

48 Achievements


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Expert Of War

Expert Of War

Complete all challenges for weapons, drones, vehicles, and modes in Multiplayer


How to unlock the Expert Of War achievement in Homefront - Definitive Guide

This achievement and all other online achievements for Homefront are currently UNOBTAINABLE because the online servers for this game are currently closed. At this point it is unlikely that the servers will ever be online again.


There is no known glitch, bug or exploit that will result in you getting this achievement so unfortunatly this guide will be one of advice and giving you a strategy on how to go about this. I hope it is helpfull nevertheless.
This achievement will take a very long time and there are 3 ways to get it :
A) Playing legit
B) Boosting ( using TA sessions for the weapons and rubberbanding the game modes)
C) A combination of both
I won’t pass judgement on whatever method you decide to use but i will focus this guide on using method A.
When you start playing homefront you should be aware that this achievement is likely going to take you over 48 hours of online gameplay. It requires you to get an expert rating on all challenges listed in the challenges tab., this takes a while so playing this smart is going to help.

[ Making it into a project]
First of all you should adopt the mindset that your weapons are going to be projects and that when a project is finished you immediatly move on to the next one. This means that if you have a weapon on “Expert” that you will replace with a new one and start working on that one, regardless whether or not you liked the old one more. Stick with this weapon untill you have it completed, it is a bit of a psychological aspect to the achievement because this way you will have the feeling you are actually working towards the achievement and that you are closing chapters that are part of the achievement. It will feel a lot more like a grind if all weapons slowly crawl towards the expert rating at the same time.

[Priorities ]
If you are going to play this legitimatly you are going to play at least 300 matches, possibly more because it is likely you are also going to lose a match occasionally. If you switch weapons each time you completed one then you are going to get all your primary weapons on expert easily, however..the special weapons and the secondary weapons are going to be more complicated.
That is why it is important that you prioritize right. When you see a sniper in front of you who is unaware of your presence and you have all possibilities in the World to kill him ( this is a situation that you will encouter in this game as well in many many many other shooters) then you shouldn’t be gunning him down with your primary weapon. Instead pull out your pistol and execute him with that, or any other weapon that you consider hard to get.

Basically it looks like this
You have 3 levels of priority while playing:
1: Your main weapon, you will make the most of your kills with this weapon. This should be your primary focus weapon . Get as many kills as possible with it
2: The special weapons or vehicles that you buy for battlepoints. While making kills with your primary weapons you will earn battlepoints. You can spend these points on vehicles or special weapons. Well depending on what game mode you are playing you should use these points whenever you have the chance. If a game is about to end you should spend all points you have left on whatever you want. You can get two of these special weapons , i recommend picking one primary one that you focus on getting expert and another long term one that you only use when the situation warrants it. Specifically the Rhino drone, pull it out when there is an enemy vehicle but do no bother with it when you are facing nothing but infantry. This priority level is one where you do not have to sweat about whether or not you are going to get your kills but you shouldn’t pass on the opportunity to get them. When you see a chopper, focus on taking it down with the rhino, if there are a bunch of snipers then grab a Wolverine, drive over there and exterminate them. Every point left unspend is a waste.
3: The free kills ( aka, snipers and afk people) , make sure that you have something in your class that you are not comfortable with using at all. Well fortunatly, you don’t have to. Just keep it in your class and use it on the free kills ( i got my pistol kills this way). Don’t be concerned about these kills , if you don’t get 10 pistol kills in one match then that is fine, if you just take advantage of the free kills you will get there eventually. Don’t sweat it.

[Planning your Achievement]

You have to win 100 games of Ground Control, 100 games of Team Deathmatch and 100 games of Battlecommander.
These 3 game modes will provide you with different settings, amount of enemies and sections of the maps. Team Deathmatch will have less enemies compared to ground control , the enemies are also more likely to be spread out instead of clusterred around an objective. It is important that you take advantage of the situations you face and more importantly : don’t waste those chances on weapons that can be done elsewhere. I have made a list of all weapons and where they are best used. It should also be noted that battle commander allows you to play both ground control and team deathmatch. Here you have to figure out what you like because ground control allows you to kill more but they might take twice as long as the team deathmatch ones .

* ( Disclaimer: The notes are based on my own personal experience with those weapons as well as the opinions voiced by friends of mine who had simialir opinions. Our observations may not correspond with the statistics listed in the pictures) *

[Assault Rifles]

Weapon: M4
Unlocked: level 1
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note:An all round assault rifle. It works both on long range and short range, it really doesn’t matter where you use it. Recommended for use on all game modes.
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Weapon: M16
Unlocked: level 27
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: One of the two burst firing rifles, it is excellent at long range and would be well suited for a primary weapon in ground control. You are probably going to be losing most close range duels though so it’s not the best suited weapon for the CQB maps, however there are opportunities to create long range situations on all maps. It’s recommended for ground control
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Weapon: T3AK
Unlocked: level 40
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note: Automatic assault rifle, Works very well on both long and short range. Accuracy is a littlebit less than with the other rifles but it’s also slightly more powerfull. Argueably the best weapon in the game ( my personal opinion) . Recommended for use in all game modes.
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Weapon: ACR
Unlocked: level 3
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note: Fully automatic, it’s a bit of the spray and pray rifle. You are likely to win most of the close range duels and some of the longer range ones. It Works well on short to mid range. It can be used in all game modes although Team Deathmatch is recommended.
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Weapon: Scar-L
Unlocked: level 14
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: Burst firing weapon, you are probably going to lose most of the close range duels and win the ones at long range. Recommended for use in ground control.
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Weapon: XM10
Unlocked: level 46
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: This weapon should have the ability to throw it at enemies in battle as that would probably double the range of the weapon compared to firing it. You will not get a hit marker at enemies that are beyond mid range, it fires very fast and is relatively inaccurate. You are however going to win most very close range duels so focus on creating that situation. Recommended for use in team deathmatch.

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[Sniper Rifles]

Weapon: M110
Unlocked: level 1
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note:Semi-automatic sniper rifle, can be used in combination with the thermal sight goggles that you can buy for battlepoints. This sniper is very easy to complete. Recommended for use on ground control.

Update: This rifle has been nerfed. It has a longer firing rate and more recoil ( so no more double cap insta-kills). Thank you to imnotGEOFF for pointing that out.
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Weapon: M200
Unlocked: Level 19
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Hard
Note: Single shot sniper rifle, ( has to reload after each shot), one shot isn’t lethal unless it is a head shot. Reloading allows your enemy to crawl away and take cover. The weapon comes with a thermal sight but it’s the hardest weapon to complete. Recommended for use on ground control and more specifically on Angel Island.

