or not.

Note: If you need a remote bomb in the attic, go to the big dining room on Level 2, subdue the lone waiter there, dump him into the closet, and take his clothes. This allows you to go up to Level 3. You’d need to get searched, so remember to drop your pistol somewhere before you head up. Up there, head into the attic, and steal the bomb before returning to Level 1.

Use the opportunity tracker to reach the rookie interviewer. She’ll be on the phone talking about her need to find a camera lens. Right behind her on the desk is her bag. Plant the remote bomb inside.

Head to the nearest door, and unlock it with the lockpick. You should see a van on the right. Steal the camera lens from there, and return to the interviewer. Once she gets the lens, follow her as she’ll eventually meet with Viktor. The opportunity will be completed once she meets with Viktor near the main entrance.

If you want, you can trigger the explosive to complete the “Photobomb” challenge here.

Note: I’m not sure if the opportunity will be completed if you don’t plant a remote bomb inside the bag. It may work, so if you did so without the bomb, please let me know so that I can fine tune the solution.

Guest of Honor
Start in the AV Center – the disguise is good enough to go to almost anywhere on Level 2. Use the tracker to locate the Sheikh’s room. There’s a guard outside his door. Toss a coin to lure him away, and then sneak into the room.

Once in, head to the left to enter the bathroom. Turn on the radio, and hide into the nearby closet. The Sheikh will come in to investigate. Subdue him, and take his clothes.

You’re now the Sheikh! You can walk freely to almost anywhere in the mission now (except perhaps the attic)! Head up to Level 3, and blend in when the auction is going on. When the chance to bid on an item arises, do so.

Once you win the auction, the opportunity is completed. Neverthless, since you’re already here, you might as well do the next opportunity, which is…

...Quick Break
Following from “Guest of Honor”, head into Dalia’s office. After some talking, an opportunity will present itself when the other girl in the room starts talk on the phone. Choose to track this opportunity.

Examine the laptop on the desk now to trigger the waypoint to the laptop dongle. Go into the attic. There’ll be two guards to your right. Toss a coin to the far right to lure one way. The other guard should walk away from you soon. Sneak behind him, and go left to the dongle lying in plain sight with another guard looking at the screens.

Sneak back out, and make a dash back to the office. Make sure no one sees you, and use the dongle on the laptop. The girl will soon walk in, realised that she has screwed up, and will quickly flee the scene with a guard.

Dalia will soon walk in to check on the laptop, and the opportunity is completed.

You can get the “Permanent Break” challenge done here by snapping her neck (subdue, snap neck) when she’s checking on the laptop as well. The crime will be noticed, so you’d need to make a run. The easiest escape is to run out to the left balcony, and slide down the pipe. Quickly head into the basement, and grab a palace staff disguise to stop the hunt.

15 Seconds of Fame
I’d do this with “Lights Out” since it’s easiest to get to the light rig in the Helmut disguise. For this reason, I’d suggest to not track the “Lights Out” opportunity – there’s simply too much backtracking involved if you’re tracking both opportunities together.

Start in the dressing room with a stylist disguise. If you’re tracking this opportunity, it actually starts near the stage where two persons are talking about idol-worshipping Helmut. Head to the back of the building to find Helmut. After he finishes the photo shoot, follow him. He’ll call Dalia. Once he’s done, subdue him, and take his disguise. It’s okay to leave his body there. He’ll be found but it doesn't really matter.

Call Dalia now. She insists that you perform the catwalk. Before you do so, head to the diorama near the dressing room. Make sure that the stylish-looking Sato is there. Use a coin on the diorama, wait for Sato to walk into a secluded spot, and subdue him. Dump him into the nearby box. There’s no need to take his disguise. The reason you take out Sato is so that Viktor will go on stage in his place later.

Head back to the dressing room, and get your make-up done. Now, go on stage and perform the catwalk. You should complete the challenge for doing the catwalk here, but the opportunity isn’t done just yet.

