69 Achievements


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Soup Sandwich

Soup Sandwich

Ram Rose and Parvati, make Berg blow himself up and drown Graves.


How to unlock the Soup Sandwich achievement in HITMAN - Definitive Guide

Text guide as usual from me.

You can set up the required kills by doing the following opportunities:

- Point Man (ram both Rose and Parvati)
- Tongue Tied (make Berg blow himself up)
- The Audition (drown Graves)

You can do them all in one sitting.

Ram both Rose and Parvati
- Follow the Point Man opportunity to grab a Point Man outfit.
- There's a rat poison in the room where the Point Man is. Use it with the drink on the table near the entrance. This causes the Point Man to go into the toilet.
- Subdue and take his disguise.
- Go to Parvati's location, and talk to her to initiate the slide presentation.
- Blend in at the chair to finish up the briefing.
- Pick up the Crowbar from the table behind the chairs.
- Get into position for the heist sequence. Prepare your gun. I used the Silenced Pistol because it's more accurate, but you can use any gun.
- You've around 30 seconds to shoot the four dummies in the car. Make sure you shoot all of them. There's one dummy to the right of the leftmost dummy in the front seat that's not clearly visible.
- Once you hear Parvati shouts "grab the documents", run to the back car door, and pry it open with the crowbar.
- Grab the briefcase and run to the left of the cars to end the sequence.
- Parvati will conduct a debriefing. Turn off the safety switch when no one is noticing.
- Go to the ram release and wait. (Opportunity completed)
- Rose will check the contents in the car, and move in line with Parvati eventually as she's doing the debriefing. Use the ram to kill them both.
- Run out of the place because you'll probably be seen!

NOTE: You must complete the heist sequence successfully in order for Rose to walk in line with Parvati. Otherwise, he won't move.

Make Berg bow himself up
- Follow the Tongue Tied opportunity until you're asked to infiltrate the basement.
- The easiest route to enter the basement is by the left of the mansion, where there's a staircase leading downwards, a CCTV at the bottom of the stairs, and two patrolling guards. To enter the basement door, however, you'd need a key.
- Go to Berg's garage. There are two guards there who'll be talking to each other. You'd need to subdue both.
- Subdue the one outside when the one inside isn't looking. Then quickly turn off the power nearby, Run back to the body, drag it, and dump it into the container. You must do this quickly.
- The guard inside will be out to check. Once he's here, subdue him too. Dump him into the container, and grab one of their disguises.
- Climb into the garage to find the basement key on the table.
- While you're here, you might as well also pick up the wrench opposite the table, and mess up the gas canister beside the table with it. This is a prerequisite for making Berg blow himself up.
- Head to the basement entrance mentioned earlier. Shoot the CCTV when no one's looking (or ignore it if you don't care).
- Sneak past both guards (one of them can see through your existing disguise), and use the basement key to enter the basement.
- Depending on the situation, Berg may or may not be here. It's best that he isn't here, otherwise it'd be a long wait.
- Wait for the guard near the prisoner to walk away. Tamper with the machine there to overdose the prisoner.
- The guard, upon noticing the overdose, will call Berg. Wait for Berg to come back. (Opportunity completed)
- You can ignore Berg now because he'll go back to the garage, and die from the explosion. You may want to follow him to see him blow , but it's not necessary.

Drown Graves
- Follow the The Audition opportunity now.
- I'd suggest grabbing the Point Man disguise from the garage (where you changed disguise earlier) because it allows you almost unlimited access outside.
- Run to to the radar area where one of the technicians will be a fake Interpol undercover.
- Tamper with the machine nearby. You'd need to quickly subdue him, so using the wrench you picked up earlier would be a good idea.
- Pick up his disguise, pick up his Interpol badge, and drag his body to a nearby container to dump it.
- Wait for Graves to come near to this area, because she will. Talk to her.
- This sets up a meeting near a slurry pit (top right corner of map). Talk to her. (Opportunity completed)
- After she chases her guards away, she'll face the slurry pit. Wait until no one is looking (there will be one person on the far left who will be looking in your direction from time to time), Push her into the pit to drown her.

Achievement unlocked!

29 Sep 2016 05:29

Thanks, was stuck on the first one, you actually have to complete the opportunity and have him go back to the garage. He will go there on his own but the explosion doesn't happen unless you do the opportunity as he goes back to check his number and do a test.
By Calex dEUS on 17 Oct 2016 20:30
Thanks for for the step by step, super helpful!

As an FYI, the assassinations appear to 'stack'. I do and did an initial, no walkthrough run for the first time and completed the second 2 but not the first. As soon as I did the two-with-one ram the achievement popped up!
By xWild Yak on 18 Aug 2017 15:18
Lol! I couldn't get Rose to stand in front of the ram, so I clocked him with the crowbar and he fell in front of it. Then I just ran over and smashed that button! Success!
By McGubbalo on 01 Apr 2020 01:05
Couldn't figure this out for a moment which 1 of the specified kills I was missing. Its the ram. I was confused why i was at 66%, as I hadn't rammed rose yet, hue hue hue, but i did blow up ezra by shooting the gas tank after the opportunity was completed and he read his notes in the shed. Might be easier just to do this, if it works as well as tampering with the canister.
By Ape King Iræ on 12 Sep 2020 16:43
Oh, wow, man! Outstanding guide! Everything worked like a charm and unlocked so many challenges that I went from mastery 0 to 11.5 on my very first run! Quality! Thank you!
By BigTymer2047 on 15 Jan 2022 09:01
Thank you for taking the time to write this up. I'm a hater of "watch this video" solutions. I would up-vote but I'm playing this one on my PC, so the site won't let me. This was a big time-saver.

