House Flipper

House Flipper

23 Achievements

1000 XP


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Negotiate for at least 50 000 euro and win

100 XP


How to unlock the Negotiator achievement in House Flipper - Definitive Guide

First thing I would reccomend is to go to your settings and change your currency to euro. It will help you know what you're working with.

I repeat: Change to Euros!

Alone House is the best house to sell for getting this achievement.
Make sure to have level 3 Negotiation.
If you don't have level 3 negotiation but still want to attempt this, just make sure that the entire house is clean.

Once you buy the house, immediately sell it. The Smoth Family will be the ones to want to buy it.
Negotiate for 50,000 and send the counter offer. There is a chance that it doesn't work but you can just cancel the auction, and try again.
Personally for me, it worked on the second try.

Edit: I've read reports of people not getting the achievement for the steam version and they changed their currency to euro and tried again and got the achievement. Some people have had to go over 50k to get it.

27 Feb 2020 20:49

Hmm. I think I screwed something up. The first time I negotiated for just slightly above €50,000 and it was rejected. I tried to Ctrl Alt Delete the game but I guess it autosaved.

When I came back I was still charged the fee for cancelling a sale. So I took the cancellation fee into account and tried to sell it for €65,000 or €67,000 (I'm not sure the exact price) and they accepted that. I ended up with €52,385 profit but it didn't count.

I guess I'll have to sell all the homes & buy this one again later.
By ALoneWolf42 on 14 May 2023 05:03
Achievement did not unlock. Attempted 3 times.
By Vudix on 05 Mar 2020 15:09
Really? It unlocked for me. I've read online that some people had to do 52,000 or some numbers above 50,000 for whatever reason. Try restarting the game.
By Pure Pip Raptor on 06 Mar 2020 05:54
Worked first time for me, I asked for 51,000. Thumbs up :)
By SPACE ODDITY on 08 Mar 2020 23:27
fucking euro got me, negotiated for 50,000 more and they accepted, except it wasnt in fucking euros
By on 09 Mar 2020 16:01
Does it have to be 50,000 profit? I’ve changed to euros. The first time they wouldn’t accept. So I declined and cleaned everything. Then they offered more than 50,000 profit so I countered with a few euros extra to be safe. Still didn’t work. So I bought it again (after getting the ability to buy the houses a second time) and sold it as is. Negotiated so that my profit would be over 52k. Still nothing. What’s up with this achievement?
By derektwopointoh on 18 Mar 2020 19:58
OK so once you sell the house the profit will be about 17k and I was adding 33k to the negotiation price to round that up to 50k but what you actually need to do is add 50k to the price so it ends up around 67k, I feel like I might not have been the only one making this mistake
By Conor x420a on 02 Jun 2020 21:55
I struggled to get them to agree to the 50,000 increase in sale price. I eventually got it to work by cleaning up the house and turning the living room into a family room by adding a TV and children's toys.
By KleptoJack on 06 Aug 2020 07:07
I cleaned and repaired what was red on the map and negotiated 80k and was accepted
By NOD Slav on 08 Nov 2020 07:38
first try
By TheOnlyMatto on 02 Dec 2020 08:39
I think this guide doesn't work anymore.
By Huntsipallo on 22 Dec 2020 10:56
Worked for me first try with this guide
By Khost on 06 Apr 2021 12:01
Not sure what to do. I followed the guide and had a $66,000 Euro profit negotiation and didnt pop it?
By Y2Kasper10 on 29 May 2021 23:39
Y2Kasper10, if your profit was 66,000 dollar you didn't follow the guide :p
By EaSkateVideo on 25 Jun 2021 14:58
tried this and I negotiated 51,000 euros and it worked but no achievement? I’ve restarted my Xbox twice and reinstalled the whole game but still not working?
By GSY Ethan on 10 Aug 2021 19:43
It Works On ps4 all you have to do is change the money to euros buy the alone house then clean it up and add a family room I sold it to the smoth family and asked for €50,000 more and they said yes first try
By Ash Nuggets on 17 Sep 2021 03:16
I used the Home Alone house. I cleaned the whole house and fixed all lightbulbs/outlets.

