Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

79 Achievements


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Blazing Suns at all Grounds

Blazing Suns at all Grounds

Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds.


How to unlock the Blazing Suns at all Grounds achievement in Horizon Zero Dawn - Definitive Guide

Horizon Zero Dawn - Nora Hunting Grounds - Blast Wire Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Nora Hunting Grounds - Logpile Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Valleymeet Hunting Grounds - Freeze Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Valleymeet Hunting Grounds - Fire Fight Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Valleymeet Hunting Grounds - Shock Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Greatrun Hunting Grounds - Pace Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Greatrun Hunting Grounds - Tie Down Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Greatrun Hunting Grounds - Parts Wrangling Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Spurflints Hunting Grounds - Watch Out Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Spurflints Hunting Grounds - Sleigh of Crate Trial (Blazing Sun)-

Horizon Zero Dawn - Spurflints Hunting Grounds - Stalker Kill Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Sun Furrows Hunting Grounds - Thunderjaw vs Ravager Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Sun Furrows Hunting Grounds - Ravager Control Trial (Blazing Sun) -

Horizon Zero Dawn - Sun Furrows Hunting Grounds - Ravager vs Machines Trial (Blazing Sun) -

27 Mar 2017 05:37

The sleigh of crate video is no longer accurate signe a patch removed 2 of the crates on the ground at each site.
By MrMaximo0723 on 04 May 2020 05:56
@MrMaximo0723 You can shoot on crates holder in enemies to make it fall then inspect it wink
By Siar-El on 28 Sep 2020 17:03
@MrMaximo0723 it's not that they have been removed, the shell-walkers pick them up as soon as the trial begins, you need to get down very quickly. I can only manage 2 at the first site and 1 at the second at the moment.
By Crow_555 on 29 Dec 2020 19:12
How does difficulty affect the hunting grounds?
Is it easier to complete these on the lowest setting? Or does the difficulty not make much difference?
By LostSoul301281 on 15 Nov 2023 22:29
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Cada campo possui 3 tarefas distintas que irão testar os diferentes aspectos de um caçador, realizando cada tarefa dentro do tempo limite e das condições exigidas você ganhará uma Marca de Sol Ardente, caso contrario, ganhará uma Marca de Sol Cheio ou menor. Também são distribuídas caixas de itens e uma abundante quantidade de experiência.

Campos de Caça dos Noras

Com foco em Provas de Ferramentas, os Campos de Caça dos Noras possuem provas que irão testar as habilidades de caça usando flechas, cabos explosivos e armadilhas do ambiente.
Campos de Caça do Vale dos Unido

Com foco em Provas Elementais, os Campos de Caça do Vale dos Unido possuem provas que irão testar as habilidades de caça usando os ataques elementais de gelo, fogo e choque.
Campos de Caça das Pederneiras

Com foco em Provas Furtivas, os Campos de Caça das Pederneiras possuem provas que irão testar as habilidades de caça usando a furtividade e conhecimento de terreno.
Campos de Caça do Grande Rio

Com foco em Provas de Resitência, os Campos de Caça do Grande Rio possuem provas que irão testar a resistência do caçador enquanto lida com vários situações e tipos de máquinas simultaneamente.
Campos de Caça dos Campos do Sol

Com foco em Provas de Vantagem, os Campos de Caça dos Campos do Sol possuem provas que irão testar a habilidade de um caçador em usar a arma de uma máquina contra outras.
Armas da Loja

Ao completar todos os quinze testes nos cinco campos de caça, você pode receber até três armas de caça especialmente criadas pela Ordem dos Caçadores. Elas são encontradas na Loja dos Caçadores dentro da cede da Ordem em Meridiana, após a apresentação dos sóis a Aidaba, a guardiã de armas.

15 Meios Sóis ou Superior: Lançador de Cordas da Ordem
15 Sóis Cheios ou Superior: Estilingue da Ordem
15 Sóis Ardentes: Arco de Guerra da Ordem

16 Mar 2023 00:00

In Horizon: Zero Dawn you can play Hunting Ground Trials to earn Blazing Sun Marks (highscore) or Half Sun Marks (mediocre score). These are little challenges to test your skills. Each Hunting Ground has 3 different trial challenges. They are scattered across 5 Hunting Ground locations for a total of 15 trials.

There are four trophies tied to Hunting Ground Trials, including the gold trophy for getting a Blazing Sun Mark in all of them:

  • – Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
  • – Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
  • – Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds.
  • – Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds.


The above video walkthrough shows all of them being earned with a Blazing Sun Mark. On the World Map, they are marked by a blue arrow icon . They can also be revealed after climbing the Tallnecks. It's recommended that you get the Shield-Weaver outfit first because it renders you invincible and makes some challenges easier (see the Got the Shield-Weaver outfit trophy). Buy as many Purple weapons as you can, especially the Shadow Hunter Bow and Shadow Sharpshot Bow. If you have trouble with a trial, wait until the end of the game when you are around levels 30-35 or higher. At this point, it will be very easy.

All of these challenges are time-based. The faster you are, the better you will score. The Blazing Sun Marks are basically gold medals. It also gives you 17,500 XP per Blazing Sun Mark which is great for quick level ups. For the trial “Ravager Control” you must learn how to override ravagers with your spear. You get this ability by completing Cauldron RHO (Cauldrons are also marked on the map with blue icons).

Video Timeline:

Nora Hunting Grounds:

  • #1 – 0:05
  • #2 – 1:36
  • #3 – 2:40

Valleymeet Hunting Grounds:

  • #4 – 3:46
  • #5 – 4:44
  • #6 – 5:54

Greatrun Hunting Grounds:

  • #7 – 6:40
  • #8 – 8:21
  • #9 – 9:34

Spurflints Hunting Grounds:

  • #10 – 11:16
  • #11 – 13:52
  • #12 – 14:52

Sun Furrows Hunting Grounds:

  • #13 – 16:28
  • #14 – 17:53
  • #15 – 20:17