Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy

45 Achievements

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Raising Expectations

Raising Expectations

Reach a combo of 100

20 XP


How to unlock the Raising Expectations achievement in Hogwarts Legacy - Definitive Guide

Method #1:
A great place to get a 100x combo is in the Dark Arts Battle Arena's. These Battle Arenas consist of 5 waves of enemies, which you can replay as many times as you like. The arenas appear on the map around the time you find the Map Chamber or complete the "Jackdaw's Rest" story quest.

I suggest going to the Forbidden Forest Dark Arts Battle Arena - directly beside the "East North Hogwarts Region" Floo Flame. Wave 4 in this arena consists of 2x Mountain Trolls which are easy to avoid and if you constantly spam the basic attack cn_RT you'll easily get a combo over 160+ before they die.

Method #2:
Find yourself an undead zombie (Inferius) and cast basic attacks cn_RT on them. You'll find your basic attacks do no damage to them but still builds the combo meter. Inferius need to be weakened by fire before you can damage them. Avoid casting any spells, dodge their attacks and you can build a huge combo. Inferius usually lurk around the Forbidden Forest at night.


07 Feb 2023 16:32

Just unlocked this achievement using an easy cheese method that I found if you're having trouble! It's during the main quest called "Lodgok's Loyalty" & can't be missed.

By Alexkzzam on 08 Feb 2023 22:18
I did this easily in the FF DA Arena, on Wave 5, killed everyone, kept just the troll and used Crucio and then Imperio and was able to spam attacks while he was standing still. Then by the time he was free, the spell cooldown had ended to repeat.
By RogueGrogu on 11 Feb 2023 15:10
The inferis can be farmed also with basic attacks
By FROSTBITE30 on 13 Feb 2023 21:15
Did this on the arena south west of irondale. Really Simple and Quick. Change difficulty to hard so you troll can take more hits. Start arena. First wave is 1 troll. Case imperio and then just start spamming away. Imperio Will charge upp pretty much around same time as spell wears off so troll wont have time to react or attack u, fast imperio again and continue till u reach 100:).
By THE1WHTHEFORCE on 14 Feb 2023 00:21
Well that was a simple one to get. My index finger is about to fall off but at least I got it. Cheers.
By SeanyMcBiker on 15 Feb 2023 20:07
Another option is Imperio a Troll and basic attack combo (Imperio would just about finish cooldown when the effect wears off in Normal Difficulty).
I got a 247 combo on a partial-health troll when I discovered this.
By ScunnyElse on 20 Feb 2023 09:49
OK so I had gotten well over 100 combo multiple times yesterday and this one doesn't want to unlock. Any tips? I shutdown the xbox and everything. All other achievements seem to be unlocking correctly.
By ATR0X on 21 Feb 2023 14:07
This is exactly what I needed! Go to the Inferi Lair at Northford bog, drop down onto one of the sideways tombstones on the ball cliff wall, and just wail at the inferi with your basic attack.
By UnbidSoda877843 on 22 Feb 2023 08:37
in case anyone is looking for the Dark Arts Battle Arena and can't find it - you have to have purchased the DLC in order to access it. I didn't, so it's not there.
By Shadow XBL on 23 Feb 2023 18:51
I went for method 2. Defeated all the other Inferi in one area, leaving just one. As long as it's not on fire you can keep spamming the basic attack and get this achievement in about a minute.
By AManCalledBob on 17 Mar 2023 09:35
I unlocked it during the quest called "Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial". No spoilers here so keeping it simple. At some point in the level you end up battling some wizards and a troll. Defeat the wizards until there is one troll left. I was level 28 on this quest and the troll was level 29. I simply hit it with the basic cast and dodged all his attacks until I got to a 100 combo. Hope this helps someone!
By CuriousSam on 05 May 2023 12:49
I did method #2 with the Inferi. There was a single one at the treasure vault south of Cragcroft. Kept a steady pace of regular attacks and got in a minute or two.
By aiR bckwrds on 20 Aug 2023 00:13
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100% THE fastest, easiest, cheesiest guide ever...just watch it's so simple it's beautiful.

11 Feb 2023 20:30

Easy... Discovered this today, but you already put the vídeo Guide, this is the easiest way to got It.
By RoDD Cah on 12 Feb 2023 15:10
yup, made a quick guide with location found it by chance super simple
By ChameleonNinjaX on 12 Feb 2023 19:53
While I'm sure there is almost endless places to get this, the easiest and earliest place I was able to get this was during the main quest, "Jackdaw's Rest".

During this mission you will be in a cave and eventually you will come across a room full of spiders that spawn. You'll know you're at the right part of this when your character says "There's the bridge! It's almost complete!"

Spiders will start spawning shortly after you say this and this is when you'll want to avoid getting hit. After the 1st wave of spiders, 2 giant red "Thornback Matriarch" spiders will spawn in the 2nd wave. These have a lot of health so combined with hitting them, and also going for the regular spiders that spawn, you'll have more than enough time and enemy hp to get your combo up to 100, assuming you avoided getting hit.

