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HyperBrawl Tournament achievements progress.
Reach level 20 to unlock
Achieve a 9 win streak in Blitz.
Win a match against an Elite level bot.
Achieve a 6 win streak in Blitz.
Win Galaxy League on Elite.
Win Galaxy League on Pro or harder.
Score 6 goals in a Blitz match.
Knock out 100 players with HyperForce.
Win Cosmic Cup on Novice or harder.
Achieve a 3 win streak in Blitz.
Create a team in Campaign.
Score a goal, assist a goal, and save a shot in a single game.
Win a game in Sudden Death.
Complete Advanced Training.
Win Galaxy League on Novice or harder.
Win Cosmic Cup on Pro or harder.
Win a Galaxy League match.
Knock out 30 players with the ball.
Win a game on 8 different arenas.
Win a game with 8 different characters.
Complete 50 passes in Blitz
Knock out 100 players with weapons.
Make 50 interceptions in Blitz.
KO an opponent with a melee, weapon, and a ball in a single game.
Complete Advanced Training with a 3 star rating.