Update: This rifle has been updated by Kaos to have more ammo capacity, faster aiming and less sway. Thanks to imnotGEOFF for pointing that out.
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[Light Machine Guns]

Weapon: M249 SAW
Unlocked: level 1
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note: It’s an LMG which means that you can rack up 3-4 kills without having to reload. It has a decent range for an LMG and all in all it feels like a regular assault rifle although it off course has a longer reload and has less accuracy. Nevertheless, you can keep going when others have to reload. No need to strafe away from the fight with this thing.Recommended for use in Team Deathmatch.
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Weapon: Scar-H LMG
Unlocked: level 32
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: Major Con on this weapon is that it does less damage than most of the assault rifles and M249. There is little that makes up for it so it’s really a weapon that you grow to love for it’s imperfections or you hate it for them. Nevertheless, you have a decent chance of winning close-mid range battles with it. It’s recommended for ground control instead of team deathmatch ( despite being stronger on short range) because your best chances of getting kills with this weapon is by picking enemies off guard. You absolutely have to be the first one to start firing because a duel where you will start firing at the same time as your enemy when he is holding an assault rifle is going to result in a death.
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[Sub-Machine Guns]

Weapon: PWS Diablo
Unlocked: level 1
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note:It’s an SMG. You are going to win most of the Close quaters situations as well as a decent amount of mid ranged ones if you have the time to aim down your sight and actually take the time for your shot. It’s a rather powerfull weapon but it does have a small magazine and therefore you have to make your shots count. If you spray and miss half your bullets you don’t have the chance to make up for it as you do with the LMG’s or Assault rifles to some extend. Recommended for team deathmatch.
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Weapon: Super V
Unlocked: level 9
Killstreak Required: Yes
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note: [See diablo ]
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[Secondary weapons]

Weapon: M9 Pistol
Unlocked: level 1
Killstreak Required: No
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Hard
Note: It’s a pistol and therefore the obvious underdog compared to pretty much every primary weapon in the game spare the sniper rifles. Recommended for use in Ground control because you can catch enemies off guard with it , flank around and behind snipers and assassinate them. I strongly recommended against using it in team deathmatch because you are going to lose your duels this way and help towards losing the match. When you do see a situation where you are 99% sure to get a kill, such as an enemy that has his back towards you, you should quickly change to your sidearm and unleash your clip in his back.

Weapon: Knife
Unlocked: level 1
Killstreak Required: No
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: Chances are you end up getting this eventually. No need to aim for this one, if you don’t have it after 300 wins then i recommend flanking snipers in ground control . You will get it during panic knifing or regular combat. The knife has a fairly decent range and it takes a bit of practice but after playing homefront online for a bit you will get a decent grasp on when to use the knife over a weapon in combat situations.
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Weapon: C4
Expert: 200 kills
Killstreak Required: No
Difficulty: Average
Note: Carry this with you at all times and whenever you see a vehicle ( preferably a humvee) use it to blow it up. It only takes one satchel for a humvee ( which is usually 2 kills) . Throw it on the road you expect the vehicle the ride on and detonate it when he is on top of it , place it on objectives and wait for the “Objective is being captured” message or just place it around a corner and wait for an enemy to come around it. It’s not really a hard one but you have to adopt it among the weapons you frequently use whenever the situation warrants it.
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Weapon: White Phosphorus grenade
Expert: 200 kills
Killstreak Required: No
Difficulty: Hard
Note: It’s an incendiary grenade with a relatively short throwing range ( i am assuming it’s very heavy? ), so it's best to strafe backwards after throwing it. Throw it around corners or in the path of enemies so they will walk through the flames. This is not an impact kill grenade but rather one that enlights a certain area for a few seconds and kills everyone in it. A less classy but very effective way to get this is to throw it in front of your own feet at the moment you are going to die. The grenade takes a couple of seconds to detonate and enemies tend to run over your corpse for ammo or whatever reason, they are a littlebit distracted by the +1300 that shows up in their screen and usually notice the grenade indicator to late. This is one of the weapons i recommend for all your free kills. ( use in ground control and spam objectives with them)