They declined the first time, but it worked on the second try.
By Greenhouses on 08 Mar 2022 15:03
I used the Castle. I cleaned everything so don't know if that matters. I sold it with the extra 50K first try.
By GamingGndpa on 24 Apr 2022 22:58
To the people that are having issues with this achievement, you need to negotiate 50 thousand MORE. Meaning even if you're at a 50 thousand profit from the highest offer, you still need to negotiate 50 thousand more. I just sold the home alone house for 100k total profit but I negotiated 50k more over their original offer.
By Major Schemer on 03 Jul 2022 18:33
So I wasn't able to hit it with Alone Home after like 5 tries, so I got Castle and immediately sold it. Worked first time and didn't have to clean anything. Did €50.055 as the counter offer btw
By Muppeteer205 on 07 Jul 2022 18:15
Just worked for me on Xbox as described in PPR's guide,
I didnt do anything to the house, first auction they said they didnt have enough money. I Canceled it and did the auction again, profit was showing - 900 euro, so set the negotiation to 51,100 and they accepted. acheivement popped before even accepting the offer.
By PaddyBaptiste on 10 Jul 2022 15:34
it didnt work for me at alone home or castle but got it after two tries on house on the moon without cleaning or changing anything
By NoobgamerValbo on 12 Jul 2022 17:53
The achievement description is a bit misleading. You don't have to make a 50,000 Euro profit. You have to negotiate the highest offer up an additional 50,000 Euro (at least).

I bought the Castle and sold it instantly and was offered a price 12,000 Euro less than I paid for it. I negotiated for an extra 51,000. They accepted and I sold it for a 39,000 Euro profit and the achievement popped.
By TassieTigerDave on 13 Jul 2022 07:49
Tried Alone House 3 or 4 times with no luck. Even after cleaning it fully. But as NoobgamerValbo mentioned, went to the moon, immediately sold without even taking a single step, and negotiated for 52. Ach unlocked! Thanks for the tips!
By BigTymer2047 on 13 Jul 2022 16:35
Moon worked for me!
By JJ DANG3R on 14 Jul 2022 04:54
Negotiated 3 times succesful with 50, 51 and 52k. Still no achievement. Despite one time i had even 82k plus 30k+52k negotiation)
By Dragoner28 on 15 Jul 2022 12:24
Man, i hate that family. They are cheap scumbags.
By Tenreth on 15 Jul 2022 19:35
I did this AFTER getting the 'earn your first million' achievement, which I got for selling the Home Alone house, then I bought the Moon house, cleaned and tidied everything, even getting rid of the black planks scattered out the back of the house near some rocks.

Then I just sold the house, negotiated an extra 50,104 Euros and it was a success first time. Thanks! :)
By smoli83 on 23 Jul 2022 22:02
Alone Home, cleaned it up and repaired outlets. Smoth family offered £50k profit and I negotiated another £50k, popped first time. Not even in Euros.
By BSF CLAIREBEAR on 31 Jul 2022 09:00
It's just a matter of luck whether or not they accept your offer or not. Got it on castle first try but 6 tries on Alone Home and nothing. So a bit of RNG but nothing terrible
By Zack R T on 31 Jul 2022 19:35
Fuck this achievement its soo fucking misleading. I thought I had to sale a home for 50k profit n thought it was bugged ffs.
By NextLVLHasH on 29 Aug 2022 04:07
I did it with Alone Home as well, with some changes. I put a sauna in basement, put a bike rack at back of house and added a washer and dryer plus a bathroom as well. Then added 51k to the offer and got it! for a grant total of 151,236.91 euro's Thanks for the guide!!
By Pops Ultra C on 29 Aug 2022 16:11
Someone please help, I’ve tried this 5 times now and can’t get this achievement! I changed my currency to Euro’s and I’ve negotiated up to $60,000 more (all 5 times) and still can’t get this achievement. Help, Help, Help
By My2girls1731 on 31 Aug 2022 16:34
It’s funny. I tried 3-4 times doing 50-55k increases. And kept refusing offer
But on 5 try input it up by 65k and bam the same person who was refusing 50k aggreeed tk 65k lol

Totally random
By BlunterBryn on 14 Nov 2022 10:07
Unfortunately doesn't work.
By SpockMcCoyIE on 05 Feb 2023 23:53
I jsut did this today(04/04/23) following the guide and got it(Sold the Alone Home).
By Attikus on 28 Mar 2023 19:19
This is buggy and might not unlock correctly. Sold for almost a 140k profit on moon base and several other 50k+ profits and won’t unlock