Head up to Level 3. With Helmut’s disguise, you can walk freely up without an invitation or being searched. Head to where Dalia is, and listen to the conversation. She’ll give you the cyanide after the talk, and the opportunity is complete. Garrote her now to get the “More Than You Bargained For” and “Piano Man” challenges done. Toss her into the closet, and you’re now ready for the next opportunity.

Lights Out
If you’re actually tracking this, you’d need to go back to Level 1 to read a stage schedule. This is why I suggest not to track it at all.

Head to the attic from the entrance near the auction room stairs. The first window on the right is opened, and you can vault out. Shimmy all the way to the top of the light rig. Sneak towards the other side, and make sure the two guards on the left windows aren't looking, before shimmying and vaulting into the attic again. There’s a crowbar here. Pick it up.

Now, do not go anywhere else in the attic. If you go to the right side, the opportunity for “Lights Out” will prompt as someone will start talking about the light rig. I accidentally triggered this conversation, didn't bother going down to Level 1 to read the stage schedule, and didn't get credit for this opportunity initially. Quickly transverse back to the top of the light rig, but make sure the two guards at the windows aren't looking before you do so.

Wait for Viktor to go on stage, and use the crowbar on the light rig to kill him. You’ll complete the opportunity, while also getting the “Lights Out” challenge done.

Playing with Fire
This requires triggering the fireworks display. It’s easiest to unlock by doing the “In Plain Sight” challenge.

During the planning stage, equip a sniper rifle (“Jaeger 7”) in the ICA stash, and swap the coin out for a lockpick. Start in the AV Center because the fireworks display trigger is right in front of where you spawn. Grab the trigger, and head to the back of the building. Head to the shed where three guards are talking, and either sneak into the shed, or jump in through the window on the other side. Grab the sniper rifle. You’ll now be “visibly armed”, so make sure no one sees you.

Head right from the shed to find a stairs leading down to a locked gate. Unlock it with the lockpick. You’re now at the pile-driver barge. Climb the ladder up to the top, and trigger the fireworks. Once you trigger the fireworks, the opportunity will be completed.

The fireworks display will lure both Dalia and Viktor into the open to watch the show. If you can quickly kill both of them with the sniper rifle with 10 seconds of each other, and escape unnoticed, you’ll unlock the “In Plain Sight” challenge.

Private Meeting
It’s best to grab a bodyguard disguise before you start tracking the opportunity. Start at the AV Center again. There’s a large dining room on this level. On one side of the room, there are several waiters preparing food. Head to the other side instead, where a lone guard will patrol from time to time. Once he’s isolated, subdue him, and take his costume.

Quickly head to the garden bar now, and start tracking the opportunity. Run to the guarded area to listen to the conversation about Decker. Head back towards the garden bar, and you’ll find Decker there. Talk to him, and lead him to the pavilion. Once there, blend in, and wait for Viktor to arrive.

Once Viktor arrives, and talk to Decker, the opportunity is completed.

After the talk, Viktor will ask his personal guard to leave, while he takes a stroll to enjoy the view of the Seine River. Push him into the river to complete the “In Seine” challenge if you want.

And that’s it – all eight opportunities completed in Paris. As I mentioned, always check the achievement progress meter after every opportunity is done to ensure that you get credit for doing them. I did “Private Meeting” last, and the achievement popped right after Viktor spoke to Decker. As I mentioned, kills are not mandatory in most instances. The opportunities will count as completed once you set up the scene for a kill mostly.

Questions/ feedback? Please comment, and I’ll do my best to respond. Have fun!

