69 Achievements


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Training Escalated

Training Escalated

Complete Level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in the ICA Facility.


How to unlock the Training Escalated achievement in HITMAN - Definitive Guide

Escalation is a series of 5 levels with each one being more difficult than the last. Here is a video guide of level 5 which would in turn work to complete any of the 5 levels.


12 Mar 2016 18:34

No pacifying targets means you cannot knock them out for their disguise.

You can however kill them for it :)
By Trujew on 12 Apr 2016 00:21
By Mince lfc on 18 Dec 2017 17:08
I completed the 5 on the ship but the cheevo didn't pop. Does it only work for the Final Test mission?
By JoeyPajamas on 06 Jul 2018 16:10
Excellent guide!!
By BigTymer2047 on 24 Jan 2021 16:55
I had to do level 5 twice before it popped.
By Muddy Grundy on 16 May 2023 11:35
Game seems to be a bit buggy, i just completed lvl 5 and didnt get the achievement.
This mission is not hard though, just takes a bit of time playing through it 5 times.

Heh, it just popped after sitting at the main menu for a few minutes, maybe it had to update with the server or something.
By Zordnil on 13 Mar 2016 07:40
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​Ok, so this is for the updated map of the ICA Facility
An escalation contract means that you will do the same mission 5 times only that after each successful run, there will be an extra objective added to the existing list of objectives.
To launch a escalation contract for for the ICA Facility, from the main menu, press cn_RB to go to the Destinations tab, select ICA Facility and go all the way to the right where you'll find 2 options. I'm gonna show how to do The Einarsson Inception Escalation

Level 1 - kill Evan Holden with a kitchen knife wearing a yacht security disguise
Level 2 - additional security cameras are present. If you get caught by a security camera, you have 2 minutes at your disposal to erase the evidence
Level 3 - kill Terry Norfolk wearing a yacht crew disguise
Level 4 - all yacht security members can see trough your security and crew disguise
Level 5 - complete the mission in less than 5 minutes

25/9/2017 - personal video has been added
Please state the reason if you leave a negative vote
Cheers and happy achievement hunting

27 Jul 2017 11:59

No video?
By beets101 on 24 Sep 2017 16:16
I’m in the preview program and there’s an issue with game dvr cry
By Luku38 on 25 Sep 2017 07:49
@beets101 tried again and now, i was able to edit and upload the video smile hope it helps wink
By Luku38 on 25 Sep 2017 09:41
works perfectly & everything is nice & simple
By C0LOURMEGREY on 08 Nov 2017 14:43
By Luku38 on 08 Nov 2017 16:01
Great solution, thnx
By Rista B on 06 Jan 2018 18:26
Done in 3 min, on my first try. Greate solution!
By Charlie Lima on 15 Sep 2018 12:30
Glad I could help headspin
By Luku38 on 15 Sep 2018 14:07
By Luku38 on 06 Jul 2019 12:49
Positive upvote from me. I know this covers level 5, but can be used to work for all levels.

Definitely nailed it like a piece of cake. Thank you.
By GTAmissions1 on 09 May 2020 04:47
Really glad I could help headspin
By Luku38 on 11 May 2020 22:32
This was awsome going this this out
By SinSTeRS DEVIL on 01 Jun 2020 11:22
By SinSTeRS DEVIL on 01 Jun 2020 11:23
By ShadyShall on 18 Mar 2021 03:19
I had to complete the Level 5 twice in order for this to pop, you made this fast, so it wasn't a burden thanks.
By My Ringtones on 13 Jan 2023 16:10
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Here are all level 5 escalations which are currently available for the ICA Facility. Escalations are basicly contracts with different difficulties and levels. Each escalation has 5 levels and level 5 is always the highest difficulty in this series.

To get the achievement you have to complete one escalation from level 1 to level 5. My video guides show you level 5 of the specific escalation and you can also use the same strategy for level 1-4. I complete all escalations with a 5 star rating and always as silent assassin with perfect stealth.