Weapon: Frag Grenade
Expert: 200 kills
Killstreak Required: No
Difficulty: Average
Note: You will probably get this eventually. Just like with the WP grenade, throw it in front of your own feet right before dieing when you know that is going to happen. Throw it in relatively crowded area’s or buildings. You can also use them against vehicles. You are probably close to this by the time you have finished 300 wins. Recommended for use in all game modes as you will always have this with you. In ground control, throw them towards objectives that are being contested, in team deathmatch try to use them in buildings.
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Weapon: Humvee
Expert: 200 kills
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 400
Difficulty: Average
Note: Do not go for the humvee, always pick “Team Vehicle “when you have the chance. Chances are it is a Humvee. Unlike all other vehicles is the Humvee a vehicle that does not have a primary weapon, only the gunner can get kills unless you are going to splatter with it. I recommend against buying Humvee’s yourself but instead have your more generous teammates buy them for you. Killing with the Humvee is very easy, just make sure the driver keeps moving as the Humvee is the weakest vehicle of them all. It can be killed with only one C4 or Rocket ( with Boomer perk) , so be on the look out for that notorious red blip . The one hard part is that you also depend on your teammates, if they don’t buy you humvees you are not getting those kills. It’s the one vehicle you cannot easily influence.
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Weapon: Piranha ( Light Tank)
Expert: 200 kills
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 1400
Difficulty: Easy
Note: Generally considered one of the easiest vehicles to get 200 kills with. Unlike the Humvee this is a vehicle you should try to buy yourself as the driver seat allows you to make a lot more kills than the secondary gunner who operates an anti vehicle rocket. This rocket has an auto-lock on other vehicles so it’s usefull for taking out other vehicles. The primary gun is well suited for both light vehicles as infantry. Recommended for use in Team Deathmatch due to the lower amount of enemies which gives you more time and opportunity to kill them. In ground control you might get blown up because enemies come out of all directions.
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Weapon: Abrams ( Heavy Tank)
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 2000
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note: The strongest vehicle in the game. The driver gets to operate the main gun which has a fairly large radius and allows you to simply blow enemies out of their cover, shred other vehicles to pieces and generally survive for a very long time. The secondary weapon for the passenger is a turret that does an average amount of damage and is best suited for direct protection of the close proximity of the tank itself. The wheels and back of the tank are it’s weak spot and you should try to keep that protected from incoming rocket fire at all times. Try to face your enemies head on.
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Weapon: Scout Helicopter
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 2000
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: A small and vunerable helicopter. It has dual machine guns and is the only vehicle that does not provide a second seat for a passenger. This is the only vehicle you cannot take advantage of others with. You have to buy this yourself or have a friend buy it for you, land it on the ground and give it to you. The Scout helicopter is rather faster, manueverable and above all..has a clear view on the battlefield. It is easy to spot your enemies from within the scout helicopter and take them down. The Scout helicopter is best suited against infantry or Humvee’s as all other vehicles are being able to takei t down, the dual machine guns are no match for any of the weapons that the other vehicles are equipped wit hit. Recommend for use in Team Deathmatch because vehicles are less common there and enemies are less likely to have a Rhino, you are also being able to keep a better eye on the battlefield because it is smaller.
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Weapon: Attack Helicopter ( Apache/Chimera)
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 2800
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: The most deadly vehicle among them all, the main pilot has the ability to fire a series of rockets that are lethal to pretty much everything and everyone else. It can cover mid sized areas in a cloud of death, it is fast and manueverable. The passenger seat has a thermal vision gunner which allows easy target identification and kills. This helicopter would be a beast in team deathmatch but it will cost you 2800 points and is way more easily earned in Ground Control where the matches last longer, where you have more enemies and where they are all bunched together around the objectives. Be on the look out for missiles flying your way as Rhino drones are common in Ground Control. Your apache is equipped with flares to dodge these. You can only take two series of Rhino missiles so be carefull.
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Weapon: Wolverine
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 500
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Hard
Note: The difficulty varries from average to hard. Your done has approximatly the same amount of health as your character does but it does not regenerate. This drone has a machine gun attached to it and will win most of the duels, however this drone has to stick to the ground and is made to take down infantry and therefore it is rather hard. It goes down very easily and is relatively expensive for a drone this weak. Nevertheless, if you use it to flank the battlefield and take down snipers it’s a pretty neat tool. Recommended for use in Team Deathmatch because if your drone dies it will not count as a point towards the other team so it’s a safe way to kill enemies without risking death.
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Weapon: Buzzard
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 800
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: The most expensive ones of the drones but also one of the easier ones. This is a flying helicopter that shoots rockets. You need two salvo’s ( one salvo fires two rockets). To kill an enemy. This drone is very well suited for flying over to the enemy sniper line, taking them all out or just hovering over the battlefield and picking off random targets. Be aware, this drone has very little health and enemies that dedicate themselves to it will takei t down easily. If you get shot it it is best to take cover and wait for the enemy to pursue other interests in life rather than taking him on.
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Weapon: Rhino
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 400
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: VERY HARD
Note: This is the hardest drone to get 200 kills with [period]. It is an anti vehicle drone which is completely unsuited for killing infantry, especially if they are walking. It takes about 3 rockets to take down infantry however it’s main strength is taking down vehicles. When a chopper enters the field all you have to do is aim at it and wait for the lock. When you got the lock you can unleash a series of homing rockets that will cut this vehicle to shreds. Recommended to Carry with you in ground control . Jump on every possible opportunity you can get to take down enemy choppers with it or scroll down the the class set-up section in this guide to learn about a glitch ( the part in the quote box)
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Weapon: Parrot
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 250
Expert: 200 spots
Difficulty: Very Easy
Note: The easiest drone to complete as you do not have to kill with it but get 200 spots with it. Just fly above the battlefield or enemy spawn and mark them for your buddies. You probably need 2-3 games for this tops, depending on how much your enemies are irritated by being spotted. Recommended for use in ground control as you will have more enemies here that are probably distracted by other things. However, it’s more usefull for your team in team deathmatch. I have seen a droner win the battle for his team without killing anyone.
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Weapon: RPG-7
Unlocked: level 1
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 250
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note: Make a special class for your rockets with the Boomer perk and the perk that increases the explosive range. Use your rocket as a primary weapon instead of a support weapon. That means “Carry it around with you instead of your standard weapon”. When you see an enemy try to aim at his feet. This has 2 reasons, the First one being the obvious one: If you miss you might still kill him with the impact, a Floor is easier to hit than a person. The second reason is that occasionally rockets simply fly right through enemies due to a glitch or bug in the homefront servers. The RPG is more powerfull than the proximity rocket launcher and if you use the perks i just mentioned you will take down a humvee in one shot. There is one important thing to note: Your rockets will do less damage over longer distances so try to create close range situations for yourself. It may seem like an expensive hobby to make all your kills with a rocket launcher but it is very profitable, most of the shots you fire will be kills. 2 kills out of the 4 shots you have already pay for the rocket launcher. Recommended for use in all game modes
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Weapon: Proximity Rocket Launcher
Unlocked: level 31
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 250
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Easy
Note: Same story as for the RPG-7. Carry it around as a primary weapon.The proximity Rocket Launcher is less powerfull than the RPG-7 however it has one unique ability: It explodes when it registers that an enemy or vehicle is in range, thus actually hitting the target is no longer a necesitty. This makes it usefull against helicopters. ( THE ROCKET LAUNCHER IS NOT HOMING) . Recommended for use in all game modes
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Weapon: Hellfire
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 1300
Expert: 200 kills.
Difficulty: Easy
Note: It’s basically a rocket you get to fire from an airplane and get to steer after launch. You get 2 shots and they are basically free kills. They have approximatly a 4m range so usually you will get one or two kills tops with it, regardless what game mode you are playing with. That is why you should use this thing in Team deathmatch , 2 kills in teamdeath or 2 kills in ground control are all the same except that in ground control the other 2 airstrikes(WP and Cluster) have way more potential while those are considerably less effective in Team deathmatch due to enemies not being clutched together.
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Weapon: White Phosphor Strike
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 1600
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: It has a larger range than the hellfire and creates fire for a couple of seconds after impact. It is less powerfull than a clusterbomb but has a larger duration., the missile also flies faster. Use this on objectives in ground control because enemies will be running towards that. Now, unlike the clusterbomb this is a singleshots bomb that creates fire at random locations that kills even after the airstrike is over( this also means that you can simply walk around the flames ). This airstrike has a higher chance of not killing the targets within it's range for various reasons, in contrary to the clusterbomb that simply fires another shot a milisecond later that does kill and makes it effectively insta-kill at all times, this is NOT the case with the white phosphorus. Simply getting 0 kills while you have 5 people in your marking circle is a very real possibility here. Also this missile , just like the clusterbomb glitches occasionally resulting in simply not getting the missile even though you are actually in the plane vieuw.
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Weapon: Clusterbomb
Killstreak Required: No
Price: 1600
Expert: 200 kills
Difficulty: Average
Note: It is relatively easy to kill with the clusterbomb, it has a very large range and fires a lot of missiles in rapid fire, effectively creating a circle of death for a few seconds. After the missiles are gone the danger is gone, unlike the white phosphor strike. The reason why this is listed as average instead of easy is because the clusterbomb is relatively expensive. Best used in ground control due to enemies bunched up together, you don’t want to waste a clusterbomb on a single enemy. The clusterbomb can kill every single vehicle in one single blast radius. I't is probably the most effective way to take down a heavy tank.
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That concludes the weapons.


All killstreaks are best obtained in ground control. In addition to the danger of getting shot is there the danger of running out of ammo so make sure that you either have the Graverobber perk to refill ammo or the Ammo refill option for battlepoints. Hang around the objectives and stay out of the hot zones. Using a silencer on your weapon is very usefull if you are going to operate behind the enemy Lines and take out campers and rubberbanders. Be aware that dead enemies are rarely forgiving and they have bird eye to home in on your location so when you are behind the enemy Lines you should stay on the move at all times. . The weapons you have to get a 10 killstreak with are all the assault rifles, submachine guns, LMG’s and sniper rifles. The secondary weapons or special weapons don’t have killstreak rewards. Learn your weapon, find out what its strengths and weaknesses are and how to use those in your advantage ( with the XM10 i would stay around a building so i would never get confronted with a long range situation for example).

There are a couple of things that might help you with the killstreaks. I got most of my killstreaks when one of my teammates was causing chaos with another vehicle. The whole chaos because of the immediate threat that an apache poses towards your enemy will probably distract them from focussing on you.

Now, this is very important: DO NOT PROCEED INTO THEIR SPAWN ZONE! Enemies have spawn protection the first few seconds, they know it when you are close to them and they will turn around and shoot you down and you can't do anything about it. I had many of my killstreaks ended simply because 3 enemies spawned right in front of me. Keep an eye on where your teammates are and stay relatively close to them, both for distraction and because enemies are not likely to spawn in the area where all of your team is located.

Do not try to take on vehicles. They might appear to be in a weakened state but they might hold up just long enough to blow you to elysium.