Edit: this has to be a counter offer and NOT how much profit you get off the sale. Just unlocked with 48k profit. If they refuse your first counter offer of 50k+ then just keep canceling the sale and retrying until they accept. This has to be an increase of 50k euros over what the first offer is, so if you make 10K profit you still add the entire 50k to make it a 60k profit. Do t just add 40k, has to be a 50k euro INCREASE over the previous offer
By WEagleScout on 16 May 2023 05:13
I believe I can help some people with this who like me, kept selling after negotiating a 50k euro profit, and the achievement would not unlock. In the middle of the game I changed from dollars to euros to try for this achievement and kept negotiating for 50k then 51k and even 52k and yet it would not unlock. For some reason I believe the game still recognizes the currency in dollars even though it is in euros. So, I went and did a conversion from 50k euros into dollars and found out it was 56,083 dollars. I negotiated for 57k on Alone Home the exact way the guide says above just to be safe and achievement popped right after. Hope this helps anyone struggling with this one.
By TEACHINuLESSONS on 20 Jul 2023 01:21
I got it first try, thank you!
By AC Rock3tman on 09 Aug 2023 02:23
I got it first try, thank you!
By AC Rock3tman on 09 Aug 2023 02:26
Thanks :-)
By Tier2016 on 07 Dec 2023 16:26
This guide is surprisingly trash for this achievement. Tried this several times and it didnt work no matter what currency I had the game set to...i ended with euros even after conversion. However knowing the game i knew the key to getting max value....full filling needs. Now this guide has some good merit to it...i used the home alone house and the Smith family were still my top buyer however inorder to succeed in the negotiation after several attempts of reselling and purchasing as its great to farm the 50 sales and saves money on canceling I was finally able to get the achievement only by having converted the back room on the ground floor past the living room into a family room. Easy peasy...couple hundred euros and a cleaned and repaired home and she was ready for her successful sale...thanks anyways guys the rest is usually very helpful
By SnipersRWussies on 16 Jun 2020 00:01
@NOD Senpai This worked for me as they kept saying they didn't have money. Go through each room as there's lots of light bulbs and plugs to replace, then convert the living room to a family room by adding a wall mounted TV and some toys. They accepted €51k increase, probably could have gone higher but didn't try.
By segagamer on 27 Nov 2020 20:01
I think those that aren't able to unlock this are confused as to the meaning of the achievement.

It's not that you need to earn 50,000 from the sale. It's that you need to negotiate an ADDITIONAL 50,000 on top of whatever the offer already stands at.

For example: If they're already offering you an amount that gains you 45k, negotiating an extra 5k to make it 50k doesn't work. You actually need to get them to add another 50k, making the total profit in this example 95k
By Mr XBob on 08 Aug 2022 11:36
Definitely buggy. Twice successfully negotiated over 50k € more yet nothing.

Edit: I have now successfully negotiated 50k or more 10 times. Either straight up selling something with 0 touches or actually doing a thing or two. And no, I don't think I only need to make a profit of 50k, I'm actually moving the slider to get 50k more than they first offer. Even went to 70s at some point and still nothing.

Just to give you an example: cleaned up the Alone Home. The couple offered an initial 58762,75€ profit price. I wanted 54918€ more and got it. Final profit was 113680,75. Nothing. No achievement.

Edit 2: Yeah, it was bugged. After I was done with the 50 sales I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Alone House, added 58k to the price, achievement unlocked.
By Sipuli91 on 01 Sep 2022 03:15
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I did this first time of trying. You will need negotiation to be at level 3.

Buy....... Let it Snow.

The house has been damaged by snow. Clean up all the drifts, fix the broken windows and replace and sliding glass doors.

Clean all the rubbish away, try not to sell too much. Simply reposition any upturned chairs, tables and Christmas trees. I sold all the books on the floor around the fallen bookcases.

Once the house is clean, windows fixed and all the snow drifts are gone. Begin to auction the house. The Smoth Family came out top wanting to buy.

My first negotiation for +50k they said they didn't have the money. I simply refused the offer and put it up for auction again. The same family won and this time they accepted the 50k upsell.

Don't forget to go to settings and switch the currency to Euros before starting this.

04 Mar 2023 20:32

1 Comment
Thanks :-)
By Tier2016 on 07 Dec 2023 16:27
[Luxury Flipper DLC]
Purchase "yacht with an open view" and immediately sell, then negotiate for over 50,000 EURO. Must have currency switched to euro in settings, negotiator skill recommended.
Also works as a quick money generator

10 Nov 2021 00:00

Presumably you will do this trophy when you have finished the story.
It is advisable to do this trophy after the Trophy to earn a million euros.
We switch the currency to the euro (trophies work in other currencies, but it’s difficult to understand the exact price)
We fully pump up our abilities for Negotiations.
We begin to buy the most expensive house “Home Alone”. (I had success with the “House of a Young Couple”, but it takes 1 hour to arrange it, it’s empty)
We are trying to sell it to our own large family, the Yankovskys.
We are trading at 50,001 euros
Next is random, lucky or not
If not, terminate the contract (abandonment of the transaction) and again.

23 Mar 2020 19:48