HITMAN World of Assassination

HITMAN World of Assassination

47 Achievements

1000 XP

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Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Make a target slip and fall while evacuating in a skydiving suit.

15 XP


How to unlock the Keep Your Eyes Peeled achievement in HITMAN World of Assassination - Definitive Guide

To unlock the Keep Your Eyes Peeled achievement in Hitman 3, you need to make a target slip and fall while evacuating in a skydiving suit during the On top of the World mission in Dubai. This can be done by placing a banana peel in front of parachutes the two targets use to escape the building.

This worked for me while I was completing the Bird of Prey Mission Story. You’ll need to find Zana Kazem, to the left of the atrium around the corner, arguing with a staff member. If you're playing on either Casual or Professional the Mission Story guide should highlight Kazem once te Mission Story has been activated from the menu or after pressing the bottom prompt.

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Once he’s done, follow him into the smoking area and turn right into a small seating area with a bench, a sound system to interact with, and bushes to hide in. Turn on the sound system to get Kazem to investigate the music, then hide in the bush. He’ll then come over and turn off the sound system. Quickly eliminate him, put on his clothes, and hide the body in the bushes. You’ll also want to dump any weapons in these bushes too to pass the pat-down.

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Head towards the stairs where Kazem and the staff member were arguing to get frisked. Then go up the stairs and talk to the assistant. The assistant will guide you towards the meeting room, once you’re there immediately head out the doors located on the left-hand side of the room.

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You’ll now be standing in front of the security office. Turn right down the hall, and you’ll hear a guard talking about a lockdown drill. He mentions that there’s a special keycard in a safe in the security office. The passcode for the safe is 6927. Dispatch the guard, take his uniform and dump the body over the railing (just not the railing over the stairs).

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Go into the office, locate the safe on your right, punch in the code (6927), and grab the card. You’ll also see a banana on the desk at the far end of the office, grab that too. Now, head out of the door in front of you, and you’ll see a blue carpet and a security camera (the camera can be ignored or destroyed, it’s up to you). Follow the blue carpet into the penthouse.

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Once inside, you should hear two guards talking about the lockdown/evacuation drill next to a keycard reader and two parachutes. To activate the drill, you’ll need to swipe your card in that reader and another one located upstairs. Before you do that, go through the archway ahead of you, and cross the hall into the kitchen. Grab the knife off the counter and head back to the parachutes. The guards should be gone by now, so open the cases and slash the parachutes with the knife. Next, place the banana you picked up earlier in front of the case on the right using cn_LB and cn_RB, but not too close to the wall. The peel of the banana should now be on the floor, not the whole fruit.

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Now swipe the first reader, run through the arch, across the hallway, and turn left up some stairs. Turn left again into another room, and you’ll see the second card reader in front of you. Swipe the card, and the evacuation procedure will start. Ignore Grey when he tells you to go to the helipad, the pair can’t escape that way. Ingram and Stuyvesant will then head to the sabotaged parachutes to escape the building with. One of them will slip on the comically-placed banana peel you left and unlocking the achievement.

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The achievement description states that a target must slip and fall while evacuating IN a skydiving suit. When I did this, Ingram hadn’t quite put on his skydiving suit just yet and the achievement still unlocked. If that doesn't work, you can place the banana next to the golf green where the two targets jump off with their parachutes. If you exit the penthouse via the main entrance and turn left, you should see two doors leading to the golf green. With this method, I've found the guards escorting the targets accidentally slip on the banana instead, so just bear that in mind.

19 Jan 2021 15:19

Got this by accident , when following the (in)security mission story, the target doesn't have to be evacuating, I thought I could get him to fall when he moves to the edge after the knife throwing bit so placed the banana, he just fell on his ass but the achievement unlocked, if you start in the staff meeting (first location you unlock) there is a banana right in front of you.
By Calex dEUS on 22 Jan 2021 16:30
I also got it by accident while goofing around with the banana. First I made a janitor slip. Next, I made the the king slip while he was walking down some stairs. Third, I made Carl Ingram slip while he was walking from his bedroom to his bar. That unlocked the achievement. He wasn't evacuating, and no one was wearing a skydiving suit.
By Lt Davo on 02 Feb 2021 19:26
Worked like a charm
By Pure Pip Raptor on 27 Mar 2021 15:14
I tried making one of them slip on a banana with no achievement pop. It wasn't until one of them changed into a skydiving suit later during that same mission attempt that the achievement popped.
By PrinceOfEternia on 31 Mar 2021 17:42
Great guide, thank you, but the two locations you suggest didn't work for me.
I tried putting two banana skins to the left of the parachutes, close to the wall and that tripped one of the targets.
By LeiChat on 29 May 2021 15:56
Nice one. Easy to follow with no slip-ups - apart from the intended one. 🍌
By TrevtheGeek on 03 Feb 2024 22:05
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Mission: Dubai: On Top of the World
Recommended Spawn: Meeting Room as Event Staff
Upon spawning, pick up the banana directly in front of you. Your next goal is to get upstairs and find a Penthouse Guard disguise. The easiest one to get is by the server room. With this disguise, go to the Security Room nearby, and enter code 6927 in the safe to find the evacuation keycard. Now, head upstairs to the penthouse and locate the parachutes in the Study, as well as the kitchen knife in the nearby Lounge.