Using different weapons while going for your killstreak does not interrupt the killstreak, it does not count towards it either. Picking up a different weapon does interrupt your killstreak.

Ps: the level related camo's do not count towards this achievement , in other words : You do not have to be level 75 however you will very likely be level 75 when you are about halfway with these challenges.

A new perk that could be recommended for the smaller ( non vehicle maps) is "Ice Cold". It makes you invisible on the radar for airstrikes and since the lack of vehicles generally makes people lean towards airstrikes is this a usefull perk

[ 2 Birds with one stone]

It is possible to have your kills count towards multiple challenges at the same time. This takes a littlebit of practice but it's certainly worth it.

Very usefull tip posted by "Trivolt" Thank you and Kudos for finding this out.
Good solution. I somewhat use the same tactics.

There is however one glitch/bug/exploit for the drones. If you have a drone equipped at the moment you kill someone, it will count as a kill with the drone. So if you throw an airstrike and quickly equip the drone, the kills be will counted towards the airstrike AND the drone. You just have to be quick with equipping the drone.

The best way is:
1. Purchase the drone and place it (pressing right trigger)
2. Than leave it by pressing X
3. Purchase the airstrike (Cluster or WP)
4. Launch the airstrike and immediately leave the airstrike by pressing X again.
5. Now simply press the purchase button for your drone.

If your drone is still where you left it, you will equip the drone again in stead of purchasing a new one. At this point the airstrike will hit the ground and hopefully make a good number of kills.

I've used this method to get all my Rhino kills and I haven't even finished all my weapons yet...

One note though, using this glitch/bug/exploit can result in other bugs. For example it sometimes happens that I want to purchase an airstrike, the required number of Battle Points will be deducted from my total, but I don't get the airstrike. I'm not sure why this happens though...
Note: The same trick works with grenades instead of airstrikes. Whatever combination you wish to use. ( This is rather helpfull if you are going to boost this because you can work on multiple things at once when it is your turn) Thank you to XManiaX for pointing that out.

[[Getting closer]]

When you get closer towards the achievement you will start completing primary weapons and some of the special and secondary weaponry. Now you have to start making classes that emphasis on the stuff you still need. So here are some classes:

[Rocket Class]

* use the rocket as your main and primary weapon*

- Boomer ( for increased damage)
- Blastwave ( for a larger radius)

[Drone Class]
Now there are 3 drone perks that you can have ( Thick Skin, Drone be Gone and my Buddy)

The "My Buddy"perk increases the battery duration of your drone but with the exception for the parrot you are not going to need this perk. Your drone will get destroyed way before it's battery is empty, partially because the default battery already lasts a very long time. If you use the drones in battlecommander it's battery will regenerate everytime you get an extra star. So needless to say...don't bother with "My Buddy"


-Thick Skin ( increased drone health, this one is really important)
- Drone be gone ( the increased speed does help, especially with the buzzard)
-Penny pincher( this makes the drone cheaper so i can afford them more often)

These are relatively easy, all you have to is play regularly and they will come eventually. The only perk you want to use is :
- Penny Pincher - reduced cost for the airstrikes

[Secondary weapons]

For the secondary weapons you do not need a special class, hopefully you will have made progress with this before you had to start working on this solely. What you want to do is grab your pistol as primary weapon. At this point you should no longer care for your K/D ratio or whether or not you win the game, your only interest is getting a few kills with those weapons. So..switch to your pistol and start engaging in duels and actively seek out snipers and other campers, flanking will be your new hobby. It is not impossible to win a duel with a pistol , especially if your enemy is really bad at shooting or is already weakened. A good shot can pull it off, 2 headshots are lethal with a pistol.

[Statistic Resets]
This is currently a work in progress so this paragraph is only going to be temporarily ( hopefully). There is a chance of having your stats reset. This happens in 3 situations

1: You skip the "Select Memory device" after pressing start in the title screen. This happens when you immediatly join session in progress from the dashboard or prior to selecting it. The game has an autosave feature so making a kill or getting a death is going to result in this autosave. You can avoid the stat reset by dashboarding as soon as possible. ( if the match is over you are screwed)

2: Joining Session in progress to often: You try to join a friend whos lobby is already fully or doesn't let you in. At this time i would advice against joining session in progress in general but never attempt it more than 2-3 times just to be safe. This causes a glitch that resets your stats

3: Boosting, more specifically..using the 5k exp glitch. (You get a weapon to 199/200, make the last kill, get 5000 exp, then you join a friend in progress and leave from there, you will have recieved the exp but the counter is still at 199/200) You are likely going to be reset for this.

If you notice that all your classes have their default names , default set ups and weapons in them ( Class one is Assault with an M4 for example), then do not spawn but dashboard even before you selected a class. This happened about 3 times to me. It's better to be safe than sorry i guess.

All pictures come from the homefront wikia.

30 Apr 2011 18:12

Usually I don't thumbs up solutions where the person who wrote it doesn't have the achievement (it's like a hobo writing a book on how to be a millionaire) but this is one of the best solution I've ever read.
By Nan on 03 May 2011 19:23
Yes, however you do not have to get a killstreak with the hellfire or. Phoshorus
By Cenrail on 03 May 2011 23:48
Thank you, i will update those things
By Cenrail on 07 May 2011 17:31
Thank you :) I have added your comment to the guide with the reference to you for your credit.
By Cenrail on 17 May 2011 08:04
you should mention that one of the new perks might help people get their 10 killstreaks easier

3 point ability
Ice Cold - invisible to Thermal views and Airstrike sensors
By imnotGEOFF on 30 May 2011 16:36
I will squeeze that in. Thank you
By Cenrail on 30 May 2011 16:54
And again an awesome guide!!! Tnx mate!!!
By DirtyGlashoop on 31 May 2011 11:09
State of the Art solution! Thumbs up from me man.
By on 06 Jun 2011 02:56
Well done Cenrail! What a guide!!
By LizardKingv666 on 09 Jun 2011 13:04
.I don't think the pictures are needed, they make the solution longer than necessary and it's not a collectible achievement where you won't know what they look like.
By HiradC on 17 Jun 2011 06:24
from personal experience i found the LMG version of the SCAR to be MUCH easier to expert than the SAW..everyone else ive talked to has shared that opinion. but i guess it is just that an opinion lol great guide tho very particular and detailed. thumbs up
By Sir Stratsavvy on 21 Jun 2011 16:56
Great guide for the worst achievement EVER
By mcnaptime on 10 Aug 2011 21:40
It seems sad that you had to add a section listing different things you can't do, or else your stats get reset. :P
Voted up. Great solution and must have taken a long time to write.
By Seanrock101 on 14 Aug 2011 16:37
Would like to add that instead of using the expensive air-strike with your drone, you can also use grenades / WP grenades to get the kills for both. This is especially handy when you boost this, because it reduces the time significantly.
By XmaniaX on 10 Sep 2011 07:16
Thank you. I will add that.
By Cenrail on 10 Sep 2011 08:05
This is an absolutely amazing guide, I take my hat off to you sir.
By Subjugator 22 on 20 Sep 2011 19:49
Wow awesome guide you put a lot of work into it. Can't believe it has 2 thumbs down bunch of pricks.
By ljp0390 on 20 Sep 2011 20:41
wow this guide is awesome. i want to be you. o wait i dont :P
By Bertus on 12 Oct 2011 20:05
Great guide. Great achievement. One of the few big achievements where its easier to get legit than to boost. A true test of skill.
By sirbradenwalker on 18 Dec 2011 05:15
Thumbs up. Just one little nit pick, white phosurus strike is 1600 bp not 1300. 1240 bp with penny pincher perk.
By on 01 May 2012 18:51
Thank you, updated it.
By Cenrail on 01 May 2012 22:09
Can you boost in private matches?
By RegentVirus201 on 31 May 2012 01:48
this achievement is likely going to take you over 48 hours of online gameplay
hahah, u wish that much
By gregocelt84 on 16 Jul 2012 10:04
I'd say everything is spot on, I have played for 24 hours and just have the ground drones and airstrikes left to get, and with that useful tip the rhino doesn't seem as daunting.
By sonnyliston1 on 30 Jul 2012 00:12
How dead are the lobbies for the dlc maps now? does anyone know if you can easily boost with just one other person without getting too many randoms, if so whats the quickest method to get kills? thanks if anyones able to help
By LostMantella9 on 11 Aug 2012 05:15
By NeverUnlucky#344 on 31 Mar 2013 12:52
Maybe add a warning at the top saying this is currently unobtainable... I'm bit pissed because I was only about 300 kills off the achievement.
By Seanrock101 on 27 May 2013 06:47
this is great it goes into heaps of detail. Is it confirmed that you have to do the killstreaks (white phosphurus and hellfire ect)?
By sam hutton on 03 May 2011 22:40
you might want to add this

