Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

79 Achievements


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Hunted Redmaw with Talanah

Hunted Redmaw with Talanah

Rose through the ranks of the Hunters Lodge and helped Talanah defeat Redmaw.


How to unlock the Hunted Redmaw with Talanah achievement in Horizon Zero Dawn - Definitive Guide

To unlock the quest to fight Redmaw you must first proceed through the Hunters Guild quests which has a number of steps.

1) Unlock a minimum 3 half-suns in any of trials at the Hunting Grounds. Unless you fail the trial by running out of machines you should get a half-sun since the time limit is 20 minutes.

2) Go to the Hunters Lodge in Meridian and speak with first Ligan, then Ahsis , then finally Telanah. She will send you out to collect 6 trophies: 3 from Sawtooths, 2 from Ravagers, and 1 from a Stalker. They will be automatically in the loot gained from felled machines until you have the number needed, so don't worry about farming for drops. Return them to Ahsis.

3)Talanah will send you to meet her in a nearby town being attacked by Glinthawks. When you arrive you must fight off the Glinthawks before being sent to see what is drawing them to the area. You will eventually find the source and need to acquire a Snapmaw heart to end the danger.

4)Talanah will send you out for more hunting trophies, this time 1 each from a Stormbird and a Thunderjaw. When you return to the lodge to turn them in you will be told that Talanah and Ahsis are out hunting Redmaw.

This unlocks the Redmaw quest. First you must go to the area designated by the map to the far south of Meridian. There you will have to fight

Follow Talanah until you need to use your focus to find the trail, then follow the glowing trail straight to Ahsis and Redmaw.

Redmaw is a Thunderjaw with higher health and strength than normal. Take him on as you would any other Thunderjaw by tearing off his components and attacking his weak points while dodging his attacks. If he charges Talanah and leaves you a moment to breath, pick up his disk launcher to do massive damage. Eventually you will fell the legendary machine.

Speak to Ahsis, and then return to the Hunters Lodge. Speak with Talanah and the Trophy will pop.

02 Apr 2017 22:17

1 Comment
By KingGizze on 29 Apr 2017 20:17
To unlock the quest to fight Redmaw you must first proceed through the Hunters Guild quests which has a number of steps.

1) Unlock a minimum 3 half-suns in any of trials at the Hunting Grounds. Unless you fail the trial by running out of machines you should get a half-sun since the time limit is 20 minutes.

2) Go to the Hunters Lodge in Meridian and speak with first Ligan, then Ahsis , then finally Telanah. She will send you out to collect 6 trophies: 3 from Sawtooths, 2 from Ravagers, and 1 from a Stalker. They will be automatically in the loot gained from felled machines until you have the number needed, so don't worry about farming for drops. Return them to Ahsis.

3)Talanah will send you to meet her in a nearby town being attacked by Glinthawks. When you arrive you must fight off the Glinthawks before being sent to see what is drawing them to the area. You will eventually find the source and need to acquire a Snapmaw heart to end the danger.

4)Talanah will send you out for more hunting trophies, this time 1 each from a Stormbird and a Thunderjaw. When you return to the lodge to turn them in you will be told that Talanah and Ahsis are out hunting Redmaw.

This unlocks the Redmaw quest. First you must go to the area designated by the map to the far south of Meridian. There you will have to fight

Follow Talanah until you need to use your focus to find the trail, then follow the glowing trail straight to Ahsis and Redmaw.

Redmaw is a Thunderjaw with higher health and strength than normal. Take him on as you would any other Thunderjaw by tearing off his components and attacking his weak points while dodging his attacks. If he charges Talanah and leaves you a moment to breath, pick up his disk launcher to do massive damage. Eventually you will fell the legendary machine.

Speak to Ahsis, and then return to the Hunters Lodge. Speak with Talanah and the Trophy will pop.

02 Apr 2017 22:17

1 Comment
By KingGizze on 29 Apr 2017 20:17

Note: Make sure you have Patch Version 1.04 or higher as this was the update that fixed a game breaking Side Quest bug. The “Hunter’s Blind” Side Quest objective will now update after talking to Talanah.

Side Quests & Errands:

  • "Hunting For the Lodge" (Errand) => "Hunter’s Blind" => "Deadliest Game" (Errand) => "Redmaw"

This trophy is a reward for completing the quest line for the hunter’s lodge.

You must do the following Side Quests & Errands (in this order):

  1. Hunting for the Lodge = triggers by talking to the keeper at any of the hunting grounds (marked with on Map). It’s listed under the “Errands” tab of your quest list. You must gather a bunch of materials from machines. They will all be marked on the Map.
  2. Hunter’s Blind = triggers automatically after Hunting for the Lodge is complete.
  3. Deadliest Game = triggers automatically after Hunter’s Blind is complete.
  4. Redmaw = triggers automatically after Deadliest Game is complete.

After defeating Redmaw, return to the Hunter’s Lodge to complete the quest and the trophy will unlock. Additionally, it should be noted that you need these Side Quests and Errands in order to unlock the All allies joined trophy.