56 Achievements


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…Is half done

…Is half done

Get half of the Collection vehicles (DLC excluded).


How to unlock the …Is half done achievement in HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED 2 - Turbocharged - Definitive Guide

To help you with buying cars, here are two ways to earn money fast and easy.

This video includes the fastest way to gain coins and xp in singleplayer, as well as, a glitch you can do in splitscreen to earn coins and xp faster.


01 Apr 2024 14:17

Seems like you almost have to start buying 3.5k cars at some point, I'm at 76% progress now and I pretty much don't get any 2k cars I don't own already anymore. I still need 11 STH cars (stupid achievement btw) and there might be some from rewards but even if I got those I still wouldn't be there and you'll probably wanna sell cars to get money for the STH achievement anyway.

Edit: Ok yeah, there's actually an ingame award for getting all the common cars, there's 65 of them. What I find strange is that the total number of cars is 138 or smth, so I don't know why the achievement description says you need to get half when you have to get around 100.

The second method is pure gold, I'm surprised they no longer have the 20s restriction though that was present in the first game.
By Neo Yggdrasill on 03 Apr 2024 16:25
Does anyone know exactly what this achievement tracks? Get half of .... what? What are the "collection" vehicles?

My XBox progress for this cheevo shows me at 80% (towards half) that means I have 40% of the "collection" now. In my garage I have 86 slots used; if that is 40%, then the total number required to get the cheevo is 215 vehicles.

I looked at my vehicle stats within the game: from Home page; hit Menu button on your controller; click "Unleashed Missions" button; tab to "Collector" tab; then view the "Success Story" stat. It says there are 138 total vehicles. That chart shows I've got 55% of "all" vehicles now, which seems to contradict my progress for this cheevo, which is 80%.
By noleander on 04 Apr 2024 22:30
@noleander when you look at your car collection, on the bottom right corner above the car list it has however many cars you have out of, like, 456 or something like that. I’m sure the number is higher now because of the DLC, but I would assume it just means half of the base game cars
By mwmike11 on 08 Apr 2024 09:30
When grinding method 2, you don’t need to quit to main menu between each race. Instead choose select track. A bit quicker but skips half the menus and still keeps XP and money
By olliesmyth16 on 02 May 2024 11:23
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You're not going to get this quickly starting fresh, there's a ton of cars in this game. I only unlocked this when my Career completion percentage was ~90%.

Some tips:
  • Don't spend any of your coins when upgrading cars, only use the upgrade tokens
  • The shop refreshes every 45 minutes in-game, so check the shop regularly while playing and buy as many new cars as you can until you're out of coins
  • If you save up enough coins, you can refresh the shop for 350 coins once you've bought all the new ones
  • It seems that either the more cars you buy or the farther into the Career you get, more car slots appear in the shop
  • Make sure you remember to use your wheel spins in the Garage for a small chance at free cars

19 Nov 2023 21:25

It is not necessary to have all the cars at once, they can be sold, but if you buy those that were already in the collection, it will not count. You can get up to 70-80 percent with cheap cars for 2000 coins

31 Jan 2024 08:43

1 Comment
fell on the 97th machine
By Dawninja on 16 Nov 2024 21:17