The M200 has received some buffs to its fire-rate, ammo capacity, sway and look speed

The M110 had its fire rate, recoil and ammo capacity slightly adjusted
By imnotGEOFF on 07 May 2011 16:15
idk y everyone is asking about special weapons killstreaks. if u go into the challenge menu, simply gain expert rank in EVERYTHING u can see. are there challenges for weapon camo? YES is there a challenge for special weapons camo? NO. only KILLS. i didnt think it would be that difficult to understand...plus to get a killstreak of 10 with a rhino? i dont even wanna think about that. (rhino is a drone but is classified under special weapons in the challenge screen)
By Sir Stratsavvy on 12 May 2011 17:50
Good solution. I somewhat use the same tactics.

There is however one glitch/bug/exploit for the drones. If you have a drone equipped at the moment you kill someone, it will count as a kill with the drone. So if you throw an airstrike and quickly equip the drone, the kills be will counted towards the airstrike AND the drone. You just have to be quick with equipping the drone.

The best way is:
1. Purchase the drone and place it (pressing right trigger)
2. Than leave it by pressing X
3. Purchase the airstrike (Cluster or WP)
4. Launch the airstrike and immediately leave the airstrike by pressing X again.
5. Now simply press the purchase button for your drone.

If your drone is still where you left it, you will equip the drone again in stead of purchasing a new one. At this point the airstrike will hit the ground and hopefully make a good number of kills.

I've used this method to get all my Rhino kills and I haven't even finished all my weapons yet...

One note though, using this glitch/bug/exploit can result in other bugs. For example it sometimes happens that I want to purchase an airstrike, the required number of Battle Points will be deducted from my total, but I don't get the airstrike. I'm not sure why this happens though...
By Trivolt on 16 May 2011 13:19
I got reset 20 kills from having this done 11 months ago, only came back to it a fortnight ago.

I joined a boosting sessions and got DC'd from the match, when I re-joined my classes were reset and the game ended almost as soon as I joined. Raging was not the word.
By Dimmock on 27 Aug 2012 09:14
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The Expert of War achievement is a long grind no matter how you do it. I used a mixture of boosting and playing legit. Cenrail's solution is excellent - this is just a supplement based on my experience with the game.

To recap, you need 200 kills with every weapon, drone, and vehicle, and 100 wins in each game type (Ground Control, Team Deathmatch, and Battle Commander).

THQ has patched the game so it's less likely that you'll get your challenges reset but it still does happen on occasion. Never start multiplayer without selecting your storage device first. Another helpful tip from my friend JAGERMEISTER TX is to rename all of your loadouts (I just added a 1 to the end of mine) so if you're ever in a match and your loadouts suddenly have default titles then you know you've been reset and can dashboard out before the game saves over your stats.

I created a spreadsheet to track my progress - you're welcome to make a copy of it if you'd find it helpful.


Rifles (M4, M16, T3AK, ACR, SCAR-L, XM10)

I did all the rifles legit. Most of them are good all-around weapons - you won't always win close-range duels but at medium range (or when catching someone by surprise ;) they're quite good. The two that were the most problematic were the M16 and the SCAR-L. The M16 has a lot of stopping power but fires very slowly. I found the most success with it treating it like a sniper rifle without a scope - if you can see someone on the map you can kill them. The best place I found for it was the roof of the Jansport on the Borderlands map in TDM. The SCAR-L fires in 3 shot bursts but doesn't have the range of the M16. I wouldn't blame anyone for boosting either of these weapons. Your best bet is to try and catch someone unaware at medium range.

Sniper Rifles (M110, M200)

I boosted the M200 and did the M110 legit. When I was working on a weapon I'd just use that weapon until it was finished but there are a couple of really good sniper maps (Angel Island and Crossroads primarily) where it might make sense to switch to a sniper loadout instead. The M110 is a good sniper rifle and shouldn't be too hard to do. The M200 has a lot of stopping power but fires so slowly that unless you get a headshot the person will usually be in cover before you can fire again.

SMG/LMG (M249, SCAR-H, PWS Diablo, Super V)

The M249 was somewhat painful but the rest of these are easy. They're very good for short-range duels and you shouldn't have any problems getting to 200 kills with them.

Secondary Weapons (M9 Pistol, Knife, Frag Grenade, C4, WP Grenade)

I boosted all of the pistol kills. It takes 2 headshots to kill someone with it. If you want to do it legit use it when you catch people unaware or switch to it after weakening them with another weapon. I boosted some of the knife kills thinking they'd be difficult but they really aren't. You'll get them naturally while playing, or as one booster suggested, try hitting RS every time you go around a corner. No matter what your loadout you will always have at least 2 frag grenades every life - be aggressive about throwing them (especially in ground control) and those kills will come.

The C4 and WP grenades are "special explosives" so you can only have one at a time. One C4 charge will take out a Humvee (which usually nets you 2 kills) and I found it also worked well against enemies that were too close for throwing a grenade. C4 won't necessarily take out a more heavily armored vehicle but if it's already damaged you might get lucky so there's no harm in throwing it if you have a shot. Some people advise spreading it on the ground by a control point but depending on your placement enemies may expect it and take it out. Spillway is a really good map for C4 (and any other explosive) since the capture points are enclosed and the red light of the C4 disappears in the water. For WP grenades I'd recommend the same strategy as the frag grenades - be aggressive about throwing them (and if they're your primary focus consider using the Utility Belt perk). I'd also recommend having the Boomer and Blastwave perks equipped when working on explosives - the game doesn't have friendly fire (you can kill yourself but you won't damage teammates) so there's no reason not to use the maximum damage creation possible. If you're using C4 as anti-vehicle then you can try switching to WP grenades on maps that don't have vehicles.