In the spoiler is the video and the objectives for level 5

The Snorrason Ascension Escalation

The Einarsson Inception Escalation


24 Jun 2016 11:19

Job well done. clap
By PokerNick on 13 Jul 2016 21:17
The Einarsson Inception Escalation Methode funktioniert nicht mehr da das Level nun etwas anders aufgebaut ist (Wachhaus zu Beginn zb. fehlt)
Nur zur Info für dich falls du es updaten willst ^^
By Auresil on 25 Jun 2017 22:14
Oh das ist ja kacke wenn die das Leveln geändert haben :(
By Zasta 360GameTV on 26 Jun 2017 09:17
Voted negatively because the 'Einarsson Inception Escalation' map has been changed. If you upload a new video showing how to complete the new map, I'll change my vote :)
By Luku38 on 15 Aug 2017 08:12
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If you are stuck on level 5 einersson (or any of the levels really), i have an easy way which may help;

- use the coins to lure Norfolk into the alley and subdue him
- run into the room behind the alley and subdue (or kill if you are evil) the mechanic, equip his outfit
- shoot the camera above the garage and round the corner to the left
- run through the garage, up the stair into the galley and get the kitchen knife
- run to the storage room and subdue/kill the cop there, equip uniform
- run to the cop target and kill using the previously aquired knife
- run to a side room, equip the crew uniform
- run back to the alley through the garage and back to Norfolk
- snap his neck, go round the corner and exit mission.

I still had 1minute 25secs left doing it this way.

13 Apr 2016 17:44

The easiest of the two choices is The Snorrason Ascension. I'll make a list of what to do for each level.
1. Turn around and head left to the fence, grabbing the crowbar as you go past. Hop the fence, hug the fence, hop the next fence. Equip the crowbar, turn off the compressor, hide behind the crate on wheels, knock out the soldier, grab his clothes, hide him in the nearby box. Head back out over the fence and into the first door. Head left until you see a staircase, go up and into the next room. Turn left and enter the bathroom. Select your silenced pistol and wait. The target enters the bathroom, shoot him and hide the body in the crate. Go back down the stairs you came up and out two doors to the car.
2. Same as #1, you just have to make sure that you use the crowbar to open the safe once both Jasper and his guard leave.
3, 4, 5. Now you have to kill Jasper's guard too, as an airplane mechanic. The following advice will get you through levels 3-5. Go over the fence, but instead of pacifying the guard head into the window behind him. Go right and through a couple of doors to find just the disguise you need waiting for you on the bench to the left. Now go back out the same two doors and into another door on your right. Now go upstairs, but wait until the general comes and goes from the room once. You will have to wait for your target to leave once and the second time he leaves the general won't be nearby. Garrote him as he moves from the window for the easiest kill and then drag his body into the bathroom. Take his clothes, stash him and wait for the general to arrive. Shoot him, stash him, get the safe contents and leave. The reason I suggested doing the airplane mechanic first is that two mechanics on your way out will see through your disguise, if you try to end the mission in it, and that will cost you points.

07 Feb 2019 06:18

This is a video solution of what I did to get this achievement.


17 Oct 2019 04:29

Escalation contracts are a new addition to the franchise that involve one contract that gets progressively harder with all the conditions that get added to each level. Some are easier than others, but the default one on the ICA facility is called "The Snorrason Ascension." The conditions for each level are as follows:

  • Level 1: Assassinate Cilas Netzke (KGB Colonel) while wearing the Soviet Soldier disguise using a pistol (starting silenced pistol works just fine for this)
  • Level 2: Same as level 1 + break into the safe.
  • Level 3: Same as level 1+2 + assassinate Moses Butusov (Knight's bodyguard) while wearing the Hanger Mechanic disguise using any weapon
  • Level 4: Same as levels 1-3 + hide all bodies within 90 seconds
  • Level 5: Same as level 4 + do not kill or pacify anyone other than the targets

If you're struggling with this, here's a video for further assistance on Level 5 (you can use the exact strategies for lower levels). Credit to 360GameTV.

In the main menu "Destinations", select Complex, scroll to the right to the very end. "Two escalation missions: Infiltration of Einarsson and Rise of Snorrason. We go through 5 levels and get a trophy. Video guide .

10 Jul 2017 19:10

You will start from the first level of threat and up to the fifth, in the video hint from oleg_samarskii the whole mission is step by step to make it more difficult, watch it in full! At the first stage, you just need to kill the guard in disguise and with a knife, at the second level of threat you already need to erase data from surveillance cameras, etc.!

01 Mar 2018 21:54