The only snag I hit was in the heist sequence. For me, I had to shoot the four dummies starting with the driver and working left-to-right, towards the back. There is a red laser that shines on the dummies until they've been shot in the left-to-right order. I ended up just walking up to the windows (after the ram has retracted) and shot them up close. And I didn't notice that I had to hit the button beside the SUV (your description says to head that way but I didn't notice the button at first).

To get into Berg's garage, I couldn't time your method fast enough; I was getting spotted from all sorts of places. I ended up unlocking the door (lockpick), dropping a gun at my feet outside the door, tucking against the wall left of the door, opening it, and tossing a coin just inside. The inside guy would see the gun eventually (I had to reopen it a couple times). He carries the gun into the house, so I had an easy time subduing the outside guard, cleaning out the garage, and getting away before the inside guy came back.

For the interpol guy, there is a water hose behind the scarecrow (NW corner of the fenced area); it is next to a hiding spot. Sometimes the other guy that hangs out in that area will notice first. Both of them get overly suspicious and I had to back way off then run in to subdue.
By Leon Kowalski on 18 Dec 2016 19:35
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This is done in Episode 5: Colorado, USA. You will need to use the point man disguise to kill Rose and Pervati with the ram. Next, obtain a militia disguise and the basement key from Berg's garage. Remember to grab the wrench from the toolbox. In the basement, secretly administer a dosage to the hostage. Return to Berg's garage and use the wrench to loosen the valve on the gas canister. Wait for Berg to return and blow himself up. Finally, retrieve the interpol badge and disguise from the specific guard in the apricot farm. Approach Graves and talk to her. You will lead her to the slurry pit, where after another conversation she will tell her guards to go away. She will then lean over the rail of the pit, at this point push her in and you are done.

Here is a video guide with English commentary for this achievement!

Here is a playlist of guides for this game!


29 Sep 2016 19:37

Great post! This was my first attempt on this mssion. I got Silent Assassin and reached level 13 in one run. I did a few extra things along the way and had several reloads, but great guide.
By xzwaqidx on 16 Oct 2017 01:10
Great guide, thumbs up.
By SPACE ODDITY on 31 Dec 2020 14:00

28 Sep 2016 06:13

Soup Sandwich
Kill everyone in a specific way (doesn't all have to be in the same run)

1) Ram Parvati and Rose
Follow the "Point Man" opportunity and complete Parvati's training drill with Rose watching. Make sure you turn off the ram safety before the exercise starts (run through the opportunity once so you know where everything is and what you're doing). If you do well, Rose will join in the debriefing to commend you, and both targets will be in the path of the ram.

If tampering with the safety or hitting the ram button makes someone Suspicious, just run out and around the barn. Once you break line of sight for a while they will lose interest and forget about what you did.

2) Make Berg blow himself up
Follow the "Tongue Tied" opportunity. At the start, while you're in the supply shed for the basement key, take a wrench and open up the big red gas canister. Make sure you hide any loose bodies or guns so the AI doesn't get distracted. Complete the opportunity, and once Berg finds out you've tampered with his interrogation he'll (eventually) make his way back to the shed and ignite the gas with his bunsen burner.

3) Drown Graves
Follow the "Audition" opportunity and talk to Graves at the slurry pit. She will dismiss her bodyguards and lean over the edge of the pit with a huge neon "PUSH ME" sign on her back.

24 Oct 2016 12:54

Ramming Rose and Parvati is related to the "Point Man" opportunity. To ram them both at the same time, make sure that you make that the first thing you do in the mission, because it takes a long time for the two targets paths to intersect. Follow through with the opportunity until you get to the training drill. Turn off the safety to the ram and then complete the drill. After, Rose and Parvati will both come over to discuss the drill's results. While they are talking, go over to where Parvati was standing and press the button. The ram will kill them both in one fell swoop.

To make Ezra Berg blow himself up, you will want to follow through with the "Tongue Tied" opportunity. Make your way into the basement of the house and administer the overdose to the prisoner. As soon as you do this, make your way to the barn next to the house where Berg has cameras set up to watch the interrogation. Sneak into the shed and use a wrench (found in the small shed near the back of the house) to loosen the valve to the propane tank next to the table. When Berg gets back, he will cause the tank to explode, killing him instantly in an unfortunate accident.

To drown Graves, you need to follow through with "The Audition" opportunity. At the end of the opportunity, wait until Graves asks for a moment of privacy while she reflects on her options. She conveniently stands right next to the slurry pit while doing this. When no one is looking, push her over the edge and she will fall in and drown.

Once all three of these have been completed, the achievement will unlock.

You can do it more than once and out of order. But the main thing is to blow up Berg in the barn, using a gas cylinder, unscrewing the valve. First call him to the basement by pressing the button there. I blew it up with a lawnmower, but they didn't give me the achievement.

04 Apr 2019 14:03