I'd like to also add that if you don't manage to get it during the spider fight, once the spider fight is complete, the bridge will finish. Upon crossing over it, you'll come into a room full of way more enemies so you should be able to get it no problem. Even if not, there's still several other ways in game for you to get it. Another being any of the arenas you can come across that has waves of enemies for you to defeat.

I'm about 4 hours into this game at the time of writing this, but I've also been doing every side quest I see so if you only did main missions up til now, it'd probably take about an hour or so to get to this mission from the start. Good luck! toast

07 Feb 2023 02:45

I'm sure all those guides are correct and can be used to unlock that achievement just fine, but there is an even easier method:

Find some Inferni enemies (some sort of zombie like humanoid undead)
They are invincible until you hit them with a fire spell. And you want to avoid exactly that!
Usually they are not alone, so kill all but one and make sure you DO NOT hit the last one with fire. Instead, just spam your basic attack. This does 0 dmg, but increases your combo.
Just dodge the attacks and eventually you will stunlock the Inferni even with your basic attacks.

11 Feb 2023 17:30

1 Comment
lol.... yh way ahead of you ser compute
By ChameleonNinjaX on 12 Feb 2023 19:52
Get an inferni* a single one, and spam him with RT over and over in three hit combos. You can literally just click it as fast as it will go. I got to over 500 combo that way. Much easier if you can get it against a wall.

17 Feb 2023 11:51

As stated in previous guides, The Dark Arts Battle Arena is the best location to get this.
I just want to add to those guides and have an extra/easier way to get this if you can't seem to manage it.

Like in the previous guides, enter the arena and progress until you reach wave 4.
It helps if you have the Basic Cast Mastery Talent as this will reduce cooldowns upon a Basic hit.

Once you have reached wave 4 what you want to do is immediately kill one of the two trolls that spawn using Avada Kedavra.

Now with only a single troll left, cast Imperio on him and he will no longer fight you and remain frozen as there are no other enemies.
From her, just lay into him with your basic attacks.
He will start fighting again just before imperio's cooldown is finished if you have the talent I mentioned above.

Before he manages to get an attack in, you can cast Crucio on him, which will interrupt his attack, giving you enough time to once again cast imperio on him immediately after crucio, continuing the cycle until you reach your 100x combo or higher if you want!

16 Feb 2023 20:41

I managed to do this in a stupidly easy way; I found a group of Inferius (enemies that can only be harmed with fire), I just used my basic attack over and over, dodged and blocked when required. Took maybe a minute.

17 Feb 2023 09:30

1 Comment
That’s basically what I did. Used focus potion for faster refill, spammed accio and basic casts
By KyLuv78 on 17 Jul 2023 07:25
I found this by accident, you can do it on very early game. Just after you met Scrope, before entering the cave you will find 3 frog like enemy. Bait them back to the location shown on the video, they will get stuck, and you can safely attack them until 100 combos reached.


09 Feb 2023 21:00

I was able to get this pretty easily just with basic attacks and occasional blocks while going for the main mission in the north of the map.

A little more than half way between the north bog entrance (not to be confused with north ford bog to the very north) and san bakar's tower fast travels at the north of the map there is a bridge over a a small canyon with water. Two trolls spawned down there for me. Just attack one with you basic attack with cn_RT while manually aiming with cn_LT. You don't move while manually aiming so you don't fall down into the canyon. Just watch out for the yellow prompts around you head and block + stupefy by holding cn_Y, then go back to spamming your basic attacks. I was Level 20 and had the combo counter at 100 at about 40% remaining health. Other than the rock throw attacks, the trolls can't reach you there.

08 Feb 2023 17:57

The hardest part of achieving a 100X combo is getting into a fight with enough enemies. So the easiest way to get this done is to travel to one of the Battle Arenas in the open world. You will need to complete a short task/puzzles in the area to gain access to the arena. These arenas challenge you to take on waves of enemies, plenty to get a 100X combo off of. Just be sure to not get hit by dodging and blocking at the right times. You can replay these arenas as much as you need to.

10 Feb 2023 21:10

This is a guide on how to string big combos in Hogwarts Legacy and win the “Raising Expectations” Achievement/Trophy.

To earn the Achievement/Trophy you must perform a 100-hit combo. Your meter resets to zero every time you take a hit or you are slow to hit an opponent. The amount of time you have at your disposal is quite generous, so the only real problem is finding a place with enough enemies to perform a long combo.

It's a good idea to try to win Raising Expectations relatively early in your playthrough, as later on your hits will be stronger and enemies will die more easily, especially if you're starting to combo your spells. So what you need to do is hit your opponents only with your basic attacks and dodge when you're about to get hit. Continue in this pattern and your counter will soon surpass 100-hits!


10 Feb 2023 12:40

The easiest way for me was to just find an Inferius and keep casting my regular spell (RT). It will not take damage, so you can keep casting and raising your combo as much as you want.