Now, use the kitchen knife to sabotage both of the parachutes without being seen. This will allow us to get the Mile High Drop challenge while we do this. Now, we must take out the Helicopter Pilot as this is the first plan of escape during an evacuation. You can easily go to the Ventilation Area, or use the crowbar to gain access to a shortcut to the helipad, or take the long.

With the helicopter pilot taken out, it's time to start the evacuation by swiping both keycard readers in the Study and Top Floor Penthouse. If done correctly, both targets will go into lockdown and run to the helicopter. When they realize that the pilot is taken out, they will run to the Study and put on their parachutes.

As they are running towards the parachutes, equip the banana, crouch, and hold both shoulder buttons to "place" the banana on the ground to make it into a banana peel. The best spot to place it is directly under the keycard reader.

Now, the targets will run into the Study, equip their parachutes and one will slip and fall on the banana to unlock the achievement. If you wait, they will both try to escape now, but fail due to the cut parachutes for an accident assassination.


20 Jan 2021 13:27

this can be a hard achievement to work out but its easy once you actually know how to force an evacuation and cause the targets to slip on a banana

so rather than typing out a long winded text solution (because there are plenty of good text solutions already) i just made a simple video guide below :)


16 Feb 2021 15:34

From the main menu simply navigate to the "Campaigns" section then go into the "Hitman 3" scroll across to "On top of the world" Select and play.

As soon as the mission starts run up the stairs in front of you and take a left. As soon as you turn left you will see a small crowd next to a bar head over to the bar and wait for the event staff member to come out inspect the food and return into the back room(For me he was already going into the back room).

Follow the event staff member into the room wait for the door to close behind you and subdue him, once he is subdued take his clothes. Run to the left and enter the double doors that lead into the kitchen run around the room and leave to kitchen. Turn right then make an immediate left you will find a set of stairs.

Go up the stairs there will be 3 flights in total once you have reached the top of the stairs run straight down the hall don't enter the penthouse reception go to the right and make your way down the hall through the double doors. Continue through the next set off double doors marked security room.

NOTE: you have to be quick as you will be trespassing. Once in the room turn to the left and pick up the banana on the security staff desk. once you have picked up the banana turn around and leave the room then take a left going to the backstage of the art gallery. Follow the backstage round to the right and you will come across two automatic sliding doors go through them.

Now outside turn left and you will see a ladder go to the ladder and climb it. Once you have climbed it look to your right you will see two guards you need to wait till one of the guards starts walking away and subdue the other. Make sure you drag the body to a safe spot before the other guard returns, Now take his uniform climb onto the helipad and walk around the helicopter.

Continue walking on the left hand side go through the automatic door and run into the security room. you will see the second banana on the table to your right pick this up. on the far side of the office you will see a safe on the wall. Go to the safe and type the code 6927 and hit OK, the locker will open and inside is an evacuation keycard take the keycard and go back out the door you entered from.

when you leave the security room take a right and go up the stairs into the penthouse. Once you reach the penthouse run past the two guards talking next to the emergency card swipe and two parachutes. Run past them turning right, From here you can see the kitchen area go into it behind the counter and take the knife from the side.

Now you have your knife go back to where the two guards were stood. If the haven't already wait for them to leave. Now open the chutes and sabotage each one of them. You need to pull out your bananas press LB and RB together this will allow you to place the banana on the floor. Make sure you place each of the Bananas at the foot of each chute.

Now your bananas are in position swipe the first card swipe location, turn left into the study and climb the staircase. When you get to the stop of the staircase you will see the second swipe location, Go ahead and swipe. if you have done this fast enough both targets will begin to evacuate. Go back downstairs to the first swipe location. To the right of this will be a balcony go onto the balcony as far as you can from the chutes and look behind you waiting for both targets to come and fall.

Once they fall the achievement should unlock. if it doesn't not to worry because the targets will put the chutes on and die when jumping off the building. All you have to do now is escape.


27 Jan 2021 23:09


19 Jan 2021 15:14