Drones (Wolverine, Rhino, AQ-11 Buzzard, RQ-10 Parrot)

I boosted the Rhino and did the rest legit. The Parrot is quite easy and will likely be the source of your Drone Expert achievement. The Wolverine isn't too bad; just avoid open maps with it since it will get shot and destroyed before you can kill anyone. Also remember that it can navigate up stairs on a map like Suburb and catch snipers or others looking out of windows with their backs to you. The Buzzard can be quite effective - the key is to lead people with it. It takes 2 or 3 missiles to get a kill. The Rhino is anti-vehicle and does nothing against personnel. It takes 3 missile strikes to get a kill and the reload is extremely slow. It can be effective against vehicles but you often won't get a kill with it (if you damage a vehicle but someone else destroys it or the driver has auto-eject on then it won't count for you). I used Penny Pincher and Thick Skin while working on drones.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are killed while using a drone your drone will disappear, so find a good place to hide before deploying. Spawn areas are safer on ground control than TDM since people are focused on the capture points and don't typically go into the enemy spawn.

Perks (Hellfire, Cluster Bomb, White Phosphorous, RPG Launcher, Proximity Launcher)

I did a little bit of airstrike boosting but did most of the perks legit. The Hellfires are fairly powerful but have a small range (you get 2 missiles and can guide them all the way down to the ground). Cluster Bomb has a large range and is effective on vehicles and personnel and White Phosphorus has a larger range but is only effective on personnel. With the Hellfire plan on getting 1 kill per missile - find a target and guide it in. For the Cluster Bombs and WP strikes remember to lead your target since it won't move after you set it but enemies will. I found the very best place for airstrikes was on the Suburb map on ground control if you were playing as the US and won the first round. The KPA spawns towards the back of the map and there's a spot just below point A where you'll often catch a number of enemies running towards one of the points (my record there is 8 kills). Another good spot is point B on the first section of Green Zone (most of the fighting seems to occur around point B in ground control for some reason).

With airstrikes if you are killed between the time you buy the airstrike and the time you were going to deploy it you have generally lost your airstrike (occasionally I'd get credit and be able to call it again when I respawned but that was extremely rare). It's important to balance taking the time to find a good target against not taking so long that you get killed or the airstrike drone runs out of fuel. Sometimes the airstrike drone will spawn in a terrible spot and you'll have to wait until it gets in position though, and sometimes you'll swear you got a hit with it but it actually got caught on a fence or some debris on the ground and exploded but didn't kill anyone. Also, enemies will be marked with a red diamond similar to the Parrot marking when you're in the airstrike view and your teammates will not be marked - it's extremely frustrating to save up for an airstrike, drop it on a bunch of people, and then realize that was your team's spawn point so that's why you didn't get any kills.

The RPG launcher will give you 3 rockets and the Prox Launcher gives you 4. The RPG is more powerful but the Prox does a bit of enemy detection and explodes if you're close with it. In practice there's not a whole lot of difference between them. The nice thing is that once you've bought one you'll have all of the missiles until you shoot them - you don't lose them if you die. Either launcher will take out a Humvee in one shot. They're also decent against personnel. You have to be fairly quick - you can't really snipe with them because you need a big enough view that you'll get spotted easily. The 'aim for the feet' advice didn't really work for me. I had to aim for their center or it usually didn't do enough damage to kill them. Both launchers seemed to be glitchy - there were times that I'd be in an enclosed space and shoot at someone and it would kill me but not do any damage to them. (I had the same issue with the C4 - once I was at a capture point with C4 on the wall and an enemy came in between me and it. I detonated it and it killed me but not the enemy.) I had some luck guarding point B on Cul-De-Sac (the first part) and point A in round 2 if the KPA wins the first round. It also worked well to shoot a rocket in the windows of the building housing the capture point on this map and Suburb if the other team was guarding it.

I'd recommend equipping Boomer and Blastwave while working on the launchers.

Vehicles (Humvee, LAV, Heavy Tank, Scout Heli, Attack Heli)

All of the vehicles have passenger seats except for the Scout. I didn't work on vehicles until later but I took the Team Vehicle spawn option every time it was available since it was an opportunity to get some vehicle kills without having to buy the vehicle. If you are good at team deathmatch you will be far better off working on vehicles there - there are fewer of them and people don't tend to carry anti-vehicle options so you will get more kills. It's easier to afford vehicles on ground control though (the Penny Pincher ability only applies to the stuff in your loadout you can buy - it doesn't affect vehicle prices).

The Humvee is the only vehicle you can spawn at the beginning. It's better to use it earlier in the match because later on people will have tanks and the Humvee is far too fragile to stand up for long. Most of the time when you see the Team Vehicle spawn option it will be for a Humvee. It's actually easier to get kills as the passenger since you'll have the gun but a good driver can get a fair number of kills by running over people. I got most of my Humvee kills by spawning into one, boosted some, and finished up the remaining as the driver. They don't last very long but they're cheap so if you get a couple of kills you can afford to buy another one when yours gets blown up.

The LAV is also better used at the beginning of a match before people start getting tanks. The main cannon is a lot better to get kills with than the passenger missile launcher (although the launcher is effective against helicopters if you lock onto them). They're fairly cheap so buy one as early as you can in the match. If you get one later try to avoid tanks since you won't win a duel unless the tank is already damaged. Overall I found the LAV to be very easy to get kills with though and cheap enough to buy that you can get at least one in every match. You might even save it for last.

The Heavy Tank is another easy vehicle. Occasionally you'll have some bad luck and spawn in between two enemy tanks or get hit with an airstrike right away and blow up before you can do anything, but usually you'll at least get a few kills in before the tank is destroyed. The passenger gets a machine gun, which can be quite effective against personnel, drones, and helicopters.

I boosted almost all of my Scout kills. The Scout is fragile and it's very hard to get any kills before it gets blown up. You might have better success with it in team deathmatch than in ground control though. I found it easier to see enemies at lower elevations but that also makes it easier to get shot down. It's also much easier to see USA enemies than KPA - the light green uniforms stand out more than the brown ones.

The attack heli is fairly easy to get kills with as well - the hard part is buying it. I equipped the rapid reload perk instead of repair since once your health is down enough to need repair you won't usually last much longer anyway. The passenger has a thermal view for the machine gun, which is really nice. The Scout would be a lot easier if it had that view. Again, enemies will be marked by red diamonds so there's no need to shoot at anyone without a mark.

Game Modes (Ground Control, Team Deathmatch, Battle Commander)

You need 100 wins in each game type. Battle Commander wins only count towards BC (so BC Team Deathmatch, for example, only counts towards BC and not your TDM total). You'll have to play a fair number of games to get all of your kills so you may have wins finished before the rest of the expert challenges. Some people have suggested rubberbanding your controller and leaving your XBox on overnight to get wins. The risk with that is that if you get reset in the middle of a match you won't be there to dashboard and prevent your challenges from being overwritten. It's probably best just to play whatever mode you need and help your team get the win.

Kill Streaks

The kill streaks were the first thing I boosted so I don't have any advice for doing them legit other than try to avoid working on them in Battle Commander. You can get kill streaks with a weapon before you have it unlocked - just pick it up off of a dead enemy. If you're boosting you can ask if someone on the other team could carry a weapon you need so you can get it - most of the time people aren't boosting regular weapons.