15 Apr 2016 05:02

Hi. Could you please make an walkthrough of this for the Sapienza level? I'm stuck at 80% on this in Sapienza. Thank you.
By MadTitanNL on 07 May 2016 22:04
Ok if I'm free in the office tomorrow, I'll do it. I don't have a computer at home, and typing a long solution on the phone will kill me. 😁
By neeker75 on 08 May 2016 01:33
Great guide. I think I'm glitching though, still haven't gotten the achievement despite doing them all repeatedly. Hopefully it will just randomly pop up as I'm going for 100% on everything
By Donax on 09 May 2016 20:01
Same I'm stuck at 87% and have done them all several times
By Bootybandit1#751 on 07 Sep 2016 20:00
Thanks a lot! Epic guide!
By Th4kk1 on 11 Jan 2018 06:33
I had the opposite experience to a lot of people - mine popped when I’d completed 6 of 8 opportunities ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
By MushroomToaster on 08 Sep 2018 10:22
I completed all of the above, no achievement...
But it did unlock when I completed the discovery "Your Excellency".
By SpeciallyTDerp on 13 Jul 2019 15:28
I can confirm that planting the bomb in the camera is not required to complete Rare Scoop. I had the bomb but forgot to place it before giving the lens to the blogger but I successfully completed the opportunity when she got into position by the fountain a few minutes before Viktor arrived.
By Gilbert Prime on 21 Jan 2021 21:32
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Here is a video guide showing how to get the achievement:

11 Mar 2016 12:55

Though I didn't watch the video I just wanted to add that you can do it in multiple "runs"
By Maze Mayhem on 12 Mar 2016 18:07
Cheers for the video, worked all fine except for the frequent lame ass sever disconnection. Unbelievable! +1
By BLAZE VII on 14 Mar 2016 20:09
cheers blaze ^_^
By Purpal Haze on 15 Mar 2016 11:41
Ok, it might seem pretty obvious but I thought I had done everything and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't unlock

You actually have to track each opportunity and complete all parts of it

For example, the last one I needed was to drop the light rigs on the guy during his speech, when I originally did it, I just waited for him to finally go on the catwalk and I just dropped the lights

You actually have to go through each step (check schedule, pacify the stylist, etc..)
By Moo Moo Dairy on 18 Mar 2016 20:29
Ah shoot. I did them all but I don't know which one I didn't actually track each opportunity... Wish there was a way to check which ones have been counted. In the challenges menu it has them all marked as done already but I still don't have this achievement :/
By J1MMYCHANGAS on 28 Mar 2016 13:51
I have redone these multiple times and I am still stuck at 75%. I have even gone as far as doing them in order - anyone else stuck at a certain percentage?
By InfiniteRefrain on 29 Mar 2016 21:25
Is there absolutely a need to do every part of an opportunity?

The opportunity for Helmut begins near the stage, where two persons will talk about him. I got the opportunity there, followed it, and it led me to his location at the back of the building. But this video goes straight to him without listening to that conversation.
By neeker75 on 13 Apr 2016 01:55
Thanks, +1. Look forward to a guide for Sapienza's opportunities! ;D
By ClaytThaGreat on 28 Apr 2016 23:11
@ Moo Moo Dairy I don't think you have to track them. I did the Lights Out one without checking the schedule and still got credit for the opportunity.
By Vex Twilley on 23 Nov 2017 07:46
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This is an extra solution for those people who get their achievement "stuck" at a certain percentage.

Heads up warning: deleting saves is entirely at your OWN RISK.

When your achievement is stuck at a certain percentage follow these steps to retrigger the achievement:

1. Close hitman by quitting the game entirely
2. Go to manage game and delete all saves including the reserved space from the CONSOLE ONLY
3. Start up hitman
4. When you get the prompt from the xbox that it's trying to synch, cancel that.
5. Complete the missing or all oppertunities again and the achievement should now unlock.

All checkmarks on the oppertunities should dissappear after step 4 allowing you to gain them again. All unlockables should still remain active throughout. After restarting the game you can let the synch do it's business to get back your save data.

It has been confirmed working on the "Landslide" and "Bangkok" oppertunity achievements by myself and a few other players. If you can confirm it on other achievements please let everyone know in the comments.