12 Oct 2023 00:00

Everyone is on the right track for getting the 100 combo. What you're missing is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to use the Inferi to your advantage. You don't even need to dodge!
My screenshot https://imgur.com/a/NNvOhUT
-In the North Ford Bog, there is an Inferi Lair that has gravestones sticking sideways out of a cliff wall. Go to San Bakar's Tower Floo Flame, or the North Ford Bog Floo Flame, and then head slightly NE or directly SE, respectively.

-Once you get there, you need to aggro the Inferi so they crawl out of the ground, and then quickly fly up to the nearby small cliff top where the tombstones are poking out of. Land on top so you can see down to one of the tombstones. You are unable to land on a tombstone directly.

-Then, carefully jump down onto one of the tombstones so that none of the Inferi can reach you.

-From there, make sure you aim with the right click button (cn_LT for PS5) while you use your simple attack over and over again on any Inferius in range until you get your combo. No need for dodging! Aiming ensures that you don't nudge your character forward after every attack, so you'll stay on the tombstone the whole time.

This solution doesn't need you to fight anything, dodge anything, or time anything correctly in order to get it.

22 Feb 2023 09:16

Reaching a combo of 100 in Hogwarts Legacy isn’t very tricky at all. The hardest part is staying in a fight that lasts longer than 100 spell casts, so you can keep that combo alive. That’s why you should sit on this one until later on in the game. This is easily grinded out and possible when you face any kind of troll. 

Usually when facing off against a troll you’d spam magic attacks and use Flipendo to make the troll hit itself in the face, and the fight would be over relatively quickly. However, if you’re one-on-one, just chip away with your basic attack and build that combo up. The massive health bar of the troll makes it easier, along with his telegraphed attacks that you can dodge out the way of. Just don’t get hit, rack up that combo and you'll get an achievement.

And if all else fails, find an Inferius (the manor in Manor Cape is kind of perfect for this), and just keep hitting them with the Basic Case. Because they don't take damage unless you've set them on fire, you can rack up a 100 combo really easily. And you can do it from distance too, so there's literally no chance of you dropping the combo... unless you fall asleep...
The easiest way for me to do this was vs a pensieve mini boss (at the end of an ancient magic test. Their attacks have always the same pattern and they have enough health to just spam your basic attacks in between + you only need to focus on one (big) target.

Hope this helps

14 Feb 2023 19:31

There are multiple ways of doing this achievement through "juggling" enemies with your manipulation/force spells and the use of battle arenas.

I stumbled across a group of Ashwinders fighting a troll (not too uncommon, especially if you are hunting Collection boxes within bandit camps) and managed to earn this achievement by spamming my general attack and dodge-rolling any incoming damage.

Keep in mind using "flipendo" on a troll's forward slam will smash his club into his face and stun him, an easy way to create more distance between you and rack up a few extra hits.

My only other tip would be to try and earn this earlier in the game, as trolls die pretty easy once you're level 30 or above.

25 Feb 2023 00:00

It’s easy to do on the way to the cartography hall; the main thing is to dodge and block attacks in time.

07 Feb 2023 14:14

If you can’t do it, then the easiest way is to beat the infernal. If you don't set it on fire, then it is invulnerable to damage, beat the last one remaining 100 times and the trophy is in your pocket. Can be found in cemeteries.
By Rizaka on 08 Feb 2023 00:41
Easiest to complete in the battle arena against a troll
By Akustek on 08 Feb 2023 06:55
I did it on a troll, according to the additional task “Troll under control”.
Easy enough.
Moreover, there is a counter in the lower corner, where ancient magic accumulates
By N1velep on 10 Feb 2023 19:38
The combination counts any hits against any enemies, so you can just spam (the combination counter will be shown in the lower right corner of the screen)
By den17g on 15 Feb 2023 13:23
It's easy to get "infernal" on enemies. You can't kill them unless you set them on fire. Just use normal attack. The combo counter will increase. It is very easy to dodge them, much easier than the Troll. You also won't need to take off your equipment.
By raul244 on 01 Nov 2023 15:58
I knocked out a pack of topereks - they have a huge amount of health, and it’s not so difficult to knock out a 100 combo, because they are not very lively.
By BenedictaGayer on 11 Feb 2023 20:00
According to the plot, you will go to the cave where the wand thief died. As soon as you find his corpse, you make a save, remove all the objects that give you an attack, and create a combo, dodging the attackers. If you fight with items, the counter may not be enough
By Zloi82 on 07 Feb 2023 18:31
I did it the first time on the highest difficulty level. Boss Guardian of the Pool, Percival's first test. Just dodge and knock down the balls in time. There shouldn't be any problems.
By ImmortalMIO on 17 Feb 2023 04:41
In addition to the tip from Rizaka.
Infernals can be found on the map. Marks with the mountain "lair of the infernal".
By abramonromka on 11 Mar 2023 18:52
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He also does well in the Niov test, in the winter stage of the game, after receiving the elder wand on a large platform against the shadows of death and trolls.

28 Feb 2023 01:35