Boosting Tips

This game requires 16 people to boost. You have to have all 16 - it won't work with any fewer because you'll get randoms in and they'll expect to play the game normally. Use the BC Skirmish playlist - skirmish because it's 16 player and BC because ammo refills during kill streaks. For the first game you'll need to start with 15 and invite the 16th person in (the 'jumper'). If you start a game with 16 in the lobby it will switch to a private match and no one's kills will count towards the achievement.

There are two ways you can boost - either let one person from each team get all the kills in a match and rotate through or split the kills evenly each game (usually 10 per person in TDM and 15 in GC). There are advantages and disadvantages to each so it's more a matter of personal preference. I preferred the 10/15 method because there are so many things that can go wrong that something usually does and at least that way everyone will get some kills.

The spawn points will move if the enemy gets too close so it's best if you can stay some distance away from the other team when it's your turn. For things like WP grenades that might not be possible but if you're using a vehicle then you should be able to maintain enough distance to prevent the other team's spawn from moving.

Generally it's better to use ground control because people get more kills and you have a little more time to work with. There's a bit of a complication with the DLC maps though - if anyone is missing them it will kick them out and then you'll likely get randoms. The maps are on a rotation and don't change. Voting to skip a map doesn't replace it in the rotation, so if you skip one you'll just get to the DLC maps sooner. At the time of this writing the DLC map in the BC Skirmish playlist is fairly late in the rotation so depending on time you may be able to avoid it.

Most people are interested in boosting Rhino kills but they go very slowly - consider only allowing them on team deathmatch maps or limiting the number of people who can use them in ground control.

If you boost regularly it's better to have a loadout specific for boosting that's different from your regular playing loadout. I used the first (assault) loadout to make respawning as fast as possible for boosting, a loadout for regular playing, and another loadout for what I'd be working on next so I could switch to it mid-match and not waste kills with a weapon I'd finished. If you are going to work on multiple weapons instead of one at a time you might set up specific loadouts for those weapons (like a sniper loadout for good sniper maps). Also check your perks (vehicle perks too) and make sure they're best for your playing style. You get more points to spend as you level up so it's worth checking every once in a while to verify that everything's how you want it.

If you are boosting something that is imprecise (grenades, rocket launchers, the Rhino) and you only have one or two kills left for your turn pull out your pistol or main weapon and use that instead to finish up. If you don't you'll likely go over and it's better to miss a couple of kills on what you're boosting than to anger people by going over.

Try to communicate as much as possible, especially if you'll be doing something different (you only need vehicle kills, or Rhino, or wins, for example). In game you can only communicate with your team, which often leads to misunderstandings if the other team is doing something unexpected. If everyone is doing what they are supposed to then the session should move quickly and everyone will get their kills. The session leader should make expectations clear and look to correct anyone who isn't doing what they are supposed to - it just slows down the session for everyone otherwise.

Expert of War is a long and tedious achievement - good luck with your adventure. If you see anything wrong in this guide or anything that can be improved please let me know either in the comments or by sending me a message. Thank you very much.
Great overview of what it takes. I am still working on this and wish I had this guide sooner. I have had to learn most of this by taking my lumps. Thanks moxeu for the great insight. I'll be following your solutions on other games!!
By BadazzDubstep on 29 Jul 2011 16:51
Great guide, very detailed and clear.
By Skanker irl on 21 Aug 2011 04:38
Thanks for the spreadsheet.
By on 08 Jan 2012 00:02
thanks for the spreadsheet i found it very helpful.positive vote from me
By twotonewolftone on 05 Nov 2012 19:39
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As an aside for the above comments, which are good, I wanted to add the kit I take with me when going for 10 kills without dying. Note: This is intended for a higher level player, since there might be some later level unlocks required.

Take the weapon you want to do it with, and add a silencer. Grenade choice does not matter all that much, but I tend to stick to C4.
For your secondary, don't bother about that too much.

The fun starts with the rewards. I have the ammo resupply reward and the personal UAV reward. The former is for the inevitable lack of ammo that comes with staying alive for so long. The latter is for seeing where everybody is.

Abilities I use are:

Quickdraw: The faster you get your act together after sprinting, the better.

Tactical reload. Chances are, you'll be a priority target. The faster you get your gun going again, the better.

Steady aim: Useful for delivering those constant shots. Less likely to miss that way.

Ghost: Should be obvious. The less people that see you, the better. Please be aware that this does not make you invisible for parrot drones.

Recommended mode is Team Deathmatch, as Commander TDM makes you a priority target if you get 3 kills. Bad for your health.
Recommended map is Borderlands. Plenty of stores to hide in.

General tips: Stay stationary but keep moving in the building. I did it in the building across from Hooters, but Hooters itself also works. If you kill someone there and they see you sticking around in the kill cam, you can bet that they'll be back. And that's when you kill them again. The aim is 10 kills in a row, so be patient. Take it slow and don't forget to use the UAV to see when the enemy is coming for you and if you run low on ammo, resupply.

Please note that you will have to take into account the fact that the use of the UAV does NOT spot people using Ghost. You will have to look around for yourself, sadly.

Troubles you will run in to are that you will likely get your ass handed to you when using guns like the M16 and the SCAR-L. Burst guns are bad, but you still need to do it. I'm still working on the best way to do this. Update to follow.

Sniping is less likely to be a hassle for ammo, if you do it right. Therefore, when sniping, I recommend switching from the ammo reward to the heat vision reward.

Hope this helps.

07 Apr 2011 08:21

For starters, all the solutions posted here are excellent, especially the one made by Cenrail.

I'd like to add some tips for boosting this in the most efficient way possible. First of all, if you don't like boosting, prepare to spend a lot of time with this game. And by a lot I mean A LOT, i.e. weeks of continuos play. Kudos and my sincere respect to everyone who manages to do this legit!

If you are ready to boost, continue reading. :-)


Naturally to say, if you are new to this game, you should always try to get boosting buddies by joining TA gaming sessions. Once you have Homefront players in your friends list, it will be a lot easier to boost if you have some spare time and no boosting session has been set up.

As the standard maps will never be empty enough to give you a good boosting opportunity, I highly recommend buying the The Rock DLC. The Fire Sale DLC is also recommended, and will especially be useful for win boosting - but more on that later.

Kill boosting
Get your boosting group together on the "Bridge" map from the The Rock DLC. Depending on your group size, I recommend the following boosting setup:

2-3 people: First of all, decide on the person to get the kills (in the following only referenced as the "killer"). In a 3-player group, it will be most efficient if the killer is facing two opponents, i.e. is the only member of his team.
The killer should position himself next to the spawn points of the other team. For the "Bridge" map, this will be the T-junctions of the road directly next to the bridge and the visitor's center. As soon as you get set up, you're free to boost: The killer gets to shoot the members of the other team, who will die, respawn, run to the killer's location, die, and so on.
In a 20 minute game, you can get 40 to 60 kills depending on the group size and the weapon used. When the time is up, start a new session and change the killer.
Note: If you are in a group of 3 and one player is continuously assigned in a team of two instead of being alone, change the session host.