18 Feb 2017 19:14

Thanks, this also worked for me on 'Paris'.
My tracker was stuck on 75% although my game showed all opportunities completed.

Repeating them all (several times) did not work & I thought this had glitched - I followed this guide & as soon as I completed two opportunities the achievement unlocked for me.
By CrazeeCoyote on 17 Jan 2018 00:03
Nice. That definitely worked for me! Thanks!
By SweptbackFlame on 05 Apr 2018 01:04
I was stuck at 62% on Paris. This worked perfectly. I didn't lose progress on the way to reaching level 20 mastery either. All it did was reset the saves I had and the opportunities. All the challenges stayed. Brilliant.
By Lord Betus on 15 Dec 2018 04:35
This worked for me as well. Thanks a lot.
By xboj on 21 Mar 2020 09:09
This worked for me too, thanks
By Anno Mundi on 13 Feb 2021 08:45
this method worked perfectly for me. another upvote!
By Major Criolo BR on 11 Jan 2023 02:18
Was stuck at 87%. Worked perfectly bro. Started up a game as tech crew picked up the remote and it popped after a minute. On Bangkok this did not work.
By My Ringtones on 14 Jan 2023 23:39
Can confirm from Jayowski’s comment that it works I was in the same position he was in followed everything the guide said and it worked perfectly!!! Thumbs up!!!!
By MasterFormKing on 08 Oct 2023 04:11
Thanks for this solution. I was stuck on 87% on Paris, having done all opportunities several times. Followed this guide, started as tech crew in the AV Center, grabbed the fireworks remote and the achievement popped straight away.

All starting locations, guns and disguises were still available, and after resynching my saves, all opportunities and challenges previously completed were showing as correct.
By Din Leralonde on 31 Dec 2017 13:43
"Thanks for this solution. I was stuck on 87% on Paris, having done all opportunities several times. Followed this guide, started as tech crew in the AV Center, grabbed the fireworks remote and the achievement popped straight away."

It popped for me when I grabbed the fireworks remote :)
By Jayowski on 28 Feb 2023 12:07
Just wanted to say this worked for me on both the Landslide mission (Marakesh) and the opportunities on bangkok. Both were stuck, after doing this, both achievements popped.

To clarify; this won't permanently delete saves (as long as you choose console only for the save deletion, not everywhere!). I am at 100% now thanks to the OP. Tnx!
By DutchDemons on 02 Mar 2023 10:50
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There are a total of eight opportunities available in “The Showstopper.” You can track each of these right from the start, and if you keep the option on, the game will put a waypoint on each objective related to the opportunity. Be aware that some opportunities take a while to play out if you miss the time window, but none are really “missable.” Just be aware that if you kill a target, the other opportunities relating to them will obviously no longer be available, and you’ll need to do them on a separate playthrough.

Here is a list containing the name and the general summary of each one:

  • 15 Seconds of Fame - Disguise yourself as Helmut Kreuger to gain a private meeting with Dalia Margolis.
  • A Drink to Die For - Disguise yourself as a bartender to poison Novikov’s favorite alcoholic beverage.
  • A Private Meeting - Disguise yourself as the bodyguard to watch over the meeting between Kurt Decker and Viktor Novikov.
  • A Quick Break - The auction hosted by IAGO at the top floor of the building is run via a laptop. Sabotage the laptop and you can catch Margolis off guard when she takes a break.
  • A Rare Scoop - Set up the interview between the journalist and Novikov. You can conceal an explosive in the camera and detonate it to kill him.
  • Guest of Honor - Disguise yourself as the Sheikh to infiltrate the auction.
  • Lights Out - Rig the lights that hover over the walkway so that they will fall on Novikov when he steps on stage.
  • Playing With Fire - Set off the fireworks. Setting this off will get both of the targets outside, where you can snipe them from a distance or push Margolis over the edge so that she’ll land on Novikov for the challenge.