4+ people: For this setup, I suggest "assigning" a fixed number of kills to the designated killer, i.e. 50 or 20 kills. If you are an uneven amount of players, the killer should always be in the team with the fewer number of players, thus giving him more opponents to kill and rack up the kill count more quickly. The setup/location/etc. is the same as mentioned for the 2-3 player group, except that some people (the ones in the same team with the killer) will idle for a while. Once you are set up, start killing and chance the killer as soon as the assigned number of kills is reached. If someone doesn't make his assigned number at the end of the session, keep the number in mind and continue in the next match.

Win boosting
If you only have the The Rock DLC, 99% of all games played on that map will be Battle Commander matches. I suggest combining the Battle Commander win boosting with the kill boosting: The dying team (i.e. not the killer) should immediately capture a checkpoint as soon as the game starts. This should be one checkpoint only, as capturing more checkpoints will lead to the match finishing earlier, thus reducing boosting time.
To boost Ground Control and Team Deathmatch, buy the Fire Sale DLC. For some reason nobody seems to play on these maps, and that is exactly what you are looking for in win boosting:
Get one boosting buddy and start a new game on the DLC maps. Once the game starts, wait a couple of seconds and let one of the players quit the match. For the remaining player, this will count as a win. Meet in a lobby again, rinse and repeat.
It is very likely that at some point you will no longer need Battle Commander wins, especially if you have been playing legit for a while. In that case, if a Battle Commander game mode is about to commence, just have one player veto on the map - usually the next map will also have a different game mode.

Interaction with other players
When boosting on the bridge map, you will certainly encounter other players. If you meet another group of boosters, just agreed upon for a different meeting point and leave the other group alone. Starting to capture checkpoints or - even worse - killing people from the other team will ruin the boosting session for everyone.
However, you will also encounter players who "specialize" in harassing boosters, not only by interrupting their session but also by sending hateful messages and the like. If you happen to meet one of these, I suggest to finish the session and wait a couple of minutes before starting a new one. If you are lucky, the other players will have gotten bored and joined another match. I also highly recommend setting your online status to appear offline, as people tend to look you up under "recent players" and join your next session, just to continue messing with you.

Closing efficiency tips
Finally, I'd like to add something to the info given by user Trivolt in Cenrail's solution regarding drone boosting:

Cenrail said:
The best way is:
1. Purchase the drone and place it (pressing right trigger)
2. Than leave it by pressing X
3. Purchase the airstrike (Cluster or WP)
4. Launch the airstrike and immediately leave the airstrike by pressing X again.
5. Now simply press the purchase button for your drone.

If your drone is still where you left it, you will equip the drone again in stead of purchasing a new one. At this point the airstrike will hit the ground and hopefully make a good number of kills.
This method does not only apply to airstrikes, but also to all types of grenades, incl. C4.
I suggest following the steps 1-2, then throw a grenade at your enemy and immediately return into your drone. Your enemy will die, and (although only listed as one kill in the mission stats) the kill will count towards both of your 200 drone and 200 grenade kills.

If you plan to boost the Rhino, have your boosting buddies equip a class with C4. When they reach your location, have them drop the C4 on the ground, which you shoot with the Rhino afterwards. The C4 will explode, instantly killing the other player. This does not only speed up the Rhino kills (it will take two to three direct hits to kill a player otherwise), but will count as both Rhino and C4 kills.


I hope this sums up all the info needed to get good boosting sessions underway. If you have and suggestions on what to add to this solution, please comment on this post and I'll be glad to include it.

04 Feb 2013 15:52

Finish every expert challenge for everything. In the menus under service record you can keep track of your progress in the challenges department.

- Get 200 kills with EACH weapon/drone/vehicle - this includes explosives, airstrikes, RPGs etc.
- Mark 200 enemies with the parrot drone.
- Win 100 games in Team Death, Ground Control, and Battle Commander.
- 10 kills without dying (kill streaks) with each of the main 14 weapons.

A little secret on how to speed up the process of getting kills for vulture, rhinoceros and wolverine devices. Place the device you need in 2 purchase cells in this way: in one (for example, the “up” button), the device you need, and in the second (respectively, the “down” button) - a cluster bomb or white phosphorus. I also advise you to take the "Hoarder" perk.
During the battle, you gain points for both purchases at once. For example, with the "hoarder" perk, a cluster bomb and a rhinoceros will cost 1600 points - for both at once. Now (IMPORTANT!) the procedure is as follows:
1. Find a quiet, secluded place so that no one will kill you in the next few minutes.
2. Press “up” on the joystick, activating the device. Place it on the ground.
3. Press the “up” button again, and you will switch from the device control mode to the fighter control mode.
4. Press the button down, activating the cluster bomb.
5. Send a bomb to a group of opponents - the more the better.
6. Immediately press the "down" button, without waiting for the bomb to reach the enemy - in this case you will again return to controlling your fighter.
7. Press the "up" button to return to your device.
8. Definitely! - at the moment of killing enemies with a cluster bomb, you must control the device. Then all the bomb kills will go to both the bomb and the device.
9. Now you go to make kills with the machine.
The information written above is relevant for people who consistently make 1600 or more points per game.

13 May 2012 09:46

This is the most difficult and time-consuming trophy in the game! You need to score 200 kills with each type of weapon, vehicle and special weapon. here is the list:

Slot machines:

-M4 (unlocks at level 1)
-M16 (unlocks at level 27)
-T3AK (unlocks at level 40)
-ACR (unlocks at level 3)
-SCAR-L (unlocks at level 14)
-XM10 (unlocks at level 46)

Sniper rifles:

-M110 (unlocks at level 1)
-M200 (unlocks at level 19)

Light machine guns:

-M249 (unlocks at level 1)
-M249 SCAR-H (unlocks at level 32)

Submachine guns:

-PWS Diablo (unlocks at level 1)
-Super V (unlocks at level 9)

Add. weapon:

-M9 pistol (unlocks at level 1)
-Knife (unlocks at level 1)
-Frag grenade (unlocks at level 1)
-Explosives (unlocks at level 24)
-BF grenade (unlocks at level 43)

Special weapons:

-MQ50 "Wolverine" machine gun (unlocks at level 1)
-PT-UGV MQ60 "Rhinoceros" (unlocks at level 21)
-AQ-11 "Vulture" (unlocks at level 28)
-RQ-10 "Parrot" (unlocks at level 6)
-Hellfire (unlocks at level 1)
-Cluster Bomb (unlocks at level 44)
-White Phosphorus (unlocks at level 17)
-Grenade launcher (unlocks at level 1)
-Sensor grenade launcher (unlocks at level 31)


-Humvee (unlocks at level 10)
-Light armored vehicle (unlocks at level 15)
-Heavy tank (unlocks at level 22)
-Reconnaissance helicopter (unlocks at level 29)
-Combat helicopter (unlocks at level 37)

You must also win 100 matches of each game mode (territory control, team combat and commander) and complete a chain of 10 kills with each main weapon (machine gun, sniper rifle, light machine gun and submachine gun) Result: 6200 kills 300 victories.

27 May 2011 20:17

The hardest part of this trophy is to achieve a streak of 10 kills. Easier to complete in team battle or commander
mode. Use body armor, ammunition and, if possible, a silencer. Perks that help, like on a dog, are fast aiming and reloading. Look for servers with the fewest players - it will be easier. The rest is a matter of time..
By Vano__ on 09 Mar 2012 00:34
statistics are counted only in open battle
By maggot666x on 18 Mar 2012 22:50